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Proof That Microsoft Is Behind The Huge Flood Of Anti-Linux Lies And Hate In COLA

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Mark S Bilk

Jul 8, 2012, 7:52:38 PM7/8/12
For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
Linux. Microsoft posts about 130 such articles every day to the
comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, using dozens of false anonymous
identities -- standard astroturfing procedure. Some of the false
identities have been used for more than 29,000 posts each.

The purpose of the hate campaign is simple: Microsoft doesn't
want to lose the hundreds or even thousands of dollars of profit
from each person who switches to free Linux software.

In the article linked here, one of Microsoft's posters, who
uses the false identity "Foster", accidently revealed that the
anti-Linux propagandists are working together. He called them
"we". Thus he destroyed the illusion that astroturfing
corporations seek to maintain -- that each of their hired
anonymous liars is acting independently, an ordinary person with
his own opinion, and thus certainly not the paid agent of a
huge dishonest corporation:

"We don't have to dissuade anyone from trying Linux."

Ask yourself: Who can "Foster" have meant by "We" ?

It clearly has to be the anti-Linux propagandists that are posting
all the lies and hate to COLA. And he admits that he's working
with them!

They all use the same vocabulary of hate words to refer to Linux,
free software in general, and its users:

"lienux", "shitware", "open sores", "crapware", "hobbyware",
"junkware", "slopware", "slopcode", "lintard", "linturd",
"freetard", "freeturd", "turd", "wacko", "creepy", "vermin",
"herd", "cult", "crappy", "distro shuffle", "boogieman",
"nutjobs", "whiny", "paranoid", "scumbags", "sphincter", etc.

They sometimes post pictures of feces to the newsgroup.

The anti-Linux propagandists devote special venom -- thousands
of hate posts -- against a certain few particular people:
Richard Stallman, who wrote much of the original GNU/Linux
software and created the General Public License that has kept
Microsoft Corporation from taking control of Linux and destroying
it, and Roy Schestowitz, Rex Ballard, and Homer, who have
extensively exposed Microsoft's fraudulent, coercive, and criminal
operations against Linux and other competitors that it has carried
out over many years.

The article by "Foster" continues:

"What better way to show the superiority of Windows than to have
people clobbering their system and losing their data by installing

Microsoft is telling Usenet readers that if they install Linux
it will destroy their Windows data. That's a vicious lie. Linux
is designed to examine the hard drive's partition table and
carefully avoid changing anything in Windows areas. But people
who don't know that Microsoft is lying to them won't take the
chance that Linux could destroy their data, and will keep paying
their money to Microsoft.

Ironically, if you have Linux installed, then installing Windows
_will_ destroy your Linux data, because the Windows installer
simply overwrites the partition table, rendering your Linux
partitions permanently inaccessible. Microsoft simply doesn't
look for or recognize any other operating system. So you always
have to install Windows first and Linux second. At least that's
the way it used to be, as late as Windows XP; I don't know if
Microsoft ever corrected it.

Here's a typical example of a hate and lie article directed
against Linux from Microsoft, one of a hundred or two that
it posts every day. Note that the hatred is entirely
baseless. But the people who run Microsoft think they can
get away with it so they do it. They have no conscience.

On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 12:06:27 -0400, DFS wrote:
> Subject: See Linux Fail

But then "DFS" doesn't show any "failure" of Linux. He's lying.

> On 7/6/2012 1:21 AM, Foster wrote:
>> Pathetic...
>> Just like Linux...

"Foster" calls Linux "pathetic" without any reason. Microsoft
just does this hundreds of times a day in order to create a false
impression among Usenet readers that there's something wrong
with Linux, to discourage them from trying it themselves.

Hundreds of lies every day spewed out by one of the largest
corporations in the world!

> Then they use Nixie whatever with her exposed shoulder and bra strap,
> then they lie that Gates 'switched too', then they use the Intel Inside
> logo with 'linux inside', etc.

Yes, so?

> Nothing in the IT world is creepier and more dishonest and more
> repulsive than a Linux advocate.

How in the world does Microsoft get "creepier", "dishonest", and
"repulsive" from that video?

Of course it doesn't. Microsoft just purely fabricates that
hatred. They think they can get away with it because they're
using anonymous false identities. But they've been caught
astroturfing more than once before, as well as bribing analysts
and journalists. And Microsoft has carried out a huge campaign
of lies, coercion, bribery, and fraudulent lawsuits against Linux
for at least 15 years:

There's no doubt where this anonymous flood of anti-Linux hatred
is coming from.

Big Steel

Jul 8, 2012, 8:00:09 PM7/8/12
On 7/8/2012 7:52 PM, Mark S Bilk wrote:


This clown has always always been a loon on this. They should make him
choke on a lot of pills and keep him locked-up. :)


Jul 9, 2012, 12:21:30 AM7/9/12
On 7/8/12 4:52 PM, in article
4ffa1d45$0$1475$c3e8da3$, "Mark S Bilk"
<> wrote:

> For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
> Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
> Linux.

You are as paranoid as my stalker.

Summary of cc's statistical BS: <>
Details on cc's "outliers" BS: <>
More on cc's ignorance about outliers: <>
Four method compared to cc's absurd claims: <>
Details on cc's sigma and R^2 BS: <>


Jul 9, 2012, 8:26:10 AM7/9/12
On 08 Jul 2012 23:52:38 GMT, Mark S Bilk wrote:

> For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
> Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
> Linux. Microsoft posts about 130 such articles every day to the
> comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, using dozens of false anonymous
> identities -- standard astroturfing procedure. Some of the false
> identities have been used for more than 29,000 posts each.

Your proof?

> The purpose of the hate campaign is simple: Microsoft doesn't
> want to lose the hundreds or even thousands of dollars of profit
> from each person who switches to free Linux software.

They will make it back when the person returns back to Microsoft and
realizes they erased their pre-loaded system by installing Linux.

> In the article linked here, one of Microsoft's posters, who
> uses the false identity "Foster", accidently revealed that the
> anti-Linux propagandists are working together. He called them
> "we".

1. It was not accidental.
2. We = Windows users. You = Linux users.

Simple concept.
Get it ?

> Thus he destroyed the illusion that astroturfing
> corporations seek to maintain -- that each of their hired
> anonymous liars is acting independently, an ordinary person with
> his own opinion, and thus certainly not the paid agent of a
> huge dishonest corporation:

Your proof?

The subject line says "Proof That Microsoft etc"
I see not a shred of evidence to substantiate this claim.
Once again Mark S. Bilk has revealed his paranoia and mental

Also note, not a single Linux advocate objects to this kind of LYING
for LIEnux.
All I can I say is I'm glad Mark S. Bilk is a Linux "supporter"
because he just makes you Linturds look even worse than you already

Keep up the good work Mark S. Bilk.

Mark S Bilk

Jul 9, 2012, 2:14:10 PM7/9/12
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 08:26:10 -0400, "Foster" wrote:
> On 08 Jul 2012 23:52:38 GMT, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>> For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
>> Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
>> Linux. Microsoft posts about 130 such articles every day to the
>> comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, using dozens of false anonymous
>> identities -- standard astroturfing procedure. Some of the false
>> identities have been used for more than 29,000 posts each.
> Micorosoft? Your proof?

The proof is in the _motivation_ for the campaign of lies and
hate. Why have dozens of Windows users invaded the Linux forum
COLA, and why do they spew out lies, hate, and personal attacks
against Linux and its users and creators hundreds of times a day?

WHO BENEFITS from these actions, which have gone on for ten years?

That's the important question, and it's the one that the anti-Linux
propagandists try to distract us from.

>> The purpose of the hate campaign is simple: Microsoft doesn't
>> want to lose the hundreds or even thousands of dollars of profit
>> from each person who switches to free Linux software.

> They will make it back when the person returns back to Microsoft and
> realizes they erased their pre-loaded system by installing Linux.

There are two lies packed into that single sentence from Microsoft.

First, many people who try Linux do not go back to MS-Windows.
They stay with Linux, or they use both systems. About 40,000,000
people are now using desktop/laptop Linux, and are generally very
happy with it.

Second, Linux is carefully designed to leave the pre-installed
Windows system untouched.

Thus Microsoft's motivation to maintain its profits by discouraging
people from trying Linux is very real. No other entity has this
motivation! So no other entity would have any inclination to
invade COLA, lie about Linux, and attack its users, which Microsoft
does hundreds of times a day.

>> In the article linked here, one of Microsoft's posters, who
>> uses the false identity "Foster", accidently revealed that the
>> anti-Linux propagandists are working together. He called them
>> "we".

I'm re-inserting some of my text where "Foster" has removed it.

}} "We don't have to dissuade anyone from trying Linux."

> 1. It was not accidental.
> 2. We = Windows users. You = Linux users.
> Simple concept.
> Get it ?

BIG lie there! What motivation would mere Windows users have
for discouraging people from trying Linux? None!

Most Windows users have never even heard of Linux!

These invaders of COLA are not just "Windows users".
They spew out a torrent of hatred, lies, and personal attacks
hundreds of times every day!

"lienux", "shitware", "open sores", "crapware", "hobbyware",
"junkware", "slopware", "slopcode", "lintard", "linturd",
"freetard", "freeturd", "turd", "wacko", "creepy", "vermin",
"herd", "cult", "crappy", "distro shuffle", "boogieman",
"nutjobs", "whiny", "paranoid", "scumbags", "sphincter", etc.

No one but Microsoft has a motivation to do this. And Microsoft
has been attacking Linux for 15 years!

> Your proof?
> The subject line says "Proof That Microsoft etc"
> I see not a shred of evidence to substantiate this claim.

Foster _removed_ the evidence. I've restored it.

> Once again Mark S. Bilk has revealed his paranoia and mental
> illness.

That's straight out of Microsoft's secret manual that instructs
its propaganda agents how to lie in order to discredit its

"Ideally, use of the competing technology becomes associated with
mental deficiency, as in, `he believes in Santa Claus, the Easter
Bunny, and OS/2.'"

The two previous astroturfers who responded to my article didn't
deal with _any_ of it, but instead deleted it all.

"Big Steel" then said, "This clown has always always been a loon
on this", and followed with a violent threat: "They should make
him choke on a lot of pills and keep him locked-up.

And "Snit" said, "You are as paranoid as my stalker."

Which brings up an interesting point: Why would it be more paranoid
to suspect a huge proven criminal corporation in this ten-year
attack than a a couple dozen vicious psychopaths who somehow
"spontaneously" show up, complete with a list of obscenities and
pictures of feces?

> Also note, not a single Linux advocate objects to this kind of LYING
> for LIEnux.
> All I can I say is I'm glad Mark S. Bilk is a Linux "supporter"
> because he just makes you Linturds look even worse than you already
> do.

After claiming to be just a normal Windows user, "Foster" spews
out two of the hate-words from Microsoft's approved list,
continuing the very attack that he's denying.

These anti-Linux propagandists will never make any sense. They
can't -- they're here to deceive and manipulate. They do it day
after day. But their spew only works on people who don't think.

I suggest that people avoid talking with them, and certainly don't
argue with them or trade obscenities -- that makes us look as bad
as they are. Instead, just refute their lies, addressing your
remarks to the readership.

Please consider carefully the evidence that Microsoft is behind
these attacks, and mention that fact at every opportunity,
especially in the Subject lines of followups. It would be great
to chase these psychopaths out of our newsgroup.


Jul 9, 2012, 2:33:26 PM7/9/12
On 09 Jul 2012 18:14:10 GMT, Mark S Bilk wrote:

> On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 08:26:10 -0400, "Foster" wrote:
>> On 08 Jul 2012 23:52:38 GMT, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>> For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
>>> Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
>>> Linux. Microsoft posts about 130 such articles every day to the
>>> comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, using dozens of false anonymous
>>> identities -- standard astroturfing procedure. Some of the false
>>> identities have been used for more than 29,000 posts each.
>> Micorosoft? Your proof?
> The proof is in the _motivation_ for the campaign of lies and
> hate.

So you have no evidence.
*We* figured as much.


Jul 9, 2012, 2:41:26 PM7/9/12
Mark. I had to reply to this one... I've been following COLA for the
last 6 months and never had the inclination to rise to a bait of the
Microsoft Advocates (who will no doubt throw in an insult or false
accusation after this) but I had to respond - We've talked about this on
IRC I believe, as well as your 911 theories.

Firstly, its not my place to cheapen your opinions, but I can give mine
and say (as I did in IRC a few months back) that the idea of Microsoft
PAYING for the tot the Microsoft Advocate/trolls put is absolutely
outlandish at best.

If this was the comments section on CNET or similar I might say there
was a chance, but even ignoring the low grade childish potty humor the
Microsoft advocates use here, who are they posting too? COLA regulars?
and to what end? Do you believe the cheap posts would in anyway sway a
COLA regular, reader and Linux advocate here? I wouldn't think so.

As for the mainstream, the large consumer bases - the ones Microsoft
would love, for example to buy their Windows Phone 7 -- who on earth
even knows about COLA let alone visits? Do you really believe potential
Linux or Android users say "Oh lets check out COLA before we decide to
try an alternative to Microsoft"....Really?

When you mention Snit/Michael I would say he is not a shill/Apple
worker. Sure there may be bad feeling there, but after speaking with
him in the past and the responses he's made, I'd almost be 100% that he,
(as I believe he stated before) is not paid by Apple.

Lets look at the others: Foster/Flatfish - You'd pay for his 17 years of
trolling even if you had a war-chest of cash like Microsoft? Really? He
may have been going at it for a long time, but whats he achieved? Sadly
I think he is more just a nasty piece of work who gets some sort of
gratification by insulting others and causing trouble.

How about Big Steel? - Come on, the guy's bad language and one liner
responses are matched only by his consistently bad grammar and apparent
inability to string sentences together. Big Steels best comeback? "I'm
not reading what you are typing"

DFS? Really? The sort of middle of the road troll/Microsoft Advocate who
dips into the realms of Big Steel on occasion but seems to fixate on
highlighting ANY Linux problem he can Google, whilst the 1000's upon
1000's of Windows complaints get ignored - Why post? and more
importantly who would pay?

I know Microsoft flings mud at the wall in the hope of something
sticking, but to think the Microsoft advocates here are anything more
than lonely people seeking gratification through insult is rather
far-fetched IMHO. I read many tech sites, Linux sites etc and these
type of trolls don't figure in the responses at all, so the audience the
trolls are reaching are people who already use, love and know the
benefits of Linux/Free Software...... who would pay people to attack the
small representation (COLA) of a larger group of satisfied Linux users?

I'd say marketing 101 would dictate you want to influence the larger
audience, not a comparatively small group of tech users who have already
chosen linux.

As for seeding Google.... ask the average consumer how much exposure
they have had to any of this tot.....I'd say non at all.


Openbytes the Linux/FOSS Blogazine! -
"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."
Catch me in #techrights on



Skype: tim.openbytes

Mark S Bilk

Jul 9, 2012, 5:09:23 PM7/9/12
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 19:41:26 +0100, Goblin wrote:
> ...
> Mark. I had to reply to this one... I've been following COLA for the
> last 6 months and never had the inclination to rise to a bait of the
> Microsoft Advocates (who will no doubt throw in an insult or false
> accusation after this) but I had to respond - We've talked about this on
> IRC I believe, as well as your 911 theories.

The research that I link to on my website is not "[my] 911 theories".
None of it is mine. They are analytical reports by physicists,
engineers, architects, chemists, etc. Instead of trying to
discredit the information by attributing it to me, you might
actually _read_ some of it. If you never access any information
that disagrees with what you already believe, then you are
guaranteed to never learn anything.

