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Re: Marital relations in the period?

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"moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - yaako warrior from auz., nz..., korea., germany, rsa, usa., sweden, hong kong, canada, russia, china, denmark, uk, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - khaayehmani moslems._.fuck-.goats-like-false.-.prophet.-.mohammad."

Mar 18, 2010, 2:29:10 PM3/18/10
"Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile 6th century warlord
and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement
brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under
subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA.,
Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the
slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI
Moslems._.fuck-.goats-like-false.-.prophet.-.mohammad." wrote:
> Persian Gulf wrote:
> > Marital relations in the period?
> Many of us, expatriates, go home for vacation after an absence of one year
> or more. On arrival or just before departure one may find his wife in her
> period.What is permissible for him and what is not?.
> In the state of menses, only the area above the navel and beyond the knee
> is permissible for the husband.
> and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
> BED.

HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, Hijack a plane,
Hijack a ship, ............ Practice all those and you too could
become a prophet !!

이슬람의 성기를 빨아 당나귀 -
الإسلام يأخذ الحمار القضيب في الشرج

Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!! or or
Thomas Santa -

Wassim Noujeim = Faris Jawad

Keysborough Aus.

Jordan Data Communication Ltd.

Qahir Al-Ashrar

Mar 18, 2010, 5:10:09 PM3/18/10
*** Message to Ali Zina, Islam is winning, and you are losing, get over it.

*** The stupidity of Ali Sina.

Ali Zina does it again! Yes, he makes a joke and a fool of himself!

Exposing Ali Sina's extreme hate and foul mouth

Muslim web sites


are also dedicated to refuting the anti-Islamic site. Our own

is also dedicated to refuting the infidels, and it is an alias that routes to this section.

Get The Holy Quran. It is absolutely FREE

Useful links

Understanding Islam

Similar websites

Islamic Awareness
The True Religion
Investigating Islam
Muslim Answers
Guided Ones
Understanding Islam
Examine the Truth

Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 18, 2010, 5:32:27 PM3/18/10
Message has been deleted

Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 18, 2010, 7:44:33 PM3/18/10
On 3/18/10 5:32 PM, Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile
6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in
order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin
dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea.,
Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark,
UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI Dr.

Ahura Mazda

Mar 18, 2010, 8:32:30 PM3/18/10
Case study: anti-Islam troll behavior and attitude analyzed!!

Few anti-Islam trolls (or quite possibly only one with many identities) are targeting Newsgroups

Let take a closer look into the mind of the troll and how you can spot one in real life.

First a look into what anti-Islam troll aims for and why he does what he does???

- The first aim of a troll all trolls online is to get a response from a group of people

This is a clear sign that a troll doesn't have the kind of human contact he would like to have in his life and doesn't get the kind of attention he wants. People who he admires, or with whom he would like to be associated, is not accessible to him, don't really care about him or don't even notice him, because he doesn't have the characteristics required or in their opinion is "inferior" in their social ladder. He is afraid to go and talk to those people to gain the acceptance needed to get in the "in-crowd", so he chooses an easier way of attracting attention... trolling.

A few of the groups with who trolls would like to be associated or befriended, but sadly fail, are:

* Those of the opposite sex (very few trolls have girlfriends) * people who are socially popular (e.g. party animals and the "comedians" in a group)
* People with financial or educational success or otherwise a promising career
* People that are stronger, healthier, more intelligent or more beautiful than the troll or people in general
* Happy people (he wants to be happy, but hates them)

- The second aim of a troll is to offend people

A troll usually has an inferiority complex of some sort. Trolling for him is a way to feel powerful (often the only way). He has been offended and hurt at some point in his life and quite possibly is a victim of bullying at school or work and now that he gets to troll a group, it feels like a payback time for him. Many of the trolls are also bullies in real life and pick fights with those who can't or don't dare to defend themselves. To trolls trolling is just like
Stealing lollipop from an 8-year-old; i.e. easy and rewarding and one hell of a power trip. In real life it is quite rare for a troll to pick a fight with someone bigger than him and trolls rarely like challenges, are it intellectual or physical. Trolling on the internet gives them the opportunity to pick a fight with anybody without the fear of losing and being ridiculed by on-lookers. Trolling for a troll is a sure-win situation with no risks attached... or so he thinks.

- The third aim of a troll is to have fun and entertain himself

The real life of a troll is usually dull and he usually has too much time in his hands. In Real Life trolls are not funny or entertaining in any way or have a sense of humor that very few shares with them (usually only other trolls who are as stupid as the troll himself). This is why they don't have (m) any friends or anybody to have real fun with, or at least the kind of fun they'd like to have. They spend a lot of time with computers and for many the internet is the only way to communicate with other people outside their family or the circle of a few like-minded "friends". The humor of a troll is usually low-brow and childish and almost always sexually explicit (in their case always A sign of inexperience in sexual matters). Very seldom is a troll original or clever, which partly explains why they are so socially excluded.

