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Re: Found 8 (at Sodom-50-195 => Gerar-74 and 1000) - Re: Heaven-Break - Was: Når det er tid at gå

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Kall, Mogens

Oct 5, 2023, 3:48:06 AM10/5/23
Re: Found 8 (at Sodom-50-195 => Gerar-74 and 1000) -
Re: Heaven-Break - Was: Når det er tid at gå

File 25.635 ...


Den 04-10-2023 kl. 09:31 skrev Kall, Mogens:

Subject: Found 8 (at Sodom-50-195 => Gerar-74 and 1000) -
Re: Heaven-Break - Was: Når det er tid at gå
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2023 09:31:12 +0200
Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ
25632 <ufj4c1$28kq$>
> Den 01-10-2023 kl. 13:45 skrev Kall, Mogens:
> Subject: Re: Heaven-Break - Was: Når det er tid at gå
> Newsgroups:
> News:dk.livssyn.kristendom
> Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2023 13:45:07 +0200
> Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ
> 25622 <ufbm47$1hs32$>
> Abraham-koden
> Adultery (hor)
> >
>> (
>> What does Genesis 20:1 mean?
>> ... They settle in Gerar, between Kadesh and Shur. Gerar was
>> south of Gaza, near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, ...
>> Google-auto-translation:
>> ... De slår sig ned i Gerar, mellem Kadesj og Shur. Gerar lå
>> syd for Gaza, nær kysten af Middelhavet ...
>> =>
>> Gerar (Gerar)
>> (
>> DATA-memory on:
>> Zoara
>> 31.046944, 35.5025
>> (Zoom)
>> 23,2121 km to Sodom (Bab edh-Dhra)
>> 22,5738 km to Sodom-50-115-193
>> 64,8655 km to Hebron, Cave of the Patriarchs, Makpelas hule
>> 65,2036 km to Hebron-test-3 (50,0000 km to Sodom-test-3)
>> 68,0786 km to Hebron, Mamre
>> 85,1516 km to Temple, Jerusalem
>> 91,8116 km to Tell Jericho
>> 113,9750 km to Shiloh
>> 131,3974 km to Shechem (Sikem)
>> 434,7537 km to Sphinx
>> )
>> Gerar
>> Tel Haror
>> 31.3817, 34.6069
>> 50,2026 km to Hebron-test-3 (50,0000 km to Sodom-test-3)
>> 50,3691 km to Hebron, Cave of the Patriarchs, Makpelas hule
>> 51,1137 km to Hebron, Mamre
>> 74,0677 km to Temple, Jerusalem
>> 88,5192 km to Sodom-test-3
>> 88,6289 km to Sodom-50-115-193
>> 89,2243 km to Sodom (Bab edh-Dhra)
>> 92,9482 km to Zoara
>> 96,1329 km to Tell Jericho
>> 98,9482 km to Shiloh
>> 112,3725 km to Shechem (Sikem)
>> 366,7553 km to Sphinx
>> 11.656,1082 km to Crater-3447
>> 11.656,1082 * 600 / 40.030,2361 = 174,70955961 Global-600-units
>> Found "near" as a *birdline* between Gerar-Jerusalem-Jericho
>> Found around 25 km between Jerusalem_Jerusalem-lat-0_Jericho
>> On Gerar-Jericho-line, Jerusalem-lat-0
>> 31.75899686008474, 35.25053997193023
>> 2,5550 km to Temple, Jerusalem
>> 24,6884 km from Temple to Jericho via Jerusalem-lat-0
>> 22,1334 km to Tell Jericho
>> 73,9995 km to Gerar
>> Hmm ...
>> 74 ?
>> Hmm ... (memory on from) ...
>> Markpointers, Abraham-code
>> Found no other markpointer-74 (at Abraham-code), yet!
>> (
>> More search:
>> Gerar (Gerar)
>> 74,0677 km to Temple, Jerusalem
>> On Gerar-Jericho-line, Jerusalem-lat-0
>> 2,5550 km to Temple, Jerusalem
>> =>
>> 74,0677 / 2,5550 = 28,989...
>> Hmm ... 29 ?
>> (74,0677 + 2,5550) / 2,5550 = 29,98931507
>> Compare with ...
>> Subject: ½-life of 78-Pt-193 = 49,9588276561881 years ? -
