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Children Who Kill: Sylvia Likens 1965 Murder

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Apr 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/27/98

The young and deadly

John Blake was 12 and a killer in 1965. Released three years later, he saw his
life turn around. He talks of his crime to show juveniles can ...

Sunday, April 26, 1998

Sunday News
When Millersville resident John Blake picks up a newspaper or turns on the news
and learns about children committing horrible crimes, it takes him back more
than 30 years to his dark days in Indianapolis, Ind.

Blake is a murderer, convicted in one of the most bizarre and sadistic crimes
the state of Indiana has ever seen.

In 1965, Blake, then a "confused and angry" 12-year-old boy, participated in
the drawn-out murder of a teen-age girl.

Today, he admits his guilt, and acknowledges that his sentence _ three years in
a state penitentiary _ was too light.

Yet Blake, now a deacon, church volunteer and the father of three, said that
God turned his life around. And he believes that other troubled youths who
commit adult crimes _ like the teen-age boys in Jonesboro, Ark., who shot and
killed four classmates and a teacher earlier this month, and the Edinboro teen
who killed his teacher and wounded three others Friday _ should not be
abandoned, but embraced and given hope.

“ In the summer of 1965, John Baniszewski Jr. (he later changed his last name)
was living in Indianapolis with his six siblings and his mother, Gertrude
Baniszew ski, 37. His parents divorced when he was 9. The youngest child in the
family, Dennis, 1, was fathered by another man, Dennis Wright.

"The whole situation tore the family up," Blake said, his eyes distant. "My mom
was a very selfish, very self-centered woman. My dad though, he was a very
caring, average guy, but back then, custody always went to the mother."

Blake said his mother used drugs, abused alcohol and had sex with Wright in
front of him and his brothers and sisters. Blake guessed his mother moved the
family eight times _ all to poor areas of Indianapolis.

Sick with asthma and bronchitis, his mother didn't work. The family relied on
John Baniszewski Sr.'s child-support checks, and when that didn't make ends
meet, Blake and his siblings often stole or begged for food. The family also
sold its furniture for money from time to time.

"She became a mean, hateful woman," Blake said of his mother. "Us kids grew to
dislike her. My mom would make me go down to the drugstore to get her illegal
prescriptions from a certain pharmacist. She was addicted.

"Us kids talked about killing the other man (Wright), so our parents could get
back together. But we knew we couldn't do that. It was just talk."

But violent talk became more than that.

That summer, Wright was sent to Germany with the U.S. Army. Blake admits he had
lots of behavioral problems, which is why he believes his mother sent him to
live with his father, who still lives in Indiana.

In July, to make money, Blake's mother took in two teen-age boarders _ 15- and
16-year-old sisters _ Jennie and Sylvia Likens. Their parents operated a food
concession stand that followed the circus. Jennie had polio. The parents only
had known Mrs. Baniszewski for a few days before leaving the girls in her care.

One day that summer, Blake came home to visit his family. He saw that his older
sister, Paula, 17, had her wrist in a cast. She had gotten into an argument
with Sylvia Likens.

"I'm not sure how to explain it," Blake said. "I felt like nobody cared about
our condition as a family or about me. My anger built up."

Blake moved back with his mom and siblings in a shabby rental house. It was
then that the slow, torturous killing of Sylvia Likens began.

"We abused the 16-year-old," Blake said without saying her name. " ... I hate
to even say some of the things we did. Anything abusive or torturous was done."

Sylvia was only allowed crackers and water. Newspaper clippings from
Indianapolis report that she was repeatedly pushed and thrown down the basement
stairs by many of the Baniszewski children _ even the young ones _ and their

But it wasn't just the Baniszewskis who abused the fearful girl. Her sister,
Jennie, later told police she was forced to hit Sylvia. She was too scared to
tell anyone of the abuse.

"Finally, it all took its toll, and after two weeks of intense torture the girl
passed away," Blake said, his stare blank.

She was killed Oct. 26, 1965. According to newspaper clippings, her body was
found by police after Blake and one of his sisters dragged her upstairs and
attempted to resuscitate her.

