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Rosie Terry

Jan 28, 2015, 11:02:15 PM1/28/15
How to create a Django Blog Post?

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 12:13 AM, <> wrote:
詹上潁 <>: Jan 27 11:00PM -0800

My project need an admin for staff and a normal website for normal user.
Staff can only login to staffsite and normal user can only login to
website. Staff will login to admin to do some ...more
Russell Keith-Magee <>: Jan 28 08:26PM +0800

> keep one copy of code.
> This design is work, but I want to know whether there is a better way to
> meet the requirements.
Yes, this approach will work. It might be the best approach if you ...more
vaibhav jain <>: Jan 28 02:44AM -0800

Need help with this django-unique-constaint-not-working
suhail areekkan <>: Jan 27 09:45PM -0800

I am new in django how i start a django server for an android application.
chj <>: Jan 28 01:42AM -0800

I'm having a quite large Django project with dozens of apps and many
reusable third-party libraries. All the custom management commands (being
used with <command>) take a long ...more
"163 email" <>: Jan 28 11:08AM +0800

i'm new to django. i'm try using django1.7 with jquery ,bootstrap.
Now i have a webpage , i want:
when click a link , there is a new popup window, and form with data from database ...more
"Rafael E. Ferrero" <>: Jan 28 08:30AM -0300

IMHO - You can't find anything in Django because it's not a Django problem.
The popup windows you can do it a little of javascript [1] and for print
you can do a button in html and use javascript ...more
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:00PM -0800

Would it make sense to simply keep a record of when the last time you've
seen the user is?
On Friday, January 23, 2015 at 4:43:41 AM UTC-5, Tobias Dacoir wrote:
Tobias Dacoir <>: Jan 28 01:58AM -0800

Yes that would be enough. I know in the User Model there is last_login but
that is only updated when the User actually logs in. And the signal from
django-allauth is also only send when the user ...more
Jeremy Hermelin <>: Jan 27 06:05AM -0800

Hi everybody,
I'm quite new in Django community. I've just learn the basics of the
framework, and now that I know how to create a "blog-style" website, I'm
wondering how to integrate video ...more
Russell Keith-Magee <>: Jan 28 09:07AM +0800

Hi Jeremy,
What you're trying to tackle here is fairly complex - and for the most
part, won't have anything to do with Django. The capability of capturing
webcam video and sending it will be ...more
Cal Leeming <>: Jan 28 01:24AM

This really isn't something Django can do out of the box, but if
you're looking to get simple video streams integrated into your site,
then perhaps consider using LiveStream embed instead?
Jeremy Hermelin <>: Jan 27 10:32PM -0800

Thank you Russ and Cal for your answers.
I'll take a look at WebRTC that seems to be a revolution in that domain,
and it's a matter of time before it will spread to Safari or IE.
Sergiy Khohlov <>: Jan 28 07:28AM +0200

You can not do it directly. This should be do by JavaScript's using at HTML
side. All field s are added to form and some of them are hidden.
27 січ. 2015 00:29, користувач "Paul Royik" ...more
Karim <>: Jan 28 04:55PM +1100

> You can not do it directly. This should be do by JavaScript's using at
> HTML side. All field s are added to form and some of them are hidden.
​Is not possible to use crispy forms and change ...more
Karim <>: Jan 28 04:02PM +1100

Hi! I would like to render views based on the user. I have some differents
type of users on my app and I would like to create a class like this one
for the view:
class MyView(MyCustomView) # ...more
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:18PM -0800

You should be able to figure out which box is checked from
On Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 11:53:12 PM UTC-5, suabiut wrote:
sum abiut <>: Jan 28 03:55PM +1100

Can someone please guide me here. i am kinda lost, the other part is ok
just the email part i am really lost, please help
here is my the email part is not working
def ...more
Supermario <>: Jan 27 09:53AM -0800

I try to implement this <> hasher
in order to be able to authenticate user who are imported from drupal 7.
So I put the hasher in the as ...more
James Schneider <>: Jan 27 12:04PM -0800

Did you read the comments on that snippet? It appears there may need to be
some extra encoding/decoding needed (example additional code is listed
there), which would make sense given the decoding ...more
Human Bsd <>: Jan 28 03:23AM +0100

