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Jul 5, 2009, 8:14:14 AM7/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
It would seem that if a thread goes for too long, Google automatically
closes the Topic. I shall have to check and possibly remove other
threads, if this is the case. I will save as much information as I
can, off any Roleplaying thread.


Jul 5, 2009, 8:14:44 AM7/5/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
I am experimenting with a Dice Rolling Site. This site allows to roll
and verify the rolls of a player. You don't have to use the Dice
Rolling site, since I will still keep prerolled Dice here. If you do
use the Dice Rolling Site, here is how to do so.

1] go to
Click on "Roll Dice".

Note: You do not have to make an ID to the site, but doing so will
help keep track of all your Roll Results. It also allows you access to
their Forums.

2] Out in Character Name.
If you are logged in, you can also put in the Champaign Name

3] Number of Rolls and Dice.
If you are signed in, you can also put in Notes.

4] Once rolled, get your results and place the number to The Dragon's
Den. Scroll down and find the Verification Link.

Please avoid the "HTML Link", as that might not always work when


Jul 23, 2009, 4:42:58 PM7/23/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
I'm sorry, but Blue Scales is not able to deal with what has happened
to White Bolt.
And the rest of the Party has left him to fend for himself.

Please understand that White Bolt's attitude against Blue Flames is
not anything against you, the Player.

I was playing White Bolt to give you a better understanding of how a
Dragon acts. Dragons have a lot of Ego. Even being constantly beaten
up by lots of other creatures, they are still very proud and a little
arrogant. Even when White Bolt acknowledged that he was not able to
take care of something, he would still say or think "But someday, I

I will not say that Blue Flames is dead - since there is no way for
the others to know this.

However, I will say that if you want to continue posting in the Game,
you will need to play a Basic Character: Race and Class - the ones
listed below are what I suggest you try and play.

Races: Human; Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half Orc.
Classes: Fighter; Barbarian; or Monk;

If you need me to make the Character, just tell me what Race and which
Class you want.

If you do a good enough job of showing everyone that you can play a
Character, and do a good job - I will allow you to bring Blue Flames

If you choose to leave the site, I cannot stop you. But it was not me
that caused it.

It will have been you, since everyone kept telling Blue Flames that he
needed to pay attention and listen (both as a Player and a Character)
to what was going on, and what they were telling him.

joe b

Jul 23, 2009, 9:56:10 PM7/23/09

wow so thoughtful, but you sent it to the wrong person


Jul 24, 2009, 1:04:57 AM7/24/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
wow, you are an idiot


Jul 24, 2009, 5:48:41 AM7/24/09
Joe...everyone got it.... not just you. Unless you're talkin about the private email he meant to send Blue.

Waffle...define exactly who the idiot is. There are too many out wandering around to point a random finger. Since I don't see you actively portraying a toon... maybe you should just see your way out of this situation.

Blue...I would suggest Human Fighter. When you learn to portray a normal character "IN Character" then you might be able to try approaching BlueFlames again.  You need very much to figure out that this is NOT DBZ, this is not Superhero's and this is not a god-mode group. We aren't trying to ride you hard about things, but come on...I left originally because of the way the group was going. I'm in auto-punt mode right now, to see if I want to get back in fully with the group. Blue being stubborn to the point of stupidity is only going to get the group killed. You try to boost things up and backpeddle on what your abilities are and how powerful they are, as it is convenient. I shall call you Red Mage if this continues.

As I said, this is NOT DBZ and no one should have to try to figure out what the hell you are talking about just because you dont want to read a few back posts. Take the time. READ THEM. They BUILT the story to this point, and you seem to do nothing but disreguard them and do whatever you think sounds coolest and most powerful.

1st off with the whole dragon bit. The likelyhood that water and fire based elemental dragons would mate, not very high there buddy. Chromatic dragons tend to keep to their own kind unless things are forced upon them. Metalic dragons are the ones that get that special polymorph capability that LET them mate freely with other beasts, true, a few chromatic dragons have the ability as well, but mostly just metalic/gem type dragons.

