Comments to Wife of a Rider in a Past Tour de France

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2021/07/08 12:45:342021/07/08
To: bicycletouring
Here are some comments an American woman, husband of a rider in a past
Tour de France, received from women she met as she traveled around
France following her husband:

If your husband is touring France on his bicycle, why aren't you
touring with him?

I know you said your husband races bicycles, but does he do it for a living?

When your husband is finished touring France on his bicycle, is going
back to the United States and get a job?


2021/07/08 19:14:152021/07/08

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2021/07/09 2:14:442021/07/09
To:、. dkoloko、bicycletouring
Sounds like Sheryl Crow
,(about Lance A.)

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2021/07/09 14:42:132021/07/09
To: DancesWithCars、、bicycletouring
Crow and Armstrong were not married.



2021/07/09 15:00:482021/07/09
To: . dkoloko、、bicycletouring
Actually engaged
Some consider similar
Affiliated with Eric Clapton
and others, maybe a prenup
issue struggling bike racer not
living up to multi Grammy winning
artists income, idk
/Ducks 🦆

Jim Foreman

2021/07/09 20:38:462021/07/09
To: DancesWithCars、Bicycletouring、Oklahoma Bicycle Society

Back when I was riding (touring), people would automatically assume that I was operating on very limited money or simply a bum on wheels. I considered a number of reactions before deciding to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. I've had waitresses "forget" to charge me for coffee at breakfast and it wasn't unusual to have one bring me a slice of pie with a broken crust saying they couldn't sell it that way and she didn't want to throw it away.


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Mark Boyd

2021/07/10 18:11:352021/07/10
To: bicycletouring
 Hi! Jim!

 I liked your contribution to this thread because it, while relevant to the thread, actually brought in touring ;-}. I have also experienced, and really appreciated, kindness from people who thought I was homeless. Of course, in Southern California, I also experience being invisible because so many people thought I was homeless. 

Recently, I've been getting ready to start a tour on a Crank Forward (CF) bike, a 2007 RANS Fusion, that I bought in April. As part of that, I've been doing all of my recreational riding on that bike. I have not seen any other CF bikes in Asheville so I got a lot of questions about how I got into that type of bike. I tell folks about the Donut Ride you took me to and how Danny -?- (Moni's younger friend who Moni and I rode with on Rt 66) showed up on a RANS CF bike he had ridden, overnight, from the end of that year's Freewheel to OKC to get a chance to visit with me. That was my first exposure to CF bikes. Years later, I got to ride one in NC that a friend who has a used bike store had acquired. They are very easy to ride and very comfortable. Now they are very popular in Florida with older folks like me,  So I decided to try one for touring. 

I'll be leaving tomorrow, heading for Bloomington, IN which, because of  good friends who moved there to live near one of their sons, has been on part of my US tours for the many years since they moved. They are both dead now, but their son is my friend and I'll be visiting him. I was last there on my way up to Canada during my 2019 tour which I chose to shorten after I developed spinal stenosis. It took a while, but I managed to get over the stenosis just before the COVID pandemic started ;-{

In October 2019 when I still had  stenosis, we visited our kids and grandkids in Germany. The best way I had for reducing the stenosis pain  was an hour or  two of strenuous  bike riding each day. Like many German now, my kids have e-bikes and I enjoyed riding them, so, after we came home, I researched e-bike conversion kits and ordered one. Now I have done three e-bike conversions and I especially like the results on the CF bike. So, starting tomorrow, I'll be heading for Bloomington on my loaded CF bike. It should be an interesting tour. There are multiple challenging factors: CF, e-bike, stormy weather, and the fact that I'm 75  years old and haven't toured in almost two years, so it should be interesting!


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