Newspapers reported that Sylvia was tortured because she spread rumors at the
local high school that two of the Baniszewski girls were prostitutes. But Blake
said he helped kill the girl in part because he was so full of rage about his
family and his life.

"It all built up and just exploded," he said.

Blake, his mother, his sister Paula, Hobbs, and another neighbor, Coy Hubbard,
15, were arrested. Stephanie Baniszewski, 15, was tried in a separate trial.
The younger children _ Marie, 11, Shirley, 10, James, 8 and toddler Dennis _
were not charged, although the girls admitted at the trial of joining in the
abuse of Sylvia.

Blake was charged with first-degree murder _ the youngest person ever to be
charged with the crime in Indiana.

At the trial, Gertrude Baniszewski was found guilty of first-degree murder and
sentenced to life in prison. She served 20 years and died of cancer after her
release. Paula, who was found guilty of second-degree murder, which was later
reduced to manslaughter, was sentenced to life in prison, escaped once and was
recaptured, and served eight years. They were the first mother and daughter
inmates at the Indiana Women's Prison.

Blake, found guilty of manslaughter, was sentenced to two to 21 years in the
Indiana State Reformatory, an adult male penitentiary. Hobbs and Hubbard
received the same sentence. The three were released on parole after three

"I knew I deserved any punishment they would give me. A more severe punishment
would have been just. I certainly did know what I was doing. I was too blinded
by my anger to know about the results and consequences," Blake said, shaking
his head.

While in prison, Blake was sent to a minimum-security work camp. He worked with
18-to-21-year-olds. Blake believes he was sent there because officials didn't
know what to do with him.

Even after Blake hospitalized another inmate at the work camp in what he calls
"a prank," he was not sent back to prison. The smallest infraction at work camp
would normally land an inmate back in the penitentiary, Blake said.

"My age had a lot to do with this. They treated me as an adult, but reacted to
me like a kid. There were no standards for me."

Granted parole a few days before his 15th birthday, Blake changed his last
name. He said prison officials advised him to do so, because the name
Baniszewski was so recognizable.

He moved in with his dad, who remarried "the kind of mom a mom should be." His
siblings were in foster homes for awhile until his father got custody. Blake
went back to school in Indianapolis.

“ Blake attributes the crime to three things:

"I think a lot of it had to do with a lack of a proper family life. Also, human
life was so cheap to us. And there was a lack of God in the picture. We had no
sense of right or wrong."

It was two months after he had been out of prison that Blake said he changed
his life after finding God.

"I was still angry, confused and still felt like no one cared about me," he
said. "Prison did not make a change in me. There's no rehabilitation there. My
world was still bizarre."

One day after school, Blake was approached by a young man who invited him to
Sunday school. With nothing else to do, Blake agreed and showed up at church
the next Sunday.

"I didn't have peace in my life, but I could recognize it."

He said he found that peace through God.

"I got down on my knees, and I gave my heart to the Lord. And even before I got
up, I knew that my life would never be the same," Blake said, breaking into
tears and sobs for the first time in the interview. "After 30 years, it still
moves me."

Blake began witnessing and became involved in church activities. He revealed
his identity to the church.

"They didn't treat me any different. I dealt with my remorse and guilt. I
finally had peace and joy. I began speaking in other churches and schools ...
about my experiences."

Blake attended two Bible colleges. One summer, he did missionary work and built
houses for the needy in Mississippi. He met his wife of 24 years, Lois, a
native of Washington Boro, at the second school in Ohio.

"She knew my background, because I didn't make no bones about it," he said.

He has served as a camp pastor. He's worked with senior citizens and people
with handicaps. He is the father of three children. Blake and his wife are both
deacons at New Life Assembly of God in Lancaster. He serves as head of the
men's ministry group that "helps men become better fathers, better husbands."
He also leads the church's version of Cub Scouts to mentor young boys.

"The people that know me, know about it," he said.

He talks about writing a book "about my experiences, that in spite of tragedy,
you can turn your life around." He also said there is a chance he may return to
Indianapolis this fall to speak at the church where he was saved and at area

Blake has no clear-cut answers to how harshly the two boys accused of gunning
down four classmates and a teacher at a rural middle school in Jonesboro, Ark.,
should be punished. Part of the reason he is speaking out is to tell people
that there can be a future for youngsters who commit adult crimes.

