Here's a more updated version of the Beginner's Guide to ElectroDacus.
Please use this one if you downloaded the last version — there were some
errors that were corrected, as well as more detail and info added.
I think I've incorporated all of the feedback I've received. Let me know if you see anything I've missed or got wrong.
Still to do: add more pictures and diagrams, and add info on sourcing components.
I've had several people suggest not having the document on a wiki — and since it was proving to be complicated to set up anyway, I've dropped the idea, at least for the moment. I'd still love to have other contributions and collaborations though, so please send any ideas my way! More circuit diagrams would be also great to include.
Barry, good idea to add external monitoring setup. I don't yet have any experience with this, so if anyone else can chime in, I'd be happy to include it.
Paul, I looked into github's wiki pages, but their formatting is pretty basic and without cross-references and other features as far as I can tell. Good idea though!
Bernd, I included your list of Amazon ASINs, I haven't yet gone through them or created links. One of the challenges is that Amazon seems to give the same product different ASINs on their different country sites. So maybe just the brand & model is better.
Dave, looking forward to checking out your website when it's back up. Let me know if I can do anything to help - I've been a professional web designer for 20 years, among some of the other hats I wear. :) Also, would you like to add your & Sherry's Raspberry Pi and Node-RED content into this document?
Thanks everyone!