- The fourth aim of a troll is to entertain others

When trolling, one gets to become the class-clown that one never was in real life. A troll hopes to get positive feedback from those with predisposition to similar disturbed behavior and similar sense of childish and stupid humor. Very rarely does a troll succeed in this, but when he does, it really makes his day and may give him energy to keep on trolling for months. A positive note from someone is as big a high for a troll as a negative one. If you want to get rid of a troll, do not respond!

- The fifth aim of a troll is to have people believe he is someone else

A troll is not happy with who he is (here's the inferiority complex again), so he tries to come up with different personalities and pretends to be them. The internet to a troll is like the mask in The Mask (you remember the Jim Carrey movie?). He can be whatever he wants to be or what he is, or believes to be, *really* inside. He gets to be Sick as fuck, rude as a cock and mean as a motherfucker! Pretty much every troll has many different personalities in one forum, so that people believe that there are many of them spelling their dung all over the place. The trolling personalities take many forms, but deep down they're all the same... sad, disturbed and pathetic. A troll also believes that a lot of people do what he does (learned it from other forums with one troll pretending to be many trolls) and thinks it is normal to entertain oneself with that sort of behavior. Of course, trolling is a perversion and should be treated as such! A troll usually attacks only one forum, sometimes two or maybe three, but very rarely more than that, because most trolls don't want to go through the effort of looking up more forums to fuck up or don't have the intellectual capability of keeping up with replies from more groups than just a few. The most twisted ones, aka the 100% trolls (see later in the post), who live for trolling 24/7, may take over more forums, but in these sad cases we're talking about someone who is, or who definitely should be, under some serious medication or locked up in a nut house.

Generally speaking these are the basic factors that motivate someone to become a troll. There surely are others too, but there is no need to go through them here. If the motivational factors are of more interest, do a web search with key words +"personality disorder" +anti-social +"sexual frustration" +"penis envy on males" +"problem Child" +bullying +"low IQ" +"mental retardation" +treatment and +"Oedipus complex". Basically any literature on the subject of personality disorders and schizophrenia is a good read for anyone interested in the personality traits of a troll.

So how do you spot a troll in real life then?

That's easy. If more than 5 points apply to a person in the following list of characteristics, and he owns a computer or has access to one regularly, he is likely to be a troll. The more there are points that apply, the more likely it is that he is a troll. If all apply, he is a troll with 100% certainty and quite possibly the 100% troll mentioned earlier:

The person:
- is male (very very few trolls are female)
- is a loner
- doesn't have hobbies
- looks "bland" (i.e. no personality) or is ugly as hell
- bullies (weaker) people
- has bad handwriting
- likes to torture animals (e.g. insects)
- picks fights with people who have no interest in fighting him or don't dare to fight him
- vandalizes public property
- Loves his mother more than is healthy
- Hates his father more than is healthy
- gives up easily on things that take effort or require responsibility (like relationships with real people)
- laughs at his own jokes (while no one else does)
- does not take part in intellectually challenging arguments or conversations with people who stand a chance in arguing with him, but does often so when he's by himself (!!!) or with someone who's thick enough and has no idea what he's talking about (i.e. another troll or his "only friend Bob")
- cannot behave himself even when someone "important" is around (much less when he's by himself)
- collects dead animals
- carries sharp objects "just in case"
- buries all his belongings in the backyard "just in case"
- Spies on women in showers
- masturbates in public
- In internet cafes or libraries with public internet access, he is the only one laughing at *something* by the computer... alone
- when he's not chatting or writing something on the computer, he's surfing hacker sites or reading out loud posts of other trolls (and the replies to them) or if he is one of the dumber ones, downloading porn ... and laughing out loud
- wears a t-shirt with something "witty" (in his opinion) printed on the front like "I'm the one your mother warned you about" or "No one knows I'm a lesbian" or just a simple "Fuck You!" (Please note that a Mad Magazine t-shirt is a sure sign of one being a troll and a retard as well!)

Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 18, 2010, 8:37:25 PM3/18/10
On 3/18/10 7:44 PM, Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile


Mar 18, 2010, 9:15:40 PM3/18/10

Qahir Al-Ashrar

Mar 19, 2010, 1:50:02 AM3/19/10

Sultan-ul Ulema

Mar 19, 2010, 5:27:04 AM3/19/10

"Ahura Mazda" <> wrote in message
Case study: Islam troll behavior and attitude analyzed!!

You can find idiots anywhere.

And this is the top isalomfascist propagandist living in Canada, of course,
rather than in some islamoshit pighole:

>>> "TROLL HUNTER aka SHOE TROWER observed by fucktard Wassim Noujeim on
>>> bike with Ana Bila Jawad" <> wrote in message
>>> news:...
>>>> "Doug" <andx...@gmail.invalid> wrote in message
>>> news:4b952220$
On Feb 19, 8:41 pm, "SHOES THROWER" <>

Started as ABU ALWAFA in 1998, use more than 150 false IDs.