He said he is proof of that.

"There is hope. There is purpose. You don't have to deal with anger like this.
That's what I'd tell them. But as a civilized society, we can't tolerate this.
I would say some punishment has to be exerted. When you do adult things, you
must face the consequences as an adult. But at the same time, there is the
possibility for hope and direction there. I would love the opportunity to go
down there and talk to those boys."

The congregation at New Life Assembly of God seems to have accepted Blake, said
Pastor Larry Greineder.

"He's spoken about it in Sunday School," Greineder said. "He shares his
testimony with the congregation. He never really tried to hide it."

Blake also teaches Sunday School.

"He's a very active member, a real part of our congregation. He made a mistake
in life, and the Lord has forgiven him, and we here accept that. I think he
still feels bad, but I think the Lord is really using him now to bring healing
to those in similar situations."

Disabled by complications from diabetes, Blake now walks with a cane or walker.
The illness has dimmed his eyesight. Now on disability because of his illness,
Blake worked as a truck driver, a Realtor and a self-employed landscaper.

"When much has been given, much is required," he said. "That's why I feel a
need to do this. I'm the first one to acknowledge that I was underpunished.
That's why I think my responsibility is so great.

"I want to convey that there is hope. No, not everybody that grows up with
problems will have the problems that we had. I know a lot of mercy and grace
was given to me."

Gina Hoffses

Mar 7, 2022, 10:38:26 PM3/7/22

Gregory Carr

Mar 8, 2022, 6:34:49 AM3/8/22
I don't know why you posted this without comment. Mr. Blake died in 2005 at 52. Some of the obituaries mention his original name. His obituary mentions the crime he committed at 12. I totally respect that. Earl J Weber the catholic child molester in Louisiana when his fat racist pedophile ass finally died the obituary was a total joke and the catholic church there loved it. Let GOD decide where Mr. Blake will go. He after his release from custody had no more problems with law enforcement and died with grandchildren. Earl J Weber who posted about nude underage female relatives and his own unique definitions of pedophilia not found in any dictionary. Once tried on his FB page to raise money for a Guatemalan Children's Charity he only raised $70 you can ask the ppl who said nice things about the fat racist chronically lying pedophile why they did not contribute.

On a unrelated matter Gordon John Sauck and his family of excrement should be shunned and his business in Newton section of BC. His business is called IAVS Google it. He is circling bankruptcy he and his unattractive wife are totally stressed their old drug using crime buddies are has beens. Fawning media Surrey Now Leader gave the two creeps attention for raising $800 for charity the same MSM source that begged for public donations. I have donated way more money to charity than those criminals the rejects from Ont.

Totally unrelated matter my best friend told me about Jethro Tull's new album it is great.

Another unrelated matter the Dave Mulligan and Joe Mulligan the half brothers who never knew who daddy was drunken whore mommy always spread her legs and it is easy to rape a woman Od'd on Irish Whiskey.

The fat bartender dumb female at Firehouse Pub on Bonser Ave. in Burnaby loves these criminals who drink there Florian Knights suck their penises. The Florian Knights cocksucking homos


Dave Mulligan the admitted CERB fraudster and pot dealer makes death threats to ppl.

Dude has never won a fight in his life. Makes profanity laced comments about law enforcement. Dares people to call the police especially the New Westminster Police. Police usu. don't do anything about his illegal oafish behaviour so he is probably a police informant. He was caught drinking smuggled wine at a beer garden in New West once but the cops didn't do much. Can't block his phone calls because he uses No Caller ID and according to Bell that can't be blocked which is lame Bell. He is a red faced alcoholic and gambling addict who has repeatedly been evicted for non payment of rent as is/has his brother Joe Mulligan. They have shared a cell phone for years which of course Dave dropped into the toilet once ruining it. his picture is on his convicted sex criminals brothers web page. Joe Mulligan told me he walked up to a "granny lady" and pulled her pants down. Both are scammers and fraudsters who owe money to people all over town.
More stupidity and crimes admitted to by Joe and Dave Mulligan.

