
已查看 40 次

Robert Cauble

2022年9月19日 16:59:522022/9/19
收件人 bazel-discuss
Hi All,

Is there any sort of option for to inherit the tty of the caller?

This is in the context of a migration from maven and one of our sub-modules is a dockerized build. The behavior I see from docker is that unless you run with "-it" then if the user kills the build with Ctrl+C, the docker container continues running until the build finishes. With maven I was able to use <inheritIO> in the exec plugin which allowed "docker run -it" which gave the desired behavior that Ctrl+C kills the build within docker. 

Wondering if there's a similar option in bazel.


Alex Eagle

2022年9月19日 19:13:052022/9/19
收件人 bazel-discuss
There isn't an option to pass through the tty, but of course you can just attach a dummy one to stdin of the process you spawn. I was working on this in but got pulled away.

Robert Cauble

2022年9月20日 13:14:292022/9/20
收件人 Alex Eagle、bazel-discuss
Thanks, I tinkered around with trying to fake out the tty but no luck. I think for it to work, I need to relay the CTRL+C event all the way into the build running within docker. And I don't think that works with a fake tty. 

Really this is a limitation of docker that it doesn't have a way to automatically shutdown when the parent process dies. It's just that I was able to workaround this in maven but not bazel.

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