>> Re: Found 78 -
>> Re: Found 193 (Measure Isotop 78-Pt-193 ?) i.r.t.
MW1-Shiloh-lat-0 -
>> Re: Abraham-koden, Part 2
>> Newsgroups:
>> News:dk.videnskab
>> Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 09:03:29 +0200
>> Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ
>> 25546 <ud3vg1$1bc3i$>
>> Abraham-koden
>> >
>> > ½-life of 78-Pt-193 = 49,9588276561881 years ?
>> 49,9588276561881 * 360/600 = 29,97529659371286
>> (
>> Delta:
>> 29,98931507 - 29,97529659371286 = 0,01401847628714
>> )
>> =>
>> (29,97529659371286 * 2,5550) - 2,5550 = 74,0318827969363573
>> Was:____________________________________74,0677
>> Delta:___________________________________0,03581 km
>> 35,8 meter
>> Hmm ...
>> 36 meter kan nok IKKE bortforklares, selvom Tel Haror IKKE er
>> helt præcist opmålt!
>> Hmm ... (memory on from) ...
>> 16
>> Til Sara sagde han: „Jeg giver din bror 1000 sølvstykker i
>> erstatning for det, som er overgået dig. Så regner jeg med,
>> at vi er kvit.”
>> =>
>> 1000 / 2,5550 = 391,38943249...
>> 1000 / 74 = 13,51351351...
>> 1000 / 74,0677 = 13,50116177...
>> Nå!
>> =>
>> 1000 / 13,5 = 74,07407407
>> Was:__________74,0677
>> Delta:-________0,00637...
>> Unøjagtigheden nu blot på sølle 6,37 meter
>> )
> Notat
> 2023-10-03, Tuesday, CET 21:17
> Find - if possible - Galactic-latitude of ET-Homestar
> (8,049132769 Global-600-units)
> (
> De 195,6518 Globale-600-enheder (i galaktisk længdegrad) er
> nogenlunde sikre, mens der hersker fortsat nogen usikkerhed mht.
> de 8,049132769 Globale-600-enheder.
> )
> 74,0677 / 2,5550 = 28,989315068
> 195,6518 / 8,049132769 = 24,307190056
> ______________195 / 74 = 2,635135135
> 8 * 195 / 74 = 21,081081081
> 8,049132769 * 195 / 74 = 21,210552567
> 8,049132769 * 195,6518 / 74 = 21,281450199
> 8,049132769 * 195,6518 / 75 = 20,997697529
> 8,050015384 * 195,6518 / 75 = 20,999999999
> 8,050015384 * 195,6518 = 1575 = 21 * 75
> 8,050015384 * 195,6518 * 2 = 3150 = 2 * 21 * 75
> 8,050015384 * 195,6518 * 2 = "Pi" * 1000 = 2 * 21 * 75
> ____________________________________focus
> Genesis 20,16 ... Sara ... 1000 Sølvstykker
> 3,15 / 2,555 = 90 / 73
> ______________focus
> Genesis 17,17 ... Abraham = 99 år, Sara = 90 år
> Delta 99-90 = 9
> "½-life" 18 = 9
> Found maybe markpointer-18
> (
> Input Daniel-koden-1260-1290-1335
> 1260, Counter = 0 (and/or -2½)
> 1290, Counter = 1 (and/or -1½)
> 1335, Counter = 2,5 (and/or 0)
> 1575, Counter = 10,5 (and/or 8)
> )
> =>
> 3,14159265359 * 1000 = 2 * 195,6518 * ?
> 3,14159265359 * 1000 / (2 * 195,6518) = 8,028529903
> 22/7 * 1000 / (2 * 195,6518) = 8,031761381
> Was:____________________________________8,049132769
> 3,14965462939 * 1000 / (2 * 195,6518) = 8,049132769
> Delta:
> 3,14965462939 - 3,14159265359 = 0,0080619758
> (
> (205 - 75) = 130
> (205 - 75) * 360/600 = 78
> )
> (
> (187 - 57) = 130
> (187 - 57) * 360/600 = 78
> )
> =>
> 21 * 74 = 1554
> 21 * 74 / 8 = 194,25
> 21 * 74 / 195 = 7,96923077
> 21 * 74 / 195,6518 = 7,94268185
> (
> 21 * 75 = 1575
> 21 * 75 / 8 = 196,875
> 21 * 75 / 195 = 8,07692308
> 21 * 75 / 195,6518 = 8,05001538
> )
> -
> 74,0677 + 2,5550 = 76,6227
> 195 / 2,5550 = 76,3209393346380
