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Questions about XF fanfic history

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Dragan Antulov

Oct 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/3/98
Just to satisfy my curiosity, I would like to find the answer to the
following questions:

1.) What was the very piece of XF fan fiction ever posted and when exactly
that happened?

2.) When was created?

3.) When the original Project Gossamer started?

4.) What was the first piece of XF fan fiction that could be labeled as
Mulder/Scully romance and when it was posted?

5.) What was the first first piece of XF fan fiction that could be labeled
as slash and when it was posted?

6.) What was the first piece of XF fan fiction crossover with another TV
show/book/comics and when it was posted?

7.) What was the first novel-length piece of XF fan fiction (written as a
novel straight on, not a compillation of shorter stories) and when it was

Dragan Antulov a.k.a. Drax
Fido: 2:381/100

Julie Lin

Oct 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/4/98
yes, I would like to know too.
Dragan Antulov wrote in message <6v3nhp$>...


Oct 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/4/98

I don't know if ANYBODY has those specific answers; fanfic springs up
organically, after all, and I don't know if we could ever figure out who
actually wrote the first one. I am certain that stories began appearing, both
online and on paper, very soon after the first episode of XF aired.

I do know that "The Sound of Windchimes" was one of the first very popular
stories; however, I strongly doubt that it was actually the first.


Dragan Antulov

Oct 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/6/98

ImXFScully wrote in message <>...

>I don't know if ANYBODY has those specific answers; fanfic springs up
>organically, after all, and I don't know if we could ever figure out who
>actually wrote the first one. I am certain that stories began appearing,
>online and on paper, very soon after the first episode of XF aired.

We can always try. IIRC, in one of the first "official" a.t.x.c. FAQs, made
in Autumn of 1994, actually all the fanfic ever posted was listed (perhaps
or 30-40 titles).

>I do know that "The Sound of Windchimes" was one of the first very popular
>stories; however, I strongly doubt that it was actually the first.

Sarah Stegall was one of the first fanfic authors, with quite a few pieces
of work mentioned in the FAQ version above. I read most of them and liked

Speaking of early fanfic in general, sometimes I think it had more quality
than contemporary fanfic. In Season 1 fanfic authors had more freedom to
speculate and write material contrary to the "canon".


Oct 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/7/98

To me, the whole flaw in the "what came first" issue is that not every bit of
fanfic got posted to atxfc, or was posted when it was written. For all we
know, somebody in Juneau jotted down some ideas during the first commercial
I think determining the first influential stories might be a more productive
inquiry --


Teddi Litman

Oct 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/7/98
In article <6vert6$>,
"Dragan Antulov" <> wrote:

>We can always try. IIRC, in one of the first "official" a.t.x.c. FAQs, made
>in Autumn of 1994, actually all the fanfic ever posted was listed (perhaps
>or 30-40 titles).

Where can we get a copy of the first FAQ? I'm very curious. To answer SUe's
question, I don't think too many fanfic writers...well at least early fanfic
writers dated their stories. I never really counted; but it just seems too
many times I have wanted to know when exactly an earlier fanfic was written
(just to better understand the writer's viewpoint) only to find that info
wasn't immediately available

Peggy Li

Oct 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/8/98
Ah, sometimes it can be nice to go home again...

As I remember it, atxc was not all that active up until the end of the first
season (when I posted my first fanfic). I seem to recall one of the first
stories posted (and the only real story, which prompted me to hurry up and
write) was a spoof about shoes(?). Funny, perhaps by Cliff Chen?

Anyhows, a big *wave* to all the "oldies" out there. I wouldn't have
continued to write without your support, and the support of atxc!

