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Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos"

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 13, 2002, 11:26:22 AM10/13/02
Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos"

13 October 2002

Sorry guys, but, UNLIKE the person who created the false newspaper
article in a local boulevard rag (which for very obvious reasons
refuses to mention my name) and UNLIKE some of the repulsive monsters
that post here, I do not go around murdering people, let alone my own
family members. Quite and very much the contrary.

Anyway, she created this false newspaper article with the help and on
insistence of her Scientology "friends," in order to do their
'Liability Formula' and so be allowed 'back in the group.'

And she - again with the assistance of and driven to it by her
Scientology "friends" - spread a lot of libel

(Definition of 'Libel': Written and intentionally spread lies
and omitted truths, with the purpose to bring harm, and
intended to deny services, protection and rights.)

about me to various institutions and individuals, with the request
that they act upon it but keep that secret from me.

(So that I could not correct it... but she did not tell them
that, of course. That's all 'Standard Scientology

Very evil, but entirely in her tradition and in the tradition of her
Scientology "friends."

And after they had created that false boulevard newspaper article,
they also furiously spread that around, with the note that "it is
about me."

All standard Scientology practice ...which the readers of the
Newsgroup alt.religion.scientology are all too familiar with.

So without any trial and without any lawyers and without any possibi-
lity of defense, the area criminal police chief and his deputy, (who
all had been subjected to this 'Standard Scientology Technology' and
who were so, in this way) put in a frenzy of induced hate and
"certainty of truth," arrested and had sentences made up against, me
and Noel, for 'Religious Delusions.'

And Noel wriggled himself out of execution of it due to his age. And
he had to promise to attack me, which he then furiously did.
Not very nice...

Interestingly enough, they left Stephanie Umana, from whom the
"Religious Delusions" actually came (!), out of it this time.

They had arrested Stephanie Umana born Hansen - "Tulka" - a
few months before, on suspicion of murder, of my daughter who
committed suicide thanks to people like her raven-mother Jutta
Joos born Gentz*** (as is very well-documented) who, by the
way, was another and prolific provider of "Religious
Delusions" (as is also very well-documented).

And out of cowardice and fear, and in order to 'secure herself,'
Stephanie "Tulka" then went on to loudly betray me and to spread
false data about me and about herself.*
Not very nice...

(To this day, she has not revoked it, even though I got her
safely out of the area there by getting a friend of mine - not
a friend of hers, but of mine - there to care for that.)

It took me a few months, with the effort of lawyers, to have the
order revoked, and be freed again.

The doctors of the department where I was, diagnosed me as being in
full health and in full possession of my mental faculties, and fully
sane. In fact they saw that I was saner than anyone else.

They refused to treat me.

But then, after several weeks, they got an order from the head of
the establishment, that 'he will personally order and supervise my
treatment,' and he covered up his evil (and the source of his orders)
with the phrase that 'nobody will be in his hospital who will not be
treated' and 'will be treated as long as it is legally ordered.'

So they artificially induced Parkinson in my body - as this head of
the hospital ordered - resulting in the fact that after some months
I could practically not at all walk anymore, that I could not use my
hands to write with anymore, that I could not let my body lie still,
or sit still anymore.
But this hospital-chief had the 'guts' to pretend to me in front of
the other doctors, that "there will never be any side effects."

So after the fax arrived that revoked the order, I luckily found a
bunch of very caring friends who greatly helped me to undo the
physical damage, and who cared for my well-being: To gradually
regain my health again and get in command of my body again and to
repair the various mechanisms that control the body, which all had
been severely damaged in those few months.

One of them then gave me a computer, and they all worked very hard
and gave their spare time to get me going again. Mankind owes them
a great deal. They would give their life for me, as they know I
would give it for them - that kind of people they are.**

I could of course bring criminal charges against those who ordered
to torture me and who destroyed my health and my ability to walk and
my ability to use my hand-writing; I could of course bring criminal
charges against those who misused their office or profession or
position for personal vengeance and to bereave me of my constitutio-
nal freedoms; and I could of course bring criminal charges against
those who spread criminal libel about me; and I could of course
bring criminal charges against those who stole all my valuable
belongings and who threw all my personal belongings away.

