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cd-rom wont eject cd-r/w disks but will eject cd-r disks

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jim sturtz

Nov 5, 2002, 10:50:27 AM11/5/02
the background.

i am running win2k on a clone with lots of ram, cpu, hard drive.

currently using incd but have had the same problem with ezcd.

current burner is an HP LG CD-RW CED-8120B, but i swapped this in because a
lite-on burner had the same problem and thot it may be the burner.

i have tried a sony dvd burner and it worked fine.

the problem is the cd-burner refuses to eject with cd-r/w disks in it. it
will eject at the end of a burn but if you put another cd-r/w and then
decide to eject it, it wont. the button on the drive doesnt work, the
'eject' command from win2k's drive icon or references wont eject.

the only way to eject is reboot and push the button before win2k takes over.

i have run a google search and found lots of references to this problem,
some on point, but with no solution i could see. i have tried looking thru
the ms knowledgebase and couldnt come up with it as a noted problem.

any help would be appreciated, this is a real pita.


Mike Richter

Nov 6, 2002, 3:01:50 AM11/6/02

Are you writing packets on the erasable? If so, you may need to use
software eject in order to ensure that the second disc is recognized so
it can be ejected.


jim sturtz

Nov 6, 2002, 4:47:45 AM11/6/02
the disks i've tested are formatted with incd (or in past directcd).
however, i never get to using 2nd cd before the failure happens. (except of
course the sony dvd burner worked fine with the same set of formatted cds i
am using).

i run a backup routine overnite that erases & 'xcopy's stuff to a formatted
cd, i have a set of 4 of them, that nitely get erased, copied, stored,
rotated daily.

in the morning if i try to eject it to put in another disk, the cd wont
release it, w/o rebooting.

even if i reboot, unless i get it before i get to the win2k desktop, it wont
release. once the desktop is back so i can choose the cd-burner drive &
right-clik, wont. also at that point the manual push-button
doesnt work. the drive lists itself properly and i can copy to/from it, but
it just wont come out.

irritating to reboot to remove a cd.



"Mike Richter" <> wrote in message

Mike Richter

Nov 6, 2002, 7:59:46 PM11/6/02

The fact that you are using packet writing is key here; I wish you had
mentioned it first. You suggest that somehow you have both InCD and DCD
running on your system - that's definitely unwise since each has its own
way of extending the filesystem to UDF.

If you are rotating four discs as you describe, you are quite likely
running out of useful life. The nominal 1000 cycles has appeared to be a
fiction to all of us who used fixed-length packets. Unfortunately, the
first area to go (for understandable reasons) is that of the directory.
In that case, the disc may be unreadable and certainly is likely to be
impossible to eject without forcing.

Try fresh discs - then consider using write-once media (variable-length
packets) and discarding them when full. Fixed-length packets provide the
least reliable and most fragile format known to CDs.

jim sturtz

Nov 7, 2002, 2:25:26 AM11/7/02

thanks for the reply.

sorry for not mentioned the packet-writing first.

no i do not have InCD and DCD both installed. i mentioned both as i have
tried both to see if it was the software causing the problem.

of the disks i am currently using, one is brand new, it has the same
problem, so i am not sure wear is the problem. in any event, if it was,
then why would the sony dvd work fine, but not the other two burners. i
suspect the most writes to any of the cd-r/w disks is less than 100 as i
started doing this method of backup only in the last several months.

if i use InCd on a cd-r, would it not still be packet-writing, ie
fixed-length, and still have the same problem. i will try doing a InCD burn
to a cd-r disk and see if the problem follows the software or the media and
let you know.



