January Club Meeting at K2 on Kentucky St

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Bellingham Homebrewers Guild

2017年1月10日 13:10:002017/1/10
收件人 Bellingham Homebrewers Guild
Our monthly club meeting will be this Thursday (1/12) at K2 on Kentucky Street. Doors open at 6pm, business will be discussed at 6:30pm. Join us whenever you can. Meetings are open to anyone who likes to geek out on beer and brewing.

Don't forget:
- Enter from the back side door. We don't want to create traffic from the tap room and disturb their customers.
- Bring a taster glass.
- Bring something to share. Homebrew, or commercial beer if you don't have anything on tap. If you're joining us for the first time and have never attended a meeting before then don't worry about bringing anything, just come check us out!

We will be doing a calibration tasting of Pilsners for those interested (not required but always educational).

Also, homebrewer of the year for 2016 and 2017 officers will be announced!

Hope to see you all there!

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