2nd off... good lord man. If you are going to play a dragon, everything is set into stone that you can do. There is no guesswork on how powerful something is. It's this or that, no in between and no fluxuation. Your "ancestorial flame" isn't some random encumberance that catches random things on fire. Even if focused on, at Blue's age category, you wouldnt be able to do much, prince or not. Just because you think yer royalty, doesn't make you stronger than any other dragon out there. It doesn't grant you special abilities outside of your race nor some supernatural control over the abilities that you have. It just means that when negotiations come into play, you might have a itty bit more push or pull because of your birth status.

3rd ... When someone clearly states that they are doing something, it's best to respond in kind, not rush headfirst into a situation that someone has already obviously stated the group cannot handle. That would have been like me trying to fight the necromancer and the dread cleric by my lonesome. Not going to accomplish much more than getting the party killed. The party, as in this case, is going to assume you've gone off yer rocker and either kill you or knock you the punk out so you cant do whatever it is you are trying to do.

4th... how busy your week was shouldnt weigh on your ability to read and respond. If it's that bad, that stressful, that you cant read a post that was made and respond to it in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of what someone else's action was, then perhaps...just maybe... you shouldn't bother to try to post. Send a note to the DM saying "Too stressed, too overworked, please NPC me until I can return." Blatantly ignoring your party's actions is just going to tick us off and we'll gank you. Mika has no problems with murdering someone in their sleep, even if it will make her look like an evil bastard.

SELMER.... what the hell were you thinking?! Crazy god for your deity?! COME DOWN TO EARTH MAN!.... at least you didn't choose barstool, then we would have to gank you.....several times over. lmao...nice rp on it though, i'll give you that.

Tarrik....the evil druid guy. Greatness.... remind me not to let Mika sleep with both eyes shut. You tackle her with the "OH THANK GODS SHE'S BACK!" persona...makes me kinda wonder what hell the rest of them were putting him through.

Ningel.... not much to say... that I haven't already said to your face. um....keep up the distracted "I have no idea what's going on!" portrayal. It fits you.

DM.... Taking White Bolt out gives me no choice other than to step up as party lead, unless Tarrik wants to come right out and maul Mika for it. If White Bolt came out of his ascention without killing Blue, who we could already adimantly see was pissing him off to no end... I'll be suprised. If White Bolt doesn't hunt down the rest of the party and eat the remaining fleas, I'll be suprised. He seemed to be too short tempered and ready to kill the lot of them. BTW...i'll have my updated character for you asap....

joe b

Jul 24, 2009, 9:06:18 AM7/24/09
Waffle...define exactly who the idiot is. There are too many out wandering around to point a random finger. Since I don't see you actively portraying a toon... maybe you should just see your way out of this situation.
yes that was to me...
As for the Kossuth thing, I wanted the fire domain and currently I am ready Unclean,Undead,Unholy by Richard Lee Briar which works with Kossuth as their diety(btw BEST BOOKS EVER!) and it seemed like a good choice


Jul 24, 2009, 10:33:15 AM7/24/09


Jul 24, 2009, 2:59:19 PM7/24/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Actually, Selmer chose a _fanatical_ deity, not a crazy one.
Trust me when I say that it will haunt him.

(Barstool = Tharsadoon, the insane god from the ~Temple of Elemental
Evil~ series)
Even saying his real name can drive the PC crazy – thus the
alternative name of Barstool to indirectly refer to him.

Mika - your doing a fair job of playing a Thief (a Rogue cares about
other's lives a little more) – keep it up. Remember that being a
Leader takes practice, patience, and dedication: and I hope that the
Player behind her will remain in the game, through thick and thin – so
that only RL problems interferes with posting.

Waffle- as Mika asked, please take the time to be specific about whom
you are writing about.

Joe – Tarrik is interesting in a fight, but needs more personality out
of that to really show his Alignment.

Selmer – Remember to keep the brotherly rivalry mostly OoC – the
conflicts that happen should come from the personal reasons that
>your< character would have for why they compete against, or verbally
(or even physically) fight each other. Alignment differences can be
one key to use, but this means that each of you are able to observe
the actions, and ask for explanations for why – and then develop
deeper feelings about these things as time goes on.

