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Koos Nolst Trenite - Facing the 'Scientology' demons and the Anti-'Scientology' demons, and their vicious crimes on him regarding his daughter - {HRI 20071025}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

no leída,
25 oct 2007, 3:45:32 p.m.25/10/2007
Facing the 'Scientology' demons and the Anti-'Scientology' demons, and
their vicious crimes on Koos Nolst Trenite regarding his daughter

25 October 2007
{HRI 20071025}


The purpose of a demon - whether incarnate (born), or not - is:

To destroy life, your life, any life.



I fought many years for the life of my daughter, nineteen years, to
be exact

- my daughter who claimed she was a many-life-times lover and
soulmate of the 'Scientology' demon and guru, l. ron hubbard,
and, who claimed,

that her life's essence consisted in helping him achieve
anything he, the demon l. ron hubbard wanted,

and to cover up for anything he did regardless of whether
he was incarnate, or a 'free,' unfettered, 'dis-incarnate'

(dis-incarnate, not in a body, as l. ron hubbard
became again after his death in January 1986

- a time after which my daughter suddenly
switched, in the space of an hour or so,

after having been spiritually attacked
by the demon l. ron hubbard and the
demon who is her mother, simultaneously,

making her give up the Energy she got
from me, so that she, my daughter, in
the space of one or two hours, at the
end of January 1986,

CHANGED completely,

from being (in my) Beautiful and Intelligent

which she had been in for six years,
since her birth,

to being (in the Energy of) intentionally
(being) Ugly and Stupid, Enjoying Malice and
having Contempt for life and for others

(in the Energy, she was and remained, now)
of the demons (of her raven mother Jutta,
a demonic personality, and of the - in 1986
released - demon l. ron hubbard),

as she explained to me, when asked, much
later, about the dramatic change.


My daughter also frequently stated, that
she wanted as well to be with another demon,
with Richard Reiss

- whom you better know from his previous
life time as Heinrich Himmler -
Richard Reiss,

also a 'Scientology' demon, incarnate and
having the highest position in the
'Scientology' organization:

His position is supervising

(as 'THE Senior Case Supervisor,'
residing in Clearwater, Florida,
and supervising)

the therapy of all 'Scientologists,'
world wide. (There are an estimated
50.000 or less 'Scientologists,' an
amount that is steadily dwindling.)


This - currently incarnate - demon, Richard

(or Heinrich Himmler if you like to
remember him by his more famous
identity and activity)

Richard Reiss is also a 'soulmate' of the
mother of my daughter, the mother is a demon
as well,

('Carla' she liked to call herself, to
hide from the public it was she who
perpetrated libel and many other crimes
on me),

the mother is called Jutta Gentz, who, while
she was with me,

sucking my Life Energy and destroying my
activities again and again, "because I
had not made her sane yet,"

she called herself then Jutta Nolst Trenite
(using my family name).



I fought many years for the life of my daughter. Nevertheless, at
Christmas Day (1999), when I checked how she, my daughter, was doing

- at Christmas Day, you know, when my attention was less on
facing evil and more focused on enjoying pleasant intentions -

(you have to know, that my daughter was spiritually
constantly torn towards the demons l. ron hubbard
and Richard Reiss,

both of whom appeared to have a very great amount of
hypnotic (Energetic}, actual, irresistible control
over her,

to influence her feelings and thoughts and

both of whom she considered to be her soulmates,
which is a strange concept amongst demons, but
nevertheless, it causes them to want to be together
and to be Admired by each other, and to share what
(evil) they consider to be joyful)


she said, at Christmas day, when I checked how she was doing, before
I would go and work and be away for some hours,

she gave the very irrational remark, that 'She is not someone
who likes to take poison,'

the thought with it, that I picked up at the same time,
was, 'She does not like people taking poison, as a means
of suicide.'