Peggy Li

>Yes, Sarah was one of the first, along with others such as (off the
>top of my head here) Peggy Li, Kellie Matthews-Simmons, Julia Kosatka,
>Marisa Golini (who has unfortunately passed on), Polly Moller, Steven
>Han, a guy named Tony who had "eskimo" in his e-addy who used to write
>"The Adventures of Chris Carter & Company," Cliff Chen, SciNut,
>Windsinger, Amperage, Sheryl Martin...
>Constable Katie Collecter/Formatter, ASC Archive team
>ASC archive: or
>Submissions: submissions#
>Corrections: r.lerret#
>Remove "NOJUNK" or replace # to reply

Debbie Hewett

Oct 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/8/98
Well, I'm also a horrible pack-rat, so I dug this out. It is the
"Title-alphabetized list of X-Files fan-fiction posted to Maintained by Bruno Fernandes. This list is
still in progress :) Dec.7.1994"

So, for those that were interested, the earliest fanfic (with a date)
listed is:
Like a Shepherd (2pt.Cross-over. Jan.13.1994 [14, 11k])
(X-Files/Forever Knight)
- by: Lisa Payne

The next one would be:
Fooms (1pt.Paody. May.1.1994 [16k])
- by: Glenn Wallace

And then:
Beyond the Sea Monster (1pt.Scene.Humor/Cross-over. May.24.1994 [7k])
- by: Gail Celio

And Katie wrote:

>Gemma was earlier than The Sound of Windchimes, and so was Generation
>X and Roadside Assistance and Into the Woods and...etc., etc.

Here's the order according to this list:

Actually, the title is "Out of the Woods" -
Out of the Woods (6pts.Cross-over. Jul.1.1994 [13, 15, 13, 13, 11, 14k])
(X-Files/Twin Peaks)
- by: Peggy Li

Gemma (6pts.Erotica. **NC-17** Jul.22.1994 [52, 59, 34, 37, 29, 39k])
- by: Kellie Matthews-Simmons

Roadside Assistance (5pts. Sep.7.1994 [16, 34, 35, 53, 26k])
- by: Polly Moller

The Sound of Windchimes (3pts. **NC-17** Sep.7.1994 [55, 41, 38k])
- by: Sarah Stegall

Generation X (9pts. *PG-13*/**NC-17** (2 vers of 7, 8, 9) Sep.16.1994
[30, 24, 30, 37, 36, 37, 36, 25, 36k / 49, 27, 46k])
- by: Julia Kosatka and Kellie Matthews-Simmons

By the way, "The Adventures of Chris Carter & Co." was written by
Tony Anderson usually with a co-author or two.

These are only the dates that are listed. Many of the entries don't
have dates. And in case you're curious, there is a whopping 127
stories listed!

Sheryl and Katie wrote:

>>I feel so old...
>You and me both, Sheryl, you and me both... ;-)

Yeah, I was here almost from the beginning as well...lurking and
editing, lurking and editing. So, now you know you're not alone...
You know, I really hate it when I find myself saying "I remember

All in the interest of history...

Debbie H.

Dragan Antulov

Oct 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/8/98

ImXFScully wrote in message <>...

In the beginning (1993-95), there weren't that many stories, at least
compared to the huge quantities that strangle Gosamer now. I guess that
almost every story was influential in one way or another. Some of them
probably established the alternative "canon" or the numerous fanfic cliches.
So, we are again at the question "What was the first story with such and
such elements".

Dragan Antulov a.k.a.. Drax

Oct 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/8/98
In article <>, (Debbie Hewett) wrote:
> Well, I'm also a horrible pack-rat, so I dug this out. It is the
> "Title-alphabetized list of X-Files fan-fiction posted to
> Maintained by Bruno Fernandes. This list is
> still in progress :) Dec.7.1994"
> So, for those that were interested, the earliest fanfic (with a date)
> listed is:
> Like a Shepherd (2pt.Cross-over. Jan.13.1994 [14, 11k])
> (X-Files/Forever Knight)
> - by: Lisa Payne
> The next one would be:
> Fooms (1pt.Paody. May.1.1994 [16k])
> - by: Glenn Wallace

"Fooms"! "Fooms" was the first fan-fic I laid my eyes on...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Debbie:)

Peggy Li

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Dragan Antulov

Oct 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/10/98

The SUe wrote in message <>...
> Okay, so which one of you guys is going to write the
>History of a.t.x.c?

I think it's wonderful idea. In couple of years such text would be

Dragan Antulov a.k.a. Drax

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