Extreme ANONYMOUS copy/paste HATE trolling in Christian and Jewish
groups. Also attacks Hindus and Budists.

According to previous posts, he is:

Wassim Adel Noujeim
8110 Pesant Rue
Saint-Leonard, QC H1R 2Y2
Phone: (514) 728-0550

- Recently Google shows wedding photo website with his modified name:

Same address (8110 pesant Rue) and phone advertised here with Noujeim
changed to Njeim:

here is his picture:

...between a lot of half naked girls (real Muslim !!!):

From the link above his surname is Noujeim (not Njeim like on
and there is a picture from Lebanon - must be him.

Please fight his spam by replying with his details.

All Wassim's copy/paste spam is sent by 2 anonymous servers in Italy (he is
a coward):

NNTP-Posting-Host: and

Please forward his spam with headers to:,
and and and Canadian Human
Rights Commission (they have Independent Review On Hate Messaging on the
Internet and Wassim is the person of their interest).

Known Wassim Noujeim's ID'S ON THE INTERNET GROUPS:

"Qahir Al-Ashrar" <>
"Vishnu" <>
"Islam Will Replace Collapsing Amerikan Empire"
"Firnando" <>
Kike Online" <>
Abu Alwafa : If you Yahoo, his ID is noujwas
Rock Soldier <>
"Islam is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"
"Muslims Always Victorious" <>
Kayed Al-Kuffar <>
True American Patriot <>
"Adrian Dharma Wijaya" <>
"Mohammed Abacha"
aka soumi
aka Aviroca
aka mose
aka R Geovani (
aka "dabboor"
aka Blondes Gaulloises (
aka Haitham Abdelhadi (
aka Ilan Ramon ( )
aka Wassim S. Absood aka
aka "Firnando" .......
(Faris Jawad)
"Faris Jawad"
"Saif Al-Islam" < (
"Muslims Are Good Folks" <
"katucha is the zionists worst nightmare"
"Zionism is a cancer growing on Uncle Sam's ass" <
"Zionism is a cancer" <
"Ahura Mazda"
Kayid Al-Kuffar
"Qahir Al-Ashrar" <
"Qahir Al-Ashrar"
"Ahura Mazda" <
Liu Yan
"Ardalan Keykavoussi"
"Zoroastar Sucks" <
"The President of" <
"The president of"
"We are Muslims, and we are extremely proud of it."
"Muslim With Mission" <
"Saif Al-Islam" <
"Saif Al-Islam" <
"Sinbad" <
"Abu Alwafa"
"Free Palestine"
"All praise is due to Allah Lord of the Worlds, the Owner of all of the
"JMD Morgan" <>
Si-Salah" <>
"Troll Hunter" <
"Troll Hunter" <
"R Geovani (
"Firnando" <>
"ÇDoügßT" (
"Franko Pizza
"Franko Pizza" <
"Born To Serve Islam" < (
"Death to Israel..Israel has no Right to Exist" <
"Abu Alwafa"
Ilan Ramon ( )
"Sk?ü¤jSk|n" <Islam_ will_ replace_collapsing_ Amerikan_
"Islam Will Replace Collapsing Amerikan Empire"
"I, Enemy Combatant" (
"Mujahid" < (
"Maher" < (
"Long Live Palestine"
"Butros Kondara" <> (
"Muslims will soon be victorious" <>
"zimbawi" < (
Blondes Gaulloises (
"KCy?N<C|U§U|..hRa&quot; <>
"Troll Hunter"
"Liu Yan" <
Wassim S. Absood
Haitham Abdelhadi (
"Wassim Adel Noujeim" <
( <>
Rudolph W. Giuliani < (
"Romero" (sock puppet)
Other sock puppets :
"Estella Avalos" <
"I Report, You Decide"
"Bush is the AntiChrist"

Abu Alwafa : If you Yahoo, his ID is noujwas
better known as Abu-Alwafa ( )
aka soumi
aka R Geovani ( aka "dabboor"
aka Blondes Gaulloises (
aka Haitham Abdelhadi (
aka Ilan Ramon ( )
aka Wassim S. Absood aka

Sultan-ul Ulema

Mar 19, 2010, 5:33:28 AM3/19/10

"pig and idiot Wassim, Canadaian troll born in Nablus SHOES THROWER"
<> wrote in message
Case study: Islam troll behavior and attitude analyzed!!