And I could of course bring civil charges, sue them all, for all
types of damages and whatever else these are called in legal terms,
but I really have other things to do and I rather put my attention
and work there for those people who want to have it and who will use
my tremendous amount of knowledge and experience and intellect and my
immeasurable amount of Love and Care. {([ And maybe you could just
faintly get the notion - somewhere in the far back of your head while
you are asleep - that you actually might - if you are not at all
attacked but have nothing better to do or to think of, or if it is
too boring on your yacht or on your couch - feel sometimes like
considering the phrase: 'Don't Ask What Mozart Can Do For You - But
Ask What You Can Do For Mozart.' ])}

Suffice it to say that we have to do with violently criminal minds
who will not stop at anything to try and destroy the most decent and
the most caring and the most intelligent and the most responsible.
(And contrary to some myths, I am not going to die for their sins.)

They all have certain characteristics, that you are familiar with
from the Mafia:

They drive each other into evil and they demand from each
other to do evil;

they heavily, knowingly, intentionally lie, and spread lies, in
order to "protect or defend themselves from being looked at and
seen as they are and as what they do;"

they cover each other up;

they accuse others of their own crimes or of the crimes of their
own group members;

they join forces and resources together, to combat truly decent
and truly caring people, as these might expose them and might
stop their vicious practices.

They are the ones who create Hell on Earth, who pollute the mental
atmosphere in which our bodies have to breathe. (Nicely put, huh,

They themselves are in 'Hell' if you would define 'Hell' properly.
This includes some repulsive monsters that can write, that post here.

It is a common practice with criminal gangs, also very heavily (very
frequently and insistently) used in all Scientology groups, to demand
of the members that they do some physical act of "bravery" in order
to be re-admitted to the group, for instance after a member refused
to or 'forgot' to follow orders, or after he exposed some truth about
any member or staff to the society, or to the authorities, or even
internally, to members.

And all readers of the Newsgroup know what type of "bravery" the
Scientologists are capable of and perform.

So I have posted, yesterday, an ACTUAL 'Condition of Liability'
Formula, and the preceding Actual 'Condition of Enemy' Formula, to
the appropriate Newsgroup: To help people who want that, to get out
of the Mafia, or out of any criminal group, and to help those, who
are partially out of it but who still suffer too much from it.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

* Footnote:
I am sure the monstrosities and spiritual deformities and mental
mutilations that can write and who post in the Newsgroup, will
be "delighted to hear it."

** Footnote
But the ugly monsters that can write, and some do post here,
will not want to see it like that, of course. They had hoped
they were finally "safe from me" - 'safe from Apollo, the
dragon slayer,' to put it in mythological (or historical,
whichever you prefer) terms.

*** Footnote
Jutta Joos (who was married to the German Development Aid
Official Werner Joos who dumped her after he looked through her
extreme ugliness and her violent and continuous evil and
betrayal) called herself 'Jutta Nolst Trenite' between 1980 and
1997, and now she calls herself 'Jutta Gentz' by her maiden


- 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
(19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)

- 'On People Wanting Delusions
- And Those Who Provide Delusions For Them'
(21 Sept 2002 - Version 2.0)

- 'A Poem of Love and Adventure' (17 July 2002)

Copyright 2002 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge undominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
(address unreadable for internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)


Oct 13, 2002, 11:46:15 AM10/13/02
On 13 Oct 2002 08:26:22 -0700, (Koos Nolst
Trenite) wrote:

First off, I nominate Koos for the Bobo for getting thrown in a loonybin
as a public menace. Second, warning, all evidence seems to indicate
that this madman is an actual live, crazy murderer.

