Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

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John Clark

2022年7月16日 上午8:19:092022/7/16
收件者:'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
The overturn of Roe v Wade by Trump's stooges on the Supreme Court has emboldened Republicans (a.k.a. anti-Democrats) to make further restrictions on the rights of individuals, now they want to restrict the right to travel too. Peter Breen, a member of the Anti-democratic Party of Missouri, wants legislation that will enable Missouri police to arrest anybody in the state that broke state law even if the act was committed in another state in which that activity was legal; Breen says “Just because you jump across a state line doesn’t mean your home state doesn’t have jurisdiction, it’s not a free abortion card when you drive across the state line.”  

Anti-democrats have been pushing hard for similar legislation in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Dakota and in virtually every state that has a legislature controlled by Anti-democrats. It would not surprise me in the least if in the near future the Supreme Court, which is full of judges appointed by Anti-democratic presidents, decrees that even though such laws restrict interstate commerce, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, those laws are nevertheless 100% constitutional. It sort of reminds me of the court's Dred Scott decision of 1857 which said it's legal for White people in slave states to kidnap Black people in free states and drag them back into a slave state.  And that decision put the nation on the road to the Civil War.

Despite this extreme anti-libertarian attitude members of the Libertarian Party have for over a decade made it very clear that they prefer Anti-democrats more than Democrats, and that's why I no longer feel comfortable calling myself a libertarian. 

Lawrence Crowell

2022年7月16日 上午9:24:322022/7/16
收件者:Everything List
Yes, this has been a growing issue. This also points to the issue of whether a person lives in a state where something is legal, but not in another, and if that person travels through that other state whether they can be arrested. This has the potential to turn this country into a nightmare. There is also political action to target birth control and other things. 


2022年7月16日 下午6:22:502022/7/16
John, be thankful for answered prayers. Because, the behavior of my team, conservatives, it will help your team out at the polls in 22 & 24. Consider, that it will help you Democrats limit damage from your voters. It will energize, and mobilize your voter base. It will be a thing to decry against us, right? Thus, for this reason alone, it will be a stop-loss on voters hating-on Joey, and his inflation, crime rise, energy dumbness, etc, that will cost votes. Savvy? It will generate reverse-action against Bible Belt governors, attorneys, politicians. 

I mean, Team Dem, would have given me(had I been da boss) a platter full of election wins, before this overturn. 

In this way, Young Padawan, Balance has returned to the force, or in Our case, The Farce. 

Can I hear an amen from the Atheists' Choir??

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2022年7月16日 下午6:43:512022/7/16
There is also, the literal offshoring of abortion clinics say beyond the legal limit of either the coastal states, nor, will Joey or Kamala use the US Coast Guard to interdict any ships. Now ask yourselves if Governor, Bobby Joe, will send out patrol boats, National Guard or police to do this? Well, I could see this going to court on the 4th amendment for illegal search and seizure? Am I a lawyer, no. But its a thought. 

I think before the overturn of Roe v Wade, we had it all sewn up (non-surgical reference here) but here it gets handed back to your teams and energizes your female base. And, you guys say there' no God...

"Man Plans and God Laughs." (Jew thang) 

Spud, the Apostle with the Epistle 

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Lawrence Crowell

2022年7月16日 下午6:49:022022/7/16
收件者:Everything List
When it comes to crime rising please read:

As for inflation that was starting to take off 2 years ago. In the fall of 2020 the surge in prices started. This was because supply chain bottlenecks had appeared that summer, remember t'Rump was president then, and odd shortages began to occur. Now, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine the bottlenecks in fuel and food have worsened. As for energy policy, yeah I know that to you people anything beside drill baby drill is considered dumb.


Brent Meeker

2022年7月16日 晚上8:19:142022/7/16
You don't have team anymore.  All conservatives have either sworn off
politics or kissed Trump's ass.


Brent Meeker

2022年7月16日 晚上8:43:172022/7/16
Gov Bobby Joe is planning on arresting and charging the mother who went out of state for an abortion (and anyone who helped her) when she returns to the state.


2022年7月17日 凌晨2:53:032022/7/17
I will use another democratic party media source as my contention that violent crime has risen. 
Denver 7 (one of yours LC)

So, everybody, even in the hoods are wrong about violent crime, but white liberals are correct because, people are racist, and racism, and bad, and Trump too! On this one, LC you need to be selling your fellow democratic voters say, the UAW, rather than me. 

On energy policy Joey did what liberals around the world did with renewables, kicked the can down the road to 2050 for the glorious day of netzero. Joey used the Bureau of Land Management via Ex orders to halt drilling. You don't think Vlad didn't see this and decided not to take advantage? Because Joey and Merkel were uncaring fools doesn't mean everyone is so ideologically blind. Joey had both the senate and the house and did jack shit. I don't think even in this era of shortages Joey is willing in an emergency, to allow drilling because, liberals want to save the earth, and nuclear war with Putin is surely no existential threat to us now, is it?? No, of course not!
Refute Kerkorian's facts please?

