Integration of Weasis 3.5.4-rc without weasis-pacs-connector

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Nicolas Roduit

Sep 30, 2019, 10:23:20 AM9/30/19
Weasis 3.5.4-rc allows querying directly the DICOMWeb services of dcm4chee-arc-light. It also works with other PACS with DICOMWeb services like Orthanc.

One of the main features of weasis-pacs-connector is to query the PACS in DICOM C-FIND to obtain the list of UIDs for all images. This is no longer necessary if the query can be done in HTTP directly by the client (pass firewalls).

The integration of Weasis with dcm4chee can therefore be done more simply by:
  1. - installing Weasis 3.5.4-rc 
  2. - configuring dcm4chee viewer url (see below)
dcm4chee-arc unsecure (http):
weasis://$dicom:rs --url "http://HOSTNAME/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs" -r "&patientID={}"  --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" --accept-ext="transfer-syntax=*"
weasis://$dicom:rs --url "http://HOSTNAME/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs" -r "&studyUID={}"  --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" --accept-ext="transfer-syntax=*"

dcm4chee-arc secure (https):
weasis://$dicom:rs --url "http://HOSTNAME/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs" -r "&patientID={}" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" --accept-ext="transfer-syntax=*" -H "Authorization: &access_token={}"
weasis://$dicom:rs --url "http://HOSTNAME/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs" -r "&studyUID={}" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" --accept-ext="transfer-syntax=*" -H "Authorization: &access_token={}"

*HOSTNAME: must be replaced by your value of hostname and port
 --accept-ext="transfer-syntax=*" should be the default value according to the command but there is a bug in 3.5.4-rc. These parameters won't be required with the next releases.

Note: the token is always transported in requests going on the network. Only the locally executed URI contains the token in the URL.


Oct 1, 2019, 3:44:23 AM10/1/19
to dcm4che
I am searching the patient ID but weasis is not retrieving any data. Here is my URL:

weasis://$dicom:rs --url " DCM4CHEE /rs" -r "&patientID=730040" --query-ext "&includedefaults=false" --accept-ext="transfer-syntax=*" -H "Authorization: &access_token={}"

Diego Pereira

Oct 1, 2019, 8:09:43 AM10/1/19
to dcm4che
Hi nicolas

How would it be to implement this option in dcm4chee 2.18.3? 
I tried the default configuration of pacs-connector by opening the image from my application, but in internet explorer it doesn't open the link to the weasis (native)
code: http://localhost:8080/weasis-pacs-connector/weasis?studyUID=

Nicolas Roduit

Oct 8, 2019, 2:02:24 AM10/8/19
to dcm4che
I just tried it on IE 11 and it works fine. Which system and browser version are you on?

Diego Pereira

Oct 8, 2019, 7:17:03 AM10/8/19
to dcm4che
I work on IE 11.0.9600.17843. I got this. the weasis pacs connector is default configuration, and in the jmx-console web config the configuration is 
WebviewerNames = weasis
WebviewerBaseUrl = weasis:/weasis-pacs-connector/weasis

Nicolas Roduit

Oct 13, 2019, 3:05:51 PM10/13/19
to dcm4che
There are an issue related to custom URI, see Version:0.9  

I haven't found a workaround that works. The strange thing is entering a URL starting by weasis:// in the URL bar starts Weasis! 

However, It works fine with Edge, Chrome and Firefox.
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