Red flag, red flag, but - it being Christmas, and she joining us
for Christmas dinner, soon (she seemed to do well enough for
that) - I let it go by,

'just some irrational remark, some crazy thought that must
somehow have gotten into her mind, and that she wants to
get rid of by blurting it out, to me,'

'does not mean anything.'



She, my daughter, had been busy for many months, practicing to inflict
pain and even more deadly feelings onto people's bodies or on plants,
which she would later talk about to me, that she was doing that:


People would start to sneeze or get a cold or feel pains, around
her, in town or when we made a walk in the countryside and met
people, she would project such Energies (Harmful Life Energy
Particles) to scare them away.

And she would tell me, later, that she created and projected the
Energies that resulted in that.

Also plants in our house would get inexplicably sick, in a
similar manner.


She apparently practiced it, creating and projecting deadly Energy
(Black Life Energy Particles), into the plant she had on her desk
in her room

- she inflicted such a deadly Energy onto it, so concentrated,
that it, the plant, seemed still alive - but

when touched, all the tiny leaves fell off, having been paralyzed
into a state of death, already since some time, so it seemed - being
too dead, to start the process of falling off by themselves, is the
impression I got.


Whenever I went out of my way to please her, like bringing
her some nice pizza, when everyone else refused to have
anything to do with her, she would secretly hate me for
being friendly to her,

and also the plant, which was a birthday present from me
to her, became the target of that hate, apparently.

Things she confessed to me, as part of my suggestion
that she writes down her problems,

which she then did write down, copiously, not to
solve these, though, but to obtain my Energy for




Less alert than usual, it being Christmas Day, I went away to work.

While I was working, some strange feeling occurred, at one moment,

that you probably know if you are sensitive - that "something
of some impact, has occurred."

She had to hide from me WHAT it was, that she was doing,
so that I would not prevent it.


I continued working, till I finished, and then checked again on my
daughter, as she apparently had not left the bathing room. There I
found her, that is, her body, with a smile on her face that I will
not easily forget:

She had joined her 'lovers and soulmates,' the demons l. ron
hubbard and Richard Reiss...

embraced she felt now, by their "protective Energies of Admiring
her, for 'being their soulmate,' and for what 'heroic deed' she
had done, now."

All the efforts - the resuscitation-efforts to get her heart
going again - and any plea for her soul to come back, were thus
becoming futile.

Apparently, she tried but failed to drown her body,

because she was lying next to the bath, on the floor,
when I found her - her body, that is, lifeless, no soul

which is not a nice condition to see your own daughter in

- after you have spent all your love and your
intelligence and time and trust and Energy and

for nineteen years, take her on outings almost
every day, be always there for her, make her
have a joyful life, and teach her all you

and to listen to her problems and give advice and
educate her about anything that life demands one
to know, and trying to keep her away from evil,
at least as much as is physically possible.


It is for caring parents, who have lost a child

- for instance losing a beloved child who turned to drugs
despite all the life and understanding you gave it - it
is for such parents

to share my feelings of loss, if they wish.





>From reading her Energies, and those of l. ron hubbard and of Richard
Reiss, it became obvious,

that, what she had done to the plant on her desk, the plant that
I had given her for her last birthday, she now also had done

to another present, you might say, her 'first' birthday present
that "I had (caused to be) given to her," her body, at birth;

what she had done to her own body:

Making its heart stop, inviting the harmful Energies of the demons
l. ron hubbard and Richard Reiss, to add to very intense and dense
Energies of Hate and Unconsciousness that can make a heart stand

I know this also, because they, in particular Richard Reiss,
tried to kill me (my body) in that manner, several times.

Only, I fiercely opposed it - my daughter, on the other
hand, invited him, begged him to do that to her heart.

This much I sensed later, the tremendous onslaught
of Dark Red Hate Energy (Life Energy Particles),

that had been inflicted into her body's heart,
apparently by Richard Reiss.

(As the faithful reader is aware, Life Energy
knows no distance, and no physical barriers.)