The bottom line is that unless you get El Schmucko to modify his policies in a major way, November will not be a good time to be a loyal Democrat.  One glint of light for your team LC, is the cancellation of Roe v Wade, which will galvanize many women. We'll see. 

On what I'd reco for energy, nobody asked. The sad thing is when the Liberals renewables are always a day late and a dollar short with actually installing these in read this, sufficient amounts, all we humans have is drill, baby, drill. What else are you guys offering besides vaporware? 

By the way, in the UK they do wind farms off the coast of Scotland, and the Australians are very big into EV's and Tesla roofs and PowerWalls, hint-hint. Try to get Joey's attention maybe, rather than just defend him? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>

2022年7月17日 凌晨2:57:042022/7/17
This is true. Many are just out for themselves and that doesn't include the middle class either. 

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2022年7月17日 凌晨3:07:042022/7/17
I am thinking this also is true, or I am worried that it is true. The public response will be to energize the Democratic Party base like nothing else since Trumpy left office. In this manner, you may retain the House and the Senate. Things are going to be that volatile. Because it will be a gift to your team if young women who have had abortions are seen as persecuted. 

It'd be some significant win for you guys if and when we do. We'd get Phil's vote, that's for damn sure! 

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Meeker <>

Telmo Menezes

2022年7月17日 凌晨4:08:302022/7/17
收件者:Everything List

Am So, 17. Jul 2022, um 08:52, schrieb spudboy100 via Everything List:
I will use another democratic party media source as my contention that violent crime has risen. 
Denver 7 (one of yours LC)

So, everybody, even in the hoods are wrong about violent crime, but white liberals are correct because, people are racist, and racism, and bad, and Trump too! On this one, LC you need to be selling your fellow democratic voters say, the UAW, rather than me. 

Yes, fuck official statistics! Let us rely instead on a bunch of cherry-picked news items that mention local perceptions of increase in violent crime without providing any evidence that this is the case. And let us connect all this to the only thing that matters: political tribalism.


John Clark

2022年7月17日 清晨7:58:052022/7/17
On Sat, Jul 16, 2022 at 6:22 PM <> wrote:

> John, be thankful for answered prayers. Because, the behavior of my team, conservatives, it will help your team out at the polls in 22 & 24.

I hope you're right but I don't think you are. 2024 is too far in the future to make political predictions that are worth a damn, but I think the Democrats are gonna lose control of both the House and the Senate in the midterm election this year, the Antidemocrats are going to triumph. Unemployment is the lowest it's been in years and the dollar is the strongest it's been in a generation, but gas prices are high and even though neither the president nor the Congress has much influence over that they are the ones in power so they are the ones who are going to get blamed.

And to many people, and to all Republicans, knocking a dollar off the price of a gallon of gas is more important than the US Constitution, and more important than the right to travel and the right to have autonomy over your own body, in particular the right to control your own womb if you have one, and more important than the right to put any chemical you wish into your body to relieve chronic excruciating unrelenting white hot pain if you are dying. And Republicans believe low gas prices are more important than the most important right of all, the right to die if you wish to die.

I have to admit Biden is not totally blameless for the current high rate of inflation, on the very first day of his presidency he should've eliminated by Executive Order all the Trump era tariffs, which are paid for by Americans not by foreign countries, but for some reason that makes no economic sense some of them are still in place.
> It will generate reverse-action against Bible Belt governors, attorneys, politicians. 

If only it were that simple and that logical! Roy Moore, a Bible thumping judge in Alabama, the heart of the Bible Belt, came within a hair's breadth of becoming a US Senator even though convincing evidence was available that he was a pedophile. This happened for two reasons: 

1) On the ballot he had a "R" next to his name not a "D".
2) He may have been a pedophile but he was a Bible thumping pedophile, and that makes all the difference.

I will close by asking you 3 questions. 

1) Mr. Spudboy, do you think you should have the right to travel? 

2) Being "conservative" means you wanna keep on doing things the way they've always been done, so I understand why conservatives oppose the Democrats when they try to increase taxes on the super ultra mega rich and why conservatives want to keep them very low as they've always been, but what is "conservative" about radically changing the way we've handled abortions for the last half century?

3) What exactly are conservatives trying to conserve? 

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



Lawrence Crowell

2022年7月17日 上午9:30:232022/7/17
收件者:Everything List
On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 3:08:30 AM UTC-5 telmo wrote:

Am So, 17. Jul 2022, um 08:52, schrieb spudboy100 via Everything List:
I will use another democratic party media source as my contention that violent crime has risen. 
Denver 7 (one of yours LC)

So, everybody, even in the hoods are wrong about violent crime, but white liberals are correct because, people are racist, and racism, and bad, and Trump too! On this one, LC you need to be selling your fellow democratic voters say, the UAW, rather than me. 

Yes, fuck official statistics! Let us rely instead on a bunch of cherry-picked news items that mention local perceptions of increase in violent crime without providing any evidence that this is the case. And let us connect all this to the only thing that matters: political tribalism.


That was why I posted the 538 article. That is usually pretty credible.

