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TraitMap problem: Error 110 parsing the xml input file validate and intialize error: null

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Nick Matzke

Mar 15, 2015, 2:35:30 AM3/15/15
Hi all (especially Remco),

I've been tearing my hair out for hours attempting to figure out this issue, I figured it would be worth seeing if someone has a thought about it.

I would like include a single continuous trait in an analysis. Here is a working XML file (modified from a Beast example) that does this successfully:


In this file (cut waaaay down to make it a small example of the problem), I tried to replicate every feature of the continuous trait data and model.  After a million attempts at varying just about every option I still get the same error. So perhaps it's something simple that I'm missing.

Doesn't work:

Here's the error message. It's something about specifying the trait values.  Any help VERY APPRECIATED!!


java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -jar /Applications/BEAST_2.1.3/lib/beast.jar -java -seed 754321 -overwrite TreeTraitMap_validate_null_error2.xml

                  BEAST v2.1.3, 2002-2014
       Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees
                 Designed and developed by
Remco Bouckaert, Alexei J. Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc A. Suchard
               Department of Computer Science
                   University of Auckland
             Institute of Evolutionary Biology
                  University of Edinburgh
              David Geffen School of Medicine
           University of California, Los Angeles
                Downloads, Help & Resources:
Source code distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License:
                     BEAST developers:
Alex Alekseyenko, Trevor Bedford, Erik Bloomquist, Joseph Heled, 
Sebastian Hoehna, Denise Kuehnert, Philippe Lemey, Wai Lok Sibon Li, 
Gerton Lunter, Sidney Markowitz, Vladimir Minin, Michael Defoin Platel, 
          Oliver Pybus, Chieh-Hsi Wu, Walter Xie
                         Thanks to:
    Roald Forsberg, Beth Shapiro and Korbinian Strimmer

Random number seed: 754321

File: TreeTraitMap_validate_null_error2.xml seed: 754321 threads: 1
Probing: BDSSM.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/BDSKY/lib/BDSSM.addon.jar
Probing: BEAST_CLASSIC.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/BEAST_CLASSIC/lib/BEAST_CLASSIC.addon.jar
Probing: BEASTlabs.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/BEASTlabs/lib/BEASTlabs.addon.jar
Probing: DISSECT.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/DISSECT/lib/DISSECT.jar
Probing: antlr-runtime-4.2.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MASTER/lib/antlr-runtime-4.2.jar
Probing: guava-16.0.1.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MASTER/lib/guava-16.0.1.jar
Probing: jackson-annotations-2.2.3.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MASTER/lib/jackson-annotations-2.2.3.jar
Probing: jackson-core-2.2.3.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MASTER/lib/jackson-core-2.2.3.jar
Probing: jackson-databind-2.2.3.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MASTER/lib/jackson-databind-2.2.3.jar
Probing: MASTER.package.v1.6.0.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MASTER/lib/MASTER.package.v1.6.0.jar
Probing: MODEL_SELECTION.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MODEL_SELECTION/lib/MODEL_SELECTION.addon.jar
Probing: guava-15.0.jar Skip loading file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MultiTypeTree/lib/guava-15.0.jar: contains classs that is already loaded
Probing: jblas-1.2.3.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MultiTypeTree/lib/jblas-1.2.3.jar
Probing: MultiTypeTree.v2.0.1.jar Skip loading file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/MultiTypeTree/lib/MultiTypeTree.v2.0.1.jar: contains classs beast.math.distributions.ExcludablePrior that is already loaded
Probing: phylodynamics.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/phylodynamics/lib/phylodynamics.addon.jar
Probing: RBS.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/RBS/lib/RBS.addon.jar
Probing: SA.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/SA/lib/SA.addon.jar
Probing: snap.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/SNAPP/lib/snap.addon.jar
Probing: colt.jar Skip loading file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/SubstBMA/lib/colt.jar: contains classs cern.clhep.PhysicalConstants that is already loaded
Probing: SubstBMA.addon.jar Loaded URL file:/Users/matzke/Library/Application Support/BEAST/2.1/SubstBMA/lib/SubstBMA.addon.jar
SiteModel => beast.evolution.sitemodel.SiteModel
Beta => beast.math.distributions.Beta
Exponential => beast.math.distributions.Exponential
InverseGamma => beast.math.distributions.InverseGamma
LogNormal => beast.math.distributions.LogNormalDistributionModel
Gamma => beast.math.distributions.Gamma
Uniform => beast.math.distributions.Uniform
prior => beast.math.distributions.Prior
LaplaceDistribution => beast.math.distributions.LaplaceDistribution
OneOnX => beast.math.distributions.OneOnX
Normal => beast.math.distributions.Normal
Element parameter found with idref='morph_relRate'. All other attributes are ignored.

Element parameter found with idref='ucldMean_of_shared_clock'. All other attributes are ignored.

Element tree found with idref='shared_tree'. All other attributes are ignored.

Element parameter found with idref='ucldMean_of_shared_clock'. All other attributes are ignored.

Element parameter found with idref='ucldStdev_of_shared_clock'. All other attributes are ignored.

Element parameter found with idref='morph_relRate'. All other attributes are ignored.

Element parameter found with idref='ucldMean_of_shared_clock'. All other attributes are ignored.

Element parameter found with idref='morph_relRate'. All other attributes are ignored.

taxon22: 264 2
Pan_troglodytes: 264 2
taxon21: 264 2
taxon20: 264 2
taxon19: 264 2
taxon18: 264 2
taxon17: 264 2
taxon16: 264 2
taxon15: 264 2
taxon14: 264 2
taxon13: 264 2
taxon12: 264 2
taxon11: 264 2
13 taxa
264 sites
161 patterns
at beast.evolution.tree.TreeTraitMap.initAndValidate(Unknown Source)
at beast.util.XMLParser.initPlugins(Unknown Source)
at beast.util.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at beast.util.XMLParser.parseFile(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

Error 110 parsing the xml input file

validate and intialize error: null

Error detected about here:
      <run id='mcmc' spec='MCMC'>
          <distribution id='posterior' spec='util.CompoundDistribution'>
              <distribution id='prior' spec='util.CompoundDistribution'>
                  <prior id='Prior_on_traits_table_trait1_rootTrait' name='distribution'>
                      <x id='traits_table_trait1_rootTrait' spec='beast.evolution.tree.RootTrait'>
                          <traitmap id='traitmap1' spec='beast.evolution.tree.TreeTraitMap'>


Remco Bouckaert

Mar 15, 2015, 3:49:39 PM3/15/15
Hi Nick,

The problem is caused by the order in which objects are initialised — the triatmap became initialised earlier than the tree’s taxonset causing the null pointer exception. One way to solve this is by having a tree and a separate initialiser. I massaged the XML you posted a bit and got something that runs. Where I changed it, I added a commend starting with RRB. Note I also needed to add a clock model, and added a strict clock with rate 1, just so the XML runs now.

This solution is a bit more magical than I would like it to be, so I raised an issue to have a closer look at this.




Nick Matzke

Mar 15, 2015, 4:37:45 PM3/15/15
Thanks Remco,

It runs for me also now.  Thanks, you're a lifesaver!!

Cheers, Nick

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