Death, science, and politics

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John Clark

18 dec. 2022 06:39:532022-12-18
till 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 9:10 PM <> wrote:

> Hypersonics only do 13.5 KPH. However, their trick is swerving in mid air to avoid being hit by incoming anti-missiles.

I have three comments on that: 

1) The US does not have a viable defense against ICBMs, it didn't have one 60 years ago when ICBMs first came online and it doesn't have one today. And neither does Russia. And neither does China. And neither does anybody else. And nobody is likely to develop one in the foreseeable future.

2) Just one modern ICBM can contain hundreds of decoys and a dozen nuclear reentry warheads, each many times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, and can be individually maneuvered and reach a dozen cities hundreds of miles apart with pinpoint accuracy.

3) You say you hate Russia but you uncritically believe all the hype they spew out. The Russians fire a few hypersonic missiles into Ukraine and claim it is a world beating weapon, but it turns out to have an insignificant effect on the war. The Russians claimed they had a powerful all conquering army, but it turned out to be powerful on paper only because it had incompetent commanders leading untrained poorly equipped soldiers who had bottom of the birdcage morale and were communicating with unencrypted commercial cell phones and we're fighting with obsolete weapons, some from the 1940s.  

> To grease your skids, JC,  I will push (along with others) making abortion less attractive then building artificial wombs! Thus retaining the Christian voter and promoting a new moral answer for humankind. 

Christian voters were very upset when the first so-called "test tube baby" was born by in vitro fertilization,  today many think even condoms are an unnatural abomination and should be banned; so I really don't think Christians are going to be thrilled by artificial wombs.  And it would take years and billions of dollars to develop artificial wombs, but historically Republicans have been reluctant to spend money on scientific research or spend money on anything except for devices that can kill people that the military or the man in the street can use. And I'm not sure Republicans would be happy about spending many trillions of tax dollars to care for millions of unwanted and unloved children for 18 years. But I am sure that Republicans will blame the Democrats for the huge increase in street crime that spikes 18 years after your lunatic plan takes effect.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

18 dec. 2022 12:53:052022-12-18
We shall see about hypersonic weapons, just know that Joey is responding in kind.

Yes, you and the Christians are opposed to my Brave New World approach to birthing. It is however a way up from abortion and if we are going to be a more, ethical species, this would be a huge step. It will sell, but its not being offered by progressives, nor, conservatives, because of their dedication to ideology. 

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John Clark

18 dec. 2022 13:14:402022-12-18

On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 12:53 PM <> wrote:

> Yes, you and the Christians are opposed to my Brave New World approach to birthing. It is however a way up from abortion and if we are going to be a more, ethical species, this would be a huge step. It will sell, but its not being offered by progressives, nor, conservatives, because [...]

Because everybody except you realizes it's a dumb idea.  And there is no way in hell that your right wing buddies and holy roller friends would be willing to pay the astronomical cost of such a thing.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

18 dec. 2022 14:07:462022-12-18
till, John Clark,
Things can change, and the main selling point, will be, the babies get to live, and that is a good thing. Only, yourself seems to value money over life to such an extreme. I have tried my elevator pitch upon a feminist and a Trump hater, and my proposal worked, sorry to tell you!

Plus, there's no good reason not to look at if some people suffer death from covid backing. We're talking medical science here, supposedly.  

On politics, you will grow to adore DeSantis, as I have, for His, is the Might, the Power, and the Glory!!   His holy visage doth grace the land, from the holy city of Coral Gables, to sacred swamp of Okiephenokie!  

John Clark

18 dec. 2022 14:46:192022-12-18
On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 2:07 PM <> wrote:

> you will grow to adore DeSantis,

It's possible, I'm not tougher than Winston Smith and in 1984 he grew to love Big Brother after being horribly tortured and brainwashed in the Ministry Of Love, and he sincerely believed that 2+2=5 when the fascist party running the country told him that was the correct answer. The book ended with Smith chanting Long Live Big Brother, after spending enough time in a Republican reeducation camp I might start chanting Long Live Ron DeSantis.  

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


18 dec. 2022 16:31:072022-12-18
That's the spirit! 
A Republican Camp would have Jesus as their Top Guy, not Governor D! By the way, As the Doobie Brothers intoned long ago, "Jesus in just alright with me!" Not a bad guy in my opinion, and better than the Sadducees that ran the Sanhedrin back then, and fucking better than the Romans, whose early motto was, "we crucify the first 5 people we meet." Yet they wind up making it The Religion of Empire. 

Now, practice your DeSantis carol John. "Oh come let us adore, HIM!" 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>

Jesse Mazer

18 dec. 2022 20:18:232022-12-18
On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 12:53 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:
We shall see about hypersonic weapons, just know that Joey is responding in kind.