Biden and the dems are going to get snagged on the fuel prices in 2022 elections. Never mind it has little to do with policies, and much to do with supply chain failures with the pandemic and now the Russo-Ukraine war. As per below with the decision to stop the pipeline, even if that were running at full capacity now, which would not be possible, it would have small impact on the price of oil. The price of oil is set on an international market scale, not regionally or nationally. This is a mantra that keeps going, drill-baby-drill, and keeps unthinking people going to the polls to pull the GOP lever. 

To be honest this is why I really question whether humanity can survive. We need to get off the carbon energy cycle, and this summer is a serious scorcher. But, people will not think and by the time we really take action it will probably be too late. I even suspect that if humanity is this greedy and stupid then maybe it is all good riddance to bad rubbish.


2022年7月17日 下午5:10:132022/7/17
The last question first (3) I am a conservative in the sense of being a nationalist because it seems to work better than the globalism, and the rule of corporations which bribe politicians with campaign donations. More of a Bourgeoise fanatic, because me no trust da billionaires, even admirable ones. Also do note that your conservative question was once asked by Pat Buchanan. Buchanan once wanted Bush the Elder not to do Desert Storm because, "Iraq is just like North Korea!"
I think we should preserve the USA, till humans can migrate in great numbers to the Solar System. But that's jus me. 

Question 2 is sort of covered by (3). If the US splits apart, I think my team should start of building cooperatives to out compete the Wall Street douches, (manufacturing) as in a new/old, re-industrialization project. Can we compete with robot labor? Yes, but we could also buy robots as well. 

Yes, I am opposed to the Holy Rollers restricting travel for any reason.  

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>

John Clark

2022年7月17日 下午6:07:232022/7/17
On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 5:10 PM <> wrote:

> The last question first (3) I am a conservative in the sense of being a nationalist because it seems to work better than the globalism, and the rule of corporations which bribe politicians with campaign donations.

And apparently you believe the best way to reduce the amount of bribery the super ultra mega rich heads of corporations engage in is to oppose any attempt by the Democrats to increase the taxes on those very same super ultra mega rich corporate heads. That does not compute.

>  me no trust da billionaires,

So you want to protect those billionaires that you don't trust from the Democrats who want to tax them more so they  become only ultra mega rich and not super ultra mega rich. Explain that to me because I don't quite follow your logic.

> Buchanan once wanted Bush the Elder not to do Desert Storm because, "Iraq is just like North Korea!"

It turned out the Elder Bush was right about the Kuwait War but his son was wrong about the Iraq War, dead wrong.  

> Yes, I am opposed to the Holy Rollers restricting travel for any reason.  

I'm glad to hear it, now I must ask if you think people should have autonomy over their own bodies or should politicians in Washington have the final say about that?

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

I hope you're right but I don't think you are. 2024 is too far in the future to make political predictions that are worth a damn, but I think the Democrats are gonna lose control of both the House and the Senate in the midterm election this year, the Antidemocrats are going to triumph. Unemployment is the lowest it's been in years and the dollar is the strongest it's been in a generation, but gas prices are high and even though neither the president nor the Congress has much influence over that they are the ones in power so they are the ones who are going to get blamed.

And to many people, and to all Republicans, knocking a dollar off the price of a gallon of gas is more important than the US Constitution, and more important than the right to travel and the right to have autonomy over your own body, in particular the right to control your own womb if you have one, and more important than the right to put any chemical you wish into your body to relieve chronic excruciating unrelenting white hot pain if you are dying. And Republicans believe low gas prices are more important than the most important right of all, the right to die if you wish to die.

I have to admit Biden is not totally blameless for the current high rate of inflation, on the very first day of his presidency he should've eliminated by Executive Order all the Trump era tariffs, which are paid for by Americans not by foreign countries, but for some reason that makes no economic sense some of them are still in place.
> It will generate reverse-action against Bible Belt governors, attorneys, politicians. 

If only it were that simple and that logical! Roy Moore, a Bible thumping judge in Alabama, the heart of the Bible Belt, came within a hair's breadth of becoming a US Senator even though convincing evidence was available that he was a pedophile. This happened for two reasons: 

1) On the ballot he had a "R" next to his name not a "D".
2) He may have been a pedophile but he was a Bible thumping pedophile, and that makes all the difference.

I will close by asking you 3 questions. 

1) Mr. Spudboy, do you think you should have the right to travel? 

2) Being "conservative" means you wanna keep on doing things the way they've always been done, so I understand why conservatives oppose the Democrats when they try to increase taxes on the super ultra mega rich and why conservatives want to keep them very low as they've always been, but what is "conservative" about radically changing the way we've handled abortions for the last half century?

3) What exactly are conservatives trying to conserve? 



2022年7月17日 下午6:29:562022/7/17
I question humanity's survival from a Putin initiated Nuclear Attack and not the climate getting hotter. 538 can be indeed accurate, but the rising violent crime rate does not seem to be illusory. For my values, drilling and mining are far better, even though they lead to more, bad, climate, crap. 