Hi James. your hint was actually very inspiring.
After concatenating 'drupal$' to the imported password, I was still unable
to authenticate. Then I realized that the passwords are in unicode but ...more
Akash Nimare <>: Jan 27 01:04PM -0800

Hello everyone. I am using a third party app django-contact-form. It is
working fine but the problem is it does not show my models in admin. I
can't see the data in admin. The docs are very poor. ...more
Karim <>: Jan 28 12:45PM +1100

Can you show us also the view?
Karim N. Gorjux
Vijay Khemlani <>: Jan 27 11:23PM -0300

And I'm not following, contact_form does not provide a ContactForm model,
but you are providing one it seems, but it's on the same contact_form
package as the library itself?
Also, the fact that ...more
sum abiut <>: Jan 28 09:33AM +1100

Hi James,
Thanks very much for shearing your intellect, i really appreciate your
help. It works perfectly well. i want the users who receive the email to be
able to know who have apply for the ...more
sum abiut <>: Jan 28 11:40AM +1100

Thanks James,
I have figure out how to do that. thanks again for your help.
> --
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 01:07PM -0800

Why reset it at the end of your module?
Why not use ugettext_lazy everywhere?
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
(Disclaimer: I've never used translations before :) ...more
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 01:01PM -0800

You could also try the geodjango mailing list if nothing else.
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:58PM -0800

I just tried out your project. Looking at the stacktrace, the test module
is importing forms (before the test starts). The forms module is running a
query on startup for choices.
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:14PM -0800

What database are you using?
If you can reproduce this in a simple project, feel free to open a ticket
about it.
On Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 12:51:31 AM UTC-5, ...more
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:09PM -0800

I use namecheap, but yes, has a nice user interface.
On Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 8:22:33 AM UTC-5, patrickbeeson wrote:
"François Schiettecatte" <>: Jan 27 03:14PM -0500

I would not recommend, they try really hard to upsell you, I use and I have also heard good things about
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:11PM -0800

You could have the images be inline:
class CommentImageInline(models.TabularInline):
model = CommentImage
extra = 0
class CommentAdmin(models.ModelAdmin):
inlines = ...more
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:09PM -0800

What happens when you try?
On Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 3:59:55 AM UTC-5, abhishek kumar wrote:
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:07PM -0800

Something like this might work:
from home.urls import urlpatterns as home_urls
url('^home/', include(list(login_required(x) for x in home_urls)))
On Friday, January 23, ...more
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 12:05PM -0800

The admin doesn't really have a way to do this. You could edit KeyValuePair
inline on Dictionary.
Why not have a "Params" model that has a ForeignKey to Request?
Collin Anderson <>: Jan 27 11:53AM -0800

Use items() instead of iteritems().
On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 11:31:23 AM UTC-5, Frankline wrote:
Tim Graham <>: Jan 27 09:29AM -0800

Today the Django project has issued bugfix releases in the 1.7 and 1.4
release series.
Full details are available on the Django project weblog:
Eugene Goldberg <>: Jan 27 08:01AM -0800

I have the following tastypie resource:
class WorkloadResource(ModelResource):
# blueprints = ManyToManyField(Blueprint, 'blueprints') ...more
Josh Stratton <>: Jan 27 06:41AM -0800

Okay, stupid question, but how do I source django when jusing jython? I
have django installed using pip and jython installed locally. I've built
my project using python and after adding "doj" to ...more
Kadhir Mani <>: Jan 26 11:15PM -0800

what pupose using virtualenv ?if don't use what hapend? what is diff bte
virtualwrpper and virtualenv
George Silva <>: Jan 27 12:10PM -0200

Virtualenv helps you isolate between environments. Imagine that you work
where you need to develop and maintain two applications.
One is written in Django.1.5 and the other one on Django 1.7.
termopro <>: Jan 27 06:13AM -0800

Purpose well, libs clean, u happy.
If don't use, don't use - problem no.
The diff is some syntx sugr/ abilty do thngs ezly.
On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 9:15:19 AM UTC+2, Kadhir Mani wrote:
George Silva <>: Jan 27 01:21PM -0200

what? english, please.
Eric Abrahamsen <>: Jan 27 11:14PM +0800

> Yes.
>> Is it a dumb idea for reasons I haven't thought of?
> No.
Thank you very much!
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