Apologies Gavin for not yet responding directly to your private emails, I wrongly assumed you were subscribed to the Castle development mailing list when you said you've been working with and following the Castle Project for years.
This thread is what I've been working on over the last few days:
A summary is that it now turns out I'm a benevolent dictator of Castle, all existing processes can be easily changed:
What did I mean by this email's subject, well we should sort out a few housekeeping things before jumping into Windsor for .NET Core.
I think the first step forward is to move Castle Core to AppVeyor/TravisCI. Why not Windsor? Well we have to move Castle Core at some point and since it is complete (i.e. has a working .NET Core and Mono build) it'll be a much easier test to make sure we can do everything. Thoughts? I'll create a GitHub issue for it.
I've created a "castleproject" account with AppVeyor and auth'd TravisCI through GitHub, I'll finish setting those up in a moment. I also created a "castleproject"
nuget.org account last year which I'm going to push ownership to soon.
Where do you think discussion should happen; mailing lists or GitHub, or both? Our current guidance is:
http://www.castleproject.org/get-involved/mailing-lists/. I've got no problem making the users mailing list read-only in favour of StackOverflow as it gets no new traffic. I'm happy to keep all project specific discussion in GitHub issues so they get a clear open/closed status, however what about general stuff like this thread? We've got the "Home" repo on GitHub, we could use it?