Because, it is better than allowing people to die in the heat, or freeze in the dark, and based on the writings of many environmentalists, they are good with this, because they are "saving the earth." I get this on Reddit quite often. Yes, I would agree that this is likely to be a skewed sampling. 

For climate and even Putin, there are technological fixes to be applied. For expecting too much from one's fellow primates, I would invoke the singing of American social philosopher, Joey Ramone.

2022年7月17日 晚上7:10:042022/7/17
The extremely rich, who bribe the pols, JC, see higher taxes as merely, The Cost of Doing Business. Higher taxes don't make anything more virtuous. The only virtuousness lays with who in fact benefits???? I would say that if somebody who makes a miracle medicine (not just a bullshit claim) is better than say George S's Tides Foundation which funds for Dem district attorneys that view lifelong street criminals to be freed, because they endured hard lives as children, and then they end up killing their victims. This looks to be the crime rise perception feeder. 

Meaning what? Meaning a policy is only good If and Only If, it really helps? Thus, I'd go for measuring results of public policy, yeah, with statistics as a starter. 

The wealth of the uber rich matters to me only how their lobbying to politicians benefits us or harms us?? My take on this is, globalism=bad, crime=bad, no drilling=bad 4 now, no mass solar installations = bad, bad, bad. no battery storage =bad.

Your view might be, no national medical service = inhuman!
Mine might be =Ok, what's a good way of generating wealth to pay for this? 

On Bush Junior, I have heard and maybe this is simply disinformation, that 43 enabled Bin Laden to escape to Iran (wink wink) and deliberately looked the other way to please his families Saudi friends. IF TRUE, and I don't know if it is, then the dude is criminal, and it only proves the vileness of allowing ourselves to be ruled by the rich. Meaning I am kind of a wannabe bourgeoise-power guy.  Ok well, that going to go nowhere, but, just saying. 

On women's autonomy over their bodies? I believe especially for attractive women, that neither the women themselves, nor, any politician from anywhere should have autonomy over their bodies. I think that I should have autonomy over their bodies. Yes, that's it! They, for some reason, disagree.

On abortion,  I believe based on research biologists using sheep, that we are at the point where fetal transfer into incubation boxes, aka artificial wombs, aka a womb with a view, are at hand, So instead of abortions we do that, and yes, pay for it, as a social workaround. $$$.

Yes to rapidly funding and prototyping. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 17, 2022 6:06 pm
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

Brent Meeker

2022年7月17日 晚上8:45:162022/7/17

On 7/17/2022 3:29 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
> I question humanity's survival from a Putin initiated Nuclear Attack
> and not the climate getting hotter.

You continually tell us your opinion, but never any reasons why it's
true.  Opinion is cheap.  Data is dear.


Lawrence Crowell

2022年7月17日 晚上9:01:392022/7/17
收件者:Everything List
Yes there are technological solutions to solve aspect of the climate problem. Interestingly, the republicans work tirelessly to prevent their implementation.

trump as working man champion.jpg

2022年7月18日 凌晨2:31:032022/7/18
I agree with that. My opinion is usually shaped by actual news items I stumble upon. Which why, in lieu of possessing statistics (much items are just observation not measurement), I put forth statements. 

Since crime was the topic, if I remember correctly and I may not, wait, it was an OECD study indicating national medical services was much better then the US's mostly private insurance for both treatment outcomes and longevity, and that the US was declining. Ok for crime here is Statista which indicates a mixed bag state by state-

So, back to medical care, are the American people brainwashed by the Republicans into not going full National Health Services NHS (tip o' the hat to the UK' med provider name)??? I can tell you that company provided health insurance is a prime reason for employment, even if the pay rate sucks. What is your opinion on this Brent??

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Meeker <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 17, 2022 8:45 pm
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.


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2022年7月18日 凌晨3:03:402022/7/18
Professor Crowell, we both know the reason for this. That reason is that the campaign donations from the fossil fuel companies always cash. Please also realize that Hedge Funder Tom Steyer & Ariana Huffington (once married to John Kerry), pay campaign donations as well, big time. What is my point? My point is that this American system of government is based on campaign donation and this is an Oligarchy. It's corrupt all the way through. There are no virtuous billionaires. Not Don, Not the Koch org, Not Harvey Weinstein, not even Elon Musk.

They simply say and do things we serfs like and so we cheer them on. 

Secondly your democratic leadership even with 2 houses of congress is so lax in pursing a working energy proggie, that they pissed away more than a year, while Vlad got ready to invade. Thus, doubling down on energy troubles.

So I say to you as the old western bartenders said to the cowboys, "Name yer poison." 

Poison 1 is the dems who may or may not have an clue on energy but achieve jack with it.
Poison 2 are us reps, who like pollution and enjoy life while we can, ignoring AGW. We are like the old coal miners who dug number 9 coal and relaxed with a pack of Camels. Ah! Now we're in flavor country.

Downside of the the dems? They fumble and do not achieve. 
Downside of Reps, we don't care!

Since Putin, please remember that under Trump we were oil and gas exporters most of the time-dirty as it is!
Now, the EU risks falling apart from Vlad (its a struggle Nato-wise) the option would be to dig to get them off of Vlad's addiction. This means pipelines and replacing Russian gas for the next few years!!!

