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{Bullseye L List} Subject: Reflecting on Bullseye-L: Your Input Is Needed on Our Future

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Bullseye L list

May 23, 2024, 1:14:20 PM5/23/24
to Bullseye L list
This conversation is being reposted to reflect all posts to date.  

Dear Bullseye-L List Members,

I hope this message finds you well.

As many of you know, Bullseye-L has been a vital part of the Bullseye community for decades. This Google Group was created to provide a space for continuing the e-mail based list service when's Mailman list was shut down. Over the years, this platform has facilitated invaluable discussions, shared wisdom, and fostered connections among enthusiasts and professionals alike. Your contributions and support have been instrumental in making this group a rich resource for all its members and visitors.

It has not gone unnoticed that participation in our discussions has been steadily declining year after year while the Bullseye-L Forum has grown exponentially. We find ourselves at a crossroads, needing to evaluate the continued relevance and value of this list to our community.

We would love to hear from you regarding the following:
Do you still find value in being a member of Bullseye-L List (Google Group)?
What kind of content or discussions would you like to see more of?
Are there any changes or improvements you suggest to rejuvenate our community?
Would you be interested in participating more actively if certain changes were implemented?
Your feedback is crucial in helping us determine the future of Bullseye-L List (Google Group). Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and suggestions. Your input will guide us in deciding whether to revitalize the list or close it down.

Thank you once again for your continued support and contributions over the years. We look forward to hearing from you and shaping the future of Bullseye-L together.

Best regards,

Bullseye-L List Moderator Team

Please feel free to respond to this email or participate in the discussion we've created specifically for this purpose by visiting

Your insights and opinions are highly valued.

R Dan Pauley
May 20, 2024, 9:19 AM (3 days ago)
to bullseye.lokahi, Bullseye

My 2 cents.  I think the Bullseye-L forum was instrumental in getting me to the pinnacle of my shooting career.  Shared techniques and genuine good folk are what make the sport great.  Technology has moved on and while I think there may still be a few new shooters who might stumble onto the list, most have migrated to other formats, YouTube, Facebook etc.  Nothing was done wrong or could be done better to save it, technology has just moved on.  If you are asking my opinion, I'd say shut it down or just put a link to other modern format sights, the Facebook group etc.

Greg Walloch
May 20, 2024, 10:48 AM (3 days ago)
to R, Bullseye, bullseye.lokahi

I think the List is still valuable in many respects, like reloading and fundamentals, but perhaps it’s most important part is that it provides a connection to other BE shooters.  This may be its greatest asset.  I’ve been at this sport for 45 years, and I still open up the BE List 2-3 times a day.  I love the comments, ideas, and general banter.  And, despite having done this for a while , when someone like Jon Eulette, John Bickar, Jon Shue, and Dave Wilson….among other High Masters and/or gunsmiths, I tune in hard to learn something.

Steve Turner 
May 20, 2024, 3:39 PM (3 days ago)
to Bullseye, bullseye.lokahi

If I had my 'druthers we'd all use the email list. I like it better because it is easier to keep a local copy of valuable posts. That said there have only been a handful of emails in the last year or two, and I am as guilty as everyone else. I've posted event notices on the forum but didn't think about sending it here on the email list. I guess my revealed preference is to shut it down.

Best regards,
Steve Turner

Ralph Wilson 
May 20, 2024, 4:58 PM (3 days ago)
to bullseye-l-list

Being in line with a dinosaur, I much prefer the email list format. I find it much more efficient having emails come to me than running around to various forums (which I only infrequently do). That being said, I know the email list hasn't been really used for several years and most seem to be using the forum - so to make it easy for those who manage it, it may be time to let this go.
Ralph Wilson

Mark Hayford
May 20, 2024, 7:26 PM (3 days ago)
to L

1. Do you still find value in being a member of Bullseye-L List (Google Group)? Yes, i always like getting a email from the list and potential access to highly qualified shooters, builders etc. Although, there's has not been much activity and I do use the Forum which I like.
2. What kind of content or discussions would you like to see more of? As the Forum has great searchable documentation and history with easy access, it lacks the immediate email access to people looking for information or who have information. You have to follow or pm on the Forum to know what is going on with a specific topic.
3. Are there any changes or improvements you suggest to rejuvenate our community? Well, I would like to know what is going on from a organizational prespecfive... i.e a insider blast of what is going on inside the CMP or NRA or other local ranges of interest. BTW I hate FB.
4. Would you be interested in participating more actively if certain changes were implemented? sure.

 I have found great value inthe list
Mark Hayford

Chase Turner 
May 20, 2024, 8:24 PM (3 days ago)
to Bullseye

Of course, part of the demise of the list was the tacit acceptance of people like David Ware trolling and accepting his jerk behavior and then resulting participant self censoring from his and a few others that naturally occurred as a result in both the Bullseye-L original list on, and then the Google group that came after. If you tolerate jerks, then engagement goes down. This list admin has tolerated jerks. And you didn't care, else you'd have removed them.

It's even more of a shame that the old archives from, which had been published on the website got yanked, and for no known reason other than whatever suits Paul Perone, Ross Chesley or Joe Fobes or whomever is running the list today- and the fact that it takes some amount of work to even know who is in charge says a great deal to a newcomer. "We want to hide and do the least to help," is probably the unofficial motto. You either own your target or you don't. People wrote things in the mid 90s to now that can be of service to those who come after. Let it be of service. Re-(P)ublish the old content so that people who come after can school themselves.

In any case, if you'd like to close the list, by all means, please do. But does your request to quit mean that the entirety of the Google group to date will be deleted? If so, that will be the second sin of the "moderators" to remove content that was provided for all in the hopes that it would help someone in the future. The first instance was a grave sin; will you go for double or nothing?



May 23, 2024, 6:37:48 PM5/23/24
to Bullseye L list

I think keeping it as a mail list is part of what keeps the younger people out.  If we want to hand this sport down, why not use what younger people are using.  I use Telegram and Discord for many things that a wide variety of people use them for.  My vote would be to move this to Telegram.  I bet this would revive the community and potentially the sport as well.  My second choice would be Discord, which has pros and cons.  Another possibility is Slack.  I’m on several public Slack’s and that works well too.  I didn’t answer your questions exactly as you posted but hopefully, I covered most of the territory.  Move to Telegram and watch it come alive again.




Mike C

Michael Vensky

May 24, 2024, 10:50:45 AM5/24/24
to Bullseye L list
Hello all,

I'm new to the Bullseye list, found it in one of my Google searches. I run the Bullseye match at Desert Marksmen. We have low turnouts, are others seeing the same thing? Mainly older guys show up with the occasional youngster.

As to keeping the list up I would say why not? Unless it's a time or money issue. Any modality of communication is good and is just a Google away. As to young people's preference, TikTok has 170 million US users, but the format is video.
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