"Mike Richter" <> wrote in message

jim sturtz

Nov 7, 2002, 9:42:29 AM11/7/02
hmm. looks like the cd-r/w media is inextricably linked to the InCD
software. when i put in a cd-r disk and try to write to it, it wants to
format first, when i try to format it says it is the wrong kind of media.

mike, without fixating on packet-writing or cd-r/w media, the problem i am
trying to fix is to make simple, scheduled backups.

the reason for using the InCD is so i can do 'simple' backups that are not
done thru a backup program that needs to use a backup/restore type system
where you HAVE to use the backup program in order to get to the data. that
is fine for 'big' backups, that may go into a safe, but it is a real pita
when you are dealing with things that change often and you would like to
easily get to the program you are writing or prior setup/data files, by
merely inserting a cd and using explorer to restore the files.

so far, i havent found a cd-burning program that will let me give it a
script to do the burn. if such a thing is possible then i can work without
the packet-writing software. the only way i know to define to a burning
program a set of files or directories and then have it automatically burn
those is via a batch file using xcopy and a list of folders, the scheduler
and InCD (or whichever packet-writer). if you might have another suggestion
on how to accomplish this i would love to hear it.


"jim sturtz" <> wrote in message


Nov 7, 2002, 12:15:32 PM11/7/02
. --------------------------------------
Mike Richter, were you born with
"Scam Artist" emblazoned on your face?

Mike Richter (King Troll) wrote:
> ... The nominal 1000 cycles has appeared to be a

> fiction to all of us who used fixed-length packets. Unfortunately, the
> first area to go (for understandable reasons) is that of the directory.

From: smh
Subject: Re: tdk 40/12/48 rw trouble
Date: 10/30/02

Mike Richter (King Troll) wrote:
> ... Erasable media wear out, particularly with the sort of use
> fixed-length packets usually give them.

Is cRoxio lying?

" In practical terms, you will probably
never wear out a CD-RW disc. "



Nov 7, 2002, 12:16:11 PM11/7/02
. --------------------------------------
Mike Richter, were you born with
"Scam Artist" emblazoned on your face?

Mike Richter (King Troll) wrote:

> ... Fixed-length packets provide the

> least reliable and most fragile format known to CDs.


From: smh
Subject: Re: tdk 40/12/48 rw trouble

Date: 11/1/02

Mike Richter wrote:
> ... the least reliable and most fragile CD format - fixed-length
> packets.

(1) Why then were you touting writing directly to DirectCD disk,
for backup, of all things, while belittling Ghost and Drive Image
for lacking the very functionality?
From: Mike Richter (Acraptec Shill)
Subject: Re: Backups
Date: 9/24/99

... Ghost and Drive Image require another partition to which
to write the image which you can then write to CD-R.

Take Two writes directly to drives supported by Direct CD ...

But that's then:
From: Mike Richter
Subject: Re: Can't get ISO Buster to read my corrupted CDR's data
Date: 7/16/02

... I regard fixed-length as so unreliable that when one goes bad,
I simply turn to a backup.

[ A backup by Take Two needs a backup itself ???!!! ]

(2) Why then is Take Two, a BACKUP software, tightly coupled to

"Because of the tight coupling of Take Two and DirectCD ..."

(3) Why then were you allowing to BACKUP to DirectCD formatted
ReWritable cd?
From: Mike Richter (Acraptec Shill)
Subject: A note on Take Two
Date: 9/1/99

... You may back up a DCD-formatted erasable.

But that's then:
From: Mike Richter (cRoxio Shill)
Subject: Re: File Integrity Errors - DirectCD Bug?
Date: 10/15/01

Combining the flaky UDF fixed-length packets with the tendency of forget is LETHAL for archiving.

( BTW, have you ever communicated with Roxio and OSTA about what you
call the fragility of fixed-length packet format?

Asking because you won't least a bit squeamish communicating with
Plextor and Andy McFadden, letting them know their errant ways --and
made that fact public. )



Nov 7, 2002, 1:31:11 PM11/7/02
. --------------------------------------
Mike Richter, were you born with
"Scam Artist" emblazoned on your face?
Who Is Mike Richter and
Why Are They Saying All These Horrible Things About Him?
(Messages 23 -- 45)

Mike Richter (King Troll) wrote:

> ... The nominal 1000 cycles has appeared to be a

> fiction to all of us who used fixed-length packets. Unfortunately, the
> first area to go (for understandable reasons) is that of the directory.