There's the news story.

>Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos"

> 13 October 2002

>Sorry guys, but, UNLIKE the person who created the false newspaper
> article in a local boulevard rag (which for very obvious reasons
> refuses to mention my name) and UNLIKE some of the repulsive monsters
> that post here, I do not go around murdering people, let alone my own
> family members. Quite and very much the contrary.

Right. She drowned herself. In a bathtub. Right.

>Anyway, she created this false newspaper article with the help and on
> insistence of her Scientology "friends," in order to do their
> 'Liability Formula' and so be allowed 'back in the group.'

> And she - again with the assistance of and driven to it by her
> Scientology "friends" - spread a lot of libel

> (Definition of 'Libel': Written and intentionally spread lies
> and omitted truths, with the purpose to bring harm, and
> intended to deny services, protection and rights.)

> about me to various institutions and individuals, with the request
> that they act upon it but keep that secret from me.

Well, then you could get a huge amount of money in a libel suit.
That is, if the allegations weren't true. After all, whether or not they
changed the name, everyone knew it was about you and your murder.

> (So that I could not correct it... but she did not tell them
> that, of course. That's all 'Standard Scientology
> Technology.')

> Very evil, but entirely in her tradition and in the tradition of her
> Scientology "friends."

>And after they had created that false boulevard newspaper article,
> they also furiously spread that around, with the note that "it is
> about me."

>All standard Scientology practice ...which the readers of the
> Newsgroup alt.religion.scientology are all too familiar with.

>So without any trial and without any lawyers and without any possibi-
> lity of defense, the area criminal police chief and his deputy, (who
> all had been subjected to this 'Standard Scientology Technology' and
> who were so, in this way) put in a frenzy of induced hate and
> "certainty of truth," arrested and had sentences made up against, me
> and Noel, for 'Religious Delusions.'

Your posts over several years prove your insanity beyond any
possible doubt.

> And Noel wriggled himself out of execution of it due to his age. And
> he had to promise to attack me, which he then furiously did.
> Not very nice...

In other words, out of your malignant influence, Noel returned
to sanity.

>Interestingly enough, they left Stephanie Umana, from whom the
> "Religious Delusions" actually came (!), out of it this time.

> They had arrested Stephanie Umana born Hansen - "Tulka" - a
> few months before, on suspicion of murder, of my daughter who
> committed suicide thanks to people like her raven-mother Jutta
> Joos born Gentz*** (as is very well-documented) who, by the
> way, was another and prolific provider of "Religious
> Delusions" (as is also very well-documented).

This is very bad, Koos. I hope this woman has a restraining order out
on you and is able to protect herself from being murdered by you, too.
I really think that law enforcement should be notified that you're obviously
still violently insane and obsessed with your ex-wife.

> And out of cowardice and fear, and in order to 'secure herself,'
> Stephanie "Tulka" then went on to loudly betray me and to spread
> false data about me and about herself.*
> Not very nice...

You were talking like this about your daughter, too, after you murdered

> (To this day, she has not revoked it, even though I got her
> safely out of the area there by getting a friend of mine - not
> a friend of hers, but of mine - there to care for that.)

>It took me a few months, with the effort of lawyers, to have the
> order revoked, and be freed again.

And thank God for such lawyers. We sure owe them a great debt
of gratitude for unleashing a crazy fuck like you on a horrified planet.

>The doctors of the department where I was, diagnosed me as being in
> full health and in full possession of my mental faculties, and fully
> sane. In fact they saw that I was saner than anyone else.


> They refused to treat me.

More bullshit.

>But then, after several weeks, they got an order from the head of
> the establishment, that 'he will personally order and supervise my
> treatment,' and he covered up his evil (and the source of his orders)
> with the phrase that 'nobody will be in his hospital who will not be
> treated' and 'will be treated as long as it is legally ordered.'