Few Islam trolls (or quite possibly only one with many identities hidding
real name Wassim Noujeim) are targeting Newsgroups

Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 19, 2010, 8:38:23 AM3/19/10


Mar 19, 2010, 8:49:00 AM3/19/10
(bile snipped)


Mar 19, 2010, 8:52:16 AM3/19/10

>>>> Many of us, expatriates, go home for vacation after an absence of one
>>>> year or more. On arrival or just before departure one may find his wife in
>>>> her period.What is permissible for him and what is not?.
>>>> In the state of menses, only the area above the navel and beyond the
>>>> knee is permissible for the husband.

humans are infinitely mad!

web site at - news comment service, logic, economics
energy, education, politics, etc over 1 million document calls in year past
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit


Mar 19, 2010, 6:00:48 PM3/19/10
Islam will win the clash of civilization.

Click here to enter a radical Muslim website!!

White Race put six millions Jews in gas chamber; white race must pay for such crime from their own land not the Palestinians.


Mar 19, 2010, 6:18:28 PM3/19/10
On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 05:49:00 -0700 (PDT), nazi liar Serge
<> wrote:

>(bile snipped)

60% increase in NSW electricity bills over three years (due to NSW
government diverting profits over the past decade that should have
been re-invested), and now a further $500 million wasted by Keneally
and Labor to scrap their ill-considered CBD metro plan.

Yet you've been defending Keneally as the saviour of NSW ... pretty
obvious now that you are the number one congenital idiot in

Time to throw out some more off-topic and diversionary posts to try to
hide your shame nazi-boy?

Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 19, 2010, 7:51:08 PM3/19/10
On 3/19/10 7:38 AM, Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile

Wassim Wanker

Mar 19, 2010, 8:03:09 PM3/19/10

"Wassim Noujeim aka TROLLS HUNTER" <> wrote in
message news:4ba3f418$

Spam deleted.

The best muslim's porn from Montreal (under burka view):

Please join The Internet Community to fight Wassim's spam by reporting and
replying with his details.

Decent Muslims, please remove from the Internet this fanatic spammer who is
giving you all a bad name.

All Wassim's copy/paste spam is sent by 2 anonymous servers in Italy (he is
a coward):

NNTP-Posting-Host: and

Please forward his spam with headers to:,
and and and Canadian Human
Rights Commission (they have Independent Review On Hate Messaging on the
Internet and Wassim is the person of their interest).

Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 19, 2010, 8:03:56 PM3/19/10
On 3/19/10 6:51 PM, Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile


Mar 19, 2010, 8:30:00 PM3/19/10
(bile snipped)


Mar 20, 2010, 12:14:00 AM3/20/10
Give Iran a Break!

Iran is no match for Israel, whose security and military needs are all but guaranteed by US taxpayers, most of whom are not even aware of this fact. Iran is surrounded on all sides by the US Navy and American bases. Iran has not invaded or threatened any country for two and a half centuries, notes Debbie Menon.

Iran has not attacked another country militarily. The track records of the US, Israel, the UK and France are very different.

These so called "democracies" have a bloody history of invading other countries on flimsy excuses.

Iran has been a consistent supporter of the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and called for a nuclear weapons free Middle East.

The comments of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad against Israel have been repeated by some of Iran's leaders since 1979 and constitute no practical threat. A tit-for-tat response.

The statement attributed to him that "Israel should be wiped off the map" is a distortion of the truth and has been determined by a number of Farsi linguists, amongst them, Professor Juan Cole, to be a mistranslation.

What he actually said was that "the regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".

Ahmadinejad has made clear that he envisions regime change in Israel through internal decay.

The classic lie in the western Media, of course, is the lie that he had stated that: "Israel must be wiped off the map."

Most media groups in the west fall in line with that thinking.

Janet Daly of the London Telegraph repeated this lie on a BBC programme when it has been exposed as such for well over two years. Larry King did the same, during his interview with Ahmadinejad, then cut to a commercial break before giving him time to respond, then, of course, he moved on to another subject, after the break. This has been their way for decades.

If you do not already know, Ahmadinejad was quoting Ayatollah Khomeini who actually said:

.this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e eshghalgar-e qods)

must [vanish from] the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).

There are parallels, between the western media rhetoric about Iraq's nuclear threat prior to the US invasion and the rhetoric about Iran's nuclear programme today. In repeatedly misinterpreting the statements of Iran's Ahmadinejad, the US-Israel media paints him as the Hitler of the Middle East. There was no reality check before Iraq and there is no reality check now.

Iranian leaders have said consistently for two decades that they will accept a two-state solution in Palestine if a majority of Palestinians favour that option. This is in sharp contrast to the explicit threats by Israel and the US leaders against Iran, including aid to separatist movements to disintegrate and wipe Iran off the map, as reported by Seymour Hersh and Reese Elrich.

There is considerable evidence of clandestine operations by the US, British and Israeli agents who are arming, training and funding terrorist entities such as Jundollah in Baluchistan, Arab separatists in Khuzestan, and PJAK in Kurdistan.