These guys do their time in protective custody. Joe Mulligan is a thief. Joe Mulligan ratted out all his high school friends. He went to Centennial in 1997 in Coquitlam. Joe Mulligan is the only person I have ever met who was stabbed at his high school. They don't have any friends they have known more than a year. They are both alcoholics and gambling addicts. Whiny, lazy, bums, with bad backs, too stupid to do paperwork they are also scammers and fraudsters. They are racist towards Blacks and use the N word in private. They claim to live in the 13th and Kingsway area. They are chronic liars constantly trying to defraud ppl. Most of their family has disowned them. They don't know who there Dad is. No vehicles. They claim to have wives, girlfriends, mistresses, children but their web prescence shows no indication of any of that. The only pictures they have show them with bar waitresses and bartenders who of course are friendly because they want tips and the bar owner/manager wants business. They go to Hooters but not strip clubs go figure. They are scared of Surrey and won't go there. They are around 5ft 5inches and Dave is pudgy. The only fight Joe Mulligan has won is beating up his brother which he has done a number of times in public and private.

Joe Mulligan Has Gone Back To Burnaby, BC The Alkie Is More Red Faced Than Ever. Better Threads CERB Fraud, Pot Selling, Petty Theft Funding His "Life"style. His Older Half Brother Dave Mulligan The Pudgy, Bald Tard Along With Him.
Gregory Carr’s profile photo
Gregory Carr
31 Oct 2021, 06:12:51
236-668-6156 the tard phoned 6 times between.5:30 PM- 9 PM. He was drinking at the Firefighters Public House
6515 Bonsor Ave, Burnaby BC yesterday around 6 PM drinking a Stanley Park draft the place isn't checking vaxx passports or checking I.D.

Joe Mulligan is more red faced than ever the alcoholic lush the loser still has never won a bar fight.

Info On Glenda and Mike Mulligan of Airdrie, Alberta. 105 Tanner Close Airdrie, AB.
Gregory Carr’s profile photo
Gregory Carr
2 Aug 2021, 04:43:19
I wonder if Glenda Mulligan is even more of a blimpo than her husband Mike Mulligan?

Glenda Mulligan
Contact Glenda Mulligan
105 Tanner Close Se
Airdrie, AB T4A2L4
Phone (403) 948-3226
Glenda Mulligan, (403) 948-3226, From out of Airdrie Area Dial +1 4039483226, Glenda Mulligan's Adress is 105 Tanner Close Se Airdrie AB T4A2L4, Canada.

Last known to be in Edmonton, AB are Dave Mulligan and Joe Mulligan have as their uncle Mike Mulligan an obese, lardass who works at Kaltires in Airdrie,AB. His wife is Glenda Mulligan.

Glenda and I worked with John up at Silver Star for many years...
A great'll be missed, Sharpie!
Our sincere condolences to the Sharp family.
Glenda and Mike Mulligan

Mike Mulligan

December 01, 2017 | Airdrie, AB

Stupid rantings by Joe Mulligan and his older half brother the pudgy Dave Mulligan the drunken, stoned, gambling addict morons who shoplift toilet paper.

236-889-1511 is their last known phone number. Any info about their slut Mom would be welcome she is White and unattractive and has worked as a legal secretary. Has previously lived in the New Westminster, BC and Burnaby, BC. areas has been known to collect pop cans to pay the rent. Her children Dave Mulligan and Joe Mulligan have a history of being evicted for non payment of rent.

I had some creepoids Dave Mulligan and his younger half brother the sex criminal Joe Mulligan who I had the misfortune to hire for some work leave unwanted voicemails on my cell phone. The chronically lying, racist petty criminals and fraudsters and scammers with no vehicles were last known in Edmonton, AB. Their obese uncle Mike Mulligan has taken his pic off LinkedIn and changed his photo on his employers website at Kaltires in Airdrie, Alberta. 94 views on Google Groups very good for edm.general in fact it is the record for the last 6 months for sure. has a few paragraphs about the two admitted scammers. Various moronic and libelous comments they made on Youtube about me and my family in response to my videos of their unwanted voicemails have been erased along with my replies to them. Hopefully I won't see or hear from the TARDS until I testify against them in court for criminal harassment and uttering death threats. Dave Mulligan also threatened to kill New Westminster police. Dud has never won a fight in his life and is scared of crowds and the dark he wears a NYPD hat often.