> Firstly, its not my place to cheapen your opinions, but I can give mine
> and say (as I did in IRC a few months back) that the idea of Microsoft
> PAYING for the tot the Microsoft Advocate/trolls put is absolutely
> outlandish at best.
> If this was the comments section on CNET or similar I might say there
> was a chance, but even ignoring the low grade childish potty humor the
> Microsoft advocates use here, who are they posting too? COLA regulars?
> and to what end? Do you believe the cheap posts would in anyway sway a
> COLA regular, reader and Linux advocate here? I wouldn't think so.

Google says it has 58,924 people subscribed to COLA:

Of course many people read it via other News providers than Google.

The vast majority are obviously lurkers.

The fraction that are Linux users is probably a lot higher than
in the general population, but there may well be several tens of
thousands of Windows users.

Last year, Microsoft had a net income of $23 billion:

If Microsoft pays 20 psychopath astroturfers an average of
$10,000/year, it costs $200,000/year.

The target audience of Windows users in COLA may be 30,000.

That's only 6 bucks a year to keep each Windows user frightened
away from Linux!

Even if the figures are off by a factor of three, and it costs
$20/year/user, that could save Microsoft a couple hundred
dollars a year when you figure in MS-Office and various other

So that's a ten-to-one return on the expenditure.

> As for the mainstream, the large consumer bases - the ones Microsoft
> would love, for example to buy their Windows Phone 7 -- who on earth
> even knows about COLA let alone visits? Do you really believe potential
> Linux or Android users say "Oh lets check out COLA before we decide to
> try an alternative to Microsoft"....Really?

Apparently at least 60,000 people know about COLA. And the
absolute number doesn't matter. It's that 10:1 cost/effectiveness
ratio that counts.

But there's another factor: it's the only forum where Microsoft
can get away with posting that kind of astoundingly vicious lies
and hate. Anywhere else they'd be blocked instantly.

If you look at all the incredibly evil things that Microsoft has
done -- $100,000,000 for the totally fraudulent SCO lawsuit,
many different instances of astroturfing and bribery, etc.,
I think it's quite possible that the company is run by fulminating
psychopaths, who want a public place where they can pour out their
hatred of free humanity and not quite get blamed for it.

> When you mention Snit/Michael I would say he is not a shill/Apple
> worker. Sure there may be bad feeling there, but after speaking with
> him in the past and the responses he's made, I'd almost be 100% that he,
> (as I believe he stated before) is not paid by Apple.

I don't know _if_ he's paid or by whom, or if he's just stark
raving mad. But he is very reliably, and interminably, opposed to
free software.

> Lets look at the others: Foster/Flatfish - You'd pay for his 17 years of
> trolling even if you had a war-chest of cash like Microsoft? Really? He
> may have been going at it for a long time, but whats he achieved? Sadly
> I think he is more just a nasty piece of work who gets some sort of
> gratification by insulting others and causing trouble.
> How about Big Steel? - Come on, the guy's bad language and one liner
> responses are matched only by his consistently bad grammar and apparent
> inability to string sentences together. Big Steels best comeback? "I'm
> not reading what you are typing"
> DFS? Really? The sort of middle of the road troll/Microsoft Advocate who
> dips into the realms of Big Steel on occasion but seems to fixate on
> highlighting ANY Linux problem he can Google, whilst the 1000's upon
> 1000's of Windows complaints get ignored - Why post? and more
> importantly who would pay?

Tim, you seem to have a very limited idea of what evil really is.
Microsoft isn't looking for efficiency and competence here.
They're looking for psychopaths who enjoy hurting people.

DFS and some of the others say they do.

You do know, right, that in recent years some psychopaths in the
U.S. government ordered the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq
and murdered about 1,000,000 people in each nation, for no reason

Microsoft isn't as bad as that.

Chris Ahlstrom

Jul 9, 2012, 5:13:11 PM7/9/12
After swilling some grog, Goblin belched this bit o' wisdom:

> On 09/07/12 19:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>> It would be great to chase these psychopaths out of our newsgroup.

Nice idea, but it will never happen. Psychopaths are, almost by
definition, relentless.

> I'd say marketing 101 would dictate you want to influence the larger
> audience, not a comparatively small group of tech users who have already
> chosen linux.

I have to agree with you, although I'm sure the first thing a few do
once they start with Linux is search for places like this. I know I

It's always had trolls, but now it is filled with human garbage, piling
on against the decent people that try to post here. Ugly thugs,
sick minds.

> As for seeding Google.... ask the average consumer how much exposure
> they have had to any of this tot.....I'd say non at all.

Actually, some of that shit does get through to the outside world, sadly.
As people have told me.

Nothing is faster than the speed of light ...

To prove this to yourself, try opening the refrigerator door before the
light comes on.


Jul 9, 2012, 5:32:47 PM7/9/12
On 7/9/12 11:14 AM, in article
4ffb1f72$0$1574$c3e8da3$, "Mark S Bilk"
<> wrote:

> On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 08:26:10 -0400, "Foster" wrote:
>> On 08 Jul 2012 23:52:38 GMT, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>> For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
>>> Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
>>> Linux. Microsoft posts about 130 such articles every day to the
>>> comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, using dozens of false anonymous
>>> identities -- standard astroturfing procedure. Some of the false
>>> identities have been used for more than 29,000 posts each.
>> Micorosoft? Your proof?
> The proof is in the _motivation_ for the campaign of lies and
> hate.

No. You are simply paranoid. It really is that simple.


Jul 9, 2012, 5:33:26 PM7/9/12
On 7/9/12 11:14 AM, in article
4ffb1f72$0$1574$c3e8da3$, "Mark S Bilk"
<> wrote:

> And "Snit" said, "You are as paranoid as my stalker."
> Which brings up an interesting point: Why would it be more paranoid
> to suspect a huge proven criminal corporation in this ten-year
> attack than a a couple dozen vicious psychopaths who somehow
> "spontaneously" show up, complete with a list of obscenities and
> pictures of feces?

Your every post is filled with paranoid drivel. That is why it is noted.


Jul 9, 2012, 5:36:45 PM7/9/12
Could there be another motivation for your hate campaign against people
who give away and use free software?

Perhaps you'd like to plead insanity?


Jul 9, 2012, 5:38:19 PM7/9/12
On 7/9/12 11:41 AM, in article zBFKr.474914$a15....@fx11.am4, "Goblin"
<> wrote:

> Mark. I had to reply to this one... I've been following COLA for the
> last 6 months and never had the inclination to rise to a bait of the
> Microsoft Advocates (who will no doubt throw in an insult or false
> accusation after this) but I had to respond - We've talked about this on
> IRC I believe, as well as your 911 theories.
> Firstly, its not my place to cheapen your opinions, but I can give mine
> and say (as I did in IRC a few months back) that the idea of Microsoft
> PAYING for the tot the Microsoft Advocate/trolls put is absolutely
> outlandish at best.

At the very, very best. It would be like saying the FSF was funding him.
Just stupid, really.

> If this was the comments section on CNET or similar I might say there
> was a chance, but even ignoring the low grade childish potty humor the
> Microsoft advocates use here, who are they posting too? COLA regulars?
> and to what end? Do you believe the cheap posts would in anyway sway a
> COLA regular, reader and Linux advocate here? I wouldn't think so.
> As for the mainstream, the large consumer bases - the ones Microsoft
> would love, for example to buy their Windows Phone 7 -- who on earth
> even knows about COLA let alone visits? Do you really believe potential
> Linux or Android users say "Oh lets check out COLA before we decide to
> try an alternative to Microsoft"....Really?
> When you mention Snit/Michael I would say he is not a shill/Apple
> worker. Sure there may be bad feeling there, but after speaking with
> him in the past and the responses he's made, I'd almost be 100% that he,
> (as I believe he stated before) is not paid by Apple.

Of course I am not. The idea that I am is absurd. And yes, you have stated
that before. We have our disagreements but you are not whacky like Mark and
my stalker.

> As for seeding Google.... ask the average consumer how much exposure
> they have had to any of this tot.....I'd say non at all.

For a small business the seeding of Google can make a difference - which is
why the herd and some others do so. Köhlmann does it often. And Carroll
and cc have specifically claimed to have the intent to contact my employer -
with Carroll repeating the name often and cc going so far so far as to tell
me he has received responses from my employer... and sending me the emails
he posted under a false pretense using a false name.

Such people are utter scum... but they are not paid to be scum, they just


Jul 9, 2012, 5:38:56 PM7/9/12
RE: 911 (just briefly) - We've had a discussion on IRC regarding that.
You made clear your views as I did mine. I mentioned it in passing
because that was around the same time I believe, we discussed this very
topic (Microsoft Advocates in COLA) - Again we made our opinions very clear.

> If you never access any information
> that disagrees with what you already believe, then you are
> guaranteed to never learn anything.

I completely agree, which was why at the time you were pulled up on one
of your sources for info.... David Iyke. You needed to be told that the
man at one point claimed to be Jesus, yet you were linking him as a
source. David Iyke was never mentioned again, was he.

The point was and is (re: 911) you believe what you want to believe as
will I. We both put our points across. What I certainly didn't do was
cite a person who has in his past claimed to be the son of God, talked
about aliens and now 911... he's made quite the fortune on his ever
changing views about life the universe and everything. I digress. 911
is not at issue here, its the claims of "shill" of your pieces of
"evidence" was the use of the word "we" is it not? --- Well I must be
paid by someone because I have used the collective "we", so have others.

> Google says it has 58,924 people subscribed to COLA:

My point exactly. Take away the dupe members, inactives etc and 50 odd
thousand is minor.... Again, I ask you. Why not CNET? I'd hardly say
COLA is the place to go for anyone new to the voyage of FOSS (or even
starting to be interested) how many of the mainstream sites (you know
the ones where millions per day of average consumers go) even mention
COLA. Heck out of the Linux advocates and people who work for Linux
firms. Most of them don't read COLA and many don't even know about it.

> If Microsoft pays 20 psychopath astroturfers an average of
> $10,000/year, it costs $200,000/year.

Cost is not so much the issue and do you really think if Microsoft was
paying we would not have a more sophisticated "attack". For example a
Microsoft Advocate polite, courteous and willing to enter into debate
would be a far better marketing tool than say Big Steel and his "im not
listening" remarks. Would it not?

> If you look at all the incredibly evil things that Microsoft has
> done -- $100,000,000 for the totally fraudulent SCO lawsuit,
> many different instances of astroturfing and bribery, etc.,
> I think it's quite possible that the company is run by fulminating
> psychopaths, who want a public place where they can pour out their
> hatred of free humanity and not quite get blamed for it.

Again I repeat. If this was CNET I may consider, but who is reading
their tot other than people who have already decided that Linux is for
them and offers a better user experience? Who actually sees COLA or
indeed Usenet as a place to determine their OS/Software decisions?

> I don't know _if_ he's paid or by whom, or if he's just stark
> raving mad. But he is very reliably, and interminably, opposed to
> free software.

Thats a slightly different stance to the one I replied to, both here and
in IRC. So what if he hates free software? People here feed him and
others (I believe a list of troll feeders is produced). If you feel so
strongly that there's a motive other than just a tragic troll, then the
last thing you should do is create a thread about it. Simply ignore if
you don't like. I personally find the trolls rather fun to read,
despite what I believe are personality flaws their posting does show
what they are really frightened about in respect of Microsoft shortcomings.

After making comment about reading sources, Ive yet to see your proof
of your claims. You appear to have done what I have done, express
opinion. People can read both our posts and decide for themselves.

When COLA is seen as the one stop shop for the mainstream consumer, let
me know, I'll change my mind. Until that time, the idea that Microsoft
would allow people to post like DFS and FOSTER in a group with little
exposure, read by many people already using Linux and unknown largely to
the mainstream populas is, as I said in my previous post at best
outlandish in my view.

Anyway Mark I believe we have had this debate before. Both the
Microsoft one and the 911 one. I think our opinions are very clear.

Openbytes the Linux/FOSS Blogazine! -
"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."
Catch me in #techrights on




Jul 9, 2012, 5:47:49 PM7/9/12
On 09/07/12 22:13, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> After swilling some grog, Goblin belched this bit o' wisdom:
>> On 09/07/12 19:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>> It would be great to chase these psychopaths out of our newsgroup.
> Nice idea, but it will never happen. Psychopaths are, almost by
> definition, relentless.
>> I'd say marketing 101 would dictate you want to influence the larger
>> audience, not a comparatively small group of tech users who have already
>> chosen linux.
> I have to agree with you, although I'm sure the first thing a few do
> once they start with Linux is search for places like this. I know I
> did.
> It's always had trolls, but now it is filled with human garbage, piling
> on against the decent people that try to post here. Ugly thugs,
> sick minds.
>> As for seeding Google.... ask the average consumer how much exposure
>> they have had to any of this tot.....I'd say non at all.
> Actually, some of that shit does get through to the outside world, sadly.
> As people have told me.

Hi Chris.

> I have to agree with you, although I'm sure the first thing a few do
> once they start with Linux is search for places like this. I know I
> did.

And its a fair point, however am I right in thinking you are a long time
user? Has not the tech moved on? Personally I find it hard to locate
someone who accesses Usenet let alone COLA and I don't think the
mainstream user would see it as a draw when they have the forums of
their respective distro's or the many great dedicated linux sites etc.

> It's always had trolls, but now it is filled with human garbage, piling
> on against the decent people that try to post here. Ugly thugs,
> sick minds.

Completely agree although I think they are encouraged by some.
Simply if everyone ignored, they would just feed themselves. I
personally find them entertaining, but if everyone who complained merely
ignored then it would be more difficult for these trolls to get their

> Actually, some of that shit does get through to the outside world, sadly.
> As people have told me.

But then they could post it anywhere for the same effect, possibly even
more of an impact. You will never stop it. MS advocate or not, if a
person takes a dislike to something you wrote, they have pretty much
free reign to post anon whatever they like about you, wherever they
like. Nothing will stop that. I'd also say it can be used to highlight
what happens when you dare advocate something other than Microsoft. If
by outside world you mean in person, then thats something different, if
you mean outside world as in outside of COLA, then thats the pitfalls of
the net in general is it not.

Openbytes the Linux/FOSS Blogazine! -
"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."
Catch me in #techrights on



Mark S Bilk

Jul 9, 2012, 5:48:01 PM7/9/12
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 17:13:11 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

>> On 09/07/12 19:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>> It would be great to chase these psychopaths out of our newsgroup.
> Nice idea, but it will never happen. Psychopaths are, almost by
> definition, relentless.

Suppose the Subject lines of the responses to the astroturfers
were all like:

Microsoft Fabricates False Story To Accuse Linux User Of Piracy

Microsoft Lies That Bug In One Graphic Chip Driver Will Affect All Linux

Microsoft Lies That Website Hack From Old PHP Was Caused By Linux

Microsoft Launches Vicious Homophobic Attack Against Linux User


and each article explained Microsoft's lies at length.

Then Microsoft might decide it's doing them more harm than good
and end the operation.

Big Steel

Jul 9, 2012, 5:58:34 PM7/9/12
On 7/9/2012 5:48 PM, Mark S Bilk wrote:


Like his most recent babblings on the subject matter, he has no proof on
anything. It's just the ramblings of a madman.


Jul 9, 2012, 6:06:09 PM7/9/12
On 7/9/12 2:09 PM, in article
4ffb4883$0$1742$c3e8da3$, "Mark S Bilk"
<> wrote:

>> When you mention Snit/Michael I would say he is not a shill/Apple
>> worker. Sure there may be bad feeling there, but after speaking with
>> him in the past and the responses he's made, I'd almost be 100% that he,
>> (as I believe he stated before) is not paid by Apple.
> I don't know _if_ he's paid or by whom, or if he's just stark
> raving mad. But he is very reliably, and interminably, opposed to
> free software.