These concrete attempts at disintegration of Iran, as well as the 100 million dollars congressional funding for 'democracy' promotion in Iran, constitute aggression and are interference in Iran's domestic affairs and the Iranian people's rights of sovereignty.

They violate the bilateral Algiers Accord of 1981, in which Washington renounced any such actions in the future.

Iran is no match for Israel, whose security and military needs are all but guaranteed by US taxpayers, most of whom are not even aware of this fact. Iran is surrounded on all sides by the US Navy and American bases. Iran has not invaded or threatened any country for two and a half centuries.

Debbie Menon is an independent writer based in Dubai.

Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 21, 2010, 9:00:04 AM3/21/10
On 3/19/10 7:03 PM, Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile

*HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM* - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your

Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 21, 2010, 9:07:00 AM3/21/10
On 3/19/10 7:03 PM, Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile

Moslem cartoon character mohammad was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea., Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark, UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI

Mar 21, 2010, 3:15:04 PM3/21/10
On 3/18/10 7:44 PM, Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile

Qahir Al-Ashrar

Mar 22, 2010, 12:01:07 AM3/22/10
And They Ask, "Why Do They Hate Us?"

By Arwa Mahmoud

Muslim Affairs Managing Editor

As an Arab Muslim, watching and hearing news on what went on in Palestine
and Iraq had gotten to a nauseating point with me. There had been too much
repetition, too much unintelligent jargon, and too much vulgarity for even
devout Middle East addicts to take. My and many others' intelligence gets
insulted everyday with not much done about it. God forbid I should forget
that those who insult are the "mighty" ones with the black suits and the
fancy ties, the ones with their sophisticated toys, ready to knock the hell
out of anyone who misbehaves.

It's been a pattern, and an intentional one at that. They strike, kill,
enrage, and walk out clean. Our faces turn red; we scream; they turn blue.
We walk down the streets holding signs and throwing tomatoes. We let it all
out. Our faces grow back their yellow, and they stay that way. Colorful, isn't

Alarmingly, each crime committed against my people is beginning to act like
a vaccine booster, as if we were slowly adapting to humiliation. Proud men
getting their faces rubbed in sand is the order of the day. At some point it
was a Palestinian child's bloody face into the pavement under an Israeli
boot, so rubbing an adult face in sand with an American boot is not that bad
after all!

We're looking at a policy that aims at producing non-reaction. Acquired
helplessness. And they see it as the first step to a loving friendship. They're
torturing, raping and bombing their way to our hearts. And since we're dogs,
we'd continue to drool to them for attention, for love. This is their
utopian vision of us. This is how they've chosen to run things with the
people of a thousands-of-years-old civilization.

But as humiliated and helpless as many of us have come to feel, silent rage
is spreading among us like a dangerous plague. No, they haven't won any "dog's"
heart. They've only kept the hearts and minds of Arab rulers who gladly
prostitute their countries for cash and prestige.

As this outrageous set of atrocities piles up with time, it awakens the
proud human in any decent Muslim. They empower the will to act more
assertively, to speak louder, and to make a change. And we're more than a
billion. We come from different parts of the world, and we live under
differing conditions. Our education ranges from a PhD to nothing. But if a
few of us get hurt, we all ache. And our reactions then vary, and range from
speaking and writing to suicide bombing.

I believe this pile just got heaviest with me. When I saw pictures of my
brothers in Iraq stripped naked I literally felt my blood boiling in a way
it hasn't for a very long time. I found myself writing for the first time in
four years.

There isn't much I can write that hasn't already been written by many others
or spoken by many more. But since there appears to be a massive state of
ignorance on the policy making level, allow me to use some basic teaching
techniques usually applied on Alzheimer patients: repetition.

Invade a country and treat its people like sheep and you'll be loathed for
generations. The Israelis still suffer from that mistake; the infamous "a
land without people to people without land" dogma, which is translated in
each Israeli policy, continues to cost many Israeli lives 56 years on. And
they haven't learned.

And Iraqis are not Red Indians. In the 21st century everyone can see what
you think you're doing in the dark. There are many around the world who feel
the plight of the Iraqis as you rip at their culture, not hundreds of years

Finally, add more oppression to the oppressed, take away the little they
have left and they will turn violent. This is a basic equation. Politics

"Objectivity" tells me that those pictures I saw reflected the acts of a
deranged few, and that those few will receive their well-deserved punishment
at the hands of their commanders. But much to the displeasure of the
American administration, I am a rational being, and I come from the Middle
East. Some of the old commanders and politicians who took charge throughout
the turbulent history of this part of the world had pasts not dissimilar to
the present of the sick minds they recruit today. And that lady posing next
to the prisoners is part of the package. We've seen this only too many
times. Ask any Arab ex-prisoner who fought a war with Israel.