> So they artificially induced Parkinson in my body - as this head of
> the hospital ordered - resulting in the fact that after some months
> I could practically not at all walk anymore, that I could not use my
> hands to write with anymore, that I could not let my body lie still,
> or sit still anymore.

At least it kept you from murdering more people for a few months.

> But this hospital-chief had the 'guts' to pretend to me in front of
> the other doctors, that "there will never be any side effects."

>So after the fax arrived that revoked the order, I luckily found a
> bunch of very caring friends who greatly helped me to undo the
> physical damage, and who cared for my well-being: To gradually
> regain my health again and get in command of my body again and to
> repair the various mechanisms that control the body, which all had
> been severely damaged in those few months.

> One of them then gave me a computer, and they all worked very hard

Thanks, asshole, to whoever gave Koos the computer. Why didn't
you just buy him a chainsaw too, you idiot?

> and gave their spare time to get me going again. Mankind owes them
> a great deal. They would give their life for me, as they know I
> would give it for them - that kind of people they are.**

Crazed suicide pacts aren't exactly another recommendation for
your sanity, you froot loop.

>I could of course bring criminal charges against those who ordered
> to torture me and who destroyed my health and my ability to walk and
> my ability to use my hand-writing; I could of course bring criminal
> charges against those who misused their office or profession or
> position for personal vengeance and to bereave me of my constitutio-
> nal freedoms; and I could of course bring criminal charges against
> those who spread criminal libel about me; and I could of course
> bring criminal charges against those who stole all my valuable
> belongings and who threw all my personal belongings away.

No you couldn't. You couldn't bring dick, you loon.

> And I could of course bring civil charges, sue them all, for all
> types of damages and whatever else these are called in legal terms,
> but I really have other things to do and I rather put my attention

Plus you'd lose, because it's all true.

> and work there for those people who want to have it and who will use
> my tremendous amount of knowledge and experience and intellect and my
> immeasurable amount of Love and Care. {([ And maybe you could just
> faintly get the notion - somewhere in the far back of your head while
> you are asleep - that you actually might - if you are not at all
> attacked but have nothing better to do or to think of, or if it is
> too boring on your yacht or on your couch - feel sometimes like
> considering the phrase: 'Don't Ask What Mozart Can Do For You - But
> Ask What You Can Do For Mozart.' ])}

Is this supposed to be more proof of your sanity?

>Suffice it to say that we have to do with violently criminal minds
> who will not stop at anything to try and destroy the most decent and
> the most caring and the most intelligent and the most responsible.
> (And contrary to some myths, I am not going to die for their sins.)

> They all have certain characteristics, that you are familiar with
> from the Mafia:

> They drive each other into evil and they demand from each
> other to do evil;

> they heavily, knowingly, intentionally lie, and spread lies, in
> order to "protect or defend themselves from being looked at and
> seen as they are and as what they do;"

> they cover each other up;

> they accuse others of their own crimes or of the crimes of their
> own group members;

> they join forces and resources together, to combat truly decent
> and truly caring people, as these might expose them and might
> stop their vicious practices.

> They are the ones who create Hell on Earth, who pollute the mental
> atmosphere in which our bodies have to breathe. (Nicely put, huh,
> Michael?)

Umm, yeah. Right.

> They themselves are in 'Hell' if you would define 'Hell' properly.
> This includes some repulsive monsters that can write, that post here.

>It is a common practice with criminal gangs, also very heavily (very
> frequently and insistently) used in all Scientology groups, to demand
> of the members that they do some physical act of "bravery" in order
> to be re-admitted to the group, for instance after a member refused
> to or 'forgot' to follow orders, or after he exposed some truth about
> any member or staff to the society, or to the authorities, or even
> internally, to members.

> And all readers of the Newsgroup know what type of "bravery" the
> Scientologists are capable of and perform.