This is a complete and total bastardization of my views. I am very much
*for* free software. I explain my views in quite some detail here:


It starts with:

OK, so many in COLA have repeatedly claimed I am anti-Linux
or against OSS or trolling for the purpose of pushing Windows
or OS X or some such nonsense. Complete rubbish. So, hey,
while I have made my views clear before, why not put them in
a single "essay" form. It will not, of course, answer all
questions - but for those who want to have a reasoned
discussion on Linux and OSS it is an opening for that.
Hopefully (though I doubt it, sadly), it will reduce the name
calling and spewing of insults.

OK first, Linux: it is excellent. It is an amazing piece of
work with contributors from all over the place - from
individuals to small companies to multi-billion dollar
conglomerates. It even includes code from Microsoft - code
Microsoft added and has been accepted. But Linux is not,
overall, Microsoft code, it is open source code. And it
works amazingly well. It has earned its place in the server
room, in embedded devices, and even in portable computing
devices. It does not, however, do this alone - it really
only has value when tied to other code, and mostly that code
is open source (though not 100%).

So this extends the conversation to open source in general.
And the same that I said for Linux holds true here - it is,
in general, amazing. Sure, some open source projects are
better than others, but the amount of code that exists in
open source format is amazing and the fact that it can be had
for free and altered for free is excellent. It is, perhaps,
one of the greatest examples of people from so many walks of
life coming together to make tools which anyone can use. It
is, in many ways, similar to the sharing done in science.
Its value is hard to over estimate. The whole concept of
open source software and the people and companies who
contribute to it have done the world as a whole an amazing

You can click the link to read the rest... but, in short, your claim is a
complete fabrication which is in no way based on my actual views.

So who is paying you to lie about me. :)


Jul 9, 2012, 7:04:03 PM7/9/12
On 7/9/2012 2:41 PM, Goblin wrote:

> Firstly, its not my place to cheapen your opinions, but I can give mine
> and say (as I did in IRC a few months back) that the idea of Microsoft
> PAYING for the tot the Microsoft Advocate/trolls put is absolutely
> outlandish at best.

About time you said something sensible, you gibbering weenie.


Jul 9, 2012, 7:04:16 PM7/9/12
On 7/9/2012 2:14 PM, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 08:26:10 -0400, "Foster" wrote:
>> On 08 Jul 2012 23:52:38 GMT, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>> For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
>>> Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
>>> Linux. Microsoft posts about 130 such articles every day to the
>>> comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, using dozens of false anonymous
>>> identities -- standard astroturfing procedure. Some of the false
>>> identities have been used for more than 29,000 posts each.
>> Micorosoft? Your proof?
> The proof is in the _motivation_ for the campaign of lies and
> hate. Why have dozens of Windows users invaded the Linux forum
> COLA, and why do they spew out lies, hate, and personal attacks
> against Linux and its users and creators hundreds of times a day?
> WHO BENEFITS from these actions, which have gone on for ten years?

Everyone on cola benefits - it's prime edutainment!

> That's the important question, and it's the one that the anti-Linux
> propagandists try to distract us from.
>>> The purpose of the hate campaign is simple: Microsoft doesn't
>>> want to lose the hundreds or even thousands of dollars of profit
>>> from each person who switches to free Linux software.
>> They will make it back when the person returns back to Microsoft and
>> realizes they erased their pre-loaded system by installing Linux.
> There are two lies packed into that single sentence from Microsoft.
> First, many people who try Linux do not go back to MS-Windows.
> They stay with Linux, or they use both systems. About 40,000,000
> people are now using desktop/laptop Linux, and are generally very
> happy with it.

Sez who, fool?

> Second, Linux is carefully designed to leave the pre-installed
> Windows system untouched.

Horseshit. One of the most common threads on the Ubuntu forums is
'installed Linux - now I can't boot into Windows'

> Thus Microsoft's motivation to maintain its profits by discouraging
> people from trying Linux is very real. No other entity has this
> motivation! So no other entity would have any inclination to
> invade COLA, lie about Linux, and attack its users, which Microsoft
> does hundreds of times a day.

As far as I know, no MS employee posts here. Supposedly, one MS
employee did in the past, but I can't remember his name.

>>> In the article linked here, one of Microsoft's posters, who
>>> uses the false identity "Foster", accidently revealed that the
>>> anti-Linux propagandists are working together. He called them
>>> "we".
> I'm re-inserting some of my text where "Foster" has removed it.
> }}
> }} "We don't have to dissuade anyone from trying Linux."
>> 1. It was not accidental.
>> 2. We = Windows users. You = Linux users.
>> Simple concept.
>> Get it ?
> BIG lie there! What motivation would mere Windows users have
> for discouraging people from trying Linux? None!

Good point: hearing the truth about Linux is very discouraging.

> Most Windows users have never even heard of Linux!

Virtually every computer user has heard of Linux. You can't miss
mentions of it on ALL the big websites: CNN, Fox, MSNBC, WSJ, NYT, BBC.

> These invaders of COLA are not just "Windows users".
> They spew out a torrent of hatred, lies, and personal attacks
> hundreds of times every day!
> "lienux", "shitware", "open sores", "crapware", "hobbyware",
> "junkware", "slopware", "slopcode", "lintard", "linturd",
> "freetard", "freeturd", "turd", "wacko", "creepy", "vermin",
> "herd", "cult", "crappy", "distro shuffle", "boogieman",
> "nutjobs", "whiny", "paranoid", "scumbags", "sphincter", etc.
> No one but Microsoft has a motivation to do this. And Microsoft
> has been attacking Linux for 15 years!

The bullshit drooling of a paranoid maniac with detachment from reality.
That's you Bilk, in case you forgot.

>> Your proof?
>> The subject line says "Proof That Microsoft etc"
>> I see not a shred of evidence to substantiate this claim.
> Foster _removed_ the evidence. I've restored it.

How can he remove what never existed?

>> Once again Mark S. Bilk has revealed his paranoia and mental
>> illness.
> That's straight out of Microsoft's secret manual that instructs
> its propaganda agents how to lie in order to discredit its
> opponents:

What lie? You are paranoid and mentally ill.

The idiocy on your website proves it.
It's not your newsgroup, Bilk. It's ours, and has been for years.

cola is for bashing Linux, GNU, GPL, FSF, open source, Android, Richard
Stallman, Linux idiots and Linux liars. Everything else is off-topic.


Jul 9, 2012, 7:04:34 PM7/9/12
On 7/9/2012 5:13 PM, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> After swilling some grog, Goblin belched this bit o' wisdom:
>> On 09/07/12 19:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>> It would be great to chase these psychopaths out of our newsgroup.
> Nice idea, but it will never happen. Psychopaths are, almost by
> definition, relentless.
>> I'd say marketing 101 would dictate you want to influence the larger
>> audience, not a comparatively small group of tech users who have already
>> chosen linux.
> I have to agree with you, although I'm sure the first thing a few do
> once they start with Linux is search for places like this. I know I
> did.
> It's always had trolls, but now it is filled with human garbage, piling
> on against the decent people that try to post here.

Which 'decent people' are you talking about, Creepy?

> Ugly thugs, sick minds.

No doubt. Did you see the sick mind of the vile, thuggish turdv on
display in June 2012?

June 1:
* about Mike: idiot, stupid, morons and assholes
like Mike and Hadron
* about DanS: fscking moron, true stupidity

June 4:
* about DFS: puerile assholery, worthless POS
* Oracle: evil bastards
* "MelissA" is almost "Asshole" spelled backwards,
Flatfish idiot
* trolling assholes
* Ezekiel: jackass Larry!
* dumb bastard, Wintroll circle-jerk
* trolls are filthy
* GreyCloud: bald-faced liar

June 6:
* Ezekiel: lying piece of shit
* Ezekiel: piece of shit, POS
* Snit is a POS
* Hadron: what an *asshole*
* fscking *assholes*
* shitty and dishonest Linux-haters
* prick "philo" shit-canned, filthy lying *asshole*
* Hadron: shit-brained arsehole
* DFS: *stupidity* of epic proportions, stupid* pile of shit
*jackass*, too God-damned *stupid*
* trolling shitwits, *stupid*, assholery

June 7:
* Ezekiel: brain-damaged fscktard
* Ezekiel: piece of shit
* DFS: drooling retard/liar Dumfsck, drooling retard/liar, stupid
piece of shit wannabe dictators

June 11:
* cc: Bald-faced liar
* Ezekiel: shameless liar, jackass
* Flatfish: Flatshit bald-faced lie
* Steve Carroll: clueless and lying idiot, ignorant ass

June 13
* Ezekiel: Stupid fsckwit!, You stepped in your own shit,
fsckwitted asshole
* Ezekiel: extremely shitty, lying asshole, trolling fsckwit
* Steve Carroll: you *stupid* asshole
* "Hadron" is a POS
* asshole Quack, shitty dishonesty, piece of shit
* Ezekiel: asshole, fsckwit, fsckwit
* Ezekiel: lying fsckwit, you POS
* Greycloud: you stupid piece of shit

June 14:
* Quack and Dumfsck are a couple of dishonest little shits

June 15:
* Snit is a disease infesting the planet
* DFS: POS and liar
* fscktard trolls, Windows-loving asshole, shitty

June 18:
* Hadron: filthy Wintroll
* Quack you bald-faced liar, you piece of shit liar, shitty
useless Linux-haters
* GreyCloud you stupid piece of shit, piece of shit,
* GreyCloud: Utterly worthless liar
* "Hadron" you filthy Win troll.
* lying pieces of shit "Hadron" "Ezekiel" and "DFS"
* Hadron: fricken jackass
* Greycloud: worthless, lying, POS jackass
* Hadron: shamelessly lying POS

June 19
* DFS: garbage from that worthless, shit-brained asshole
* Hadron: POS liar, the filthy liar
* evil selfish bastards
* Greycloud: fscking idiot, fscking *stupid*, ignorant,
spews garbage, jackass, idiot asshole
* GreyCloud: piece of shit
* Hadron: stupid POS

June 20:
* Ezekiel: trolling fsckwit, POS, lies his ass off
* Snit: vile thing
* DFS: shitty, Dumfsck, liar
* Snit: ignorant lying piece of shit
* Snit: vile bastard asshole liar, fscking *liar*
* DFS: dumfscker, dumfscker, worthless, dumfscker
* DFS: shameless jackass

June 21:
* DFS: shitty
* DFS: dumfsck, DumFSck, piece of shit liar, shameless jackass DumFSck
* filthy lying assholes

June 25:
* Hadron: jackass
* Tom Shelton: cram it up your ass
* DFS: asshole

June 26:
* Ezekiel: You POS
* DFS: filthy, immoral
* DFS: dogshit brains

June 27:
* Hadron: shitty little freedom-hating dictator wannabee, fscking idiot,
piece of shit, stupid, ignorant, shameless asshole.
* Linux-hating pieces of shit, fscking
* shit, shitty, shitty, shitty, selfish assholes
* Hadron: shamelessly dishonest POS
* vile lying bastards, filthy liar Hadron

June 28:
* filthy fscks
* Fscking *assholes*

June 29:
* Ezekiel: disgusting scumbag, vile filthy mean, fsckwit, filthy fscking
liar, trolling fsckwit
* Snit: POS
* Ezekiel: filthy fsckwit, vile pukes, you shit
* DFS and Ezekiel: vile bastards
* filthy fsck Ezekiel, DFS Flatfish Ezekiel mentally-defective
bigots disgusting freaks
* Ezekiel: piece of shit, filthy lying bigot
* DFS and Flatfish: shitty
* filthy bigots Ezekiel and Flatfish, trolling fsckwit and shit
Ezekiel, vile bigot Flatfish, fsckwit piece of shit disgusting
freak Ezekiel


>> As for seeding Google.... ask the average consumer how much exposure
>> they have had to any of this tot.....I'd say non at all.
> Actually, some of that shit does get through to the outside world, sadly.
> As people have told me.

huh? You told us the FBI questioned you for your idiocy.

Give us the full story.

Mark S Bilk

Jul 9, 2012, 7:14:54 PM7/9/12
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 22:38:56 +0100, Goblin wrote:
> On 09/07/12 22:09, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> ...
> at the time you were pulled up on one
> of your sources for info.... David Iyke. You needed to be told that the
> man at one point claimed to be Jesus, yet you were linking him as a
> source. David Iyke was never mentioned again, was he.

I have not altered my attitude toward David Icke. I don't regard
people as authority figures. I examine the information they are
presenting and evaluate it for myself. So I often end up agreeing
with someone in one area and disagreeing with them in another.

> The point was and is (re: 911) you believe what you want to believe as
> will I. We both put our points across. What I certainly didn't do was
> cite a person who has in his past claimed to be the son of God, talked
> about aliens and now 911... he's made quite the fortune on his ever
> changing views about life the universe and everything.

Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth --
more than ruin, more even than death.

-- Bertrand Russell

> I digress. 911
> is not at issue here, its the claims of "shill" of your pieces of
> "evidence" was the use of the word "we" is it not?


> --- Well I must be
> paid by someone because I have used the collective "we", so have others.
>> Google says it has 58,924 people subscribed to COLA:
> My point exactly. Take away the dupe members, inactives etc and 50 odd
> thousand is minor.... Again, I ask you. Why not CNET? I'd hardly say
> COLA is the place to go for anyone new to the voyage of FOSS (or even
> starting to be interested) how many of the mainstream sites (you know
> the ones where millions per day of average consumers go) even mention
> COLA. Heck out of the Linux advocates and people who work for Linux
> firms. Most of them don't read COLA and many don't even know about it.

Asked and answered. Previous article.

>> If Microsoft pays 20 psychopath astroturfers an average of
>> $10,000/year, it costs $200,000/year.
> Cost is not so much the issue and do you really think if Microsoft was
> paying we would not have a more sophisticated "attack". For example a
> Microsoft Advocate polite, courteous and willing to enter into debate
> would be a far better marketing tool than say Big Steel and his "im not
> listening" remarks. Would it not?

No, Microsoft gets creamed in a fair debate. They have to bribe the panel.

>> If you look at all the incredibly evil things that Microsoft has
>> done -- $100,000,000 for the totally fraudulent SCO lawsuit,
>> many different instances of astroturfing and bribery, etc.,
>> I think it's quite possible that the company is run by fulminating
>> psychopaths, who want a public place where they can pour out their
>> hatred of free humanity and not quite get blamed for it.

> Again I repeat. If this was CNET I may consider, but who is reading
> their tot other than people who have already decided that Linux is for
> them and offers a better user experience? Who actually sees COLA or
> indeed Usenet as a place to determine their OS/Software decisions?

Your understanding seems to vary from moment to moment. Are you awake?

>> I don't know _if_ he's paid or by whom, or if he's just stark
>> raving mad. But he is very reliably, and interminably, opposed to
>> free software.
> Thats a slightly different stance to the one I replied to, both here and
> in IRC. So what if he hates free software? People here feed him and
> others (I believe a list of troll feeders is produced). If you feel so
> strongly that there's a motive other than just a tragic troll, then the
> last thing you should do is create a thread about it. Simply ignore if
> you don't like. I personally find the trolls rather fun to read,
> despite what I believe are personality flaws their posting does show
> what they are really frightened about in respect of Microsoft shortcomings.

Let the lies and hate stand unrefuted?

> After making comment about reading sources, Ive yet to see your proof
> of your claims. You appear to have done what I have done, express
> opinion. People can read both our posts and decide for themselves.


> When COLA is seen as the one stop shop for the mainstream consumer, let
> me know, I'll change my mind. Until that time, the idea that Microsoft
> would allow people to post like DFS and FOSTER in a group with little
> exposure, read by many people already using Linux and unknown largely to
> the mainstream populas is, as I said in my previous post at best
> outlandish in my view.
> Anyway Mark I believe we have had this debate before. Both the
> Microsoft one and the 911 one. I think our opinions are very clear.

