Russia Plans to Space-Jack a German X-Ray Telescope

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John Clark

2022-06-08 10:13:232022-06-08
kam: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

2022-06-08 12:19:582022-06-08
I saw and barely comprehended this news item on my phone two hours ago. The takeaway for the wise is, under the current Rus leadership, trust, sans, the ability to serve up massive retaliation, either military or economic, technological, personal, or all 4, are the only things that guarantee Russian behavior. Look at how the bombed the Ukrainian civilians first foremost? If you have any clout with Joey and company speak out against trusting them now. They have already acted against their own national interest as we all have seen. Thus, only true pain guaranteed against them works.

I am saying this as the same guy who thought if the need a "face -saver" they can move their Saarmat's to Cuba if this works for them? As long as we can successful annihilate them in return, no matter what, My Offer is still open. They should also consider sending a team along with the Chicomm to the Moon. Regain the old Soviet Pride IF this helps them get through this and withdraw? If you remember Kennedy did this with the Bay of Pigs fiasco? 8 years latter, we went to the Moon. Worked for us, even through the Vietnam fail, correct??

We avoid the end of our species this century. Not a bad thing, reall.

Spud, the fanatical fat fascist fudd.

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