In the eyes of the mentioned demons, this was not just a "heroic deed"
in itself, that their "soulmate," my daughter, did, but

with it, she was ALSO creating the foundation now, for her raven
mother, the 'Scientology' demon Jutta Gentz (or "Carla"), to spread
and get lies accepted by others of very ill intent, in order to
destroy my life as well, that I hoped she had left for good three
years earlier.

But BECAUSE I had been busy, for two years preceding, to investigate
and publish my very, very revealing findings ABOUT those very demons,

l. ron hubbard ('Scientology's highest guru) and Richard Reiss
(another very high 'Scientology' guru) and about the very
intense evil of her raven mother, Jutta Gentz, also a fervent
and relapsing 'Scientologist'

- who are, in fact, three demons, three past life mass murderers
of vast magnitude, that are since many, many life times

'soulmates in evil' -

who seek to protect each other from detection, who "defend"
each other from those who can and do see, and who "Admire each
other so that they feel good and invincible."


The whole purpose of 'Scientology' is to make people
permanently blind to seeing demons like them, and to
make people governed BY demons like them.



Their intention and activity to destroy me, that should be brought
about based on misrepresenting the death of my daughter, and on
misdirecting towards me the Hate created and fostered by these

that whole activity was meticulously planned and financed, guided and
executed by the 'Scientology' organization,

by creating false reports, getting these typed and spread, rather
ridiculously, actually,

only backfiring on themselves in the end, but that's what they
do - hoping to gain a short-term "win" against good people -

in accordance with their well-published policy

on 'Handling Enemies of Scientology'

("enemies" meaning, those who are actually friends
and who thus do expose its crimes and its pretense
and so destroy 'Scientology,' that indeed does not
want to be exposed at all, so rather they preferred)

to bring me down, and in particular, to discredit my published
research and to destroy the credibility of my person,

in the fashion that 'Scientology' - and that any other
dictatorship - is so well known for.


Just think of 'Scientology' as present-day
North Korea, and you got an idea of what the
internal 'Scientology' organization is made up



The raven mother, Jutta Gentz, the mother of my daughter, is someone
who should go to prison, including those Criminal Minds she has
instigated to THEIR criminal acts.

And she, Jutta Gentz, is definitely one to be put in an insane
asylum: She even knows herself how insane - and that by her
own standards - she is.

It would be wise to keep her in solitary confine-
ment, to protect other inmates from her vile,
hypnotic force and her degrading intelligence,
by which she does manage to manipulate people,

till she is ready to go back to her hell, the
hell of l. ron hubbard, in which demons do
admire each other 'unconditionally' and
glorify the invincibility that they achieve
to feel "in their own reality," in their
Buddhistic 'Nirvana' of perfect 'demonity,'
as long as they feel and see and think exactly
what the head demon, l. ron hubbard, allows
them to.


To make things worse for her, she is the one who IS an
- also this life time - murderer: Soon after giving birth
to my third child, she was suffocating it BECAUSE this
new born was a normal, good person, which she, Jutta, did
not want to have in the family - it being a threat to her
and to what she was doing.

This is what my daughter's mother, Jutta, confessed to,
writing it down under a shower of tears that was supposed
to pretend to me, that "she does have a conscience" and
that "she does repent," and "has feelings about evil."

When I was held captive by the Criminals, she
obtained the keys to my house, and my lawyer by
accident found her there, very busy looking through
the papers of my research, obviously to find and
eradicate any incriminating evidence, which however
I had already sent away.




Demons defend each other, they oppose exposure also of other demons.

So it is also with the 'Scientology' demons AND the Anti-
'Scientology' demons or 'critics,' which you might not expect.


The demons DEFEND EACH OTHER, and so

they - at every opportunity - have painstakingly taken care
NOT to mention anything of what I write here;

and they - the demons DEFENDING EACH OTHER - have made
a lot of noise and the most ridiculous accusations,

all in order to try and make people NOT see, that ALL the
actions, of my daughter's raven mother, Jutta Gentz,

were CONTINUOUSLY, since all those twenty years, viciously

very amazing to any normal person, but that's what they do, to
'stick together'

against anyone like me, who cares for life and thus
automatically exposes demons, too.