> 195,7709985 / 2,5550 = 76,6227
> 195,6518 / 2,5550 = 76,5760469667319
> 195,6518 / ? = ?
> 195,6518 / 2,55253490 = 76,6499999666998
> -
> 74,0677 / 2,5550 = 28,9893150684932
> 76,5760469667319 / 2,55253490 = 29,9999999869666
> 76,6499999666998 / 2,55253490 = 30,0289723626109
> 195,6518 / 30 = 6,5217266...
> 195,6518 / 29 = 6,7466137931034
> 30 / 195,6518 = 0,1533336263709
> 76,5760469667319 * 2,5550 = 195,6518
> 76,5760469667319 * (76,5760469667319 / 30) = 195,46303230
> 76,5760469667319^2 / 30 = 195,46303230
> 76,576046967^2 / 30 = 195,46303230
> 76,57604697^2 / 30 = 195,46303232
> 76,576057^2 / 30 = 195,46308352
> 76,5761^2 / 30 = 195,46330304
> 76,58^2 / 30 = 195,48321333
> 76,59^2 / 30 = 195,53427
> 76,60^2 / 30 = 195,58533333
> 76,61^2 / 30 = 195,63640333
> 76,611^2 / 30 = 195,6415107
> 76,612^2 / 30 = 195,64661813
> 76,613^2 / 30 = 195,65172563
> 76,6130145^2 / 30 = 195,651799693
> ______________________________________________________________
> 76,61301455^2 / 30 = 195,6517999479504
> ______________________________________________________________
> 76,6130146^2 / 30 = 195,651800203
> 76,6130149^2 / 30 = 195,651801736
> 76,613015^2 / 30 = 195,651802246
> 76,613019^2 / 30 = 195,651822676
> 76,61302^2 / 30 = 195,651827784
> 76,61304^2 / 30 = 195,651929935
> 76,61305^2 / 30 = 195,651981010
> 76,61305^2 / 30 = 195,651981010
> 76,6131^2 / 30 = 195,652236387
> =>
> 76,61301455 / 30 = 2,55376715166...
> Was:_______________2,5550
> Delta:_____________0,00123284833...
> Unøjagtigheden nu nede på blot sølle 1,23 meter
> and ...
> 195,6518 / 2,55376715166 = 76,61301457...
> 76,61301455 * 29/30 = 74,05924739833...
> Was:__________________74,0677
> Delta:_________________0,00845260166...
> Unøjagtigheden nu nede på blot sølle 8,45 meter
> =>
> 21 * 74 / 195,6518 = 7,94268185
> 21 * 76,61301455 * 29/30 / 195,6518 = 7,94904108
> 7,94904108 * 195,6518/(21*76,61301455*29/30) = 1,00000000013563
> 8,049132769 * 195,6518/(21*76,61301455*29/30) = 1,01259166848987
> 1,01259166848987 / (1,01259166848987 -1) = 80,41759274
> Compare with Big-Bang-DATA:________________80,42166667
> Delta:______________________________________0,00407393
> =>
> 80,41759274 * (1,01259166848987 -1) = 1,012591668..
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259 -1) = 1,0125087833753
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591 -1) = 1,01258920504197
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259101 -1) = 1,0125900092586367
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102 -1) = 1,0125908134753034
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022 -1) = 1,01259097431863674
> 80,42166667 * (1,0125910225 -1) = 1,012591014529470075
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102251 -1) = 1,0125910153336867417
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102252 -1) = 1,0125910161379034084
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102257 -1) = 1,0125910201589867419
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102258 -1) = 1,0125910209632034086
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102259 -1) = 1,0125910217674200753