And now, with a smiling face, I'm expected to give reassuring answers to
angry patriotic Americans echoing the blond heads that popped on television
right after 9/11: "Why do they hate us?" A question the media has managed to
scare every American with. And many have internalized and believed it.

One thing: Get your honorable liberators out of our land. As each day passes
you convince more and more people to really hate you this time, and fight to
the very last drop of their boiling blood.
Do you have an opinion to share on this issue? Join our ongoing discussion.


Arwa Mahmoud is outreach and cooperation officer for
Formerly managing editor of the Muslim Affairs section, she holds a
bachelor's degree in political science and an international relations
diploma from the American University in Cairo.


Mar 22, 2010, 2:37:47 AM3/22/10
Disclaimer: This message is meant for the decent people who may come
across the discussions where my name, Wassim Njeim or my business name
Wassim Njeim Photography, are mentioned and where I'm being falsely
accused of being an extremist, troll and spammer.

Please read carefully:

1 - I, Wassim Njeim, have NEVER EVER posted any message or
participated in any discussion related to religion or politiics in any
newsgroups or anywhere on the internet.

2 - Either people are mistaking me for someone else or someone for
some reason is trying to hurt my image online by spreading false and
malicious statements and accusations about me and linking to my
photography website.

3- I have filed a long report with the local police of montreal
regarding all this. I'm still waiting for the investigations to start
but I had to write a text to defend myself on the newsgroups. Luckily,
the local police are now accepting internet cases. I've tried to file
a report with them several times in the past but they didn't want to
hear anything about it and considered it as a civil case which usually
would require private investigations and then hiring a lawyer.

4- I urge you to report every message that you come across and that
contains the defamation text about me, links to my website
and my own information such as my address and phone number. If you're
using google groups, click More Options then "Report this message".
Everyone of you decent people should do this for the simple reason
that anyone of you could one day go through the same thing. It's
unfortunately easy for anyone to find information about you on the
internet, either through the white pages or the information linked to
the domain names you own, then go ahead and slander you on newsgroups
by hiding themselves behind anonymous servers.

To the person or the people who are posting the defamation text about
me, Wassim Njeim. I'm NOT your Abu-Alwafa or whatever person you're
looking for! I'm NOT the person that you are accusing of being a
troll and a spammer on the newsgroups. You are simply missing your
target and hitting the wrong guy! Wassim Njeim is not the person you
are looking for, so refrain from using my name, my information and
from linking to my photography website. Whether you are one person or
a bunch of people and whether you're doing it intentionally to harm my
image or you're just mistaking the identity, what you are doing is a
defamation crime. So you better stop now than later.

Wassim Njeim

P.S.: It also came to my attention that my email address and my business name "Wassim Njeim Photography"
have already been used by the same person/people on the newsgroups for
the same purpose of defamation.


Mar 22, 2010, 2:40:30 AM3/22/10

Peter Webb

Mar 22, 2010, 2:59:48 AM3/22/10
None of this explains why Indonesian Muslim terrorists targetted and killed
88 Australians in Bali in 2003.

It couldn't be because of the invasion of Iraq, because that had not yet

It couldn't be because of Israel's troubles with its neighbours, as
Australia is not in the remotest way involved.

In fact, it couldn't be because of any of the reasons you stated.

Which means that they are not the reasons why Muslims kill Westerners.

The real reason that (some) Muslims hate the West is because the modernity,
culture and lifestyle is (correctly) seen as a threat to Islam; given the
opportunity many young Muslims would prefer a Western lifestyle and Western
values to those of fundamentalist Islam. So the West is demonised by many
Islamic clerics, and the result is a tiny percentage (it doesn't take many)
who believe this crap and end up as terrorists.


Mar 22, 2010, 4:15:41 AM3/22/10

"Peter Webb" <> wrote in message

> The real reason that (some) Muslims hate the West is because the
> modernity, culture and lifestyle is (correctly) seen as a threat to Islam;
> given the opportunity many young Muslims would prefer a Western lifestyle
> and Western values to those of fundamentalist Islam. So the West is
> demonised by many Islamic clerics, and the result is a tiny percentage (it
> doesn't take many) who believe this crap and end up as terrorists.

# You nailed it.

The trouble is, like fighting any war, you have to kill a lot of people to
get to the leaders and instigators. It's never been any other way. Think
of what we did to intelligent Germans and beautiful German cities to get to
a handful of men we were told were evil.

artie morty

Mar 22, 2010, 6:23:40 AM3/22/10

The Bali bombers were actually targeting Americans.

They believed that Bali was a haunt of Americans, and afterward were
"not happy because Australians were killed in big numbers".

The attackers sought revenge for "what Americans have done to
Muslims," he added.


Mar 22, 2010, 6:31:16 AM3/22/10

typo crrected.. "..a handful of men who were evil". (and not just a
handful either)



"Kill off my demons and my angels might die too"

"I don't care what you f__kers think!" - The Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister of Australia

Peter Webb

Mar 22, 2010, 8:08:16 AM3/22/10

"artie morty" <> wrote in message

That's OK then.

Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times

Mar 22, 2010, 9:16:38 AM3/22/10
Yes it can indeed and another thing by the way : BLACK PLAGUE CAN BE
CURED IN 10 MINUTES FLAT ! ... but this is not my discovery although
bet you will be battling for a century to find that recipe in Quacks
' books, !
But and this is the most amazing thing, I am looking forward to give
it free of charge to all, once the Miniing Crimnals of Newmont /
Newcrest / Boral & BHP have been brougth to Justice, as well as their
well documented Mining Frauds such as Tyrwhitt, Thomson, Borner,
Searls; Koehn, Barr & Atkinson !

say Innocent Victims of Terror imposed luducrous & aganst Nature Laws

I Look forward to hand out & explain right to the concerned Government
of the Planet how they have been rolled in the flour by well
documented Jenner & Pasteur Criminals, and how anything at all based
on the application that the Human Body is in an Electronic, Magnetic,
Electrolytic in a pulstaing environment would bring about immediate
stop to Billions of suffering people through the World

With kind regards to all

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper &
Gold Mine)
Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert
Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant
Founder of the True Geology

~ Ignorance is the Cosmic Sin, the One Never Forgiven ~

for background info.
"True Geology" Foundation Document
"Turcaud Bath" as a free gift to Suffering Humanity

Bob Hawke

Mar 22, 2010, 9:22:41 AM3/22/10
How Come You Can't Cure Yourself - Le Turd?

You poor stupid imbecile Le-Turd!

Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True Geology

Mar 22, 2010, 9:25:21 AM3/22/10

Bob Hawke

Mar 22, 2010, 9:36:36 AM3/22/10
You poor French sod Le-Turd - the fairies at the bottom of your garden and
the HOT Aussie sun have warped you brain worse than anyone could imagine. Or
on the other hand has it just shrunk - you know just got smaller and smaller
until it's the size of a pin head in a big empty shell.

But all those veins still go in there all feeding that tiny little nodule
which tries to work so hard, but never quite gets there.

You pooer French demented sod !!!

There are a number of things you can do in order to get by with your

Firstly you must realize that you have a problem in the first plasce.
Surely you must realize that you are a demented Nutter. If you don't
believe me, please take my word for it, you DEFINITELY are a NUTTER.

The second thing you must do is to minimize the amount of work you give that
poor little pin sized organ of yours. You must treat it with respect and
nurture it.

Don't nover load it. Forget all about that COSMIC BULLSHIT. It's all CRAP.

The third thing you must do is to stop confusing that small organ if yours
with conflicting information. Stop talking with poor old Horus and Titi.
They are with us no longer and no amount of talking to them will do you any

Your worst enemy though are those nasty little fairies at the bottom of your
garden. You must avoid them at ALL costs. They are no good for your small
pin-head sized brain. They fill yoir brain with all sorts of demented CRAP.

The fourth thing you must do, Le-Turd, is to stay away from that cheap red
plonk you French Frogs grow over there. It is full of all sorts of
pollutants from the polluted soil and groundwater you poor Frogs have to
bear over there.

What you need is some good quality Australian wine - not cheap French plonk.
It will poison your brain even further. Remember Napoleon suffered the same
fate. He died from all the poisons which accumulated in his body.

The fifth thing you must do is to stop shoving that rubber hose up your
arse. If God had intended us to do that we would have all been born with
reubber hoses stuck up our arses. It is simply no good for you., Your poor
little arsehole has to cope with too much already. You shit out of it and
you also talk out of it, so it is overworked already.

And Le-Turd stop playing with it, remember it is at the arse end of your

The sixth thing you must do is to stop WANKING. Remember you have been
inducted into the French hall of fame as France's GREATEST WANKER. Have you
heard anything from the city administrators of La Rochelle yet? I sent then
an email about nominating you as a famous person who has lived in La

The seventh thing you must do is to come to trhe conclusion that you were
wrong all along and that you are not a famous geologist but you are just
some poor demented, deluded French Nutter.

Finally you must apologize and learn how to repent. You must get down on
your knees and bow your head. You must then place your head between your
knees and shove your head up your arse.

If you repent to the correct degree and shove your head up your arse far
enough, you will completely dissappear and your problems (and ours) will be


Mar 23, 2010, 1:54:33 AM3/23/10
On Mar 22, 4:40 pm, wassphoto <> wrote:

> Disclaimer: This message is meant for the decent people who may come
> across the discussions where my name, Wassim Njeim or my business name
> Wassim Njeim Photography, are mentioned and where I'm being falsely
> accused of being an extremist, troll and spammer.
Please read carefully:
> 1 - I, Wassim Njeim, have NEVER EVER posted any message or
> participated in any discussion related to religion or politiics in any
> newsgroups or anywhere on the internet.
> 2 - Either people are mistaking me for someone else or someone for
> some reason is trying to hurt my image online by spreading false and
> malicious statements and accusations about me and linking to my
> photography website.
On Mar 23, 11:37 am, "Firnando" <> wrote:
> Posting personal information is a crime and he can and will be prosecuted!!

