Hey Guys,can someone provide me an example how to register metrics with spring boot acutator ?Greets.
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private MetricRegistry metricRegistry;
public GlobalMetricRegistry globalMetricRegistry() {
GlobalMetricRegistry globalMetricRegistry = new GlobalMetricRegistry(this.metricRegistry);
return globalMetricRegistry;
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Hi Guys,
I am new to axon framework and prometheus I wanted to expose and enable axon metrics in prometheus for snapshot.
I refer the documentation below is link for the same
So here it is mentioned it would be available under endpoint /actuator/metrics but when I try to hit that I found there was no metrics related to axon specific. So I added axon-micrometer dependency in my classpath and by adding that I saw metrics related to eventbus and querybus but not anything related to snapshots, commands or events.
I am using axon version 4.3.3 and spring boot version 2.3.0 and have added micrometer-registry dependency in my classpath.
And only change in my code is I have set my web base-path as /manage so in that case all metrics I will be seeing in /manage/metrics
can anyone guide me how to expose or enable metrics related to axon.snapshots.count and others related to commands and events. Is there anything else that needs to be added dependency or any property?
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