Allow me to remind of this ugly fact just 3 years ago from CNN, one of yours needless to say.

On energy, I would opt for wrecking the climate more than having us and our allies suffer energy starvation, LC, as grim as those two choices are. The Biden-Warren energy plan was simply shutting things down without creating & implementing new sources. Like I said, the dems had both houses of congress + the prez to achieve this. So will they listen to you now and get moving on it?? You know we won't. I'd go PV and batteries first.  then a charging infrastructure, yadda yadda, etc. 

Last, (very off topic) I remember you knew some person who was employed by a US technical service shall we say, that focused on international situations, to put it delicately. Could you please check if you feel its convenient and it's worth your time, to see if they may have heard of a changing international "focus" in the Pacific Rim??  The reason is that I have seen one analyst on the region that I found (in an interview) state something (for me) alarming & plausible. (to me).  

Be well,

Spud the nervous

Lawrence Crowell

2022年7月18日 上午8:48:552022/7/18
收件者:Everything List
cartoon, vote for less tax.jpg

Lawrence Crowell

2022年7月18日 上午8:51:542022/7/18
收件者:Everything List
The financial and corporate elites support both parties. When economic times are good they prefer the reps, but give support to the dems. In that way if the dems win the donors have influence. Curiously when time get really bad the financial and corporate donors prefer the dems, because the dems are more willing to pull the Keynesian levers to cover their butts. Obama in 2008 and the dems got almost twice the campaign dollars as the reps.


John Clark

2022年7月18日 上午8:53:452022/7/18
On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 7:10 PM <> wrote:

> The extremely rich, who bribe the pols, JC, 
It's immoral but "bribery" is the wrong word to use because that implies it's illegal, and what the very very rich are doing is perfectly legal; the ones who are receding the "bribes" are the same ones who make the laws, so they made sure that such activities are perfectly legal. And Republican presidents and Republican senators made sure that they appointed Republican judges to the Supreme Court who would say such activity was perfectly constitutional too, that's how we got the Citizens United 5-4 decision that said the Federal Election Commission could not restrict the amount of money corporations give to politicians, money that is given the euphemistic name "campaign contributions''. Republican judges nominated and confirmed by Republican presidents and Republican senators even went so far as to say in effect that corporations are people. Democrats tried to stop the Republicans from doing this at every turn but they lost, and in nearly every post you go on and on about how evils in what you call "bribery" , and yet when you go into the voting booth if one candidate has a R next to his name and another candidate has a D you don't even bother to think, you vote for Mr. R. That does not compute.  
> see higher taxes as merely, The Cost of Doing Business.

I'm not talking about the "extremely rich" I'm talking about the super ultra mega rich, there is a difference. Lots of people are extremely rich but the wealthiest  0.01%, of the human beings who live on planet Earth, just 520,000 people, own 11% of the world's wealth, and the 2,668 billionaires who exist on the planet own 3%. If you're talking about just the USA the top 0.1% richest Americans have as much wealth as the bottom 90%.  And the gap between the rich and the poor is not just growing, it's accelerating.  As recently as 2009 the world's richest man only had a paltry $40 billion, but by 2020 the world's richest man was worth 113 billion, in 2021 in spite of a worldwide pandemic it had grown to 177 billion, and today it's 219 billion. Well before 2030 I expect we will see the world's first trillionaire.

> Higher taxes don't make anything more virtuous.

True, but they do make them less powerful. And you keep talking about all the grand renewable energy projects you think should be immediately started, but where is all the money to do that going to come from? I say take it from the super ultra mega rich. It's true that if we did that due to their impoverishment the super ultra mega rich may only be able to afford a 400 foot yacht and not the 600 foot model they had their heart set on and that would be a tragedy, but in every life some rain must fall.  

> My take on this is, globalism=bad,

My take is that consumers should be allowed, if that is what they want, to buy gadgets from whoever can make them most efficiently and thus is able to sell them the cheapest.  Doing that not only helps consumers but the free competition encourages everybody to find better ways to make things. That's why Biden should have eliminated ALL of Trump's economically ridiculous tariffs on the first day he became president. 

> On Bush Junior, I have heard and maybe this is simply disinformation, that 43 enabled Bin Laden to escape to Iran (wink wink) and deliberately looked the other way to please his families Saudi friends.

Don't be ridiculous!  

> On abortion,  I believe based on research biologists using sheep, that we are at the point where fetal transfer into incubation boxes,

If you want to do that the next time you become pregnant then fine, you should be allowed to transfer your fetus to a "incubation box" if that makes you happy, but don't force other people to do the same thing if they have a different opinion about "incubation boxs" than you do. 