INDEED it is mate
> Posting personal information about another person not even participant in
> the newsgroup is worse than evil intention of a person who commits a
> wrongful act injurious to others!!
> All immoral and illegal activities will be reported to authorities!!
> The troll headers will follow, First read the message posted by the victim!!
> ------------------

> Disclaimer: This message is meant for the decent people who may come
> across the discussions where my name, Wassim Njeim or my business name
> Wassim Njeim Photography, are mentioned and where I'm being falsely
> accused of being an extremist, troll and spammer.

> On 2/16/10 3:00 PM, Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile

6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in
order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people (shitskin
dunecoons) under subjection - Yaako Warrior from AUZ., NZ..., Korea.,
Germany, RSA, USA., Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Russia, China, Denmark,
UK, .........., the slayer of fecal stained moslems - KHAAYEHMANI Dr.
Sir John Howard, AC, WSCMoF > wrote:


> Please read carefully:
> 1 - I, Wassim Njeim, have NEVER EVER posted any message or
> participated in any discussion related to religion or politiics in any
> newsgroups or anywhere on the internet.

The police wont do anything until the troll has destroyed the entire
western economy, which is his aim it seems mate

The psychopath thinks attacking ALL brown peoples / Muslims business
he can save Israel

They think its OK to attack any Muslims Anywhere any time , as the
western police will NEVER touch THEM

Its always been that way and always will , be until ALL western
taxpayers eventually discover how much the racists have cost
taxpayers , only THEN will taxpayers demand the police arrest the REAL
terrorists online and on the streets

the same criminals constantly attacks me and my friends and my family
too , I igniore them mostly , I know the damage they are doing to
western economy will EVENTUALLY mean they will be arrested and then I
can sort them and those helping out and get compensation and
satisfaction for ALL his criminal acts , eventually , simply keep
complaining and store copies until we get compensated thats all we can
do , western taxpayers will pay eventually for permitting his
criminal behavior to continue if we have complained , THEY must accept
they are GUILTY as accomplices and MUST pay for their criminal

/ see " reckless Indifference " it is itself a crime with same

Thank GOD /Allah the people that really matter know me and you too ,
and anybody can see who the REAL terrorists are mate , let them expose
their true nature for everybody to see WHO the REAL terrorists really

we need to wait until western taxpayers are eventually bankrupt and
FORCED to ask why

IF the psychopath discovers he is hurting you he will double the
attacks , like ALL terrorists, they / he relies on fear and
intimidation to achieve his / their sicko goals

Nothing but to ignore him IMHO , and wait until western taxpayers
eventually demand he be arrested , nobody actually reads his mindless
racist filth , let alone believes it , a child could see he is no
better that those who scribble filth on toilet doors , often leaving
phone numbers , its childish , and nobody actually EVER rings your or
my or any number , he tries to abuse us but it has and will never hurt
us mate , sane people are not that easy fooled

The racist police dont mind them attacking brown peoples or Muslims ,
it has ALWAYS been like that mate , white christian / western peoples
dont care what war criminals do to brown / Muslim peoples , often
invading a country and killing a million brown / Muslim peoples hardly
bothers most western taxpayers so we must expect little help from THEM
until they run out of money and ask WHY their country is BANKRUPT

This same racist psychopath his socks and mates have already cost
Australian taxpayers billions in lost tourism , and drives away
billions more every year in commercial potential

i suspect he has helped DESTROY the USA economy too , once western
taxpayers eventually work out who the REAL terrorists are the troll
criminal will be arrested mate

Be patient , it wont take him and his racist helpers much longer to
destroy ALL western economys

THEN we can identify the REAL terrorists, and demand justice , and


Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True Geology

Mar 23, 2010, 6:40:51 AM3/23/10

Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times

Mar 27, 2010, 8:56:44 AM3/27/10
On Mar 22, 2:20 pm, "Australia Mining Pioneer & Founder of the True
Geology" <> wrote:

Oh by the way, such cures cannot be available since Greedy Antipodean
Manure on ambush would just grab such superior mind 's discoveries
( as they have done in the past) and run away without even a thanks !

Claiming on top of it, someone else discoveries as their own. The rate
of Cancer dizeazezzz plaguing the Antipodean Hell on Earth fills me
with pleasure indeed, since a proper application of the Divine retro-
action or Divine Justice indeed !

Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud

Bob Hawke

Mar 27, 2010, 10:49:09 AM3/27/10
You poor crazy, demented French Frog - Le Turd, you can't even cure

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