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Steve Abson

Mar 13, 1994, 10:07:46 PM3/13/94

Here's what I picked up off of FidoNet, from Ryan Elam, one of the
creators of One Must Fall 2097 (formerly WAR Machines).
Area: Computer Gaming
Msg#: 1861 Date: 13 Mar 94 05:35:23
From: Ryan Elam Read: Yes Replied: No
To: All Mark:
Subj: Fight game of the future!

This is a message to all present and future fans of Diversions
Entertainment's new fight game, One Must Fall:2097. For those who
haven't heard of it, OMF is an arena-style one-on-one fight game along
the genre of Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, and the like. OMF:2097
features pilots who are able to interface their cerebral cortex to huge
(up to 35 meters tall) robots. The robots then fight till one is shut
down. The game is soon to be released to shareware by Epic Megagames.

First of all, I would like to explain to those who have been following
these threads that you have been involved first hand in the creative
process of the FIRST game of a NEW company. We have made several
mistakes, and changed our minds several times. At first, we understand,
you can get very upset at these changes and flip-flops. But please see
that this happens ALL THE TIME, and we simply want the BEST GAME WE CAN
MAKE; especially since this will be our first release.

Now, having said that, let me give you the BAD news. The absolute final
name is One Must Fall:2097. Amazingly enough, this was the FIRST name
we had decided on. We were told by many people that keeping One Must
Fall will cause problems with those who downloaded the original "Alpha"
version of the fight game (the one with the brothers fighting). Two
nights ago we decided we liked the old name best. We think that people
are EXPECTING a One Must Fall game. We have been told OVER AND OVER
that people like the name. We ALSO like the other name, WAR Machines,
but decided on One Must Fall:2097 for many reasons. If you are a fan of
WAR Machines, I appologise for the (yet another) change.

Now for the good news. OMF:2097 will be shareware released as TWO
GAMES. The first is the one that has been so widely talked about. It
features a normal, fight-till-you-win tournament. It will be a very big
download (apx 1.5M zipped -- sheesh!) and will have three fighters and
four pilots to choose from. There is a boss pilot, Raven, who will use a
Pyros model robot to turn you into a crispy critter.

Each of the fighters you can choose has at least three "special moves".
They are the less-wierd of the final ten mechs, but are the easiest to
start out with. You will face combinations of the other nine pilots and
the three "shareware" mechs. After defeating all nine, you face the
boss. Once you beat him (..if...) you get a nice, wonderful beg screen.

At the same time, we will be releasing The Circuit, a more strategy-
oriented game which occurs just a few short years after the WAR plot.
You create your own pilot and "build" the ultimate fighting machine.
This module is an add-on to the original OMF:2097, and cannot run as a
separate package. It will be approximately an 800k download. We
recommend that you try the OMF:2097 before OMF:The Circuit.

The next add-on (about a month after release) is a new sound effects
pack. It will be an optional addition to both OMF:2097 and OMF:The
Circuit, and will probably be about a 500k ZIP file.

After that, you will have probably four months to get used to the game.
We will be converting the entire game to protected mode during that
time, and adding modem support and network support.

Now, if we only get five registered versions of the game, you can bet
that all you'll get from us is a "Would you like fries with that order?"
at your nearest Tampa, Fl McDonalds...

Why register? Well, first of all, we need it... Second, you'll receive
a wonderful full-color manual and some shiny diskettes. Free with your
diskettes and manual is The Registered Version Of One Must Fall:2097.

The registered version contains ten robots. They kick metal! It also
contains several new options that almost completely change the feel of
the game! You get an expanded version of The Circuit, with three
tournaments. You get MORE animation, MORE robots, MORE game! You get our
bill collectors off our backs! You keep Diversions Entertainment
working on it's next project!

Again, thank you for your time and your help in designing the game. We
hope to continue to keep you, our CUSTOMER, first in our minds.

Ryan Elam
Diversions Entertainment CSID:74104,1677
There it is. Make a note, that now Diversions Entertainment has an
email address ( if you wish to contact
them directly now. Well, I have to say that I, for one, am anxiously
awaiting these programs! I think that this will be the next big shareware
hit. TTFN.

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