You are always right.

Chris Ahlstrom

Jul 9, 2012, 8:01:12 PM7/9/12
After swilling some grog, Goblin belched this bit o' wisdom:

> My point exactly. Take away the dupe members, inactives etc and 50 odd
> thousand is minor.... Again, I ask you. Why not CNET?

Just to note that practically every venue that mentions Linux seems
to attract shills and insult-mongers like fleas.

I would agree, though, that the paid ones would be a little more
devious/circumspect in the slant they apply to their statements.

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.
-- Frank Zappa

Chris Ahlstrom

Jul 9, 2012, 8:02:52 PM7/9/12
After swilling some grog, Mark S Bilk belched this bit o' wisdom:
But the nuts will remain.

In the decade ahead I can predict that we will provide over twice the
productivity improvement that we provided in the ’90s.
-- Bill Gates


Jul 10, 2012, 9:24:19 AM7/10/12
Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

>> Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>> It would be great to chase these psychopaths out of our newsgroup.
>Nice idea, but it will never happen. Psychopaths are, almost by
>definition, relentless.

A normal person cannot "compete" with the fscked-in-the-head kook

"Example of me lying please?" - shameless liar "Hadron" Quack


Jul 10, 2012, 10:05:49 AM7/10/12
Goblin wrote:

> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> It's always had trolls, but now it is filled with human garbage, piling
>> on against the decent people that try to post here. Ugly thugs,
>> sick minds.

I suppose that the decline of USENET has tended to concentrate such
shit, like the cola trolls, into the few groups still active.

>Completely agree although I think they are encouraged by some.
>Simply if everyone ignored, they would just feed themselves.

The trolling shit would continue talking among themselves, if ignored
by advocates, yes.

I honestly think things would improve, though. The shit doesn't like
being filtered and ignored by their "victims", and there's been a lot
of behavior in here that should have resulted in immediate
plonk/ignoring by every decent poster.

"Don't worry moron... the Linux folks are working hard to "innovate"
the exact same feature." - trolling fsckwit "Ezekiel"


Jul 10, 2012, 11:00:12 AM7/10/12
On 09/07/2012 00:52, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
> Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
> Linux. Microsoft posts about 130 such articles every day to the
> comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, using dozens of false anonymous
> identities -- standard astroturfing procedure. Some of the false
> identities have been used for more than 29,000 posts each.
> The purpose of the hate campaign is simple: Microsoft doesn't
> want to lose the hundreds or even thousands of dollars of profit
> from each person who switches to free Linux software.

There can't be many in a linux advocacy group who would
buy MicroSoft products. Where is the profit?


Jul 10, 2012, 12:11:37 PM7/10/12
I'll start on the end with your cheap shot = "You are always right"...
Don't throw a tantrum Mark, what I am saying and what I have said is I
disagree with you completely. I present my view, you present yours. I
remember it was you screaming "you don't look at the sources" and when I
did (and they were challenged) nothing was said. Anyway I repeat you
have your opinion I have mine. Since neither of us are scientists I
have drawn my conclusions from the 911 evidence from "both sides" as
have you. We both have come to different conclusions. Fine, as I say
neither of us are scientists.

> I have not altered my attitude toward David Icke. I don't regard
> people as authority figures. I examine the information they are
> presenting and evaluate it for myself. So I often end up agreeing
> with someone in one area and disagreeing with them in another.

Probably just as well, although you do cite your sources as "proof" and
thats what I looked at. I remember quite clearly you claiming that I
hadnt looked at the basis for your theories. I had. I did and it only
strengthened my own opinions. I repeat again since you have a little
trouble understanding. Its not me saying you are wrong and I'm right.
I am saying I stand behind my views which are vastly different to yours.
Who is the judge? Anyone who cares enough to read both out views. Who
is right? its up to the individual reader. On a personal note of course
I think you wrong, but then if I didn't my opinion wouldn't be
different, would it?

I appologize if I took your exampling of the word "we" as further proof
of paid Microsoft advocacy. At least thats cleared up.

> No, Microsoft gets creamed in a fair debate. They have to bribe the panel.

Who by? You? With unfounded claims? Of course there are some damn
decent Linux posters here who could debate, but in COLA for a marketing
benefit? come on. Again the level of determination of the Microsoft
advocates here suggests something far more tragic than being
paid....they enjoy it.

> Your understanding seems to vary from moment to moment. Are you awake?

Oh I am Mark, and just like your embarrassment in COLA you will attempt
cheap insults when not able to counter. Do we need to read back your
understanding issues after the Iyke revelation?

> You are always right.

Outstanding Mark. Outstanding. One last thing though, if I had your
opinions and an honest held belief in what you claim, I would not waste
my time posting to a NG or in IRC. If you really believe all your
conspiracies why are you not out there campaigning? I would be if I
believed what you did, anything less is negligent is it not?

And no, I don't think you crazy, mad or whatever else is thrown towards
you, I don't even know you. I merely think you wrong. Thats my
opinion. the same as it was months ago.


Jul 10, 2012, 1:16:40 PM7/10/12
On 7/10/2012 10:05 AM, chrisv wrote:
> Goblin wrote:
>> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>> It's always had trolls, but now it is filled with human garbage, piling
>>> on against the decent people that try to post here. Ugly thugs,
>>> sick minds.
> I suppose that the decline of USENET has tended to concentrate such
> shit, like the cola trolls, into the few groups still active.
>> Completely agree although I think they are encouraged by some.
>> Simply if everyone ignored, they would just feed themselves.
> The trolling shit would continue talking among themselves, if ignored
> by advocates, yes.

What advocates? You Windows-using and developing hypocrites are
"advocates" who care only about money, even if it means promoting MS
products and going against every single OSS principle you give lip
service to at night.

> I honestly think things would improve, though. The shit doesn't like
> being filtered and ignored by their "victims", and there's been a lot
> of behavior in here that should have resulted in immediate
> plonk/ignoring by every decent poster.

Like your behavior, you vile little shithead:
Suck a shotgun, turdv. The police will send the cleanup bill to your
family: "Mop up the brains of a worthless loser: $25.00"


Jul 10, 2012, 1:18:00 PM7/10/12
There are no MS lies or "operation" here to end, moron. And our
relentless insults of you relentless lying bozos could never do more
harm to Linux than the blithering of Rex Ballard, Homer, Creepy Chris,
turdv and Fraud 7.

MS has way too much class and taste to employ the likes of me and
Flatfish and Zeke and Clogwog and GreyCloud, et al, to post here and
insult the absolute lying, drooling idiots that call themselves "Linux

What stupid-ass lies and idiocy am I talking about?

7 (aka Fraud 7, aka The President of cola)

* "Microsoft products can only access 3Gb of RAM while Linux has
no RAM limits" (Oct 2008)
* "Linux is expanding at the rate of 1 million+ desktops per week"
* "Linux sells 14 million+ embedded gadgets PER DAY."
* "90% of all products sold with an OS contains Linux." (Jan 2012)
* "97% of all consumer electronics gadgets carry Linux." (Feb 2012)
* "97% of all electronics gadgets sold contains Linux." (Feb 2012)
* "Microsoft is a family run business" (Feb 2012)
* "Microsoft paid $8 billion for a company worth $70 million"
* "Software from the United States is 2nd rate"
* "IBM doesn't use Windows"
* "Windows usage falls to 20%"
* "Ubuntu is expecting 200 million users"
* "Linux is on one-third of all PCs sold"
* "I used to spend 7000 to 9000 pounds a year on Microsoft software"
* "I was European Inventor Of The Year 1995"
* "Latest estimate is 500 million infected Windows computers (May 2011)"
* "Linux fixes all its serious vulnerabilities in roughly 24 hours"
* "Micoshaft has illegally twisted suppliers in Taiwan
to restrict choice of OS preload."
* "The EU accepted bribes and collusion with micoshaftees
to keep Linux from EU and its people"
* "OpenOffice is a derivative of LibreOffice"
* "Microsoft plans to snoop on your voip calls"
* "1/10th of all the Client Desktop Market is now owned by
Android" (Jun 2011)
* "Android malware is removed by Google within 5 minutes of
being reported"
* "Linux and open source is the preferred method of software development
for all major new projects." Jul 2011
* "GPL code is public domain"
* "With GPL you own the code"
* "5% of all US diplomatic communications is to help micoshaft
and appil."
* "Linux is a commercial operating system"
* "Knowing assembler helps you optimize SQL queries"
* "shuffling pointers manually is simpler than writing SQL"
* "I think in hex and bits and byte movements."
* "I never said I was a Linux advocate."
* "Apple locked up BSD Unix"

* "Vista actually requires more ram than a 32bit cpu can address."
* "Office 2008 on a 5ghz machine isn't any faster than office 97 on
a pentium-60."
* "The U.S. armed forces do not use anything from microsoft for
critical data processing."

Creepy Chris Ahlstrom (aka Linosuck)
* "Microsoft killed the Citrix client for Linux"
* "the only products that are making headway against Microsoft
these days are *free* products based on open-source."
* "Office Depot put all its Windows Vista computers on clearance"
* "'chuck it out there and see'" is exactly Microsoft's business model."
* "I forgot I posted my 'personal info' to Usenet long before DFS did"
* "If it weren't for vendors clambering all over Windows systems
keeping them protected and keeping them going, they wouldn't
last a month"
* "Windows isn't ready for the desktop (Jun 2011)"
* "Linux is only marginally more problematic than Windows"
* "Blender seems to be the best way ever to make videos"
* "DFS claimed Windows enabled the Internet"
* "MS got Peter Quinn of Massachusetts fired"
* "DFS is dishonest"
* "Microsoft's repeat customers buy laptops because their 2-year
old systems are infected by malware."
* "Bill Gates promised 'A computer in every home, all running
Microsoft Windows.'"
* "DFS presented 2 calendar year tax forms as if they were for one
fiscal year"
* "OpenOffice tops 20% market share"
* "Ezekiel is a stupid piece of shit shameless transparent idiotic
immoral obtuse fscking asshole liar"
* "Microsoft took over Nokia and made it founder"
* "I wouldn't work for Microsoft for a billion dollars."
* "I never lie in my posts"
* "it's getting pretty damn hard to find real flaws
in Linux these days." (Apr 2012)
* "Ardour, Rosegarden (Apr 2012) is more sophisticated and
functional than the Cakewalk software I used with
Windown 3.1 and NT (15 years ago)"
* "MS Office is slow, bloated, memory hog, clunky, and has a
bad scripting language" (May 2012)
* "I'm 55"
* "Windows 7 'Send To..' will copy a file from the Desktop
to the Desktop"
* "I am completely honest in what I say"

Chris Hunter
* "the entire German government, French government, most of Scandinavia,
/all/ of China, and much of India switched to Linux"
* there is only one Windows user in the 120 houses in my
London neighborhood

Dumb Willie Poaster
* "In their SEC filings, MS says Linux is up to 14% of users"
* "Brazil switched to Linux"
* "Israel got rid of MS Office"
* "Bill Gates gave $100M to fight HIV in India, but gave $421M to
fight Linux"
* "Hadron is a Microsoft zealot"
* "A tailwind reduces lift?!?!?! How in hell does a kite fly then?"
* doesn't understand sockpuppets: "I still laugh at Message-ID
Larry "thinking" I was a 'chrisv' sock, & I wasn't even on
the same continent at the time!"
* "Vista was largely dumped off people's machines in favor of XP"
* "there are 6.5 billion worldwide computer users."

* "MS Office is dying In India"

* "if Windows was the only choice I wouldn't use computers"
* "The Gates Foundation is a money-laundering operation"
* "DFS posts several links a day that are at least 5 years old"

* "I don't hate Microsoft"
* "Microsoft turned existing Kin phones into lifeless bricks when
they quit selling them"
* "The Microsoft Kinect is not a success because it was sold to
existing XBox 360s owners"
* "Skype is the only Microsoft product fit for its purpose"
* "WinPhone7 has shown exactly what people think of Microsoft products"
* "I have had very bad experiences of many Microsoft products"

Greg Shearman
* "If you question DFS's credentials he attempts to threaten you
with lawyers."
* "The microsoft tax is paid on every desktop except Apple"
* "There's no alternative to the Microsoft tax"

* "Knowing Word or Excel is a hindrance." (Mar 2012)

* "half of European govt bodies dumped Windows in 2003"
* "a one-day 6% decline in Google's shares is a small fluctuation"
* "if Windows was the only choice I wouldn't use computers"
* "it takes days to fully setup a Windows system"
* "MS SQL Server can't handle Tesco's product database"
* "With a small team I could've done the Munich migration in
less than six months, including re-engineering all
proprietary components"
* "The PC desktop is gasping its last breath" (Jun 2011)
* "Microsoft was never technically competent"
* "Microsoft inhibited progress in computing for nearly 40 years"
* "I contribute heavily to charity"
* "Nobody is buying Windows 7 (Jun 2011)"
* "MS doesn't support Windows XP (Jun 2011)"
* "DFS showed he didn't know the difference between fibre channel
and SCSI host adapters"
* "Microsoft lost the standards war (Jun 2011)"
* "Windows never actually worked for me, even though I used it for
more than a decade"
* "Android helps solve corporate greed"
* "Skype was a Microsoft takeover"
* "Windows 7 is a failed product (Jun 2011)"
* "Intel only got a slap on the wrist when it was caught red
handed bribing Dell"
* "selfishness and greed seems to be the primary basis of the
American Dream." (Jul 2011)
* "no effective punitive measures have ever been taken
against Microsoft" (Jul 2011)
* "today's political and business culture sees unethical
opportunism as just another business strategy" (Jul 2011)
* "18.5 million Linux devices are sold per day (90% of 7.5 billion
ARM shipments per year)."
* "MS says there's no demand for Linux" (Jan 2012)
* "Dell warned customers not to buy Linux systems" (Jan 2012)
* "Apple tried to monopolise Free Software"
* "Windows printer drivers/packages take half an hour and
install half a gigabyte of shovelware"
* "The Wintel PC is now officially a relic." (May 2012)
* "Microsoft steals your money every time you buy a PC." (May 2012)

Ian Hilliard
* "the whole IT industry has been forced to become a marketing
channel for Microsoft and a few other big software companies"
* "PC applications to not keep the traffic running, control the
traffic lights, keep your bus on time, keep your trains running,
provide the control for nuclear reactors, provide safety relevant
systems for factories or detect if you are sick."

* "DFS Googles for Linux problems because he hasn't experienced any
of his own"
* "sudo is not a Unix thing"
* "I wouldn't accept a free $110K Corvette"
* "Microsoft exerts all of it's power in desktop machines."
* "Win8 Metro is pretty much a clone of Ubuntu Unity."
* "You always have to pay Microsoft."

