This group is for Beneficiary Claims Data API (BCDA) users to ask questions, share knowledge, and provide feedback. We are a technical community with a shared mission of enabling high quality, coordinated care via BCDA solutions.
For more information about the BCDA, go to the website.
Technical questions response time policyCommunity managers from CMS and its partner organizations are here to answer your questions and provide feedback and support. If a response will take us more than 72 hours, we’ll let you know and keep you informed of our progress.
PII and PHI data policyPlease do not share Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as defined in the Privacy Act of 1974 or Protected Health Information (PHI) when posting to this Google Group under any circumstances.
While the BCDA Google Group is a place to share general information, it is still a public forum where PII, PHI, and sensitive information cannot be shared. A good rule of thumb is, “when in doubt, leave it out”.
Examples of PII, PHI, and other sensitive information include:
Personal information commonly appears in API requests or payloads referenced in:
Please redact PII, PHI, and other sensitive information in the following ways:
"entityType": "individual",
"nationalProviderIdentifier": "REDACTED",
"performanceYear": 2017,
"measurementSets": [
"measurements": [