PoK elevation data | India's center of mass

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Dilawar Singh

11.6.2020 klo 15.33.2011.6.2020
vastaanottaja data...@googlegroups.com
Hi datameet,

I was browsing through my old repositories. I once computed the center of mass of the country using available elevation data (data is from here http://www.geonames.org/data-sources.html, this data does not have PoK). The image is attached. The center of mass lies very near to Jhansi without PoK. It is likely to shift to the north after adding PoK since the Himalayas are heavy!

I am keen on finishing this exercise with PoK elevation data. Do we have the elevation data of India in datameet repositories? If not, I can prepare such data by appending data from PK elevation data and send it via a PR or hand over the repository itself.

NCBS Bangalore

Arun Ganesh

11.6.2020 klo 17.32.3611.6.2020
vastaanottaja datameet
If you share your code it would be easier to understand what exactly you need.

My approach for this exercise would be to grab the SRTM dem data[1] and clip it to the India borders[2] using GDAL/QGIS.

What you then have is a gridded raster with each pixel representing the elevation at that point. It seems like that is all the data you would need for your computation right?

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Dilawar Singh

11.6.2020 klo 22.46.0911.6.2020
vastaanottaja data...@googlegroups.com
Dear Arun

Thanks. [1] is exactly what I need. I didn't even know what to search for.

The code was unnecessary convolutied to post directly. It compares various sampling methods; I'll post a simplified version along with the results soon.

Thanks again,

NCBS Bangalore

Dilawar Singh

14.6.2020 klo 9.13.0414.6.2020
vastaanottaja datameet
First the results.

The center of mass (with given boundary and assuming uniform soil density) is at coordinates
http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlon=79.4862&mlat=23.3822&zoom=8 (23.3822, 79.4842) while the centroid is at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlon=79.3426&mlat=28.6731&zoom=8 . Center of mass is north to centroid because Himalayas are heavy!

More technical details can be found here https://github.com/dilawar/map-india-center (still cleaning up).


I also created a data-set: a single GeoTIFF file with elevation profile of the country. This file is over 2.5GB and is hosted here https://figshare.com/articles/India_s_elevation_profile_in_a_GeoTIFF_file/12479306 . This profile is generated after merging downloaded tiles together and clipping it using boundaries of India downloaded from here https://github.com/datameet/maps/tree/master/Country .

The Github repository linked above has tiles from  http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/srtmdata/ (thanks Arun). The pipeline is automated using cmake (version 3.4) and requires gdal, python3 and gawk to run. 


Natasha kalra

14.6.2020 klo 14.15.3314.6.2020
vastaanottaja data...@googlegroups.com
Hi all

I am unable to find the Swach Sarvaekshan 2020 quater wise as well as the annual results. Can anyone share the link? PIB shares only the list of first 20 cities rank.

Thanks in advance


Arun Ganesh

17.6.2020 klo 7.42.4017.6.2020
vastaanottaja datameet
Nice to see you got it working Dilawar!

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