From: smh
Subject: Re: CD-RWs and DirectCD - computer crashed and rebooted.
Date: 6/27/02

Mike Richter (King Troll) wrote:

> Erasables are good for only a limited number of cycles. Although that's
> nominally 1000, experience says that it's much less. Regardless, there's
> a tendency (despite publishers' efforts to reduce it) for the directory
> to be "scrubbed" by repeated use and effective life is reduced still
> further.

DirectCD for Windows Technical FAQs

Q. I know that CD-RW discs are good for approximately 1000 formats or
erasures. Since DirectCD 2.x will let me delete individual files and
recover that space on the disc for immediate use (random erase) does
that mean that the disc is only good for up to 1000 file deletes? Or is
it 1000 full formats of the entire disc?

A. DirectCD has built-in features to increase the longevity of your
CD-RW media. Any particular spot on on a CD-RW disc can be erased and
rewritten about 1000 times (soon to be improved to 10,000). After that,
that particular spot becomes unusable. However, DirectCD is designed
not always to write in the first available space on the disc, so you
won't be erasing and rewriting to the same physical location over and
over. If a spot should get "burned out", DirectCD can mark it
"unusable" and work around it (much the way bad sectors are managed on a
hard disk).

jim sturtz

Nov 14, 2002, 10:00:56 AM11/14/02
well i may have found out the problem. will confirm this on further

more stuff first tho.
on wednesday, i reformatted a cd-r/w disk from InCD to 'regular' format. i
then put that in the cd burner & hit the eject. worked. i tried the
software eject. worked. put another packet-written cd-r/w in the burner.
eject was dead. so says i to myself. it is the darn packet-writing doing
this to me.

i have a music file setup to play 1st thing in the morning. the past
several weeks when i come in the media play is 'stuck' (altho it did play
the song) and when i 'x' it to close i get an error message. so i decided
to un-install it and try re-installing. it is windows media player 7.1.

when i ran the software un-install from control panel it showed it had some
sort of adaptec plug-in that was part of it, to check it if i wanted to
install it. hmmm, says i. so i finished the install, and the machine

i just put my 'regular' format in the burner & ejected it. BUT, i then put
my cd-r/w disk in and hit the software eject. IT WORKED!!

welllll, the eject problem is seemingly fixed. but the system appears to
NOT read the disks any longer. if i bring explorer up i used to see the
label of any disk in the burner, if i changed disks after a few moments of
reading and pondering the label would change to reflect the new disk. now
it doesnt show when i change disks, even if i hit refresh, and if i click
onto that drive it tells me to put a disk in the drive. anyone have ideas
on how to fix that?

so i can eject now, but it appears i may still have to reboot in order to
get the system to re-read the disks. can't win.

will let you know if re-installing the software kills the eject again.

jim sturtz

Nov 14, 2002, 10:55:40 AM11/14/02
well it seems if i am a little more patient eventually the system recognizes
the disk change.

so now if i can put the media player back in w/o fubarring things.


Nov 14, 2002, 5:54:01 PM11/14/02
jim sturtz wrote:
> well i may have found out the problem. will confirm this on further
> testing.
> more stuff first tho.
> on wednesday, i reformatted a cd-r/w disk from InCD to 'regular' format. i
> then put that in the cd burner & hit the eject. worked. i tried the
> software eject. worked. put another packet-written cd-r/w in the burner.
> eject was dead. so says i to myself. it is the darn packet-writing doing
> this to me.
> i have a music file setup to play 1st thing in the morning. the past
> several weeks when i come in the media play is 'stuck' (altho it did play
> the song) and when i 'x' it to close i get an error message. so i decided
> to un-install it and try re-installing. it is windows media player 7.1.

WMP7 has a burn plugin made by Acraptec. When WMP7 was released, that
burn plugin played havoc with Easy Coaster Creator 4! This prob was
supposed to have been fixed in WMP 7.1. The burn plugin, however,
conflicts with Nero. Find a way to uninstall or not install the plugin.

See this thread:

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