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



2022年7月19日 凌晨3:58:482022/7/19
Most people do this yes. I note that the great poverty zones are far more appalling in the DNC ruled regions because of public policies, then the poverty in hillbilly country, which can also be very severe and fentanyl-infested as well. Sometimes LC, it's throwing up one's hands and saying if "they" want to live like this, then screw them. This crosses party lines are what are suburbs for? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>
To: Everything List <>
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2022年7月19日 凌晨4:01:272022/7/19
I will agree and can only add, I am willing to do the John Maynard Keynes 2-step as well, especially for R&D, which is something that effects your line of work on occasion, I surmise. In the real world who profits and more broadly, who benefits and how rapidly??? That is one long discussion.

2022年7月19日 凌晨4:16:102022/7/19
I just observe that the very wealthy possess the cash to get their views push over serfs such as you or I. Do I sometimes agree with the views of the very rich, yes. Am I concerned that they will screw things up for the global middle class, yes. Is this legal to to by them, yes. Does it mitigate what you and I want? Quite often. Most politicians are lawyers who run for office, say the right promises and get elected because we are easy going and or lazy and this includes me. 

For trillionaires I wouldn't mind even WaPo owner Bezos achieve this even though we are diametrically opposed on many issue, IF he did it with space habitats. he was a student of Gerry O'Neil, by the way. 

Republicans are selfish and greedy and so am I, but we do keep the lights on.
Democrats are plain folk but are ruled by the selfish and greedy and by public policy get people killed.
In Texas, you guys are having issues keeping the AC on, but you do have a wealth of engineers at universities and companies to mend this. 
Abbot is very good on illegal immigration (done by the Dems to benefit their Census representation so they can represent more districts.
Abbott sucks pig dick on abortion and like all psalm singers, doesn't push for artifical wombs like I blather about.
That'd fix the whole problem.

I fear what Russia and China will do, more than I fear what democrats will do. Leftists love the great internal enemy (Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot), Rightists fear the great External enemy, (Adolf, Mussolini, Britain, France, Old China, Newark).

Both right and left can switch as the deem useful. 

Keep your eye on China in the next 10 days. 
Be well

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 18, 2022 8:53 am
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

John Clark

2022年7月19日 清晨7:40:022022/7/19
On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 4:16 AM <> wrote:
> Republicans are selfish and greedy and so am I, but we do keep the lights on.
Not in Texas you don't, Texas can't keep the lights or the air conditioners on, and Texas is not controlled by Democrats, it has an Antidemocratic governor and an Antidemocratic State legislature that always appoints Antidemocratic state judges.

> Democrats are plain folk but are ruled by the selfish and greedy and by public policy get people killed.

It was a Republican president that bungled the Covid epidemic and caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.  It was a Republican governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, who caused thousands of unnecessary deaths from aids for silly religious reasons. 

How Mike Pence Made Indiana’s HIV Outbreak Worse

And it was a Republican president who caused thousands of deaths by starting the Iraq war in his quest to find "Weapons Of Mass Destruction", which turned out to be about as successful as Ponce de León's quest to find the Fountain Of Youth.

> I fear what Russia and China will do,

And yet the fact that Donald Trump is best friends with a monster like Vladimir Putin, who to this day has never said one bad thing against the Russian dictator, does not bother you one bit. The only reason  I can figure for that apparent contradiction is that on the ballot Trump has a "R" next to his name not a "D".
> more than I fear what democrats will do.

I fear Russia and China because they could take my life away in an instant with a nuclear bomb (as could ANY President of the United States). I fear the Republicans because they could make my life not worth living by turning my country into a 1984 style hellhole like North Korea. By the way, if you haven't read Orwell's 1984 you really should because I'll bet Trump sleeps with it under his pillow and uses it as a how-to manual.   

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

2022年7月19日 下午3:44:082022/7/19
Setting aside energy and yeah I ain't blaming energy in Tx on your team, setting aside abortion, tell me how, or what Orange Man missed  on Covid, specifically what is your accusation and explain the how he failed and cost lives? John it tool me one minute to locate this and Daily Beast is one of Yours. 

I mean, HOW did he fuck up, How is Joe better??? What would you have done differently, as Commander in Chief??

HIV is closer to Monkeypox now and so is the means of transmission. Pence to me is too self serving. If you hate infections then close the border, because it'll cut omicron, gun running, and fentanyl. Think of the money saved! $$$

Ok, done. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 19, 2022 7:39 am
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

John Clark

2022年7月19日 下午4:25:122022/7/19
On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 3:44 PM <> wrote:

> setting aside abortion, tell me how, or what Orange Man missed  on Covid,

Don't wear a mask, don't avoid crowds, and don't take any precautions at all to prevent the spread of Covid because the Democrats are just exaggerating the seriousness of it and Covid will completely disappear by the summer of 2020. I Donald Trump should be praised to high heaven for single-handedly developing the Covid vaccine, but don't actually take the Covid vaccine because vaccines can cause autism.  

 > If you hate infections then close the border, 

You keep talking about closing the border but you can't seem to get it through your head that the USA has always been the world hotspot for Covid, not Mexico, not China, not Africa, not India, the good old USA. Closing the borders might have helped other countries from being infected by Americans but it wouldn't have helped Americans; by the time Trump got around to stopping flights from China it was far far too late to do any good. And I might add the very hottest hot spot for Covid in the entire world was the 18 acres surrounding the White House during the Trump administration because Trump was the boss and he took a very dim view of anybody who wore a mask or failed to attend one of his superspreader events in the Rose Garden, like the time he introduced one of his stooges that would go to the Supreme Court.  