One side justified with "Yes, she does evil and
crazy things to you and to herself, and to everyone,
but 'Scientology' therapy can and will change that:"

"Just pay a few more hundred thousand for her
'Scientology' therapy, and that will make her sane
for all life times to come, and she will never
destroy your life nor that of others anymore;"

and to 'non-Scientologists,' she could play the
Van Gogh act of "having such a hard life, that
anybody must overlook any evil she does or any
responsibility she refuses to take" - as an adult
person with children, mind you.

And to the demons of course, she played,

but demons don't easily admit that - I got one
to admit it, though, he confessed, that 'He
felt a very strong urge (an Energy) "to
protect the demons from me [from Koos looking
at and seeing them]",'

(to prevent their exposure, and to hide them
from my view, to prevent me from knowing even
where they are)

"Help me, help me, someone (Koos) is exposing me for
what I am!"


Interesting, isn't it - the defense mechanisms
Implanted in demons. My daughter also had that,
when I was looking for her mother, who would run
away every year or so, and not tell anybody, not
any friends or family, where she was and what she
was up to - in order to be undisturbed and free to
be as evil and as ugly and malicious as she felt
like, as the demons make each other feel that they
want and enjoy.

Quite flabbergasting, and immensely disruptive
of life, of family life, indeed.

And when I found her then finally, sharpening
my psychic abilities, to do so, then "she
was tremendously happy I found her" and "that
I released her from the grip of the demonic
Energies she was compelled to follow,"

days - or weeks, or months at times, as
as she progressively got more and more
clever to pursue her evil undetected and
to cover (also) her (spiritual) tracks.

That's how destructive demons are.

But then, when I found her, I was suddenly
"the best husband in the world, the person
who cared more about her than anyone else."


However, the only thing demons do, is to destroy life, NO MATTER
WHAT YOU DO FOR THEM to help them.

And the more you help them 'to become sane,' the more clever
they get, in destroying life - including bringing YOU down, of

And of course I asked my daughter, as she revealed more
and more of her condition, now that she could not anymore
hide behind her mother,

who had gone since years, hiding from her children
also, as usual, refusing to phone them even once,
as usual, refusing to get others to contact us about
her, as usual too, whenever she left in pretense,

and when the normal ways did not improve her spiritual
condition, I asked her, of course, what do you think
I could do to help you?

And she replied, astonishingly:

"Nothing - you can not help us. You can only leave us

That's how we are, we do not want to be helped to be
happy and normal."

This was something totally new to me, I was immersed in
the certainty, that anybody can be helped if the help is
right and big and long enough, to at least bring about
an improvement.

I was struck indeed, knowing it was a true answer, as much
as another answer was also true that she gave about her
own condition:

"I am not your (lovely) daughter, I am a murderer
(by the nature of my soul)!"

First of all, I am trained as a therapist to have anybody
say the most atrocious things to me, without me blinking
as much as an eye.

Which you can not say from 'Clint Eastwood,' in the
movie 'Back To The Future II.'

Second, my first and only impulse, when someone says
something that is obviously true, especially of such
magnitude, is to validate him or her for doing so.

But later on, many years later, when feelings can
be shared despite the demons, the parent's heart
does cry...




The demons make others blind to seeing and understanding evil
as it is.

The activity of demons to destroy truth and to prevent publication of
truthful data about themselves,

preventing it in order "to save their own lives,"

was extensively supported, and the lies were and are extensively
heralded, by the Anti-'Scientology' demons, as you can read on the

because the PURPOSE of demons is, to destroy life.



Thus the 'Scientology' demons AND the Anti-'Scientology' demons, were
and are working together, to bring that destruction about, and facing
and exposing it

is the subject title of this Human Rights Issue.