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022593 -1) = 1,01259102200868507531
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022596 -1) = 1,01259102224995007532
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022599 -1) = 1,01259102249121507533
> 80,42166667 * (1,0125910226 -1) = 1,012591022571636742
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102260035 -1) = 1,0125910225997843253345
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022600356 -1)= 1,01259102260026685533452
> _________________________________________________________
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022600357 -1)= 1,01259102260034727700119
> ______________________________________1,012591022600357
> _________________________________________________________
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022600358 -1)= 1,01259102260042769866786
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022600359 -1)= 1,01259102260050812033453
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102260036 -1) = 1,0125910226005885420012
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259102260039 -1) = 1,0125910226030011920013
> 80,42166667 * (1,0125910226004 -1) = 1,012591022603805408668
> 80,42166667 * (1,0125910226005 -1) = 1,012591022611847575335
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591022601 -1) = 1,01259102265205840867
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591023 -1) = 1,01259105474030341
> 80,42166667 * (1,012591024 -1) = 1,01259113516197008
> 80,42166667 * (1,0125911 -1) = 1,012597247208637
> 80,42166667 * (1,012592 -1) = 1,01266962670864
> 80,42166667 * (1,01259166848987 -1) = 1,01264...
> 80,42166667 * (1,012596 -1) = ...
> 80,42166667 * (1,012596 -1) = 1,01299131337532
> 80,42166667 * (1,0126 -1) = 1,013313000042
> =>
> (
> 7,94904108 * 195,6518/(21*76,61301455*29/30) = 1,00000000013563
> 8,049132769 * 195,6518/(21*76,61301455*29/30) = 1,01259166848987
> )
> 8,049132769 * 195,6518/(21*76,61301455*29/30) = 1,01259166848987
> 8,049132769 * 195,6518/(21* ? *29/30) = 1,012591022600357
> 8,049132769 * 195,6518 /21/29*30 / 1,012591022600357 =
> 76,6130634182417
> 7,94904108 * 195,6518/(21* 76,61301455 *29/30) = 1
> ? * 195,6518/(21* 76,6130634182417 *29/30) = 1
> 1 / (195,6518/(21* 76,6130634182417 *29/30) ) = 7,949046149
> =>
> (
> 21 * 74 / 195,6518 = 7,94268185
> )
> 7,94268185 * 195,6518 / 21 = 74,0000000371348
> 7,949046149 * 195,6518 / 21 = 74,0592946349961
> _______________________________________________________________
> 2023-10-04, Wednesday
> Koden viser sig at være meget *simpel* (hvilket er TYPISK for
> hele ET-Bible-koden:
> _______74 * 8 = 592
> 600 - (74 * 8) = 8
> and ...
> 600 / 8 = 75
> Abraham er 99 år, da hændelsen indtræffer, men OM han er 99,0
> eller 99,99 siges der INTET om!
> Og da han dør i en alder af 175, og vi bruger dette som
> *målepunkt*, da bliver regnestykket omtrent:
> 175 - 100 = 75
> Konklusion:
> 8-taller anvendes altså i BEGGE sammenhæng, apropos det
> *efterlyste* markørtal:
> Find - if possible - Galactic-latitude of ET-Homestar
> (8,049132769 Global-600-units)
> Desværre blev tallet IKKE præciseret, hvilket ellers var ønsket!