Mike Mulligan fat obese pig who changed his pic from the Kaltires Airdrie, AB web site and who doesn't have a pic on his LinkedIn account anymore the disgusting creep. has been deleted. To find out more do a Google Groups search of van.general and punch in Joe Mulligan's old FB addy.

I contacted the FB security ppl twice about his idiotic and slanderous posts to FB about me and my family using the help function on FB and nothing happened. I then tried to find FB emails of company employees it took me 15 minutes but I found 4, 3 of which were valid. I ran across various web postings saying there were no valid email addresses for FB employees but that made no sense. The problem was dealt with within 24 hours. There are a couple of dummy Joe Mulligan accounts that whoever his computer/internet helper has set up. Joe and half brother Dave Mulligan don't even have a computer so somehow got someone to give them WWW help. They will rat the guy out in a second. A while back there were 6 dummy Joe Mulligan accounts but I contacted FB and they were gone forthwith.

Mike Mulligan's Email
Corporate Account Manager @ Kal Tire
Location Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
Work Corporate Account Manager @ Kal Tire
Commercial Sales @ Kal Tire
Manager - Retail Operations @ Silver Star Mountain Resort
Education 1985 - 1986 Cambrian College
Skills Sales Management, Strategic Planning, Automobile, Customer Service, Employee Training, Automotive, Account Management, New Business Development, Sales Process, Inventory Control, Key Account Management, Retail, Sales, Customer Retention, Customer Satisfaction, Automotive Aftermarket, Inventory Management, Coaching, Team Building, Sales Operations, Purchasing, Negotiation, Profit, Cold Calling, B2B
Mike Mulligan's Email
Found 1 email:

Is Mike Mulligan Of Airdrie, AB The Rich Uncle Of Dave Mulligan And His Half Brother Younger Joe Mulligan Who Live In Edmonton?

Greg Carr <>
and 9 more...

Wed., Jun. 2 at 4:53 a.m.


My total apologies if I am totally off base here but Joe Mulligan has you or at least a Mike Mulligan and a Chris Jones listed on his FB page as a relative. Dave Mulligan the balding, pudgy, lazy , idiot alcoholic, gambling addict used to refer to a rich uncle the guy sounded like a total creep to me. Anyways Joe Mulligan has made various threats to me and his tard half brother Dave Mulligan has threatened me with death. These protective custody lowlifes owe me $10k Joe Mulligan is a convicted sex criminal against a senior citizen woman. Both are petty thieves scammers and fraudsters with a history of running out on the rent they have been known to sell pot and bootleg booze. I have seen Joe Mulligan beat up his half brother Dave Mulligan at our old place of employment which they are permanently barred from and Dave Mulligan told me he did it a number of times.

Lonely Joe Mulligan Has His FB Page Back. Scared To Leave The Hovel He Dwells In.

Greg Carr's profile photo
Greg Carr
May 2, 2021, 5:09:28 AM
Lonely Joe Mulligan Has His FB Page Back.

Joe Mulligan
Good looking and funny and in good shape

There are various pictures of Joe Mulligan he has posted at you decide if he is good looking. He is in terrible shape I worked with him PT for 3 years at Best Personnel. He was a whiny, pieback my back hurts ohh ohh. The guy is a total moron and not the least bit funny.

warming production at If Sleeping Was A Job, I'd Be Working Overtime----->ANYTIME!! (Greg: That's Joe Mulligan hasn't held a FT job in 6 years. Fired from Best Personnel for incompetence and selling pot while he was supposed to be at work. Fired from Safeway in New Westminster, BC for dragging his ass on the graveyard shift because he was hungover and to many sick days because of his alcoholism and lousy nutrition Joe loves that KD and potato chips and Pacific Draft beer or whatever it was he drinks.