The purpose of ANY demon is, to destroy life, and they cooperate
in this, in order to destroy non-demons or normal people.

So it is rationally expected

- no matter how unusual, at first sight, it seems to us -

that opposing demons hide each other's true nature, when that
helps them to, and it does, of course help them to destroy life.




I am used to the fact, that also the supporters or "friends" of the
'Scientology' demons and of the Anti-'Scientology' demons, are much
too cowardly, to thank me for my work,

so I expect the same now as well, that they will not thank me for
this Human Rights Issue either.



Further to that, it is me, who is the only one who actually DOES face
l. ron hubbard, the head guru of 'Scientology'

- nevertheless, the Anti-'Scientology' demons and their
supporters or 'the critics'

(to deny, refuse and try - not very successfully anymore -
to undermine also that, they)

try and destroy the only one who really DOES face and DOES
expose l. ron hubbard for what that demon is and does,

while others at best uncovered a very, very tiny portion
of his, l. ron hubbard's evil,

too little indeed, to bring about enough of an
understanding to handle him and his evil activities.


After all, life is an entirely spiritual

no matter what the Medical Trade tells
you to the contrary.



Why can I do what I do?

Because I am by far the most caring, the most beautiful and the most
intelligent and the most truthful person on Earth, and that since
very, very long.

Some say, it is stupid of me, to write these things down, as the
demons will attack and deny and try to destroy anything I write,

as they have done their very best, to do in the past.

Surely they will attack any truth that exposes them - at the same
time, they also continue to prove, to show you, that they ARE demons.

And you, contrary to the demon-friends, are supposed to
NOT SUPPORT demons and NOT let them do their evil, which
they ALSO do to you.

THEY KNOW that I am talking the truth, THAT's WHY they are
attacking it so heavily.


There ARE people who like to know,

and besides, who do you think people believe for telling the
truth: The demons, or me?

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


'Life Energy Vampirism - The MAJORITY of l. ron hubbard's,
the devil's 'critics,' is PROTECTING HIM FROM BEING LOOKED AT,
amazingly but true'
{LEV note 20070804-V1.1.1}
(4 August 2007 - Version 1.1.1)

'Why current 'critics' never will stop the 'Scientology'
{note 20070522}
(22 May 2007 - Version 1.1)

'The Great Taboo of the 'Scientology' "critics"
- 'Never talk about any personal perception,
past or present, of l. ron hubbard' '
(28 April 2007 - Version 1.1 on 4 May 2007)

'...frightened by the "huge amount of Demons" revealing
themselves and "responding" to my humor'
(27 April 2007)

'Humor about 'Scientology's Dirty Tricks staff - On "Operation
Freakout" (to frame journalist Paula Cooper) PDF'
(27 April 2007)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)
'(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
- {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'

'Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos" '
(13 Oct 2002)


Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

no leída,
28 oct 2007, 2:30:19 p.m.28/10/2007
On Oct 25, 12:45 pm, Koos Nolst Trenite
> (4 August 2007 - Version 1.1.1)

> 'Why current 'critics' never will stop the 'Scientology'
> organization'
> {note 20070522}
> (22 May 2007 - Version 1.1)

> 'The Great Taboo of the 'Scientology' "critics"
> - 'Never talk about any personal perception,
> past or present, of l. ron hubbard' '
> {20070428}
> (28 April 2007 - Version 1.1 on 4 May 2007)

> '...frightened by the "huge amount of Demons" revealing
> themselves and "responding" to my humor'
> {20070427-1}
> (27 April 2007)

> 'Humor about 'Scientology's Dirty Tricks staff - On "Operation
> Freakout" (to frame journalist Paula Cooper) PDF'
> {20070427-0}
> (27 April 2007)

> 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
> Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
> {FPP 20070331-V2.7}
> {HRI 20070331-V2.7}
> (31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

> '(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
> - {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'
> 'Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos" '
> (13 Oct 2002)

> '
> ____________
> Verification:
> Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it.
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at

Koos: I'm very sorry to read this report about your daughter.