* "it takes -DAYS- to get rid of trialware preinstalled on
some Windows systems"

Keith Curtis
* "Bill Gates was my boss"
* "Microsoft is nearly the last proprietary PC software
company standing"
* "In the world of free software the definition of an operating
system changes"
* "Linux has achieved enormous gains against Windows"

* "Linux is up to 200x faster than Windows"

The Lost Packet
* "Microsoft Office barely works"

Mart van de Wege
* "DFS purposely hid parts of his Debian/Gnome screenshots"

Marti van Lin
* "all Registry cleaners are malware"
* "Linux doesn't just quit working" (he previously said his
Suse system "simply stopped working")
* "Clogwog is a stalker and blackmailer"

Nigel Feltham
"Bill Gates was expelled from Harvard for stealing computer time"

Peter Kohlmann
* didn't disagree that "Windows code has 116x as many bugs
per line as Linux code."
* "Windows apps very often require reboots after install"
* "the Macro capabilities of OpenOffice are every bit as complex as
those of MSOffice" (Dec 2011)
* "I paid for [17 versions of] SuSE Linux from version 5.3 until
Version 9.3"
* "I don't read most of DFS's posts"
* " is a private site"
* agreed with Fraud 7 that "As of Oct 2008, Microsoft products can
only access 3Gb of RAM while Linux has no RAM limits"
* Finale isn't music composition software because it doesn't compose
the music for you
* "The Windows Registry fails often" (Dec 2011)
* "There are at most a dozen duplicative Linux distributions" (May 2012)
* "Replying to a Snit sockpuppet isn't the same as responding to
Snit" (Jun 2012)

* "You have to reboot half a dozen times to install Windows apps"
* "I had one or two minor issues in 10 years of using Linux"
* "In Linux it's simple to allow/disallow encryption on an
ext3 partition"
* "you probably can't find Windows apps locally"

Rexford 'Kingmaker' Ballard
* "Vista will probably be based on the BSD kernel"
* "Microsoft executives openly admitted, under oath, that they had
frequently engaged in fraud, extortion, blackmail, and obstruction
of justice as routine business practices."
* 80 million Linux sub-notebooks were sold in 11 months
* "Microsoft requires retailers to turn off all Windows systems if
Linux computers are displayed nearby"
* "Acer, ASUS, and MSI were making profits on Linux machines, until
Microsoft threatened to hold them liable for any Windows XP
installations done by end users."
* "3 billion people each have 3-4 consumer electronic items
running Linux" (Feb 2010)
* "Microsoft has funded the overthrow of Germany, France, and has
almost succeeded in toppling England."

Richard Rasker
* "Vista requires between 10 and 20 times the amount
of system resources Linux needs for equal performance."
* "Vista is the reason computers have quad core CPUs"
* "Vista purchasers in the UK pay 2x what US purchasers pay" (at the
time, it was nearly the same price)
* "Windows code has 116x as many bugs per line as Linux code."
* "People don't need Windows"

* "Vista requires all new equipment and applications"
* "Microsoft had to buy Visio since they couldn't compete with it."
* "I switched to Linux"
* "Once you get CentOS working it doesn't just stop like Windows does"
* "Apple's empire is falling apart, bit by bit." (Apr 2012)
* "Most M$ programmers are "cut and paste" artists"
* "the Wintrolls love to quote Florian Mueller"

Roy Spamowitz
* "It's official: Microsoft is dying very quickly" (2006)
* Paul Thurrott of Win Supersite doesn't like Windows 7
* "GNU/Linux is the Best Operating System for solid-state drives
(the article he linked as proof said Windows 2000 was)
* "Vista doesn't run on sub-notebooks"
* "Venezuela is going 100% open source by end of 2006" (2006)
* "There are 320,000,000 Windows Zombie machines"
* "The latest Mandriva is perfect."
* "The Austrian justice ministry dumped Microsoft Office and
moved to Free Software" (Jul 2011)

Super Jim
* "I covered 220 miles in 8 hours on a mountain bike"
* "I will unseat MS in <5 years with a team of Linux volunteers"
* "I got 15 hours of battery life with Suse 9.3 w/KDE, but only
3.5 hours of battery life with Windows XP SP2"

Terry Telnet Porter
* "Linux does not have data corruption problems"
* "Vista32 can only use 3GB of RAM and Vista64 is limited to 4GB of RAM"
* "FWBuilder is not available for Windows"
* "I've had absolutely no trouble in 13 years of using Linux."

* "a lot of today's popular technologies (server and desktop) are
GNU/Linux only, or at least started off on GNU/Linux."
* "Microsoft gets paid every time someone buys an Ubuntu Dell laptop"
* "Users are stuck with the default desktop environment on Windows"

Tonto (High Plains Thumper)
* "DFS is lying, nymshifting, hypocritical"
* "DFS makes up virtually every number, and many of the "facts"
he posts."
* "Novell is now owned by a Microsoft consortium."
* "Linux was a complete and suitable desktop product in 1998"
* "There has never been anything wrong with desktop Linux (Jun 2011)"
* "Windows is crash-prone (Jun 2011)"
* "Wintrolls complained to advocates' employers"
* "Linux installed base is around 12% - 13%"

turd chrisv
* "Vista needs 4G and 2 fast CPU's to run acceptably well."
* "Windows fits only one situation: a single-user desktop PC"
* "Microsoft imposes the Windows tax upon even the poorest of
third-world countries"
* "Ezekiel claimed Linux isn't ready for the desktop because it
doesn't have iTunes"
* "DFS claims you can get permanent eye damage from installing
Linux improperly"
* "DFS is a filthy liar"
* "cola Linux advocates are good people"
* "There is no advocate on cola who deserves to be called a
stupid piece of shit"
* "Best Buy had multiple aisles lined with AV software."
* "new Win7 machines cost 3x as much for the same performance as
refurbished XP machines with P4 or Core2Duo chips"
* "a monopoly can exist even if there are alternatives"
* "7 has never made as much of a jackass of himself as Zeke"
* "Hadron *hates* Linux with every fiber of his being."
* "Hadron takes the pro-MS position on *every* issue"
* "I don't ask if anyone's mother knows they are a piece of shit."
* "no cola advocate ever said anything about the iPad failing"
* "cola Linux advocates are not fools"
* "I thought all-along the iPad would be a success."
* "To get programmable function keys in Windows you have to pay
around $120 for software"
* "no cola advocates said XP would be a complete failure"
* "malware is natural and healthy"
* "Linux is *never* seen in *any* mainstream store!"
* "Everyone here can see that Ezekiel is a piece of shit"
* "I honestly believe Hadron is Ezekiel"
* "I have honor"
* "All Snit does is lie"
* "Microsoft is an undeniably shitty and corrupt organization."
* "I don't lie"
* "Microsoft products put larger OEMs at a real disadvantage"
* "I've never lied in cola"
* "cola Linux advocates are generally honest"
* "I was completely honest, as always."
* "Only Microsoft can make money selling word processing software"
* "I am 100% honest."
* "users no longer need Windows."
* "I'm honest and fair, as always."
* "No Linux users say 'Linux is perfect.'"
* "I refuse to go through the *significant* effort of documenting
the thought process and research involved in making all the
choices required to build a PC from components." - turdv,
proving he hates too much choice.

It's like child care at an insane asylum... you fit in perfectly.


Jul 10, 2012, 1:48:00 PM7/10/12
Amazing collection of real loony toons!
No wonder desktop Linux is going no place.
Who would want to be associated with such a group of oddballs?


Jul 10, 2012, 2:07:46 PM7/10/12
On 7/10/12 10:48 AM, in article 1mzk3uu5iwo3f$,
Challenge: are *any* of the above quotes supportable? Can the herd back
even *one* of them with strong support?

I bet not.

Mark S Bilk

Jul 10, 2012, 7:02:38 PM7/10/12
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:11:37 +0100, Goblin wrote:
> On 10/07/12 00:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>> On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 22:38:56 +0100, Goblin wrote:
>>> On 09/07/12 22:09, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>> ...
>>> at the time you were pulled up on one
>>> of your sources for info.... David Iyke. You needed to be told that the
>>> man at one point claimed to be Jesus, yet you were linking him as a
>>> source.

Needed to be told? No. Jesus is one of the few worthwhile figures
in our culture, so if a person feels a connection with him that's
fine with me.

>>> David Iyke was never mentioned again, was he.

I mention him all the time. I feature a link on my homepage to his
excellent talk on the NWO, as I have for years:

>> I have not altered my attitude toward David Icke. I don't regard
>> people as authority figures. I examine the information they are
>> presenting and evaluate it for myself. So I often end up agreeing
>> with someone in one area and disagreeing with them in another.

>>> The point was and is (re: 911) you believe what you want to believe as
>>> will I. We both put our points across.

I don't regard that as thinking.

>>> What I certainly didn't do was
>>> cite a person who has in his past claimed to be the son of God, talked
>>> about aliens and now 911... he's made quite the fortune on his ever
>>> changing views about life the universe and everything.

You seem to feel superior about that, Tim. I wouldn't.

>> Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth --
>> more than ruin, more even than death.
>> -- Bertrand Russell
>>> I digress. 911
>>> is not at issue here, its the claims of "shill" of your pieces of
>>> "evidence" was the use of the word "we" is it not?
>> No.
>>> --- Well I must be
>>> paid by someone because I have used the collective "we", so have others.

>>>> Google says it has 58,924 people subscribed to COLA:
>>> My point exactly. Take away the dupe members, inactives etc and 50 odd
>>> thousand is minor.... Again, I ask you. Why not CNET? I'd hardly say
>>> COLA is the place to go for anyone new to the voyage of FOSS (or even
>>> starting to be interested) how many of the mainstream sites (you know
>>> the ones where millions per day of average consumers go) even mention
>>> COLA. Heck out of the Linux advocates and people who work for Linux
>>> firms. Most of them don't read COLA and many don't even know about it.

Microsoft's agents would not be permitted to flood any other forum
with lies and hate. They'd be blocked.

>>>> If Microsoft pays 20 psychopath astroturfers an average of
>>>> $10,000/year, it costs $200,000/year.

>>> Cost is not so much the issue and do you really think if Microsoft was
>>> paying we would not have a more sophisticated "attack". For example a
>>> Microsoft Advocate polite, courteous and willing to enter into debate
>>> would be a far better marketing tool than say Big Steel and his "im not
>>> listening" remarks. Would it not?

Microsoft could not win a polite, courteous debate. That's why
they rely on bribery, as they instruct in their propaganda manual:

They could not justify their past actions, and their products don't
stand up well next to Free Software, all things considered.

With lies, hate, and intimidation, they at least have a chance to
sway people who don't think clearly.

>>>> If you look at all the incredibly evil things that Microsoft has
>>>> done -- $100,000,000 for the totally fraudulent SCO lawsuit,
>>>> many different instances of astroturfing and bribery, etc.,
>>>> I think it's quite possible that the company is run by fulminating
>>>> psychopaths, who want a public place where they can pour out their
>>>> hatred of free humanity and not quite get blamed for it.

>>> Again I repeat. If this was CNET I may consider, but who is reading
>>> their tot other than people who have already decided that Linux is for
>>> them and offers a better user experience? Who actually sees COLA or
>>> indeed Usenet as a place to determine their OS/Software decisions?

>> Your understanding seems to vary from moment to moment. Are you awake?

You previously agreed that COLA contains tens of thousands of
lurking Windows users -- prospective Linux adopters. Now you're
saying they are all Linux users.

[Regarding Snit]
>>>> I don't know _if_ he's paid or by whom, or if he's just stark
>>>> raving mad. But he is very reliably, and interminably, opposed to
>>>> free software.

>>> Thats a slightly different stance to the one I replied to, both here and
>>> in IRC. So what if he hates free software? People here feed him and
>>> others (I believe a list of troll feeders is produced). If you feel so
>>> strongly that there's a motive other than just a tragic troll, then the
>>> last thing you should do is create a thread about it. Simply ignore if
>>> you don't like. I personally find the trolls rather fun to read,
>>> despite what I believe are personality flaws their posting does show
>>> what they are really frightened about in respect of Microsoft shortcomings.

The word "troll" originally meant, in Usenet jargon, a sociopath
who enjoyed provoking annoyed reactions from legitimate posters.
If no-one responded to them ("fed" them), then they might stop
their disruptive posting.

But the main purpose of the anti-Linux propagandists in COLA is
to dissuade the tens of thousands of Windows-using lurkers from
trying Linux. To do this the propagandists post a huge flood of
articles full of lies and hate against Linux and its users and
creators -- about 150 per day.

The anti-Linux propagandists get their gratification from being
_paid_ for posting. If no-one responds to them, they don't stop
posting; it's been tried many times in the past. Instead, leaving
their lies and hate unrefuted just makes them more effective at
discouraging the Windows users from trying Linux.

>>> After making comment about reading sources, Ive yet to see your proof
>>> of your claims. You appear to have done what I have done, express
>>> opinion. People can read both our posts and decide for themselves.

I've shown that Microsoft can discourage several tens of thousands
of Windows users lurking in COLA from trying Linux, at a cost of
about $6 per user per year, and that this prevents a loss of profit
to Microsoft of about $300 per user per year. Thus Microsoft's
vicious astroturfing operation in COLA is extremely cost-effective,
and saves the corporation on the order of $10,000,000 per year.

Furthermore, Microsoft's flood of hate messages into COLA enables
it to extensively libel people like Richard Stallman without getting
blamed for it, because the Corporation does it anonymously. These
attacks get into Google.

>>> When COLA is seen as the one stop shop for the mainstream consumer, let
>>> me know, I'll change my mind. Until that time, the idea that Microsoft
>>> would allow people to post like DFS and FOSTER in a group with little
>>> exposure, read by many people already using Linux and unknown largely to
>>> the mainstream populas is, as I said in my previous post at best
>>> outlandish in my view.

Goblin, you are simply ignoring the facts that I've stated.

>>> Anyway Mark I believe we have had this debate before. Both the
>>> Microsoft one and the 911 one. I think our opinions are very clear.

Given that the 9/11 attacks may ultimately lead to a world-wide
fascist state and the consequential destruction of the human
species, accepting the government lies about 9/11 without carefully
and publicly examining the research reports that refute them
constitutes a dereliction of one's sacred duty as a human being --
the highest species of life on this planet.

> I'll start on the end with your cheap shot = "You are always right"...
> Don't throw a tantrum Mark,

That is a propaganda technique. Note that "Goblin" never says
that _he_ is "throwing a tantrum".

> what I am saying and what I have said is I
> disagree with you completely. I present my view, you present yours. I
> remember it was you screaming

Propaganda technique again. He never says that he was "screaming".

> "you don't look at the sources" and when I
> did (and they were challenged) nothing was said.

Please repeat the challenges.

> Anyway I repeat you
> have your opinion I have mine. Since neither of us are scientists I
> have drawn my conclusions from the 911 evidence from "both sides" as
> have you. We both have come to different conclusions. Fine, as I say
> neither of us are scientists.

One does not have to be a scientist to understand science.
It proceeds by a clear, logical method.

Using not being a scientist as an excuse for not engaging in a
detailed public discussion of the evidence of 9/11 is dereliction
of sacred duty as stated above.

>> I have not altered my attitude toward David Icke. I don't regard
>> people as authority figures. I examine the information they are
>> presenting and evaluate it for myself. So I often end up agreeing
>> with someone in one area and disagreeing with them in another.
> Probably just as well, although you do cite your sources as "proof" and
> thats what I looked at.

The only information for which I use David Icke as a source is what
he presents in his lecture on the NWO, above.

> I remember quite clearly you claiming that I
> hadnt looked at the basis for your theories. I had. I did and it only
> strengthened my own opinions. I repeat again since you have a little
> trouble understanding. Its not me saying you are wrong and I'm right.

Note that Tim never says that he "has a little trouble understanding".
He uses propaganda techniques to discredit me emotionally to the

> I am saying I stand behind my views which are vastly different to yours.
> Who is the judge? Anyone who cares enough to read both out views. Who
> is right? its up to the individual reader. On a personal note of course
> I think you wrong, but then if I didn't my opinion wouldn't be
> different, would it?
> I appologize if I took your exampling of the word "we" as further proof
> of paid Microsoft advocacy. At least thats cleared up.
>> No, Microsoft gets creamed in a fair debate. They have to bribe the panel.
> Who by? You? With unfounded claims? Of course there are some damn
> decent Linux posters here who could debate, but in COLA for a marketing
> benefit? come on. Again the level of determination of the Microsoft
> advocates here suggests something far more tragic than being
> paid....they enjoy it.