Ud for Gerar er der en anden markør:

>> Gerar
>> Tel Haror
>> 31.3817, 34.6069
>> 50,2026 km to Hebron-test-3 (50,0000 km to Sodom-test-3)
>> 50,3691 km to Hebron, Cave of the Patriarchs, Makpelas hule
>> 51,1137 km to Hebron, Mamre
>> 74,0677 km to Temple, Jerusalem
>> 88,5192 km to Sodom-test-3
>> 88,6289 km to Sodom-50-115-193
>> 89,2243 km to Sodom (Bab edh-Dhra)
>> 92,9482 km to Zoara
>> 96,1329 km to Tell Jericho
>> 98,9482 km to Shiloh
>> 112,3725 km to Shechem (Sikem)
>> 366,7553 km to Sphinx
>> 11.656,1082 km to Crater-3447

Der er næsten 99 km (98,9482 km) to Shiloh, og ifølge Bibelen
er Abraham på det tidspunkt 99 år ...

99 år (Gen 17,1) ...

Gerar (Gen 20,1)

100 år (Gen 21.5)

Herved *udpeges* Shiloh (som en art *målepunkt*), apropos fundet
at 78-50-115-193 km (i forlængelse af Shiloh) og dermed en fin
hentydning til isotopet 78-Platin-193 (115 neutroner) med ½-life
på 50 år ...

Subject: [ New Jericho position ]
Re: Found 78 -
Re: Found 193 (Measure Isotop 78-Pt-193 ?) i.r.t. MW1-Shiloh-lat-0 -
Re: Abraham-koden, Part 2
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2023 18:11:50 +0200
Organization: The Kingdom of Heaven, Department Fools of Christ
25543 <ud2b86$1017q$>

Bemærkelsesværdigt er det derfor OGSÅ, at Shiloh ligger næsten
på *fuglelinje* med Gerar og Mount Ararat.

Afvigelsen fra fuglelinjen er på ca. ...

35,291982770645085 32,05419238744909
32.05419238744909, 35.291982770645085
271,36 m (890,29 fod) to Shiloh
98,9480 km to Gerar
1.174,3437 km to M.Ararat

98,9480 / 0,27136 = 364,6373820754717

Omtrent ca. 1 år (apropos 78-Pt-193, ½-life = 50 år)

Kanske de 98,9480 km (fremfor + 52 meter = 99,0000 km) er en fin
lille hentydning til tallet 50

Hmm ...

HVORFOR ikke helt præcist 1 år ?

Upræcis opmåling (af Gerar) og/eller at M.Ararat har ændret
sin position (i de forgange 3447 år) pga., at de tektoniske
plader har forskubber sig med tiden?

1 år:
Mass Electron, Proton and Neutron. See fx. ...

98,9480 / 360 = 0,2748555555556
Electron * 1000/(Proton * 2)= 0,2723085106949
Electron * 1000/(Neutron* 2)= 0,2719336722850
98,9480 / 364 = 0,2718351648351
98,9480 / 364,6373820754717 = 0,27136
98,9480 / 365 = 0,2710904109589
98,9480 / 365,25 = 0,2709048596851
98,9480 / 365,256363004 = 0,2709001403459


98,9480 / 364,6373820754717 = 0,27136
98,9480 / 365,256363004 = 0,2709001403459
______________________________0,0004598596541 km

Unøjagtigheden på i alt 0,46 meter

Electron * 1000/(Neutron* 2)= 0,2719336722850
98,9480 / 365,256363004 = 0,2709001403459
______________________________0,0010335319391 km

Unøjagtigheden på i alt 1,03 meter

Electron * 1000/(Proton * 2)= 0,2723085106949
98,9480 / 365,256363004 = 0,2709001403459
______________________________0,001408370349 km

Unøjagtigheden på i alt 01,41 meter


Så præcis er opmålingen ikke, at der kan skelnes mellem ting på
blot sølle ½-1 meter.

Hmm ...

1.174,3437 / 0,27136 = 4.327,62271521
1.174,3437 / 98,9480 = 11,86829143

2,5550 / 0,27136 = 9,41553656
74,0677 / 0,27136 = 272,94995578

1.174,3437 / 2,5550 = 459,62571429
98,9480 / 2,5550 = 38,72720157

Found nothing, yet!

Un moment, s'il vous plaît!

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
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Coming up news: Iran hit by a Asteroid. Iran is no more (Jer.49,34-) ?
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