To All Players
– while it is alright to email me with RL problem information about
why you are not posting, please remember to also place that
information into the Feedback thread. This will let everyone
(including me, without email it) know. Also, I dislike running someone
else's Character, and most times will simply remove them from the Game
area the rest of the Party is in.

When you return, you can create an interesting story to explain what
your character did to gain enough EXP to be the same “Rank”* as the
rest of the party. This can be done via email, with me.
* Read the new Page “Roleplaying” for details.
The Message posted by me (above) was originally sent to the email that
is listed for Blue Scales.
If he did not get it, that is not my fault.

I placed the message here, because Blue Scales kept posting as if
nothing had affected Blue Flames.
And that he could simply 'escape his fate' by placing a couple of a
single paragraph postings to the site.
I can allow a >responsible< Player to be a Dragon.
Being a Dragon is (at least) a +4 Race, added to Hit Dice give you

Actually, there are several different kinds of True Dragon:

Chomatic – those found in the D&D Monster Manual.
Metalic – also found in the D&D Monster Manual.
Gem – found in the D&D Monster Manual Two.
Oriental – found in the Oriental Adventures and related books.
Planar – Dragons native to another dimension. Ex: Shadow; Styx.
Linnorm – these are based on the Norse myths. Found in the MM2.
Epic – Dragons that are far more powerful then those normally
encountered by Mortals.
Other – any dragon that does not fit anywhere else. Ex: Fang Dragon;
Elemental – Based on a single element, these were found in the old
AD&D Monstrous Compendiums.
I would have to find and convert them into D&D 3.5. Not sure when I
can find the time to do so.

In my game (only) – All Dragons have the ability to Shapechange, it's
just how often they can do it that matters. Using the Game Rules, this
ability was granted by IO, the 'Father of Dragons', for survival,
because they were being hunted to extinction by Adventurers and others
seeking Glory, Fame, Power from their body parts, or Treasure.

There are other things that Dragons can do to increase the number of
times they can do it.
Feats, and Sacrifices being the two easiest means. Good Dragons
sacrifice valuable items, Evil Dragons sacrifice sentient beings to
their more powerful kindred, or deities.

Quite frankly (no offense meant to Frank) when Blue Scales first told
me about Blue Flames, it sounded interesting enough to allow him to
give it a try.
Sadly, he has not achieved anywhere near the potential of the

Not sure why he went with the persona of an Emo for a Dragon PC, who
suddenly bursts into a super powerful (DBZ) persona with no warning,
or real reason.
For the rest of those reading, here are a few explanations for some
things desylverwyrm and I posted.

DBZ (DragonBall Z) – while the Cartoon Show might be enjoyable to
watch, this term is actually more often being used to be an insult. (I
watched it, and far preferred the original Dragonball series.)

“DBZ-ing” = Players that use short descriptions for power use that do
not list anything that are within the Game Rules. “I use my powers to
win (and/or) break free.” along with what they think is a cool stance.
But not anything on >how these powers work<, how they can be
_countered_, or avoided, or negated. No person is so skilled, or
powerful, that they cannot be defeated.

This Site is not based on the Game of “I win.”
If it was – then victory would automatically fall to ME.
DragonDM don't play that! :D ** LoL !! **
Most RPGs are actually more dependent on Skills to grant the character
In this term: “Skills” relate to everything that gives a benefit to
the PC: Base Attack Bonus, Saves, Skill points, Feats, Tricks, Armor
Worn, magical equipment, etc. D&D relies on Levels to grant each Class
their Skills for power. Powers are those things that some classes have
access to – Be they Wizard (Arcane) Spells, Cleric (Divine) Prayers,
or Psionic Manifestations.

Now the real challenge is to find ways to describe how others see the
use of those Skills and Powers (joke = AD&D 2e book) by your

Instead of posting: “I cut their head off.” - and nothing else, you
have to post things that are indirect:
EX: “Joe (the Human Fighter of Fifth Rank) swings his bastard sword
with precision, seeking to time his blow to fall between the defense
of the enemy's swinging weapon, while hoping to pierce their armor, as
well. I pull my sword as far back behind me as I can, then place both
hands on the hilt for better control when penetrating flesh and bone,
I also put all the weight of my body, and muscle, behind the thrust.”