I'm sure they do -- they say so. They are psychopaths/sociopaths.

>> Your understanding seems to vary from moment to moment. Are you awake?
> Oh I am Mark,

I asked because you first admitted that most of the lurkers in COLA
are probably Windows users, and then later in the same post asserted
that they are Linux users.

> and just like your embarrassment in COLA you will attempt

What embarrassment is that?

> cheap insults when not able to counter. Do we need to read back your
> understanding issues after the Iyke revelation?

Be my guest.

>> You are always right.
> Outstanding Mark. Outstanding. One last thing though, if I had your
> opinions and an honest held belief in what you claim, I would not waste
> my time posting to a NG or in IRC. If you really believe all your
> conspiracies why are you not out there campaigning? I would be if I
> believed what you did, anything less is negligent is it not?

Broadcasting accurate information is as important as running for
office. Without that, people won't know whom to vote for.


Jul 10, 2012, 7:13:08 PM7/10/12
Ladies and gentlemen, the message that I am replying to was written
by Mark S. Bilk, a Linux advocate who also believes the 9-11 attacks
were an inside job.

More proof that Linux and FOSS attract the oddballs, paranoid and
mentally defective.

Come join us in comp.os.linux.advocacy and have some real laughs.
It's free and as you can see, highly entertaining!

There are plenty more in comp.os.linux.advocacy as crazy as Mark S.
Bilk. They call themselves Linux advocates but they are really
Windows users by day and crybabies by night.

Hope to see you there!

Onion Knight

Jul 10, 2012, 7:16:23 PM7/10/12
On Jul 10, 4:02 pm, Mark S Bilk <> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:11:37 +0100, Goblin wrote:
> > On 10/07/12 00:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> >> On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 22:38:56 +0100, Goblin wrote:
> >>> On 09/07/12 22:09, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> >>> ...
> >>> at the time you were pulled up on one
> >>> of your sources for info.... David Iyke.  You needed to be told that the
> >>> man at one point claimed to be Jesus, yet you were linking him as a
> >>> source.
> Needed to be told?  No.  Jesus is one of the few worthwhile figures
> in our culture, so if a person feels a connection with him that's
> fine with me.

He is more than a worthwhile figure. He is the source of morality in
our culture. Without Jesus and his teachings we would still be living
under the rules of the Old Testament.

> >>> What I certainly didn't do was
> >>> cite a person who has in his past claimed to be the son of God, talked
> >>> about aliens and now 911... he's made quite the fortune on his ever
> >>> changing views about life the universe and everything.
> You seem to feel superior about that, Tim.  I wouldn't.

There is one Jesus and he said nothing about 911. While he prophesied
many things that is not one of them.

> Microsoft could not win a polite, courteous debate.

You are unable to engage in a debate of that sort. You lose by default
by your lack of engagement.

> The word "troll" originally meant, in Usenet jargon, a sociopath
> who enjoyed provoking annoyed reactions from legitimate posters.
> If no-one responded to them ("fed" them), then they might stop
> their disruptive posting.

The word troll in COLA is used to mean someone who does not agree with
the herd.

> But the main purpose of the anti-Linux propagandists in COLA is
> to dissuade the tens of thousands of Windows-using lurkers from
> trying Linux.  To do this the propagandists post a huge flood of
> articles full of lies and hate against Linux and its users and
> creators -- about 150 per day.

This is where you show you are unable to engage in reasoned thinking.


Jul 10, 2012, 7:44:17 PM7/10/12
On Jul 10, 7:02 pm, Mark S Bilk <> wrote:
> ...
> I've shown that Microsoft can discourage several tens of thousands
> of Windows users lurking in COLA from trying Linux, at a cost of
> about $6 per user per year, and that this prevents a loss of profit
> to Microsoft of about $300 per user per year.

$300 per year? Really?

Fortunately, MS just reported their SEC-filed quarterly numbers; they
had $17.41 Billion in revenues.

Simple model:
Multiply $17.41B times four = $ 69.64B per year.

Call it $70B for round numbers. Now it just needs to be normalized
into a "per customer" metric.

So how many PCs are in use?

Well, Gartner reported that the 1B mark was crossed back in 2008.
Sure, they also said that at the +12% growth rate that 2B would be hit
in 2014, but the economy changed that. So let's assume one year at
their growth rate and then zero growth since 2009...that would put the
installed base at around 1.12B ... before we adjust it down to MS's
90% marketshare. For easy kathy, just call it a net wash at 1B
Windows customers.

$70B divided by 1B = $70 total MS revenue per year per customer.

But Mark said $300/pp-year in *profits*.

$300 in profits made from only $70 in revenue. Not bad at all :-)



Jul 10, 2012, 8:04:02 PM7/10/12
On 7/10/12 4:16 PM, in article, "Onion
Knight" <> wrote:

> On Jul 10, 4:02�ソスpm, Mark S Bilk <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:11:37 +0100, Goblin wrote:
>>> On 10/07/12 00:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 22:38:56 +0100, Goblin wrote:
>>>>> On 09/07/12 22:09, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>>>>> ...
>>>>> at the time you were pulled up on one
>>>>> of your sources for info.... David Iyke. �ソスYou needed to be told that the
>>>>> man at one point claimed to be Jesus, yet you were linking him as a
>>>>> source.
>> Needed to be told? �ソスNo. �ソスJesus is one of the few worthwhile figures
>> in our culture, so if a person feels a connection with him that's
>> fine with me.
> He is more than a worthwhile figure. He is the source of morality in
> our culture. Without Jesus and his teachings we would still be living
> under the rules of the Old Testament.

I disagree. There are many moral people who are not Christians and not all
of Christ's teachings, as repeated a generation later (all we have of his
words) were what we would consider moral. They were also not consistent.
While I do not agree with all of what this source says, some food for

Matthew: Injustice: <>
Matthew: Intolerance: <>
Matthew: Science and History: <>

On and on... and that is just a sampling of things to consider in Matthew.
There is a *lot* more at that site.

>>>>> What I certainly didn't do was
>>>>> cite a person who has in his past claimed to be the son of God, talked
>>>>> about aliens and now 911... he's made quite the fortune on his ever
>>>>> changing views about life the universe and everything.
>> You seem to feel superior about that, Tim. �ソスI wouldn't.
> There is one Jesus and he said nothing about 911. While he prophesied
> many things that is not one of them.

I will agree he did not prophesize 9-11.

>> Microsoft could not win a polite, courteous debate.
> You are unable to engage in a debate of that sort. You lose by default
> by your lack of engagement.

That describes the herd, cc, my stalker and many others in COLA. It is an
interesting look at human psychology.

>> The word "troll" originally meant, in Usenet jargon, a sociopath
>> who enjoyed provoking annoyed reactions from legitimate posters.
>> If no-one responded to them ("fed" them), then they might stop
>> their disruptive posting.
> The word troll in COLA is used to mean someone who does not agree with
> the herd.

From the Herd to English dictionary: <>
* Troll:
Anyone who is not a part of the herd. Also sometimes "WinTroll" whether
the target of the term uses or prefers Windows as an OS.

>> But the main purpose of the anti-Linux propagandists in COLA is
>> to dissuade the tens of thousands of Windows-using lurkers from
>> trying Linux. �ソスTo do this the propagandists post a huge flood of
>> articles full of lies and hate against Linux and its users and
>> creators -- about 150 per day.
> This is where you show you are unable to engage in reasoned thinking.

That is but one example.


Jul 10, 2012, 8:05:05 PM7/10/12
On 7/10/12 4:13 PM, in article,
"Foster" <> wrote:

> Ladies and gentlemen, the message that I am replying to was written
> by Mark S. Bilk, a Linux advocate who also believes the 9-11 attacks
> were an inside job.
> More proof that Linux and FOSS attract the oddballs, paranoid and
> mentally defective.
> Come join us in comp.os.linux.advocacy and have some real laughs.
> It's free and as you can see, highly entertaining!
> There are plenty more in comp.os.linux.advocacy as crazy as Mark S.
> Bilk. They call themselves Linux advocates but they are really
> Windows users by day and crybabies by night.
> Hope to see you there!

To the credit of the herd, Mark has gone so far off the deep end that some
of them have denounced his claims. It was good to see.


Jul 10, 2012, 8:26:45 PM7/10/12
That's called "advocate math". Bilk and Ballard use it all the time to
support their fabrications.


Jul 11, 2012, 8:35:38 AM7/11/12
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:05:05 -0700, Snit wrote:

> To the credit of the herd, Mark has gone so far off the deep end that some
> of them have denounced his claims. It was good to see.

Even the herd has it's limits.


Jul 11, 2012, 8:36:21 AM7/11/12
Only in COLA does 1 + 1 = 489.6

brent pieczynski

Jul 11, 2012, 9:43:00 AM7/11/12
On Sunday, July 8, 2012 3:52:38 PM UTC-8, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> For more than ten years, Microsoft Corporation has been flooding
> Usenet with articles full of lies and hatred for its competitor
> Linux. Microsoft posts about 130 such articles every day to the
> comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, using dozens of false anonymous
> identities -- standard astroturfing procedure. Some of the false
> identities have been used for more than 29,000 posts each.
> The purpose of the hate campaign is simple: Microsoft doesn&#39;t
> want to lose the hundreds or even thousands of dollars of profit
> from each person who switches to free Linux software.
> In the article linked here, one of Microsoft&#39;s posters, who
> uses the false identity &quot;Foster&quot;, accidently revealed that the
> anti-Linux propagandists are working together. He called them
> &quot;we&quot;. Thus he destroyed the illusion that astroturfing
> corporations seek to maintain -- that each of their hired
> anonymous liars is acting independently, an ordinary person with
> his own opinion, and thus certainly not the paid agent of a
> huge dishonest corporation:
> &quot;We don&#39;t have to dissuade anyone from trying Linux.&quot;
> Ask yourself: Who can &quot;Foster&quot; have meant by &quot;We&quot; ?
> It clearly has to be the anti-Linux propagandists that are posting
> all the lies and hate to COLA. And he admits that he&#39;s working
> with them!
> They all use the same vocabulary of hate words to refer to Linux,
> free software in general, and its users:
> &quot;lienux&quot;, &quot;shitware&quot;, &quot;open sores&quot;, &quot;crapware&quot;, &quot;hobbyware&quot;,
> &quot;junkware&quot;, &quot;slopware&quot;, &quot;slopcode&quot;, &quot;lintard&quot;, &quot;linturd&quot;,
> &quot;freetard&quot;, &quot;freeturd&quot;, &quot;turd&quot;, &quot;wacko&quot;, &quot;creepy&quot;, &quot;vermin&quot;,
> &quot;herd&quot;, &quot;cult&quot;, &quot;crappy&quot;, &quot;distro shuffle&quot;, &quot;boogieman&quot;,
> &quot;nutjobs&quot;, &quot;whiny&quot;, &quot;paranoid&quot;, &quot;scumbags&quot;, &quot;sphincter&quot;, etc.
> They sometimes post pictures of feces to the newsgroup.
> The anti-Linux propagandists devote special venom -- thousands
> of hate posts -- against a certain few particular people:
> Richard Stallman, who wrote much of the original GNU/Linux
> software and created the General Public License that has kept
> Microsoft Corporation from taking control of Linux and destroying
> it, and Roy Schestowitz, Rex Ballard, and Homer, who have
> extensively exposed Microsoft&#39;s fraudulent, coercive, and criminal
> operations against Linux and other competitors that it has carried
> out over many years.
> The article by &quot;Foster&quot; continues:
> &quot;What better way to show the superiority of Windows than to have
> people clobbering their system and losing their data by installing
> Linux.&quot;
> Microsoft is telling Usenet readers that if they install Linux
> it will destroy their Windows data. That&#39;s a vicious lie. Linux
> is designed to examine the hard drive&#39;s partition table and
> carefully avoid changing anything in Windows areas. But people
> who don&#39;t know that Microsoft is lying to them won&#39;t take the
> chance that Linux could destroy their data, and will keep paying
> their money to Microsoft.
> Ironically, if you have Linux installed, then installing Windows
> _will_ destroy your Linux data, because the Windows installer
> simply overwrites the partition table, rendering your Linux
> partitions permanently inaccessible. Microsoft simply doesn&#39;t
> look for or recognize any other operating system. So you always
> have to install Windows first and Linux second. At least that&#39;s
> the way it used to be, as late as Windows XP; I don&#39;t know if
> Microsoft ever corrected it.
> Here&#39;s a typical example of a hate and lie article directed
> against Linux from Microsoft, one of a hundred or two that
> it posts every day. Note that the hatred is entirely
> baseless. But the people who run Microsoft think they can
> get away with it so they do it. They have no conscience.
> On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 12:06:27 -0400, DFS wrote:
> &gt; Subject: See Linux Fail
> But then &quot;DFS&quot; doesn&#39;t show any &quot;failure&quot; of Linux. He&#39;s lying.
> &gt; On 7/6/2012 1:21 AM, Foster wrote:
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;&gt; 285 views?
> &gt;&gt; Pathetic...
> &gt;&gt;
> &gt;&gt; Just like Linux...
> &quot;Foster&quot; calls Linux &quot;pathetic&quot; without any reason. Microsoft
> just does this hundreds of times a day in order to create a false
> impression among Usenet readers that there&#39;s something wrong
> with Linux, to discourage them from trying it themselves.
> Hundreds of lies every day spewed out by one of the largest
> corporations in the world!
> &gt; Then they use Nixie whatever with her exposed shoulder and bra strap,
> &gt; then they lie that Gates &#39;switched too&#39;, then they use the Intel Inside
> &gt; logo with &#39;linux inside&#39;, etc.
> Yes, so?
> &gt; Nothing in the IT world is creepier and more dishonest and more
> &gt; repulsive than a Linux advocate.
> How in the world does Microsoft get &quot;creepier&quot;, &quot;dishonest&quot;, and
> &quot;repulsive&quot; from that video?
> Of course it doesn&#39;t. Microsoft just purely fabricates that
> hatred. They think they can get away with it because they&#39;re
> using anonymous false identities. But they&#39;ve been caught
> astroturfing more than once before, as well as bribing analysts
> and journalists. And Microsoft has carried out a huge campaign
> of lies, coercion, bribery, and fraudulent lawsuits against Linux
> for at least 15 years:
> There&#39;s no doubt where this anonymous flood of anti-Linux hatred
> is coming from.

I deal with bureaucrats forbidding expert assistance for anything while shoving their friends into place. Those bureaucrats want to enforce butchering of all hardware, software, and firmware. Because the more difficulties these liars that actively destroy all of my personal computing equipment the more they can blame other people for what they enforce onto me. Bureaucrats plus Microsoft is a completely unusable computer system.

My approach is to actively destroy the personal lives of those bureaucrats. Spreading of rumors and reporting details about all suspected items to lovers is the way to introduce them to receiving their version of helpfulness. The primary goal of all bureaucrats is to destroy every possible item they can alter then hide behind their bureaucracy in order to avoid all responsibility for their conduct.


Jul 11, 2012, 12:14:12 PM7/11/12
On 11/07/12 00:02, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> so if a person feels a connection with him that's
> fine with me.

Look mark this can go on for ever and is silly.. Bottom line, you think
Microsoft pays people to post here, I think the trolls are merely sad
people who get gratification from insulting....big deal, our views are
different and you can no more prove yours than I can mine. Live with it.

As for the above comment, David Iyke didn't claim to have a connection
with Jesus, he was claiming TO BE JESUS. I'm unsure if he was claiming
to be the "original" or the "second coming" you'll have to Google your
own source for that answer.

> You seem to feel superior about that, Tim. I wouldn't.