> So I have posted, yesterday, an ACTUAL 'Condition of Liability'
> Formula, and the preceding Actual 'Condition of Enemy' Formula, to
> the appropriate Newsgroup: To help people who want that, to get out
> of the Mafia, or out of any criminal group, and to help those, who
> are partially out of it but who still suffer too much from it.

That would be YOU!


Oct 13, 2002, 11:50:04 AM10/13/02

Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:


Tilman Hausherr

Oct 13, 2002, 12:02:19 PM10/13/02
On 13 Oct 2002 08:26:22 -0700, (Koos
Nolst Trenite) wrote in

>Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos"
> 13 October 2002
>Sorry guys, but, UNLIKE the person who created the false newspaper
> article in a local boulevard rag (which for very obvious reasons
> refuses to mention my name) and UNLIKE some of the repulsive monsters

This is because of german privacy laws. ("Persönlichkeitsrecht")

Legally, it didn't make a big difference that the paper altered your
first name - everyone understood that the article was about you.

>Interestingly enough, they left Stephanie Umana, from whom the
> "Religious Delusions" actually came (!), out of it this time.
> They had arrested Stephanie Umana born Hansen - "Tulka" - a
> few months before, on suspicion of murder, of my daughter who
> committed suicide thanks to people like her raven-mother Jutta
> Joos born Gentz*** (as is very well-documented) who, by the
> way, was another and prolific provider of "Religious
> Delusions" (as is also very well-documented).

IMO, you folks were all delusional, except Noel who was able to keep a
somewhat independant mind. I hope that Jutta and Stephanie were able to
regain their sanity after leaving you.


Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP5.55] Entheta * Enturbulation * Entertainment

Resistance is futile. You will be enturbulated. Xenu always prevails.

Find broken links on your web site:
The Xenu bookstore:

Deana Holmes

Oct 13, 2002, 12:06:16 PM10/13/02
to (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote in

> Sorry guys, but, UNLIKE the person who created the false newspaper
> article in a local boulevard rag (which for very obvious reasons
> refuses to mention my name) and UNLIKE some of the repulsive monsters
> that post here, I do not go around murdering people, let alone my own
> family members. Quite and very much the contrary.

Liar. We know what you did to Freya, you murderer. I simply hope your wife
and son know that you're out and posting again so they can stay well away
from your madness.

Deana M. Holmes

Deana Holmes

Oct 13, 2002, 12:10:25 PM10/13/02

> Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos"

More dirt on you, Koos. You can't escape the fact that you're a murderer.

From: German_Scn_News <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Man succumbs to cult madness
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 17:56:41 -0400
Lines: 160
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.10009...@darkstar.zippy>
Reply-To: German_Scn_News <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-Sender: german_...@darkstar.zippy

Freya's (19) mysterious death

Drowned at home
Father succumbed to cult madness

Freya was just 19 when the doctor on emergency duty
was called to her death on December 25, 1999. When
the medical technician entered the room, a feeling of
misgiving came over him. The Bach cantata "Oh Haupt
voll Blut und Wunden" boomed deafeningly throughout
the house in the small village near Forcheim.

Jakobus N., the father of the deceased, stood
motionlessly in the room as did his son Nils (18) - no
tears or sign of sorrow. The doctor called the police. The
autopsy showed that Freya N. had drowned. Nine
months later her death is still unexplained and the state
attorney's office is investigating. Early yesterday the
police took Jakobus N. away in handcuffs - the man was
committed to the psychiatric ward as a public menace.
That is because Jakobus N. succumbed to cult madness.
He subjected his family to methods of torture for years.
For instance, he tortured his wife Carla (name changed)
by drenching her with cold water. The 60-year-old
woman said, "What if he had done the same thing with

On that December day after Freya's death, Jakobus N.
gave the police investigators a letter written by her: "Early
this morning I took another ten-minute cold bath" his
daughter jotted down the morning of the day she died.
How many 19-year-old girls voluntarily take a cold bath
in winter? And jot it down? Freya's mother, Carla N.
(60) has some answers. She fled to the Nuernberg house
for women in 1997 after years of torture. When the
mother, a painter, met her future husband of 24 years, he
was a member of the Scientology sect. Jakobus' life goal
was to rise to the top of the sect hierarchy, but he was
thwarted by the sect leaders.