Now that we have the description, we need the Game Rule that supports
it. This is usually posted at the bottom of everything that relates
to the In Character (First Person View) post.

[Attack Roll (Ex #01: 15) + 0 BaB + 4 Str + 1 Weapon Focus + 3 magic =
{If hits Damage = (Average of 1d10) 5 + 6 Str + 2 Weapon
Specialization + 3 magic + 10 Power Attack = 26}

Short Out of Character (OoC) notes can also be placed at the bottom of
the post.
Longer OoC posts should be placed in here (Feedback).
(Most of the Players here already know this, but it needs to be said,
in case we get new arrivals.)

The one controlling the target of the above attack gets to determine
the effect that it has, but has to still follow the Game Rules. In
other words, if the Orc's Armor Class was only 22, then the attack
would hit, and they would take damage. If the Orc still survived the
damage, the Player could say that the sword pieced his chest, but
missed his heart and lungs. And then they could attempt a
counterattack the Fighter.

[I hope that this post made sense, since I was rushed and placed
things as I thought of them.]

(To the older Players – thanks for reading all of this.)


Jul 24, 2009, 7:38:22 PM7/24/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs

Hello all. I know I haven't been a reliable player, and I apologies.
I've been trying to keep up with the posts, the feedback more than
anything else, and it seems things are a little rocky, but otherwise
good. I think I'm getting to the point where I'll be able to post once
or twice a day, sometimes more, so if you'll all let me (Especial the
DM), I'd like to try again. And again, I'd like to make a new
character. I'll come up with something reasonable, and run it through
DragoDM before continuing.

Thank you, and have a good day.

Sincerely, Saraphym.

P.S. DragoonDM, please feel free to e-mail me with any details you
think I might not have caught, that I need to, while I was neglecting
the site. Anyone else feel free to e-mail me as well, I don't mind.

Blue Scales

Jul 28, 2009, 1:41:33 AM7/28/09
Sick, sore throat will post when I can, oh and I FUCKING HATE WINTER, my room gets so cold I feel like an ice dragon sometimes and yet I don't know how I can stand it.

Find your next place with Ninemsn property Looking for a place to rent, share or buy this winter?


Jul 28, 2009, 5:23:06 PM7/28/09
Dude...i dont know where you are...but it's not winter where i'm at....for one. for two...lets keep that sort of language .. nonexistant in this group.

Blue Scales

Jul 30, 2009, 7:33:21 PM7/30/09
Well for one I'm in Australia and second can we please at least have a link going to the group other wise I'll be replying via email and not in thr group it self.

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 16:23:06 -0500
Subject: Re: Feedback


Aug 1, 2009, 6:35:53 PM8/1/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Blue - I agree with DeSylverWyrm. Keep the foul language off the
You can imply these things with ^%#%$# and F@*& and other such things.

Also of note - check your email, I sent you a Character Sheet with a
Human Fighter.
I also sent you the Link to this Site, so that you can gain direct
access to here.

Blue Scales

Aug 1, 2009, 11:17:40 PM8/1/09
OK ok I will and I'm now sick with a sore throat and running nose

> Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 15:35:53 -0700
> Subject: Re: Feedback
> From:
> To:


Aug 2, 2009, 9:44:45 PM8/2/09
sorry to hear that yer sick man....try some lemon juice and honey. mix a touch of ground clove in it, drink it down and it should help with the sore throat. runny nose....i've got nothing for as of yet.....