Went to Centennial High School
Attended from 1995 to 1997

(Greg: He was stabbed through the hand at lunch time. He and his half brother the older Dave Mulligan ended up in Ottawa with some ppl they knew from high school and Joe Mulligan ratted them out over a minor assault beef. )

Lives in New Westminster, British Columbia

From New Westminster, British Columbia

(Greg: Last I heard he was in Edmonton, AB. He and his half brother Dave Mulligan have a history in New Westminster and Burnaby of being evicted for non payment of rent. 5 times in the last 6 years. They owe money to various ppl for personal loans and owe me $10k. Some guy in New West threatened to rape Joe Mulligan at the top of his lungs in a bar because Joe wouldn't pay him the money he owed for a drinking bout. Their Mom (they have no idea who Daddy was ) has difficulty paying rent and collects pop cans like they do. Their best bar friend in New West died of a fentanyl overdose. Both are admitted fraudsters and chronic liars. Joe has a history of violence against Dave in private and public. Both are alkies and gambling addicts. They have been known to sell pot and bootleg liquor. 886-335-4281 is the last phone number they have been known to use. Both are protective custody and Joe Mulligan did time for pulling down the pants of a granny lady.)

Single (Greg: Yeah no ****. These creepoids lie constantly and say they have children and wives and girlfriends and mistresses. They don't have any friends they have known IRL for over a year. If by chance they meet a chiquita they will lie and tell madame they don't drink and because they are lushes they are soon found out and told to F themselves.) 99% of the photos show Dave Mulligan with his idiot younger half brother the ***for brains of the duo Joe Mulligan.

Places Lived

New Westminster, British Columbia
Current city

New Westminster, British Columbia

Vancouver, British Columbia

(Greg: Left out Edmonton, AB for some reason.)


November 16
Birth date
Birth year

Religious views

(Greg: Looks like Joe Mulligan has found satanism.)


Family Members

Chris Jones

Mike Mulligan
Family member Of course they don't know who got drunken, slut Mom preggers. They sometimes claim to have sisters and children its just so pathetic what a bunch of scuzzie turds.

About Joe
Hey well ill start somewhere
Name Pronunciation

No name pronunciation to show
Other Names
Favorite Quotes
And u can't teach that or I see a bunch of haterz

Joe Mulligan and Dave Mulligan hate black folks they use the N word but only in private can't take another punch out. They also hate the management at Versacold on Cliveden Ave where they used to temp at and were fired for errors, hiding in the bathroom to play video games on a cell phone and fighting each other on the loading dock and throwing freight around while spazzing out and yelling, "F**K Canada." They were also selling pot on the loading dock instead of working. They hate Best Personnel for telling them to go fly a kite. No one likes the Mulligan Brothers lazy f**king Mulligan brothers they were also called the Bobsi Twins to their face and they would blush and hang their heads. their FB friend Carlos Carlos is a drug dealer supposedly in Surrey, BC wonder if thats where they get their pot to sell from?

Joe Mulligan is so lonely. Hey stop ripping the ppl you meet. Quit borrowing money from ppl and not paying it back. Quit being a snitch and informant and testifying against ppl like you did your old Centennial buddies. Quit threatening ppl online stop committing frauds and scams and quit molesting senior citizen women on the street. Quit threatening law enforcement officers. Oh F it you protective custody tards deserve to die but I would only break every bone in your face the Bible forbids murder and 25 years to life at 56 no thanks.

Joe Mulligan
April 28 at 12:35 PM ·
Not sure who my 5 will be. Guess we shall see. Sometimes you just need a friend. I have felt this lately...these are very difficult times we live in. Doing a friends check in. Showing support for each other. I want five people to post this message, don't share, to show that you're always there when someone needs to talk. Say done on my post.
Who are my 5?
1 Comment
Richard Young
Done bro

At the time the loser Joe Muligan posted his cry of lonliness and failure he had over 2,400 FB friends only 4 of whom he had ever met IRl only one person replied. Joe Mulligan and Dave Mulligan need to check in yet again.

