New Dart DevTools Release - 0.9.5

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Terry Lucas

Dec 2, 2020, 10:38:40 PM12/2/20
to Flutter Public Announcements (flutter-announce)

DevTools 0.9.5 Release Notes

Dart DevTools - A Suite of Performance Tools for Dart and Flutter

Memory Updates

  • New chart subsystem exposed in memory view. New charts are faster, smaller, easier to use and more customizable to our needs.

  • Once the memory view is selected the memory statistics are collected regardless of the selected view (profile, timeline, etc.).

  • COMING SOON: improved axis labeling, timestamp selection that displays collected memory statistics of the selected time in the legend, and support for panning left to right in a chart.

Network Profiler Updates

  • Improved handling for hot restart.

Logging Updates

  • Added search and filtering to logs table


More details about changes and fixes are available in our changelog.

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