Shapefile for 2011 Roads and Railways in India

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Karan Talathi

Jul 27, 2022, 9:42:34 PM7/27/22
to datameet
Hello everybody,

I am looking for shapefiles (polyline) for roads and railways as of 2011 (or between 2007 - 2013) in India. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated. 

Karan Talathi

Sarath Guttikunda

Jul 27, 2022, 10:32:59 PM7/27/22

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Karan Talathi

Jul 28, 2022, 9:45:26 PM7/28/22
to datameet
Dear Dr. Guttikunda,

Thank you for providing the respective list of potential sources. Below are some comments/questions that I have:

1.) The source in point 1 refers to an OSM file wherein I will have to extract the roads and railways data separately. I am currently using the roads and railways shapefile for India from Digital Chart of the World (vmap0). However, this file was last updated in 1992 and made available to public in 2006. I was interested in obtaining similar files, but for the years after 2007. 
2.) The source in point 4 (SEDAC) also obtains the data for India from vmap0. 
3.) Mapcruzin contains railways and roads data that is based off OSM 2014. While the railways data is comparable to the vmap0 data that I am currently using, the roads data however seems more comprehensive in vmap0 relative to the mapcruzin source. Is mapcruzin an official source? The readme file says cautions the user about the accuracy of the shapefile. 
4.) Is there an official data source (similar to diva-gis or digital chart of the world (vmap0)) that contains railways and roads shapefiles (polyline) for years after 2007?

Thanks in advance for your help with this. I really appreciate it.

Karan Talathi

Harsh Nisar

Jul 30, 2022, 3:48:38 AM7/30/22
to datameet

You may also check out PMGSY Rural Road Connectivity Datasets but I am not sure how you'll get the 2011 snapshot out of it as it has been updated very recently.

Harsh Nisar

sreeram kandimalla

Jul 30, 2022, 8:15:11 PM7/30/22
If you don't mind putting in the effort of digitising some data.. the census 2011 administrative atlases do have major roads and railways data.. not sure how complete they are.

Alternatively, there is also non vector data available from 2004-06 from ..

I have collated the survey of india data as a raster basemap.. details are at

If anyone does want to vectorize the SOI data.. do talk to me before going all out with downloading the data. 

@nisar.harsh it would be nice to have the date of data collection for the individual roads published as well.. and also the method of survey.. if aerial images were used ... Which imagery was involved and from what date. 

sreeram kandimalla

Jul 30, 2022, 8:15:16 PM7/30/22
Just saw this update from the census website terms and conditions -

Material featured on this Portal may be reproduced free of charge after taking proper permission by sending a mail to us. However, the material has to be reproduced accurately and not to be used in a derogatory manner or in a misleading context.

Don't remember seeing this before. Much wow. I think this invalidates most of the license assumptions of prior Indian opendata?

sreeram kandimalla

Jul 30, 2022, 8:15:21 PM7/30/22
Checked on the wayback machine.. these have been the terms and conditions atleast since 2012. 
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