Yeah lonesome pc faggot bottom suck hoes Dave and Joe Mulligan no friends IRL they have known over a year and they are over 40. Yeah you pc ppl always have a difficult time to put it mildly. You Joe Mulligan are small 5 ft 6, balding a convicted sex criminal against a woman over 65, a chronic liar, useless to any employer, never won a fight against a non family member unless it was a senior citizen. You don't pay your rent often and any small loans anyone gives you they can kiss goodbye. Look at all the posts dweeble Joe Mulligan has made to his FB Joe Mulligan the duffus is afraid to go outside the beatdown of your life outside pc prison is coming and Wuhan virus is in the air.

Facebook the chronic liar Joe Mulligan admits his entire 42 years of phony life and complete verbal vomit and philosophy. He used to talk about his phony smile at work.

These unfunny clowns told me a number of times they had no sisters but by fluke I met an old neighbor of their's in New West and he said they had two. Does this family have a history of incest or rape or something? I am looking for Dave Mulligan's and Joe Mulligan's contact info and address I want $10k and I want them to turn themselves in to law enforcement and confess to their many crimes. Surrey RCMP has two open files on them and I believe New West Police does as well since Dave Mulligan the red faced alkie threatened to kill one of their officers.

Dave Mulligan So Drunk And Stoned He Can't Fake A Phone Number Fakes Being A Police Officer. Phoned 3 Times In 48 Hours Call Display Shows 886-335-4281. ( A younger Mike Mulligan until he became obese. He is corporate account manager at Kaltires in Airdrie, Alberta. for some reason Mike Mulligan has removed his picture the fat pigglet from Linked-In how many Linked In accounts have no pics? Sweet **** all.

Dave Mullian <>
Greg Carr

Sun., Feb. 10, 2019 at 1:57 p.m.

I'm very lucky jus got hired working w skytrain customer service,35 per hour

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019, 1:41 PM Dave Mullian <> wrote:
I didn't mean to say those things,will call it truths I'm a man

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019, 1:39 PM Dave Mullian <> wrote:
How was the game?

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019, 8:26 AM Dave Mullian <> wrote:
Working at versa tmrw

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019, 7:52 AM Dave Mullian <> wrote:
Your afraid clean up ur place it stinks

On Fri, Feb 8, 2019, 8:21 PM Greg Carr <> wrote:
Look I want nothing to do with you. Go to a bar and meet some ppl oh wait its dark and your scared of the dark.

On Friday, February 8, 2019, 03:59:51 p.m. PST, Dave Mullian <> wrote:

I met Kim she slept w me

On Sun, Feb 18, 2018, 11:05 AM Greg Carr <> wrote:
Yes. A black cutie named Kim.

From: Dave Mullian <>
To: Greg Carr <>
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2018 5:04 AM
Subject: Hotties

Did u talk to any last night?

The guy is so stupid he spelled his last name wrong on his email account.,+Airdrie,+AB+T4A+2L4/@51.2848002,-113.9835674,3a,75y,103.89h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spr898OGzT9wwLYURr7Kf_g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x5373e1d54036aa43:0x41a689732e2c5e0a!8m2!3d51.2847567!4d-113.9832318 this place no doubt has a high mortgage in a bad economy. the place is noticeably smaller than the neighbour and at 1,400 sq. feet only 400 square feet bigger than my Surrey,BC. My place is worth more all Mulligans are losers. Mike Mulligan is a 400 pound freek show. Kal Tires doofus. Of course his faggot employer wouldn't give Joe and Dave employment. Not one person in the history of Airdrie, AB has ever defended the Mulligan losers who came to their town. I have posted numerous things about the Mulligan family of protective custody criminals and sent email to various ppl in the town of Airdrie, AB not one person defends these creepy outsiders. Joe Mulligan may have had a homosexual subservient role with John Black a local who he thought would thrash me FAGGOTS flock together. Dave Mulligan threatens to torch my apt. Local law enforcement does nothing. Obviously the gay RCMP officers like reaming his plumb bum the Mulligan family is totally queer. The Mulligan twits
Joe and Dave are protective custody petty thieves pot dealers and scammers and fraudsters just like their mom they have no idea who their dads was. Long history of non payment of rent they are. Unemployed and untrustworthy.

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