Certainly, his ever changing "wild statements" (as above) have gained
him quite the fortune apparently. From Jesus to Lizard Aliens (I
believe) and then onto 911....he's done quite well out of his "revelations"

> Microsoft's agents would not be permitted to flood any other forum
> with lies and hate. They'd be blocked.

So they settle for COLA. Ok your view.....Makes perfect you....

> They could not justify their past actions, and their products don't
> stand up well next to Free Software, all things considered.
> With lies, hate, and intimidation, they at least have a chance to
> sway people who don't think clearly.

Fine, your opinion. Wheres the proof of your opinion then? Are you not
in the same position as me?

> You previously agreed that COLA contains tens of thousands of
> lurking Windows users -- prospective Linux adopters. Now you're
> saying they are all Linux users.

Eh? No. What here?.... COLA readers (all 50,000 of em according to
Google stats) I would not suggest anything since I do not know. I would
assume within that mix would be all sorts of people, however my point
was and is, you are not hitting the mainstream consumer posting in COLA.
The vast majority of consumers are not even knowing about Usenet. The
mass market so to speak. I bet within that 50,000 theres Windows users,
just as in Windows groups there will be Linux. I'd say if a person is
reading/accessing Usenet, they are more than an average consumer and
will have their own views formed already on OS solutions, they will not
be swayed by anyone's views but their own experiences and decisions.

> But the main purpose of the anti-Linux propagandists in COLA is
> to dissuade the tens of thousands of Windows-using lurkers from
> trying Linux.

So then I would ask for your source, your proof or your evidence. I
haven't got the proof that they do it merely for devilment, you've not
got the proof that they are here on the payroll.

It is possible that you are correct, but on the balance of probably
and what I have seen I have made my opinion. You've got yours. Why
does it seem to bother you so when I disagree with what you are saying?
And to be fair, anti-linux or insulting remarks are the same no matter
what the reasons behind them...people still find them offensive.

I could go on Mark, I won't because I'm sure you are utterly convinced
of all your theories. As I said before, whilst I respect the fact you
have a different opinion, I (note: I) think you utterly wrong in almost
every theory and opinion you post. I'm sorry, I can't help that. I'm
not going to pretend to like you or your views when I don't. To do so
would be dishonest.

That being said, what I won't do is what others have done and call you
names (as I said in my previous post) So how about its agree to differ
and let people make up their own minds?


Jul 11, 2012, 12:20:38 PM7/11/12
On 7/11/2012 12:14 PM, Goblin wrote:
> On 11/07/12 00:02, Mark S Bilk wrote:
>> so if a person feels a connection with him that's
>> fine with me.
> Look mark this can go on for ever and is silly.. Bottom line, you think
> Microsoft pays people to post here, I think the trolls are merely sad
> people who get gratification from insulting


You publish a sad blog at least partially devoted to lying about and
insulting Microsoft and its products. What makes you any different from

>> But the main purpose of the anti-Linux propagandists in COLA is
>> to dissuade the tens of thousands of Windows-using lurkers from
>> trying Linux.
> So then I would ask for your source, your proof or your evidence. I
> haven't got the proof that they do it merely for devilment, you've not
> got the proof that they are here on the payroll.
> It is possible that you are correct,

It is NOT possible that Microsoft would knowingly pay someone to post
the kind of insults here that we (me, Flatfish, Hadron, others) have

Not that those insults aren't 100% true and warranted by the scummy
behavior of the "advocates".


Jul 11, 2012, 8:01:39 PM7/11/12
Goblin fancies himself a genteel, learned bloke with an air of
sophistication missing in the other UK tards.

He fails at it and actually makes things worse because he ends up
looking pompous and arrogant. Which of course he is.


Jul 11, 2012, 9:12:33 PM7/11/12
bwaha!!! He's delusional.

> He fails at it and actually makes things worse because he ends up
> looking pompous and arrogant. Which of course he is.

Lots of prissy Brits are like that.

Speaking of, did you see The New Republic put a mouth full of crooked
teeth in Kate Middleton's mouth? heh! They're royally pissed (pun
intended) about it.

Now she looks like Homer and kier and bbgruff and spike1.


Jul 11, 2012, 9:22:14 PM7/11/12
Yes he is.

>> He fails at it and actually makes things worse because he ends up
>> looking pompous and arrogant. Which of course he is.
> Lots of prissy Brits are like that.
> Speaking of, did you see The New Republic put a mouth full of crooked
> teeth in Kate Middleton's mouth? heh! They're royally pissed (pun
> intended) about it.

Brits typically have notoriously bad teeth as well as excessive
armpit hair (ladies). Something I noticed the first time I visited
the UK.
So much for Govt. sponsored health care.


Jul 12, 2012, 11:17:44 AM7/12/12
On 11/07/2012 00:02, Mark S Bilk wrote:

> Jesus is one of the few worthwhile figures
> in our culture,so if a person feels a connection
> with him that's fine with me.

He doesn't(didn't?) feel a connection though, he claimed to BE him.


Jul 12, 2012, 11:22:05 AM7/12/12
On 11/07/2012 00:16, Onion Knight wrote:

> He is the source of morality in our culture.

I regard myself as a very moral person, and yet I don't even
believe in invisible sky fairies let alone their progeny.

Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 1:00:03 PM7/12/12
On Jul 9, 12:41 pm, Goblin <> wrote:
> On 09/07/12 19:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:


> > And "Snit" said, "You are as paranoid as my stalker."
> > Which brings up an interesting point: Why would it be more paranoid
> > to suspect a huge proven criminal corporation in this ten-year
> > attack than a a couple dozen vicious psychopaths who somehow
> > "spontaneously" show up, complete with a list of obscenities and
> > pictures of feces?

The idea that Snit is being "stalked" in a *public* forum, where the
alleged "stalking" consists of me pointing out what a lying,
delusional clown he's become, is ludicrous. All sane, honest and
honorable posters know it's not paranoid to suspect people who have
never posted to usenet before, yet they've somehow made their way to
the same forum, same posts where Snit is engaged in his trolling
events... and they somehow just happen to know the history of the
people involved.

That I've ever seen on usenet, only Snit is delusional enough to
believe people are stupid enough to fall for this kind of crap... much
less his labeling of "paranoid" to the people who believe there is
some BS going on. This is what sets Snit apart, his mistaken,
narcissistic belief that he's smarter than everyone else... a thing he
makes evident constantly on usenet.


> When you mention Snit/Michael I would say he is not a shill/Apple
> worker.

No way.

> Sure there may be bad feeling there, but after speaking with
> him in the past and the responses he's made, I'd almost be 100% that he,
> (as I believe he stated before) is not paid by Apple.

That idea is ridiculous in the extreme. I have shown tons of material
written by Snit that shows why he posts what he does to usenet. The
guy is essentially a house-bound, overmedicated crank looking for any
attention he can get... unless it does what the attention I give to
him does, then he runs away.

Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 1:07:38 PM7/12/12
On Jul 10, 6:05 pm, Snit <> wrote:
> On 7/10/12 4:13 PM, in article,
> "Foster" <> wrote:
> > Ladies and gentlemen, the message that I am replying to was written
> > by Mark S. Bilk, a Linux advocate who also believes the 9-11 attacks
> > were an inside job.
> > More proof that Linux and FOSS attract the oddballs, paranoid and
> > mentally defective.
> > Come join us in comp.os.linux.advocacy and have some real laughs.
> > It's free and as you can see, highly entertaining!
> > There are plenty more in comp.os.linux.advocacy as crazy as Mark S.
> > Bilk. They call themselves Linux advocates but they are really
> > Windows users by day and crybabies by night.
> > Hope to see you there!
> To the credit of the herd,

Why, in your opinion, is it to their credit to denounce him?

> Mark has gone so far off the deep end that some
> of them have denounced his claims.  It was good to see.

So... if people denounce his claims that is some sort of "evidence" to
you that his claims are wrong?

Yes. I know you can't answer that, Mr. Hypocritical Liar. LOL!

Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 1:12:26 PM7/12/12
You may notice that Mr. Hypocrite (Snit) won't apply the same thing he
brought up here to himself... which is why he runs from scores and
scores of quotes by people who "have denounced his claims" as BS... to
the point where they have labeled him a liar, troll or worse. If Snit
was't such a hypocritical, cowardly, lying weasel of a narcissist who
thinks he's smarter than everyone else he just might be a nice guy.


Jul 12, 2012, 1:57:09 PM7/12/12
I'm just staying out of it.
It all gives me a headache :)

Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 2:01:54 PM7/12/12
As I'm sure you're well aware... you just said all you needed to
say ;)


Jul 12, 2012, 3:44:44 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
These "quotes" about me are largely from Carroll's own socks... but even if
they were not, when you have an honest person posting in *advocacy* groups
and an obsessed stalker (with some assistance from Sandman and HPT) keeping
lists of quotes for 10 years, of *course* your list will be long. It will
also be meaningless. My stalker points to this list because he knows he
cannot point to my actions... when he tries he comes up with idiotic claims
about how if one person gives another the benefit of the doubt this somehow
indicates they are sexually harassing them. His claims make no sense.

At the same time, Carroll's then-girlfriend bragged about tracking me down
to who I am and where I work... and then Carroll claimed I was impersonating
this person and even said he was going to contact my boss with the specific
purpose of spreading this insane claim and with the desire to have me fired.

His ex- also posted how to find what classes I teach and where I live and
even the names of those who own homes in my area with threats that she was
having them watch me! Carroll has backed these actions and repeated some of
these actions himself.

He has also forged my ID and others and used countless sock puppets - so
many that when he is asked what names he has used he cannot respond... he
has no clue. Even Carroll has lost track of how many names he has used...
though he has admitted to using multiple ones (he calls them his "aliases").

Meanwhile Carroll accuses anyone who is reasonable of being my sock... it
is, in his view, impossible for others to see his *public* actions. And he
gloms onto loonies such as cc to back their trolling.

He has been doing this for nearing a decade - stalking me and following me
from forum to forum, emailing me, at a minimum threatening to email my
employer (where cc actually claimed to and even said he got a reply). He
has also encouraged others to do so... and to contact my family (which has
been done multiple times). He and his ex even posted false posts elsewhere
they claimed were from my wife which the said they "found" and then used
against me.

He is out and out insane. And he backs those who troll me. Watch him with
cc... he backs cc even though there is *no* doubt cc is being an ignorant
and dishonest jerk. No doubt. But he is fighting me so Carroll sides with
him. And he always will.


Jul 12, 2012, 3:57:39 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM, Snit wrote:
> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> "Foster"<> wrote:
>> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:

What are you trying to accomplish, Snit? You must know no one believes
what you post. You wouldn't need to support yourself with socks if you
didn't realize this.


Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 5:10:43 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM, Snit wrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> > "Foster"<>  wrote:
> >> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> [...]
> What are you trying to accomplish, Snit?   You must know no one believes
> what you post.

He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
lies Snit tossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
believe any of that sh*t. Someday Snit may come to realize that his
'play him/her for a fool' act never actually worked like he thought it
did. Probably when the list has grown to 500 ;)

Chris Ahlstrom

Jul 12, 2012, 5:21:33 PM7/12/12
After swilling some grog, Steve Carroll belched this bit o' wisdom:

> On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
>> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM, Snit wrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
>> > "Foster"<>  wrote:
>> >> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
>> [...]
>> What are you trying to accomplish, Snit?   You must know no one believes
>> what you post.
> He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
> lies Snit tossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
> believe any of that sh*t.

Some of us are not even stupid enough to read that shit.

<Mercury> Knghtbrd: Hey, perl has the power grace and elegance of a sledge
hammer. (=:]
<|Rain|> certainly the grace and elegance, anyway

Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 5:43:29 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 3:21 pm, Chris Ahlstrom <> wrote:
> After swilling some grog, Steve Carroll belched this bit o' wisdom:
> > On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> >> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM, Snit wrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> >> > "Foster"<>  wrote:
> >> >> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> >> [...]
> >> What are you trying to accomplish, Snit?   You must know no one believes
> >> what you post.
> > He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
> > lies Snit tossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
> > believe any of that sh*t.
> Some of us are not even stupid enough to read that shit.

Touché! LOL!

William Poaster

Jul 12, 2012, 6:14:18 PM7/12/12
Here is a facsimile from Chris Ahlstrom who, on 12/7/2012 22:21, wrote:

> After swilling some grog, Steve Carroll belched this bit o' wisdom:
>> On Jul 12, 1:57�pm, Nobody <> wrote:
>>> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM, Snit wrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
>>> > "Foster"<> �wrote:
>>> >> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> What are you trying to accomplish, Snit? � You must know no one believes
>>> what you post.
>> He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
>> lies Snit tossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
>> believe any of that sh*t.
> Some of us are not even stupid enough to read that shit.


"Please excuse Faltfish for being. It was his father's fault."

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft.
That will just be a completely unintentional side effect.
-- Linus Torvalds (2003-09-28)

Every time Windows had a rebirth I would get hold of it
and buy a new machine to run it on believing that they (M$)
must now have got things right and finally created an operating
environment that could excite, impress and enthral me.
But each time their system got more ham-fisted, more insulting
and more indifferent to the pleasures and interests of the **consumer**.
-- Stephen Fry - December 2008 --

Windows is like a hooker; they're both easy,
and using either puts you at risk of viruses.
-- Kelsey Bjarnason --

Micro$oft, the company that makes spreading malware easy.


Jul 12, 2012, 7:55:53 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/12 12:57 PM, in article jtna7m$4je$, "Nobody"
> What are you trying to accomplish, Snit? You must know no one believes
> what you post. You wouldn't need to support yourself with socks if you
> didn't realize this.
If you believed that you would have refuted - not snipped - my comments.
Hence there is no reason to believe even you believe your claims. You are
doing as my stalker does... he snips and runs when he knows he is wrong. Do
not think your tactic is clever.


Jul 12, 2012, 9:03:42 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/2012 6:55 PM, Snit wrote:
> On 7/12/12 12:57 PM, in article jtna7m$4je$, "Nobody"
> <> wrote:
>> What are you trying to accomplish, Snit? You must know no one believes
>> what you post. You wouldn't need to support yourself with socks if you
>> didn't realize this.
> If you believed that you would have refuted - not snipped - my comments.

So now you think you can usurp my authority over what I believe myself?
That's just plain nuts.

Your comments have been refuted more times than anybody can count.
There's no need for me to duplicate those efforts. You're oblivious to
all efforts to make you see reality anyway.

> Hence there is no reason to believe even you believe your claims. You are
> doing as my stalker does... he snips and runs when he knows he is wrong. Do
> not think your tactic is clever.

You just don't get it. How sad for you. You're trapped in your own


Jul 12, 2012, 9:05:33 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/12 2:21 PM, in article jtnf2b$enm$, "Chris Ahlstrom"
>>> What are you trying to accomplish, Snit?   You must know no one believes
>>> what you post.
>> He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
>> lies Snit tossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
>> believe any of that sh*t.
> Some of us are not even stupid enough to read that shit.

Carroll knows every word of what I wrote is true... cannot say I really care
about what you think about it.

Onion Knight

Jul 12, 2012, 10:05:27 PM7/12/12
What do your dishonest "quotes" have to do with anything? You are
making another baseless accusation against Snit.

Mark Bilk went so far off the reservation that many of the herd
denounced him. This is simply a fact. You use that fact which has
nothing to do with you as a vector to attack Snit.

Onion Knight

Jul 12, 2012, 10:13:32 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 2:10 pm, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> > On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM,Snitwrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> > > "Foster"<>  wrote:
> > >> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> > [...]
> > What are you trying to accomplish,Snit?   You must know no one believes
> > what you post.
> He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
> liesSnittossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
> believe any of that sh*t. SomedaySnitmay come to realize that his
> 'play him/her for a fool' act never actually worked like he thought it
> did. Probably when the list has grown to 500 ;)

You are a liar. If Snit was lying you would point to his lies. Instead
you accuse him of sexually harassing your little fuck bitch who was
proved to be harassing Snit.