However, I think you are a raving psychotic, who believes in demons,
and probably inflicted this belief on your daughter.

Hubbard is dead. You are alive.

Get well.

Leonardo Been

no leída,
29 oct 2007, 4:34:05 a.m.29/10/2007
The Human Rights Issues are obviously not written, nor published, to
accommodate, to oblige, nor to appease sociopaths or incarnate demons,

and certainly not those of the repulsive cult of "Scientology."

For convenience, these creatures, like a 'Kevin Brady,' (a well-known
'Scientologists') will even claim the very opposite of their own
so-called "religion," namely,

he does for convenience claim, that "demons" do not exist, and that
his admired guru, l. ron hubbard, "is not a spiritual being, but 'a
body of meat'," "dust," in other words.


Anyone who does 'not believe in demons' is invited to look at the
Discovery Channel DOCUMENTARY Series 'A Haunting' - which you now
even can by on DVD disk.


Friendly relations with sociopaths, demons, etc. are entirely

and any Love whatsoever, given to them, will only be used by
them to become more devious, and to destroy life more, and
more thoroughly.


Therefore, such individuals, sociopaths and their supporters, are

enjoined to filter out any such articles

- not written for them, not meant for them, and not posted for them.



Quite their opposite, Koos Nolst Trenite ('Cause Trinity') is
arguably the most intelligent, beautiful, caring and loving,
and the most truthful philosopher known.


> (4 August 2007 - Version 1.1.1)

> 'Why current 'critics' never will stop the 'Scientology'
> organization'
> {note 20070522}

> (22 May 2007 - Version 1.1)

> 'The Great Taboo of the 'Scientology' "critics"
> - 'Never talk about any personal perception,
> past or present, of l. ron hubbard' '
> {20070428}

> (28 April 2007 - Version 1.1 on 4 May 2007)

> '...frightened by the "huge amount of Demons" revealing
> themselves and "responding" to my humor'
> {20070427-1}

> (27 April 2007)

> 'Humor about 'Scientology's Dirty Tricks staff - On "Operation
> Freakout" (to frame journalist Paula Cooper) PDF'
> {20070427-0}

> (27 April 2007)

> 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
> Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
> {FPP 20070331-V2.7}
> {HRI 20070331-V2.7}

> (31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

> '(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
> - {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'
> 'Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos" '

> (13 Oct 2002)

Leonardo Been

no leída,
29 oct 2007, 6:13:08 a.m.29/10/2007
Dear Mary,

Thank you for acknowledging my feelings - especially as you, as a
parent, do appreciate and share the feelings that the loss of one's
own child brings about.

In particular, I do appreciate your courage - for you, maybe
self-understood, for others not - to show this publicly.

(Which is why - you will forgive me for showing off your courage -
I have included the newsgroups of the original post, into the
header of my (this) acknowledgment.)

Furthermore, I like to and do thank you for your understanding,
and for your very well-intended and well-considered wishes for
the future.


(Koos Nolst Trenite)



On Oct 29, 5:16 am, Out_Of_The_Dark <> wrote:

> "Facing the 'Scientology' demons and the Anti-'Scientology' demons,

> and their vicious crimes on him regarding his daughter "
> Such a sad story..... but I am glad to have read this. Every parent
> who has lost a child will tell you that the loss is deeper than any
> conceivable, but this statement of yours shows you are at a new place
> in all this. It's good to read what you have to say about what
> happened and how you were treated. People can be very cruel to those
> suffering.
> It's good see you are facing the demons... I hope you can then let
> them go. I pray you find peace and a way to focus on the light your
> daughter shared with you and the world around her while she was
> here. You're moving in the right direction.
> Mary


> On Oct 25, 3:45 pm, Koos Nolst Trenite

> > (4 August 2007 - Version 1.1.1)

> > 'Why current 'critics' never will stop the 'Scientology'
> > organization'
> > {note 20070522}

