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LaTeX: Footnote symbols instead of numbers

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Robert A. Luke

1992年8月3日 下午5:24:391992/8/3

I am trying to use footnote symbols (like asterisks and daggers)
instead of the normal numbers, but am not having much luck. I tried
to use \fnsymbol{footnote} (page 175 of Leslie Lamport's book)
as the "num" argument to \footnote[num]{text} (on page 156), but
my version of LaTeX complained about needing a number for "num". And,
sure enough, Lamport says that "num" must be a positive integer.


Does anybody know how to get asterisks and daggers for footnotes
instead of numbers? I'd sure appreciate any help you can give me.

Thanks in advance.

Robert Luke
The Aerospace Corporation
USAF Phillips Lab

Stefan Gerberding

1992年8月4日 凌晨3:54:451992/8/4
In article <>, (Robert A. Luke) writes:
|> I am trying to use footnote symbols (like asterisks and daggers)
|> instead of the normal numbers, but am not having much luck. I tried
|> to use \fnsymbol{footnote} (page 175 of Leslie Lamport's book)
|> as the "num" argument to \footnote[num]{text} (on page 156), but
|> my version of LaTeX complained about needing a number for "num". And,
|> sure enough, Lamport says that "num" must be a positive integer.
|> Does anybody know how to get asterisks and daggers for footnotes
|> instead of numbers? I'd sure appreciate any help you can give me.
|> Thanks in advance.

The following solution is from Helmut Kopka's book `LaTeX. Eine Einfuehrung':


Instead of \fnsymbol you may also use one of \arabic (the original setting),
\roman, \Roman, \alph or \Alph. To actually generate the footnote use


where num corresponds to the following symbols if \fnsymbol has been used:
1 \ast 5 \P 9 \ddag\ddag
2 \dag 6 \parallel
3 \ddag 7 \ast\ast
4 \S 8 \dag\dag

To restore \trhefootnote


|> Thanks in advance.

Hope that helps,
( Stefan Gerberding )
) Informatik, FB Inferenzsysteme (
( Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (THD) )
) Alexanderstra3e 10, 6100 Darmstadt, R.05/104 (
( Fed. Rep. of Germany )
) e-mail: (

Robert A. Luke

1992年8月4日 下午1:03:581992/8/4


Many thanks to everybody who sent help. Here is a summary of
what they said:

1. Use the following line either before or after the \begin{document}




in the preamble.

2. Georgios Dimitriadis at the Univ of Crete-Heraklion said that you
can use your own sequence of symbols by defining

\def\@mysymbols#1{\ifcase#1\or a\or b\or c\or d\else\@ctrerr\fi}

Then you can say


where in the above case 'mysymbols' are a,b,c and d but you can
insert whatever you like.

There were several others, but I stopped when the \renewcommand in
number 1 above worked.

Stefan Gerberding's posting also looked good and I'm going to try it.

Thanks again for the help.


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