More Elephant, Please

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Dani Pagador

2020年10月17日 22:49:082020/10/17
收件人 blind-sudoku
Hey, Aaron.
I just got done doing one of the half-sams and find … that I like the
taste of elephant. I think I should be afraid, but am more … happy, I
guess, that I still have brain cells to do this stuff. It was a med X
9x9 half-sam that you'd sent a while back. I did it in fits and starts
over the past few days and surprised myself by managing to solve it.
I'm still fitting-and-starting over the full sam you sent a few
e-mails back, but that one's coming together, too.

If you have time, can I have more elephant, please. Whatever you
choose to send is fine. Just no killers, evils, or extremes. I
wouldn't know how to approach those.

I think I like the sams and half-sams because even if they don't get
solved in one go, there's entertainment and mystery in having to look
at more than one puzzle in a session, and not so much frustration
because you didn't get the single 9x9 grid solved.

More Later,
Dani, now going to look at the 8x8s you sent most recently

Aaron Helmle

2020年10月18日 14:28:452020/10/18
Hi Dani,

Got your message on the half sams. I will send off soon. I am currently watching football. I will watch more football today and likely either take a nap or finish a Clive Cussler novel.

Also working on my entertainment center. I have finished the framework for the two drawer units. Now comes the pesky task of sanding, staining and building the drawers. You know, the detail work.

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Dani Pagador

2020年10月18日 16:21:022020/10/18
Aaron, just a quick question … are the football players wearing masks?

If I lived closer, I'd help with the sanding. Can't build and design
to save my life, but I like to sand. Give me someplace to sit and
music or a good book to listen to, and I'd be happy to help.

Does Mary watch football with you? Asking 'cause my Sis and her
husband are big football fans and watch together. Got their boys in to
it, plus baseball, so now it's a family thing. They moved back to L.A.
specifically to be able to be closer to the sports scene.

Give sweet Pinkie dog's belly a rub for me. Shoot and send the
elephant when you get a chance.

More Later,

Aaron Helmle

2020年10月18日 16:52:432020/10/18
收件人 blind-sudoku@googlegroups com
Hi Dani.

No, Mary has no interest in football. She grew up in Dallas cowboy land and had.more than enough back then.

As far as masks, the players are not wearing masks. The coaches wear them on the sidelines, but the players are not.

From time to time teams report multiple infections, but they seam to get over it pretty quickly.

To me this sends a really bad message. No need to wear masks, if you get it you will recover and move on. But it ain't so. People are still dying every day. They need to stay home and work puzzles.

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2020年10月18日 17:26:172020/10/18
Yes, sudoku could save lives.

I wish it were true.
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Chris Payne

2020年10月19日 02:19:572020/10/19



What Clive Cussler book are you reading. I believe I have read all that he has written.




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Aaron Helmle

2020年10月19日 09:06:592020/10/19
收件人 blind-sudoku@googlegroups com

I just got finished.  Black Wind.

The main thing I take away from this book is not to loan the car to Dirk Pitt. 

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