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Blue Scales <> wrote:
OK ok I will and I'm now sick with a sore throat and running nose

> Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 15:35:53 -0700
> Subject: Re: Feedback

Blue Scales

Aug 3, 2009, 12:58:50 AM8/3/09
Lucky you but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow which is good and then I have dential appointment the next week

Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 20:44:45 -0500

Joseph Beland

Aug 6, 2009, 1:49:05 AM8/6/09
HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and so is my bro, but more importantly
IM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 9, 2009, 12:08:14 PM8/9/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Welcome back - Tarrik and Selmer !!!
Please post as soon as you can, it's been awhile sinse anyone has.
Blue Scales: Should you actually take the time to read this:
I am reposting the email that I sent to you, here,
because you seem to be determined to ignore it.
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:42 PM, by DragonDM

Quite frankly, I shall need to be more then a little blunt, here.
{Indicatates New modifications}

I'm a lot nicer then either Tom or Desylverywyrm, and far more patient
then they are.
Please read and carefully consider everything that is written and
contained here
- including the Fighter Character sheet that is attached.

First, get better. I really hope that this is soon.

Second, make sure that you will have the time to read all of the
things that are posted into the Site since the last time you posted,
each time you return to the Site.

All of the things that happen in these posts directly affect what
happens in the rest of the Dungeon, and can even change what goes in
everywhere else in the Site.
What your Character does affects what the other Player Characters are
going to do, and their actions affect your Character, as well as the
Monsters/Bad Guy's actions.

It is not acceptable for you to keep ignoring their posts.

While I cannot force you to play another Character, I really doubt
that any of the other Players on the Site will respond to any posts
that you make for Blue Flames, and I cannot make them do so. {See

Everyone there believes that you need more experience playing a Basic
Character, before you try to return to the Advanced Character Concept
that is Blue Flames.

Playing a Dragon {or any other "Monster" Race} Character in a group of
mostly basic Races is like trying to play a Horde Character (Blood
Elf, Orc, Tauran, Troll, or Undead) trying to be friends with any of
the Allied Races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Draenei, [D&D] Halfling,
[D&D] Half-Elf, or [D&D] Half-Orc.) in the World of Warcraft. Even
when with the Burning Crusades allowing individuals of these two
factions to co-exist in the same party, it did not change the
reactions of any of the NPCs of the World. In point of fact, it should
have penalized those that traveled with the 'unacceptable Races' - but
there are limits to what can be programmed in.

This is muliplied a thousand times over in the Game World that I run.
While I do not force anyone playing a Charcter to behave in a specific
fashion, I do encourage these kind of conflicts between Characters
(Dwarves should not like Orcs, and vice versa) - so long as it does
not fall into Personal Attacks or Flamining Wars between the Members
of the site.

My Dragon's Den Site is meant to challange the Players every bit as
much as The Dungeon challenges their Characters.

If you have any questions, let me and the Assistant DMs know.
One of us will be able to respond.

In conclusion, and Blunt Honesty - everyone now knows that Blue Scales
(The Player) is no longer allowed to play Blue Flames (the Character)
- and are free to ignore any posts that Blue Scales makes with that

I created, and sent to you [Blue Scales] Gi Joe: the Human 5th level
Fighter - which is now posted to the site.

Also, the other Members are not going to be stopped from attacking and
attempting to kill Blue Flames: I shall only make sure that Game Rules
are followed, when they do this. And unless Blue Scales actually
places Game Related Information into the post to support his
responses, then I shall then sit down and figure these things out for
him. Death of Blue Flames shall result in Blue Scales' immediate
removal from the Site -> See below.

If you [Blue Scales] have not changed your posts to this new Character
by the end of the month, then you will most likely be removed from the
site; by one of the Moderators, if not me. Not banned - so you can ask
to come back in, when you are ready to do as you are asked, not only
by the other members of the Site,
but the Site's DM and Owner - me: DragonDM.

Being in a Group means playing by the Rules - or not being allowed to
Seriously: Don't make me babysit any of you - I have better things to
do with my time.


Aug 10, 2009, 1:52:15 PM8/10/09
to Dragons Den and Lairs
Here is the link for the site - just in case you needed it.

Blue Scales

Aug 11, 2009, 4:05:49 AM8/11/09
thank you and I'll post as soon as I'm finish and I'm thinking of keeping my dragon character but how does making him a villain sounds

> Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 10:52:15 -0700
> Subject: Re: Feedback
> From:
> To:

Joseph Beland

Aug 11, 2009, 6:42:04 PM8/11/09
dont put that on the feedback, I dont want to know what things the DM has up his sleeve
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