Yes, you and the Christians are opposed to my Brave New World approach to birthing. It is however a way up from abortion and if we are going to be a more, ethical species, this would be a huge step. It will sell, but its not being offered by progressives, nor, conservatives, because of their dedication to ideology. 

It's only more ethical if you think an organism completely lacking a functioning brain can still have human-like moral worth merely by virtue of having human DNA--the neurons in the cortex of a fetus are mostly lacking in synapses until around the end of the second trimester, and no coherent brain waves are seen until then. Seems hard to justify that stance if one doesn't believe in a "soul", or in any kind of essentialistic notion that "human organism" is a natural kind (in the philosophical sense of a totally objective division in reality of the kind discussed at ) so that mindless zygotes/fetuses are objectively "human organisms" while other cases, like a sperm cell approaching an egg cell or a collection of human stem cells kept alive in a petri dish, are not "human organisms". If one wants to have some kind of ethical system that can easily adapt to a possible transhuman future, the idea that a human has a higher moral status than say a fish can't be rooted specifically in human DNA, not if one wants to say that an AI or genetically engineered animal could also potentially have the same higher moral value--it would have to be rooted in something more abstract, like some broad characterization of mental abilities or form of consciousness. But any such abstract characterization of what gives an entity special moral worth is probably not going to include fetuses before the onset of higher brain function.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
Sent: Sun, Dec 18, 2022 6:39 am
Subject: Death, science, and politics

On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 9:10 PM <> wrote:

> Hypersonics only do 13.5 KPH. However, their trick is swerving in mid air to avoid being hit by incoming anti-missiles.

I have three comments on that: 

1) The US does not have a viable defense against ICBMs, it didn't have one 60 years ago when ICBMs first came online and it doesn't have one today. And neither does Russia. And neither does China. And neither does anybody else. And nobody is likely to develop one in the foreseeable future.

2) Just one modern ICBM can contain hundreds of decoys and a dozen nuclear reentry warheads, each many times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, and can be individually maneuvered and reach a dozen cities hundreds of miles apart with pinpoint accuracy.

3) You say you hate Russia but you uncritically believe all the hype they spew out. The Russians fire a few hypersonic missiles into Ukraine and claim it is a world beating weapon, but it turns out to have an insignificant effect on the war. The Russians claimed they had a powerful all conquering army, but it turned out to be powerful on paper only because it had incompetent commanders leading untrained poorly equipped soldiers who had bottom of the birdcage morale and were communicating with unencrypted commercial cell phones and we're fighting with obsolete weapons, some from the 1940s.  

> To grease your skids, JC,  I will push (along with others) making abortion less attractive then building artificial wombs! Thus retaining the Christian voter and promoting a new moral answer for humankind. 

Christian voters were very upset when the first so-called "test tube baby" was born by in vitro fertilization,  today many think even condoms are an unnatural abomination and should be banned; so I really don't think Christians are going to be thrilled by artificial wombs.  And it would take years and billions of dollars to develop artificial wombs, but historically Republicans have been reluctant to spend money on scientific research or spend money on anything except for devices that can kill people that the military or the man in the street can use. And I'm not sure Republicans would be happy about spending many trillions of tax dollars to care for millions of unwanted and unloved children for 18 years. But I am sure that Republicans will blame the Democrats for the huge increase in street crime that spikes 18 years after your lunatic plan takes effect.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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18 dec. 2022 23:13:252022-12-18
I am good with whatever we can do to improve the human condition. 
Maybe we are locked in by the circumstances of physics and astronomy?
Maybe we can learn ways in the far future of recovering minds from oblivion, and maybe never?
If it is the former, I'd like to think that our descendants, if they get the technology would be is to take a whack at it. 
So, the potential for human minds that never made it to consciousness, minds cut off suddenly, everyone else needs to...
Recovered. The biggest data recovery project in the universe (maybe?). It may never happen, it may be impossible, but given enough time & science, I will say yes. 

Others can and should dispute this. We each have our limits and our own tolerances for things & some do better than others. 

For myself, a layman of some sort, I tend to be attracted to science analyses and philosophies that indicate the mechanism of stuff like this. Here is a short essay from physicist (ret) Guilio Prisco that suggests this path.

Basing it on, this collection from Andrew Strominger 2018, "Lectures on the Infrared Structure of Gravity and Gauge Theory."

Is this a slam-dunk? I am not the one to say. On the it gives a description of memory being created by the interaction of photons & gravity. For me it addresses the How questions and the Why I leave for others, only now that it seems a bit more plausible as in cause and effect. 

There are a few other essays out there-

Here was one from 2021 for which I add: It's Popular Mechanics People! It's got to be true!!!

Tim Anderson at Georgia Tech occasionally postulates an essay or two on this "data recovery program." 

Jason Resch had a website going but hasn't been update since 2021 but did approach the concepts I am blabbing about.

Like most worthy human endeavors, we flop about till we either give up or get things correct and of use.  