> I mean, HOW did he fuck up, How is Joe better???

If Joe or anybody else had been president in 2020 and had simply put his hands in his pockets and not done or said anything about Covid it would've been an improvement over what Trump did.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


2022年7月19日 下午4:48:112022/7/19
Somehow, maybe miraculously, lots of republicans took shots and wore masks. I mean Don is still around haunting your darkest dreams. 

I would say with omicron close the borders, and Joey hasn't. Why? Because this JC. The US Census. So dem states get more congressional representatives assigned to an increased population. In other words you want to win elections.

It will jack up the death rate especially for the newbies coming in,(no shots)  but the thing is I am betting that the defection in votes will be pulled away by my team, because of dem policy. Hearts, street thugs, big inflation, dumb energy which effects everything else eventually. Even, Our 2022 abortion ruling & women's reactions won't help with the recovery of both houses. But, it may help you guys in 2024!!! Reaction to us ant-democratic's and such. Just saying and pondering.  

Democrats face warning signs over Latino support (

So can we Reps steal away Latino voters in your grasp, JC?

¡Sí, podemos!

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 19, 2022 4:24 pm
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

John Clark

2022年7月19日 下午5:53:402022/7/19
On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 4:48 PM <> wrote:

> I would say with omicron close the borders, and Joey hasn't. Why? 

Because Joey is not a fool and knows it would be an economic catastrophe and wouldn't improve the Covid situation one bit.  

>Because this JC. The US Census. So dem states get more congressional representatives assigned to an increased population. In other words you want to win elections.

Boy oh boy, you've never read a conspiracy theory you didn't swallow hook line and sinker, provided of course that it fits your bizarre worldview; whenever some crackcop types up some nonsense and posts it to the Internet you believe every word of it. China released Covid on its own people in order to punish Hong Kong, George Bush senior deliberately let Osama bin Laden escape, "incubation boxes"  will make everybody on every side of the abortion debate happy, no idea is so stupid that you can't believe it.  Spudboy, you desperately need to develop a good bullshit detector

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


2022年7月19日 晚上7:33:032022/7/19
Well, I will simply say that an artificial uterus sounds doable.

Joey and his people are fools, not because of they're stupidly, but because their ideological, and if one uses life through and ideological lens, or a religious one, the ability to use logic and reason is impaired. Reuters news, one of your media.

Notice that none of us Rednecks have lifted a finger to create this situation for the DNC. 

So, what are you planning to maintain power and not lose Congress? 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 19, 2022 5:53 pm
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

John Clark

2022年7月20日 清晨7:07:422022/7/20
On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 7:33 PM <> wrote:

> if one uses life through and ideological lens, or a religious one, the ability to use logic and reason is impaired

That is true as you have been ably demonstrating on this list for some time.

>Notice that none of us Rednecks have lifted a finger to create this situation for the DNC. 

The Antidemocratic Rednecks in Congress have stopped Biden from doing anything he wanted to do, if he was for something that's all they needed to know, they were against it. Biden wanted to spend $10 billion on Covid tests, therapeutics and vaccines, but the Antidemocrats killed it. Just last month Biden proposed a huge program that would cost $88.2 billion over 5 years to prevent the next pandemic, but because he is a Democrat and he is for it, the Antidemocrats feel it is their duty to be against it, and I'm sure they will manage to kill that idea too. And when the next pandemic does hit, as sooner or later it will, you can be as certain as night follows day that the Antidemocrats will blame the Democrats for it.

> So, what are you planning to maintain power and not lose Congress? 

I'll tell you what the Democrats are NOT planning to do, they are NOT planning to do what the Antidemocrats did in their attempt to stay in power, become traitors and organize a coup d'état.  

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



2022年7月20日 上午11:20:102022/7/20

It comes down to who do one distrust the most?
Fauci, not so much. I need corroboration. Does pfizer kill young people? I have taken 4 shots but am no athlete. I do need to know if its safe for others?

Staying in power exists as an ideological feature in your mind exclusively, because what is Donald doing but attending  rally or two, and mouthing off. You have always claimed he was an idiot, but magically beat the DNC darling, Hillary? These two claims by you seem mutually exclusive. 

For me, anything that assists human survival, and American existance, is something that gains my interest. Who controls the US Senate?
If we go by CNN its still the Dems.

Here is Ballotopedia indicating that The Democrats still ruling the House of Representatives

Enjoy your government JC. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 20, 2022 7:07 am
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

John Clark

2022年7月20日 上午11:56:052022/7/20
On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 11:20 AM <> wrote:

> It comes down to who do one distrust the most? Fauci, not so much.

