Got into MENSA... the second time around :)

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May 16, 2014, 5:22:27 PM5/16/14
Hello everybody,

Thought I would post my results concerning MENSA tests and DNB (I've only ever played Brain Workshop's vanilla version).
I first started playing DNB some 3 years ago, trying to play three rounds everyday (skipped at most 20% of the total days), regardless of the n-back level.

2 years ago (highest consistent DNB: 4), I took my first MENSA test - and scored 130 (SD 24), top 10%.
2 weeks ago (highest consistent DNB: 7), I took my second MENSA test - and scored 156 (SD 24), top 1%, so I am joining.

Apart from DNB, nothing much changed in between - similar exercise levels, similar and pretty rational nutrition (having sushi before the tests and such), no radically new interests (they all fall within the "foreign languages / programming / biology" spectrum).
If it is at all sensible to assume [i]ceteris paribus[/i] in this field, it was there apart from one thing: I think I took two RPM-based tests in the inter-testing period (a whopping amount of practice, isn't it? :b).

Some other things to mention:
1) Shortly after getting to D4B, I suddenly became able to visualize mathematics (used to think I was a mathematical idiot - now I think my brain just lacked the capacity to visualize at the needed level).
2) I no longer ask people to repeat their phone numbers (I don't have to), and am generally able to keep longer sequences of numbers in my head (think money transfer sms codes and such). All the way throughout my adventure with DNB, this skill would increase.

I occasionally read your discussion group, but I shy away from posting since I easily take flamewars personally, and simply feel bad afterwards.
However, I think that my results - while statistically useless - will be encouraging to those of you who doubt DNB.

I will check back with you in this thread in a week, to answer any questions (please, be polite).

Have a nice day and butcher those levels :)

Pontus Granström

May 16, 2014, 5:36:21 PM5/16/14
to Dual N-Back, Brain Training & Intelligence

Not surprised that you gained a sd in iq. Great stuff.

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May 16, 2014, 9:59:15 PM5/16/14
what do you mean u are not surpriseD? did you gain such an amount as well?
and OP what do you mean you can visualize mathematics?
can you give an example?

Millicent Bliesener

May 16, 2014, 10:07:28 PM5/16/14
I'm finding this odd, as Mensa only lets people take their test once.

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If spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. 
- Ethiopian proverb


Millicent Bliesener

May 16, 2014, 10:11:56 PM5/16/14
Well, and also since nobody with your name is listed in their member directory.

Millicent Bliesener

May 16, 2014, 10:19:34 PM5/16/14
Actually, if you hadn't joined yet, your name wouldn't be in the directory.  However, they also stopped giving actual scores a long time ago.  Around 12 years ago, they went to notifying people of whether they'd passed.  Sorry for the skepticism - you have no idea just how many pseudo-M's I've met in my time - if your name is in that directory a month from now, I'll buy you a beer at the AG.



May 18, 2014, 2:59:42 PM5/18/14
if one has the natural ability and can easily get into Mensa, fine, that seems straightforward enough to test for the challenge to perhaps alleviate boredom; but otherwise why would one even want to try HARD to get into Mensa? iMO you either have the inherent IQ to get in or you don't, so why worry about it...i do not see how it could be 'beneficial' either to oneself or society.

i suppose it might help if one is part of the intelligentsia and associated peer acceptance (status), but i otherwise do not see the point.

this is not directed at any individual so it doesnt matter who chimes in; but if i am being ignorant i am seeking luminosity

btw, long time no see, Millicent


your presence is welcomed

Millicent Bliesener

May 18, 2014, 5:56:49 PM5/18/14
Thanks.  :-)  It's a really fun club with a lot of potential to network and make friends, not to mention some great events.  I joined it awhile back to meet people and haven't been disappointed.  On the other hand, I've also met a lot of really nice/interesting people through  Do what works.  



May 20, 2014, 4:53:30 PM5/20/14
What do you mean by three rounds? Three rounds of twenty (~ 1.5hrs per day)?

Ron Williams

May 26, 2014, 7:22:39 AM5/26/14
Maybe he means that the first test was the 'evaluation test' - self scored, IIRC, while the recent one could have been the actual test. I don't think you have to take the real test immediately, especially if the result isn't so good which is the reason for a pre-test...

OTOH, I see that you can now request a 'culture fair' test if you don't pass the first one, although I don't think that's being said here, and if that fails you can adduce other tests, performed by psychologists. You'd have to be desperate, though, surely. It's not that big a deal.

The Cattell bit and SD 24 are correct -  I used to be a member, but lapsed a long, long time ago. They were using the Cattell III when I joined.

As regards Mensa not giving actual numbers, that's true for Australian Mensa - I just got the percentile/welcome/pay up pro forma (political correctness? So some members wouldn't lord it over others? Dunno). Maybe other national Mensas have different rules. If the pic isn't a forgery, it would seem that Polish Mensa does give the actual number which is certainly above the 98th percentile needed to join - almost exactly 99th.

Contrary to your initial reaction here,I think the claim is probably legit.

Millicent Bliesener

May 26, 2014, 12:30:31 PM5/26/14
Could be.  The directory as well as the protocols I discussed were for American Mensa.  

Jarah Pon

Jun 3, 2014, 12:09:42 AM6/3/14
Around 2010 or so, American Mensa began sharing raw scores with new test takers and allowing people to request their raw score from the Admission Test, if they took it during the moratorium on score releases. From the raw score, you can look up the associated percentile rank and estimated IQ on tables on this page:

I was able to successfully request the raw scores for my 2006 admission test around that time.


Jun 8, 2014, 8:56:00 AM6/8/14
@Three rounds: turn on BrainWorkshop -> press space two times -> you have just begun a round
Once I got a 100% score on level [n], I would adjust the config file parameter that controls the default level you start at to [n+1].

@Why tested two times: the rule 'we only ever test once' is used in some countries, but not my own.
Incidentally, even in countries where the above rule is in effect, other tests are still accepted afterwards (eg SAT - or so I think, but don't take my word for it).

@Why do it: It was my own experiment as to whether DNB works (I like improving humans), and needed dependable, high-quality tests.
I was also looking for good think tank material, and thought Mensa a worthwhile place to look on both accounts.
The sample (ie "me") is laughably small, but I still wanted to publish the results - they might be useful for directing possible later research.

@Proof: If somebody needs it, they should write the Polish Mensa (not "MENSA", my bad in the title) and ask about the reference number visible on the document.
Just ask about the difference in score with an earlier test, done by the person with the same name.
This way noone would impinge on anybody's privacy, but you would still get the data you need if eg. you are conducting research on DNB.

Have a great life, everyone!


Jul 7, 2014, 10:09:34 AM7/7/14
2 years ago (highest consistent DNB: 4), I took my first MENSA test - and scored 130 (SD 24), top 10%.
2 weeks ago (highest consistent DNB: 7), I took my second MENSA test - and scored 156 (SD 24), top 1%, so I am joining.
I'm surprised Polish Mensa uses SD 24 scale, not the standard SD 15 scale. Why is that?

Dorso Lateral

Sep 21, 2014, 9:53:14 PM9/21/14
Interesting anecdote.  Could you provide a bit more info about your testing history to help us contextualize your results?

1. When during the inter-testing period did you take the Raven's tests?  And what did you score on each one?

2. What kind of test did you take for Polish Mensa?  Was purely a Gf test like Raven or Cattell Culture Fair, or a battery with multiple sections including verbal?  

And did you take the same test both times you attempted to qualify for Polish Mensa?

Thanks a bunch!
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