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Software, Graphics

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Kirby Urner

17.09.1994, 02:25:2417.09.94
Continuing this thread on graphics....

For those of you maybe lucky enough to run NeXT or Sparc stations,
there's a 3D (Fuller: 4D) geometry viewer out there. Would be useful
for sharing synergetics. For more info, World Wide Web browsers:

Looks like the Synergetics Institute is only a mouse click away
(links between Geometry Center and Japan look strong). Shared
with Yoshiaki Araki about my interest in finding an ftp site for
synergetics imagery.

Japan's HTML scene looks pretty interesting. Invitations to download
38 megabyte quicktime movie of popular TV comedy show.
I don't think so....

Any readers of Wired out there?

"Military maneuvers are no longer about dispersing the fog of war,
but about stage-managing the special effects. Combining Disney-
land, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley, the National Training Center,
full of video cameras and computerized special effects, not to
mention thrilling rides, has superseded Los Alamos and the Nevada
Test Site to become the premiere production set for the next
generation of strategic superiority" Cyber-deterrence, pg. 158
(Wired, Sept 1994)

That's our World Game budget, going up in smoke and mirrors.
Talk about Hollywood-style media extravaganzas. What we need
to enlist the imaginations of would-be world game players in
the Design Science agenda is some eye popping simulations,
using real props, ready for field testing. Some of that is going
on vis-a-vis the tortoises at Fort Irwin -- "The scientists claimed
to be matching the warfighters chip for chip in the information
war. Tortoises [endangered species in the Fort terrain] were
tagged with transmitters, tracked by radio telemetry, and graphed
in grid locations by computers." (ibid)

Same technology, used as livingry instead of killingry. On the
eve of what looks like another media extravaganza orgy of
military might, lets remember Fuller's nationless icosamap
and the concept of networking for livingry, not political scenarios
of death and mayhem. Haitians would do better in a future
with the World Livingry Service industry than without.

Kirby T. Urner
4D Solutions ( = public access node)
Portland (PDX), Oregon "All realities are virtual" -- KU

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