During that time, Freya and Nils were born, then Flavia
in 1983. At that time the family was living near
Heidelberg. Even though the frail baby had caught a cold
and could barely breath, Jakobus forbade calling a
doctor or using nose drops. Carla obeyed. Ten days
after its birth the child died of asphyxiation. The doctor
attested to the sudden death of the child.

He [Jakobus] later disseminated his deluded concepts via
the internet, "He thought L. Ron Hubbard wanted to
annihilate him from the great beyond," was how Carla
described his state of mind. Freya had to redo those
internet pages every day.

While Carla N. managed to escape to the women's
home, the children stayed with their father. Shortly after
Freya's death, the state attorney applied for a warrant for
the arrest of the father - however the magistrate did not
see a pressing need of suspicion. Jakobus N. stayed free
and the police looked for evidence.

"Did Jakobus torture her to death? A question the
mother has been asking herself ever since. Friedrich
Kraus, the Bamberg leading state attorney, is also
investigating the case of Freya's death.


[This is how OSA reported the same article on a.r.s. A
sample of Jakobus'/Koos' work is at]

From: ARS_incites_hate_member at
Subject: FLASH!!! Critic arrested on suspicion of murder
Date: 25 Sep 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Organization: Newsguy News Service []
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology

This is a story Tilman failed to report.

Koos Nolst Trenite taken by police for suspected murder....

A friend in Munich sent me this translation of an article in
Abendzeitung on September 22, 2000. The names have
been changed to hide the identity of the family, but
"Jakobus N" can only be Koos. This tragic event, was
the result of a deranged mind driven to violence by the
hate spread on a.r.s.



Did the father kill the nineteen year old?

Freya N. was only 19 years old when the ambulance
was called to her death on the 25th of December 1999.
When the medical man entered the room, a bad feeling
came over him: In the whole house in the small village
near Forchheim, the song "Oh Haupt voll Blut und
Wunden" (Oh Head full of blood and wounds) by Bach
resounded deafeningly.

The father of the deceased, Jakobus N., and his son Nils
(18) were standing motionless in the room -- no crying,
no sorrow. The doctor called the police. The autopsy
established that Freya N. had drowned. Three quarters
of a year later, her death is still considered unsolved and
the public prosecutor is investigating.

Yesterday morning, the police picked Jakobus N. up in
handcuffs -- he was sent to a psychiatric clinic because
he was considered to be a public menace.

For several years, his family was subject to his methods
of torture. He tortured his wife Carla (named changed)
with gushes of cold water. The 60 year old: "What if he
has done the same to Freya?"

On that day in December, after Freya's death, Jakobus
N. gave a letter, written by Freya, to the criminal police:
"This morning, I took another cold bath of the minutes,"
his daughter had written the morning of the day of her
death. Which 19 year old voluntarily takes a cold bath in
winter? And notes that down? The answers can be found
with Carla N., Freya's mother. After years of torture, she
took refuge in the womens' house in Nurnberg in 1997.
When the artist met her husband 24 years ago, he was a
member of the Scientology sect. Jakobus' life goal, to
move up in the sect hierarchy, was however prevented
by sect leaders.

In that time, Freya and Nils were born, and in 1983,
Flavia. At that time, the family was living in Heidelberg.
When the weak baby was sick and could hardly breathe,
Jakobus forbid calling a doctor or using nose drops, and
Carla obeyed. Ten days after her birth, the child
suffocated. The doctor attested the sudden death of the
child. In the Internet, he later distributes his delusion. "L.
Ron Hubbard was trying to kill him hereafter," Carla N.
describes his frame of mind. Freya had to update the
web pages daily. Carla N. succeeded in running away to
the women's house, and the children remained with the
father. Just after Freya's death, the public prosecutor
proposed the father be arrested. Jakobus N. remains in
freedom, the police were searching for evidence.