> > (22 May 2007 - Version 1.1)

> > 'The Great Taboo of the 'Scientology' "critics"
> > - 'Never talk about any personal perception,
> > past or present, of l. ron hubbard' '
> > {20070428}

> > (28 April 2007 - Version 1.1 on 4 May 2007)

> > '...frightened by the "huge amount of Demons" revealing
> > themselves and "responding" to my humor'
> > {20070427-1}

> > (27 April 2007)

> > 'Humor about 'Scientology's Dirty Tricks staff - On "Operation
> > Freakout" (to frame journalist Paula Cooper) PDF'
> > {20070427-0}

> > (27 April 2007)

> > 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
> > Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
> > {FPP 20070331-V2.7}
> > {HRI 20070331-V2.7}

> > (31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

> > '(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
> > - {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'
> > 'Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos" '

> > (13 Oct 2002)

> > '
> > ____________
> > Verification:
> >
> > Copyright 2007 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> > and poet
> > This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> > anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> > who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> > to others who might be able to learn from it.
> > None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> > or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
> > encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> > about any organizations or individuals.
> > Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> > PlatoWorld at <

> "Facing the 'Scientology' demons and the Anti-'Scientology' demons,

> and their vicious crimes on him regarding his daughter "
> Such a sad story..... but I am glad to have read this. Every parent
> who has lost a child will tell you that the loss is deeper than any
> conceivable, but this statement of yours shows you are at a new place
> in all this. It's good to read what you have to say about what
> happened and how you were treated. People can be very cruel to those
> suffering.
> It's good see you are facing the demons... I hope ypou can then let
> them go. I pray you find peace and a way to focus on the light your
> daughter shared with you and the world around her while she was
> here.You're moving in the right direction.
> Mary


no leída,
29 oct 2007, 12:37:02 p.m.29/10/2007

There are some on usenet whose core intent is destructive. They seek
the weak or suffering and try to malign their reputations and taunt
them them into turmoil or despair. I dislike rumor, innuendo and ill-
intended treatment of people who are suffering. Everyone deserves to
be treated with consideration and everyone deserves the chance to be

That includes you, Koos. That is why I replied.

For me. truth is the universal solvent and that is where I try to set
my sights. Your post rang true to me against the backdrop of
hatefilled rumors and attacks I have seen levied at you, which I never
took as truthful.

I'm glad to have acknowledged you and glad it was meaningful for you.

Again, best wishes to you.
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the
overcoming of it."
-- Helen Keller

On Oct 29, 6:13 am, Leonardo Been <> wrote:
> Dear Mary,
> Thank you for acknowledging my feelings - especially as you, as a
> parent, do appreciate and share the feelings that the loss of one's
> own child brings about.
> In particular, I do appreciate your courage - for you, maybe
> self-understood, for others not - to show this publicly.
> (Which is why - you will forgive me for showing off your courage -
> I have included the newsgroups of the original post, into the
> header of my (this) acknowledgment.)
> Furthermore, I like to and do thank you for your understanding,
> and for your very well-intended and well-considered wishes for
> the future.
> Koos
> (Koos Nolst Trenite)
> '
> '

> On Oct 29, 5:16 am, Out_Of_The_Dark <> wrote:
> > "Facing the 'Scientology' demons and the Anti-'Scientology' demons,
> > and their vicious crimes on him regarding his daughter "
> > Such a sad story..... but I am glad to have read this. Every parent
> > who has lost a child will tell you that the loss is deeper than any
> > conceivable, but this statement of yours shows you are at a new place
> > in all this. It's good to read what you have to say about what
> > happened and how you were treated. People can be very cruel to those
> > suffering.
> > It's good see you are facing the demons... I hope you can then let
> > them go. I pray you find peace and a way to focus on the light your
> > daughter shared with you and the world around her while she was
> > here. You're moving in the right direction.
> > Mary
> '
> '
> > On Oct 25, 3:45 pm, Koos Nolst Trenite

> ...
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