Hi all,
I’m one of the core devs who spent a non-trivial amount of time working on formtools — last to revamp the form wizard implementation there back in 2012 (based ironically on Stephan Jaeckel’s django-formwizard app). And I’ve put a non-trivial amount of time into spinning out another contrib app — localflavor – with a net positive effect. It’s what made me re-evaluate the idea of putting more contrib apps in own repos under the django Github umbrella project. django-localflavor has not only received a README as Russ put it jokingly, but a complete documentation that didn’t exist in that form before and a extensive test suite. This in turn has been possible by many new non-core contributors (38 in total), including some of them who have have received push permissions as well (e.g. Erik Romijn who is now a Django core dev as well).
If there is a chance that some feel like we’re losing an integral part of Django by moving formtools into an own app, I’m not going to pry it from their hands. But if there is more interest in maintaining it outside than inside of Django, I’m happy to help splitting it off.
To me the whole idea of “blessed” apps is nothing more than handwaving right now because there are lots of unanswered hard questions about the blessing process. Such a project would require a community site built, maintainer team and enough lieutenants to make sure it doesn’t diverge too much from Django core development. Heck, it even may require answering the question “What is a good Django app?”, something which is in the spirit of innovation a slippery slop at best. So for now that imaginary “index” is the PyPI, as for any other Python package, and the “blessing” happens by the community via the common tools of public opinion like reviews, blog posts, conference talks, screencasts, etc.
djangopackages.com is capable of being such a platform, I don’t know. As far as I know it’s mostly self-service for the app authors, which is also the reason why it has some incomplete data about app features (the “grids”).
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