As opposed to who? Fox News? Newsmax? Donald Trump? Some crackpot Internet blogger who knows how to type but has no other ability? I'd rather trust Dr. Fauci (who has risked his life hundreds of times by humanely treating patients with gruesome and extremely contagious diseases) and the Center For Disease Control, they both make mistakes when they try to figure out what a newly discovered disease will do, but when they do they admit their errors and update their recommendations. Unlike the former president they really try to get it right, and they do not tell lies with the frequency of a machine gun.  

 > Does pfizer kill young people?


> Who controls the US Senate?

Thanks to the filibuster Antidemocrats control the Senate, nothing gets done there that they don't like, and if Biden, being a Democrat, likes something then ipso facto they do not.

> For me, anything that assists human survival, and American existance, is something that gains my interest.

Then why the hell do you want to hand over the keys to a nuclear ballistic missile submarine to an unstable semiliterate dictator wannabe AGAIN?! Is it because of his alleged "comic timing''? 

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

Lawrence Crowell

2022年7月20日 中午12:35:052022/7/20
收件者:Everything List
These types of idiots must have a bogeyman. Remember Orwell in "1984" had Goldstein as public enemy #1. Not long ago it was George Soros who was the fount of all evil. Now it is Fauci. Curious that Rand Paul with a medical degree in opthamology and has not practiced is shouting foul against an MD/PhD who has years of experience in clinical and laboratory work. It does not take much to ponder who has the firmer idea of things. Yet, people with a totalitarian mind must have their bogeyman,


2022年7月20日 下午3:06:182022/7/20
On politics, basically you are going along for ideological reasons with The Fauch! You have to ignore his errors and non-corrections, and being a loyalist gets nowhere .Opinion from one of yours, Newsweek.

Here is professor Marty Makary (Johns Hopkins) opposing Fauch's analysis and program on biological reasons.

Dr. Marty Makary: Americans have 'distorted perception' of Covid risk ( CNBC is on your side as well JC.

You still are posing how Trumpo is a idiot, while at the same time crowing how he is the devilishly clever master of a 4th Reich, who rules in secret, from his Bergtesgarten in Mar-a-Largo. John pick a sales pitch and stick with it. He beat Moma Clinton in 2016 so if his handlers have all the brains, you'd better hire them, because that team must be miracle workers.  

P.S. I never say that Hitler was "stupid," otherwise he would have never taken over, savvy? 
Plus, it appears he was a male prostitute working after dark in Vienna's Parks servicing customers and being a starving artist by day. Thus, one could see that as he became the biggest in Europe, this would feed into delusions of granduer. From dicks to dictator. 

From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 20, 2022 11:55 am
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

2022年7月20日 下午3:16:292022/7/20
Fauch made mistakes, Soros is making mistakes with his Tides Foundation funding Democratic Party district attorneys who simply adore street thugs and ensure they get released and they end up killing people. Fauci was wrong, Soros was wrong. Was Don wrong? I'd say yeah, but not about Covid, but that he pressured NATO to step up. These people have it in them now to do so, but not before the Putin attack. Sometimes its better not to bitch but to pitch in more to have assured that Vlad wouldn't have tried a roll to the Atlantic. 

This is my take, but I am just an angry peasant. Joey screwed up by no drilling, and no real expansion in solar. He could've done both at the the same time, for both national & international continuity's sake. 

For Fauch, let Fauch refute Markary ok? & these two professors from Harvard and Stanford.
How do you two get any work done with being so ideological? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Crowell <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 20, 2022 12:35 pm
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

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John Clark

2022年7月20日 下午3:38:492022/7/20
On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 3:06 PM <> wrote:

> I never say that Hitler was "stupid," otherwise he would have never taken over, savvy?


> You still are posing how Trumpo is a idiot, while at the same time crowing how he is the devilishly clever master of a 4th Reich,

I never said Trump was "devilishly clever", if he had been his coup d'état would've been successful, savvy? Instead I have  always said Trump's one and only virtue is that he's as dumb as a sack of bricks, my great worry is that the next dictator wannabe might be smarter, so if we must have one I hope it's Louie Gohmert, the only man in politics who's stupider than Trump.

  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


2022年7月20日 下午4:33:162022/7/20
Gohmert is no king or king maker. Instead of Donald or Abbott, just watch Florida. My info was that Obama and Hillary pushed everything right, people like Joey's promise of free goodies, and suburban women never forgave him for being a pussy grabber. The news about how you guys really won, in 2020 was the couch potato vote. This is why picking up ballots worked so well, because it took in the marginal, independent voters. This will be done by my team this year and in 24. 

You might still hold the Senate on abortion and the reaction of state prosecutions of women. Now for the state reps this'd also be called a mistake. Creates victims, energizes the base. Everything is off if Comrade Xi attacks and funny enough there are similarities tween Adolfs decision to go to war, and China's downturn on Xi.  

Even Soros back in 9-21 warned about Xi. He was good on that call, but stinks on street thug releasing. Larry Fink (Blackrock) was correct on the limitations of globalism, but sucks it down investing 9 trill in retirement funds to China. 

I'd reco drilling more especially with the EU and pipelines, but at the same time going big with solar, batteries, & EV's. Use both to leverage Putin. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 20, 2022 3:38 pm
Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.

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