Samiya Illias

19 dec. 2022 06:04:022022-12-19

Hired for Khilafat 

On 19-Dec-2022, at 9:13 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

Philip Benjamin

23 dec. 2022 15:15:012022-12-23

[Philip Benjamin]

       Christmas has a suffix of “Mass” which comes from the Latin word missa meaning “sent” used since the 6th or 7th century to describe the Catholic celebration of the Eucharist (The Breaking of Bread or Communion Table) when the priest or deacon dismisses the worsippers in Latin “Ite, missa est”. There is no memorial for birthday of Christ (Christmas) in the Bible, but the Messiah’s death is memorialized in the “Lord’s or Communion Table or Breaking of Bread”, first initiated by the Messiah immediately after the “Last Supper” or Passover before “Crucifixion” (Matt. 26:17-18; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 22:7-13). The early Church (100% Jewish) observed the Communion daily in the Jerusalem Temple and later on First Day (Acts 2:46; 20:7).

      The willing, vicarious death of the Messiah is effected ONLY on the cancellation of the “Sentence of Death” by the ONLY Sentencer through the agency of the “Sola Scriptura” and the conviction of the “Solus Spiritus Sanctus”, in the willing acceptor. YHWH is the Second Person of the Triune who genetically encoded death penalty as the consequence of insubordination to Adonai (plural) YHWH (single) Elohim(uni-plural). The incarnation of the Second Person is the “Theanthropic Zygote”—100% divine and 100% human-- without any human agency of male  and female. The Almighty is mighty enough to perfect that. The birth, life and death of the “Sentencer” is the record of the 66 Books from Genesis to Revelation—the Lamb ordained, but was slain, from the foundation of the world, buried, risen, ascended and imminently (not necessarily immediately) returning to establish the Kingdom (Genesis 3:15; Romans chapter 5; Galatians 3:16; Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:19-20; Revelation 13:8). A fortuitous combination of circumstances including the tyrannical decree of taxation by Caesar Augustus fulfils Micah 5:2 prophecy in Bethlehem Judah. Even if there was room in inn, the privacy of a cave- manger would have preferred for the delivery of the Lamb “Born Crucified”.          

           In fact that is the whole story of Christmas—the Mass for the Christ Baby” in Remembrance (Luke 22:19).

Philip Benjamin           

 Note:  Hindu/Buddhism, Muslim views on death: They are given below (Atheistic nihilism not included):

Islamic Vie of Death. “However, a continuity between all these ideas derived from the basic sources from the Quran and Islamic narratives. One canonical idea is, that the angel of death (Malak al-Maut) appears to the dying to take out their souls. The sinners’ souls are extracted in a most painful way while the righteous are treated easily.

Another common idea, although appearing relatively late in Islamic traditions, adds that, after the burial, two angels – Munkar and Nakir – come to question the dead in order to test their faith. The righteous believers answer correctly and live in peace and comfort while the sinners and disbelievers fail and punishments ensue. The time period or stage between death and the end of the world is called the life of barzakh. Suicide, euthanasia, and unjust murder as means of death are all prohibited in Islam, and are considered major sins.” “Hindu Perspectives on Death: [Reincarnation] Karma and Its Implications”.    “Hindu perspectives on death center on the idea that a person’s spirit (atman) is permanent; it lives beyond a biological death. In stark contrast, the physical body is almost like a temporary inhabitation, something disposable that you leave behind with the rest of your material belongings when you die”. “Khilafat  the successorship of prophethood. After Prophethood, Khilafat is the most important institution in Islam. Khulafa are ultimately appointed by God through His Divine guidance. Though Khilafat had disappeared, it has been re-established as prophecied by The Holy Prophet, Muhammad”

“Mahatma Gandhi’s noncooperation movement for Indian freedom, promising nonviolence in return for his support of the Khilafat movement. In 1920 the latter movement was marred by the ḥijrat (Urdu: “exodus”; recalling Muhammad’s Hijrah from Mecca) from India to Afghanistan of about 18,000 Muslim peasants, who felt that India was an apostate land. It was also tarnished by the Muslim Malabar rebellion in south India in 1921, the excesses of which deeply stirred Hindu India. Gandhi’s suspension of his movement and his arrest in March 1922 weakened the Khilafat movement still further. It was further undermined when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk drove the Greeks from western Asia Minor in 1922 and deposed the Turkish sultan Mehmed VI in the same year. The movement finally collapsed when Atatürk abolished the caliphate altogether in 1924”.


From: <> On Behalf Of Samiya Illias
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2022 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: Death, science, and politics


Hired for Khilafat 


On 19-Dec-2022, at 9:13 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:


Samiya Illias

24 dec. 2022 23:11:312022-12-24

On 24-Dec-2022, at 1:15 AM, Philip Benjamin <> wrote:

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