You have been running from this fact forever. You will always run. You
claim I am a Snit sock because I have seen you do this to Snit and to
others including your attacks against me when I used a different name
in CSMA.

Onion Knight

Jul 12, 2012, 10:15:26 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 12:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM,Snitwrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> > "Foster"<>  wrote:
> >> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> [...]
> What are you trying to accomplish,Snit?   You must know no one believes
> what you post.   You wouldn't need to support yourself with socks if you
> didn't realize this.

Please list Snit's socks with your proof of your accusations. Then
explain why Steve refuses to list the names he has used online. I have
asked him. Why don't you?

Onion Knight

Jul 12, 2012, 10:23:01 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 10:00 am, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
> On Jul 9, 12:41 pm, Goblin <> wrote:
> > On 09/07/12 19:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> (snip)
> > > And "Snit" said, "You are as paranoid as my stalker."
> > > Which brings up an interesting point: Why would it be more paranoid
> > > to suspect a huge proven criminal corporation in this ten-year
> > > attack than a a couple dozen vicious psychopaths who somehow
> > > "spontaneously" show up, complete with a list of obscenities and
> > > pictures of feces?
> The idea thatSnitis being "stalked" in a *public* forum, where the
> alleged "stalking" consists of me pointing out what a lying,
> delusional clown he's become, is ludicrous.

This is a lie from you. You do stalk Snit following him from CSMA to
COLA and apparently other groups and email. You have publicly
threatened to contact his boss and lie to get him fired. You have
failed to list any lies of his and ran every time proof of your
actions or the actions of your fuck bitch are talked about.

Why not look at each of those points and explain why your fuck bitch
was harassing Snit and why you still are 10 years later?

All sane, honest and
> honorable posters know it's not paranoid to suspect people who have
> never posted to usenet before, yet they've somehow made their way to
> the same forum, same posts whereSnitis engaged in his trolling
> events... and they somehow just happen to know the history of the
> people involved.

What people who have never posted before? I have just not with this
name. I use this name to keep myself anonymous because of the attacks
from you and some of your fucked up friends in CSMA. You made similar
threats against me as you did against Snit. Now you can't because I
use a different name. This does not mean I am new to Usenet.

I admit to using a new name and explain why. Why don't you list the
names you have used on Usenet? You never will. You know you have uses
so many socks you can't recall all their names.

> That idea is ridiculous in the extreme. I have shown tons of material
> written bySnitthat shows why he posts what he does to usenet. The
> guy is essentially a house-bound, overmedicated crank looking for any
> attention he can get... unless it does what the attention I give to
> him does, then he runs away.

You tracked down posts from Snit from other forums and used quotes out
of context. You accuse Snit of things you can't show. Your fuck bitch
wrote about having similar health problems as Snit talked about. That
is a hint as to how long ago I was in CSMA.

Onion Knight

Jul 12, 2012, 10:24:32 PM7/12/12
Steve gives everyone a headache. The world would be a better place
without him.

Onion Knight

Jul 12, 2012, 10:26:29 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 2:10 pm, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> > On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM,Snitwrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> > > "Foster"<>  wrote:
> > >> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> > [...]
> > What are you trying to accomplish,Snit?   You must know no one believes
> > what you post.
> He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
> liesSnittossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
> believe any of that sh*t. SomedaySnitmay come to realize that his
> 'play him/her for a fool' act never actually worked like he thought it
> did. Probably when the list has grown to 500 ;)

What lies? You accuse Snit of lies but fail to quote any. Then you lie
and accuse Snit of sexually harassing your fuck bitch when her
harassment toward him has been proved.

That is what your posts are about. You are mad Snit proved your fuck
bitch harassed him.


Jul 12, 2012, 10:30:01 PM7/12/12
You're fooling none but yourself, Snit. How sad for you.


Jul 12, 2012, 10:31:34 PM7/12/12
On 07/12/2012 09:13 PM, Onion Knight wrote:
> On Jul 12, 2:10 pm, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
>> On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
>>> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM,Snitwrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
>>>> "Foster"<> wrote:
> You have been running from this fact forever. You will always run. You
> claim I am a Snit sock because I have seen you do this to Snit and to
> others including your attacks against me when I used a different name
> in CSMA.

You practically signed this post "Snit."

Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 10:54:52 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 8:23 pm, Onion Knight <> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 10:00 am, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
> > On Jul 9, 12:41 pm, Goblin <> wrote:
> > > On 09/07/12 19:14, Mark S Bilk wrote:
> > (snip)
> > > > And "Snit" said, "You are as paranoid as my stalker."
> > > > Which brings up an interesting point: Why would it be more paranoid
> > > > to suspect a huge proven criminal corporation in this ten-year
> > > > attack than a a couple dozen vicious psychopaths who somehow
> > > > "spontaneously" show up, complete with a list of obscenities and
> > > > pictures of feces?
> > The idea thatSnitis being "stalked" in a *public* forum, where the
> > alleged "stalking" consists of me pointing out what a lying,
> > delusional clown he's become, is ludicrous.
> This is


Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 10:57:17 PM7/12/12
It's too obvious. Like the other times in CSMA this is someone trying
to game him, not me. You'll start to see more and more mouth foaming,
trust me ;)


Jul 12, 2012, 11:00:02 PM7/12/12
On Monday, July 9, 2012 2:14:10 PM UTC-4, Mark S Bilk wrote:

Hate? Hate from Windows users? Then show me the love, azz whole. All you talk about is how Windows is out to get you--I never see you compare the merits--if any--of Linux.

You are like those French Revolutionaries like Marat who kept talking about how much he loved humanity all the while sending people to the guillotine.

Hypocritical idiot.


Steve Carroll

Jul 12, 2012, 11:01:03 PM7/12/12
On Jul 12, 8:05 pm, Onion Knight <> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 10:12 am, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
> > On Jul 11, 6:35 am, Foster <> wrote:
> > > On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:05:05 -0700,Snitwrote:
> > > > To the credit of the herd, Mark has gone so far off the deep end that some
> > > > of them have denounced his claims.  It was good to see.
> > > Even the herd has it's limits.
> > You may notice that Mr. Hypocrite (Snit) won't apply the same thing he
> > brought up here to himself... which is why he runs from scores and
> > scores of quotes by people who "have denounced his claims" as BS... to
> > the point where they have labeled him a liar, troll or worse. IfSnit
> > was't such a hypocritical, cowardly, lying weasel of a narcissist who
> > thinks he's smarter than everyone else he just might be a nice guy.
> What

Well... he obviously does believe he's smarter than Foster and there
is no question he's a hypocrite.


Jul 12, 2012, 11:03:42 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/12 7:13 PM, in article, "Onion
Carroll is a coward. He will never denounce his bogus accusation of my
sexually harassing his ex... in fact he repeats it over and over. Here is a
shorter link to the same file you link to above:


Carroll claims *I* was in the wrong even though the proof shows otherwise.
The *proof*.

But all Carroll can do is run.

You are honest about using a different name. Carroll denies the names he
has used... most of the time. Sometimes he admits to them then later denies
them. Here are just some - though Carroll claims I have gotten some wrong
he has never said which ones:

"Evil" John *
"Evil" Snit *
Big Crotch on a Small Fish
Cornelius Munshower
CSMA Moderator
Edward Stanfield
Fretwiz *
Hitman Hero
Petruzzellis Kids
Steve C *
Steve Camoll *
Steve Carroll <noone@xxxxxxxxxxx> *
Steve Carroll <stevecarroll@xxxxxxxxxxx> *
Steve Carroll <trollkiller@xxxxxx> *
Steve Carroll's Dog *
Steve Carrolll *
Steve Carrroll *
Yevette Owens

Even if a couple are wrong, which is unlikely, no doubt there are many, many
more. But Steve runs when asked which he has and has not used.


Jul 12, 2012, 11:04:04 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/12 7:15 PM, in article, "Onion
"Nobody" will run. Period.


Jul 12, 2012, 11:05:04 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/12 7:05 PM, in article, "Onion
Is Carroll now going to deny that many in the herd denounced Mark's loony
conspiracy theories?


Jul 12, 2012, 11:05:10 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/12 7:31 PM, in article jto1a6$gvt$, "Nobody"
Another white flag from "Nobody"


Jul 12, 2012, 11:05:17 PM7/12/12
On 7/12/12 7:30 PM, in article jto17a$gvt$, "Nobody"
Your white flat is acknowledged.


Jul 13, 2012, 3:40:07 PM7/13/12
On 7/9/12 2:38 PM, in article YbIKr.673947$kM1....@fx18.am4, "Goblin"
<> wrote:


> After making comment about reading sources, Ive yet to see your proof
> of your claims. You appear to have done what I have done, express
> opinion. People can read both our posts and decide for themselves.
> When COLA is seen as the one stop shop for the mainstream consumer, let
> me know, I'll change my mind. Until that time, the idea that Microsoft
> would allow people to post like DFS and FOSTER in a group with little
> exposure, read by many people already using Linux and unknown largely to
> the mainstream populas is, as I said in my previous post at best
> outlandish in my view.

Add to that the fact Mark Bilk openly fabricates claims about the views of
others - specifically of me. He claims I am against Linux when I have made
it very clear I am very pro-Linux and pro-open source.

He insists otherwise but cannot show any examples... I discuss my views in
more detail here: <>

Nothing anti-Linux or anti-open source about my views.

Heck, I am blamed of being an Apple shill... and Apple uses a *lot* of open
source components. One cannot be pro-Apple and anti-open source (well, not
while being rational and understanding of how much open source Apple uses).

So Mark Bilk not only makes unsupported claims he cannot back (about people
being paid to post to COLA) he makes claims he is fully aware are contrary
to fact (or should be, anyway - he has been specifically told and cannot
show otherwise).

> Anyway Mark I believe we have had this debate before. Both the
> Microsoft one and the 911 one. I think our opinions are very clear.

Steve Carroll

Jul 13, 2012, 4:09:44 PM7/13/12
On Jul 12, 9:05 pm, Snit <> wrote:
> On 7/12/12 7:30 PM, in article jto17a$, "Nobody"
> <> wrote:
> > On 07/12/2012 09:15 PM, Onion Knight wrote:
> >> On Jul 12, 12:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> >>> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM,Snitwrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article
> >>> zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> >>>> "Foster"<>  wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> >>> [...]
> >>> What are you trying to accomplish,Snit?   You must know no one believes
> >>> what you post.   You wouldn't need to support yourself with socks if you
> >>> didn't realize this.
> >> Please list Snit's socks with your proof of your accusations.  Then
> >> explain why Steve refuses to list the names he has used online. I have
> >> asked him. Why don't you?
> > You're fooling none but yourself, Snit.   How sad for you.
> Your white flat is acknowledged.

How do you know what color his flat is? And what difference does it
make to your delusions?

Steve Carroll

Jul 13, 2012, 4:13:46 PM7/13/12
On Jul 12, 8:26 pm, Onion Knight <> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 2:10 pm, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
> > On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> > > On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM,Snitwrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> > > > "Foster"<>  wrote:
> > > >> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > What are you trying to accomplish,Snit?   You must know no one believes
> > > what you post.
> > He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
> > liesSnittossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
> > believe any of that sh*t. SomedaySnitmay come to realize that his
> > 'play him/her for a fool' act never actually worked like he thought it
> > did. Probably when the list has grown to 500 ;)
> What lies?

Pick any Snit post, even the ones that don't use the name Snit in the
"From" field, right after the heading the text begins... you've found

Steve Carroll

Jul 13, 2012, 4:12:01 PM7/13/12
On Jul 12, 9:03 pm, Snit <> wrote:
> On 7/12/12 7:13 PM, in article
>, "Onion
> Knight" <> wrote:
> > On Jul 12, 2:10 pm, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
> >> On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> >>> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM,Snitwrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article
> >>> zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> >>>> "Foster"<>  wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> >>> [...]
> >>> What are you trying to accomplish,Snit?   You must know no one believes
> >>> what you post.
> >> He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
> >> liesSnittossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
> >> believe any of that sh*t. SomedaySnitmay come to realize that his
> >> 'play him/her for a fool' act never actually worked like he thought it
> >> did. Probably when the list has grown to 500 ;)
> > You are a liar. If Snit was lying you would point to his lies. Instead
> > you accuse him of sexually harassing your little fuck bitch who was
> > proved to be harassing Snit.
> >
Even if? LOL!

Almost all of them are wrong. You even got the ones that you (falsely)
claim I 'admitted' to. I suppose being over-medicated for years on end
can do that to a person.

Steve Carroll

Jul 15, 2012, 4:07:44 PM7/15/12
On Jul 12, 9:03 pm, Snit <> wrote:
> On 7/12/12 7:13 PM, in article
>, "Onion
> Knight" <> wrote:
> > On Jul 12, 2:10 pm, Steve Carroll <> wrote:
> >> On Jul 12, 1:57 pm, Nobody <> wrote:
> >>> On 7/12/2012 2:44 PM,Snitwrote:> On 7/12/12 10:57 AM, in article
> >>> zffi81qhh1cu$.1mxz3170uopp2$,
> >>>> "Foster"<>  wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:12:26 -0700 (PDT), Steve Carroll wrote:
> >>> [...]
> >>> What are you trying to accomplish,Snit?   You must know no one believes
> >>> what you post.
> >> He's obviously mistaking Foster's silence for stupidity. Look at the
> >> liesSnittossed around there... no way anyone is stupid enough to
> >> believe any of that sh*t. SomedaySnitmay come to realize that his
> >> 'play him/her for a fool' act never actually worked like he thought it
> >> did. Probably when thelisthas grown to 500 ;)
> > You are a liar. If Snit was lying you would point to his lies. Instead
> > you accuse him of sexually harassing your little fuck bitch who was
> > proved to be harassing Snit.
> >
> > QQgndXNGTTRNejZGejA&usg=AFQjCNHbG_Z3FHBX0l5EafEmGvr9GsAqLQ
> > You have been running from this fact forever. You will always run. You
> > claim I am a Snit sock because I have seen you do this to Snit and to
> > others including your attacks against me when I used a different name
> > in CSMA.
> Carroll is a coward. He will never denounce his bogus accusation of my
> sexually harassing his ex... in fact he repeats it over and over.  Here is a
> shorter link to the same file you link to above:
>     <>
> Carroll claims *I* was in the wrong even though the proof shows otherwise.
> The *proof*.
> But all Carroll can do is run.
> You are honest about using a different name.

As I have been.

(snip crap)
You just tried to sell the idea that the big list of quotes I put up
about you is "largely from Carroll's own socks":

"These "quotes" about me are largely from Carroll's own socks..." -

If that is the case... then why are so few of the names listed here
(the vast majority that were not used by me) not seen on the large
list of quotes? Why is this list, of what you are (falsely) alleging
are my socks, not a MUCH larger list?

This makes no sense at all. You realize that, right? Of course you
do... which is why you don't try to peddle it to me directly...
because you *know* I'm not stupid enough to fall for it and the
rebuttal will be even worse than what you're getting now (3rd party
responses). Which leaves the obvious question:

Why do you think everyone else *is* stupid enough to fall for it?

Your delusions aside, with the exception of my entry, you have no
proof at all that anything quoted in that large quotes list was
written by me. Just like you have no proof at all that any of the
names on this bogus list of yours were used by me (not including the
ones I previously stated I used for the reasons I gave).

(cue up another set of tired ol' lies by you)

Steve Carroll

Jul 16, 2012, 12:17:33 PM7/16/12
<crickets chirping>

Big Steel

Jul 16, 2012, 12:24:43 PM7/16/12
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