"Did Jakobus N. torture her to death?" a question the
mother has been asking herself over and over since then.
The senior public prosecutor Friedrich Kraus is still
investigating the death of Freya.


Unofficial translations of German media, For non-commercial use only
Recent events -
Informational publications
Over 1200 articles sorted by date

Rev. Fredric L. Rice

Oct 13, 2002, 2:06:33 PM10/13/02
Xenu allowed (Koos Nolst Trenite) to

>Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos"

I can't tell if this is a troll or not. The kook level is there and
the phraseology matches, but I can't imagine that the authorities
would let someone who exhibits this pathology out of the hospital.

True, Heber Jentzsch walks the streets -- when he's not hiding out
from the State Department boys -- but letting the loonies loose on
the streets is common for the United States; wouldn't expect it from
countries that actually have working governments.

> 13 October 2002


George W. Bush threatens to kill us all -- for oil. Read about
our Fascist American mock "President" Get _activated_! Oppose the Bush War

Rev. Fredric L. Rice

Oct 13, 2002, 2:11:29 PM10/13/02
Xenu allowed Tilman Hausherr <> to write:

>On 13 Oct 2002 08:26:22 -0700, (Koos
>Nolst Trenite) wrote in

>>Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos"
>> 13 October 2002
>>Sorry guys, but, UNLIKE the person who created the false newspaper
>> article in a local boulevard rag (which for very obvious reasons
>> refuses to mention my name) and UNLIKE some of the repulsive monsters

>This is because of german privacy laws. ("Persönlichkeitsrecht")
>Legally, it didn't make a big difference that the paper altered your
>first name - everyone understood that the article was about you.

Interesting, but:

>>Interestingly enough, they left Stephanie Umana, from whom the
>> "Religious Delusions" actually came (!), out of it this time.
>> They had arrested Stephanie Umana born Hansen - "Tulka" - a
>> few months before, on suspicion of murder, of my daughter who
>> committed suicide thanks to people like her raven-mother Jutta
>> Joos born Gentz*** (as is very well-documented) who, by the
>> way, was another and prolific provider of "Religious
>> Delusions" (as is also very well-documented).

>IMO, you folks were all delusional, except Noel who was able to keep a
>somewhat independant mind. I hope that Jutta and Stephanie were able to
>regain their sanity after leaving you.

Assuming that they've let him out, _why_ did they let him out?


Oct 13, 2002, 7:06:54 PM10/13/02
On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 12:39:36 -0600, Phoenix <blackhelicopter@planet.x> wrote:

>In article <>, Koos Nolst Trenite <> wrote:

>> So they artificially induced Parkinson in my body - as this head of
>> the hospital ordered - resulting in the fact that after some months
>> I could practically not at all walk anymore, that I could not use my
>> hands to write with anymore, that I could not let my body lie still,
>> or sit still anymore.

>Okay folks, is it actually possible to artificially induce this disease,
>other than by getting pummelled for years in a boxing ring?

He's probably talking about the side-effects of strong antipsychotic
drugs like Thorazine, which cause a condition called tardive dyskinesia,
which is vaguely similar to Parkinson's.

>> But this hospital-chief had the 'guts' to pretend to me in front of
>> the other doctors, that "there will never be any side effects."

>Though possibly more Kook Awards.....

>> So after the fax arrived that revoked the order, I luckily found a
>> bunch of very caring friends who greatly helped me to undo the
>> physical damage, and who cared for my well-being: To gradually
>> regain my health again and get in command of my body again and to
>> repair the various mechanisms that control the body, which all had
>> been severely damaged in those few months.

>I thought Parkinson's was not the type of thing you can recover from.

