Updated maven support for closure-compiler

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Paul Lindner

2014年4月3日 20:59:562014/4/3
收件人 closure-comp...@googlegroups.com
Huzzah, native maven support has landed in the closure-compiler tree.  I would appreciate any feedback so we can release maven artifacts for the next major release.  Here are some notes on the new support:



  mvn install

to create a local 1.0-SNAPSHOT release from the source tree.  By default this compiles the code, copies files and runs the test suite.  Add -DskipTests=true if you don't want to run tests.


The new artifacts are
   closure-compiler-parent -- common definitions used by modules.
   closure-compiler-rhino  -- The rhino fork used by closure-compiler.
   closure-compiler-externs -- The externs code  (If you want you could override this target in your build)
   closure-compiler -- everything else

Note that these jars do not contain the ant plugin, the command line, or an executable uber-jar.  If time permits I'll try to add these features too.

- Dependencies were all updated to the proper versions.
- The old ant-based maven build process has been removed.
- I'll set up a jenkins instance to push out snapshots (and to catch build breakages since this isn't yet integrated into Google's internal test suite.)

Tim Visher

2014年4月3日 21:44:272014/4/3
收件人 closure-comp...@googlegroups.com
Great news! Thanks so much, Paul!
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Thomas Meyer

2014年4月4日 03:23:082014/4/4
收件人 closure-comp...@googlegroups.com、plin...@google.com
Thank you so much, I hope we can try it out today and give you feedback!
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