If you quit the drugs you can get over it. Major psychotics have the
difficulty of deciding whether the side-effects of the drugs are worse
than the craziness. Koos has obviously made his decision. Unfortunately,
he's a menace to those around him.

His latest crazy rant appears to be targeting his ex-wife, who he appears
to be stalking. After murdering two other family members (one through
medical neglect and one by drowning), someone like Koos should be
kept under control.

I think, however, that the German authorities just dumped him on
Holland. Hope they're keeping him away from sharp objects and
children, whoever "they" are. (I believe "they" are his family, though
possibly he has set up another insane mini-cult like he did last


Röd Sill

Oct 13, 2002, 7:22:31 PM10/13/02
to (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote in message news:<>...

> Sorry guys, but, UNLIKE the person who created the false newspaper
> article in a local boulevard rag (which for very obvious reasons

> refuses to mention my name) ... <geschnippt>

Didn't mention your name, yet you recognize yourself in the article by
your description. Okay.

Röd Sill, ARSCC (wdne) Marcab Liaison Officer
"I am Koos of Borg; prepare to be assimilated, but not by me!"

El Queso

Oct 13, 2002, 7:50:43 PM10/13/02
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Welcome back, you fuckin' kook.

Deana Holmes

Oct 14, 2002, 12:09:30 AM10/14/02
Phoenix <blackhelicopter@planet.x> wrote in

> Do feel free to keep crosspoasting him to alt.usenet.kooks. He's an
> award-winning Kook of the old school, and virtually no one there
> has gotten to partake one of those.

Koos once won Kook of the Month, back in 1995, I think. He IS a kook of the
old school.


David Fabian

Oct 14, 2002, 12:09:05 AM10/14/02
"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message

> Who Created The False Newspaper Article "About Koos"

Koos, I was shocked when I read the story about you killing
your daughter. I did not believe you were capable of violence;
I just thought you were a little eccentric.

By the way, would you mind auditing Saddam Hussein?
We are very interested in knowing what he is up to.


Rev Norle Enturbulata

Oct 14, 2002, 4:08:24 AM10/14/02

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message

Cult-programmed detritus strikes again! All thanks to L.R.Hubbard!

Rev. Norle Enturbulata
"Church" of Cartoonism
" not a psycho-therapy nor a religion."
- LRH's "Creation of Human Ability" p251

Dave Bird

Oct 14, 2002, 5:58:11 PM10/14/02
In article<>, ptsc writes:
>On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 12:39:36 -0600, Phoenix <blackhelicopter@planet.x> wrote:
>>In article <>, Koos Nolst:

>>> So they artificially induced Parkinson in my body - as this head of
>>> the hospital ordered - resulting in the fact that after some months
>>> I could practically not at all walk anymore, that I could not use my
>>> hands to write with anymore, that I could not let my body lie still,
>>> or sit still anymore.
>>Okay folks, is it actually possible to artificially induce this disease,
>>other than by getting pummelled for years in a boxing ring?
>He's probably talking about the side-effects of strong antipsychotic
>drugs like Thorazine, which cause a condition called tardive dyskinesia,
>which is vaguely similar to Parkinson's.

You imply there is some exaggeration here. Strong anti-psychotic
drugs block dopamine D2 receptors. They can produce a number of
parkinsonian and related problems in the basal ganglion, either
temporary or permanent. T.D. is not tremor in movement but a
constant twitching and chewing mainly in the facial muscles.
If this becomes an intolerable problem (after all, it might be
better than the patient committing suicide or murder) it can
be reduced by switching to "atypical" anti-psychotics which block
serotonin S2 (extreme stress) receptors as well as D2, and thus
don't need to have such a massively anti-D2 effect. But I assure
you the effects of anti-psychotic drugs in high dose can be as
awful as described; this is not simply anti-psychiatry propaganda.
The relief given by any of these drugs is symptomatic -- they do
not effect a cure -- the patient has to keep taking them or will
be as bad as before if he stops.

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