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My say on 60 years of Feral Niggers and their handlers.

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Chad Bryant

Feb 1, 2010, 2:14:05 AM2/1/10

My say on 60 years of Niggers and their handlers.

You know, it's not really too hard to figure out how Niggers
evolved to their place in modern day society. For instance, before the
civil rights of the 60's, the majority of Niggers were almost always
dirt poor and were only allowed menial, low paying jobs in a
predominantly white America. Yet most were content with being in their
place. They had jobs, family and a place to live, and even being poor,
most were content. Yet, since the years following the civil rights
movement and the advent of more and more welfare programs, WIC,
affirmative action, free healthcare, free educational programs, the
majority of Niggers are still dirt poor and sucking off of the system.
I know, I know ... a small percentage have broken out of poverty by
taking full advantage of the government freebies, but the majority
have not. One would think that with these programs at their disposal,
a huge percentage of Niggers should be close to or at most equal in
education and wealth to us humans. Yet they still continue to live in
hoods and public housing projects. They still live off of the freebies
freely given to them by the government and most will not utilize the
most necessary programs available that will help Niggers out of
poverty... education. Why? Because Niggers are lazy, sneaky, thieving
scum with such a low I.Q., they are incapable of raising their
standard of living and wealth up to the level of the rest of society.

Now a bit about the liberal designed Nigger educational programs...
To the liberal Nigger loving politician, education was the KEY to
bringing the Nigger out of poverty and into the mainstream on a
socioeconomic level with humans. Billions of our tax dollars for
educational programs aimed specifically at Niggers all across this
country have not produced the results the liberal designers were
looking for. And the fact that these programs have failed, has eluded
the best analysts our country can provide. Not one, I mean not one
analyst will state the facts as we all know them. I'll say it again.
Niggers are lazy, sneaky, thieving scum and have such a low I.Q., they
are incapable of raising their educational standards to meet the rest
of society. So what have the liberals accomplished with all of our
wasted tax dollars in over 50 years? Not a damn thing, well, except
maybe 3 - 5% of the Niggers who took advantage of the giveaway
programs and broke away from the herd. What are the liberal Nigger
lovers doing now that their coveted social programs for the other
failed 95 - 97% of their pet Niggers didn't take? They want to LOWER
the educational and socioeconomic standards for everyone else, and to
bring the rest of society down to the Nigger level! Yes folks, they
want all of our children and grandchildren to be their little pet
Niggers ... dumber than a box of rocks and broke for life. And the sad
part ... with all of this Obama Nigger reform and redistribution of
wealth from those who prosper to those who can't ... is happening right
before our very eyes.

So what has America become since the liberal Nigger lovers gave us
all of these so called edumacated Niggers? Let's review the fruits of
their labor; the results of their socioeconomic programs, diversity
and integration from the past 50 years. We have Nigger gang related
drive by shootings; massive illegal Nigger drug abuse and addiction;
Nigger on human murders and rapes, dead humans by the truckload;
Nigger theft, robbery and burglary of all kinds; Nigger dog fighting
and cruelty towards animals; explosive teeNigger pregnancy and birfs;
wiggers emulating Nigger gansta thugs; hundreds of thousands of human
women with half bred nigletts; welfare fraud so rampant the States are
bankrupt; an overloaded and broken educational system that can't
graduate even half of it's high school seniors. This is what has
become of America since the liberal Nigger lovers have tried in vain
to make Niggers equal to humans. And still today, not one liberal
Nigger lover will admit to the failure of past programs to help the
poor Nigger underclass merge with human society and compete on a level
playing field. Why? Because the liberal cannot comprehend what the
rest of us understand. Niggers are lazy, sneaky, thieving scum and
have such a low I.Q., they are incapable of merging into human
society. So now the liberal Nigger lover wonders what to do next. They
still want to reach their goal of making everyone equal ... and if they
can't bring the Niggers up, then the next step for them is to bring
all of the rest of society down, and create one big socioeconomic
underclass melting pot that they can control. That's right ... I said
the magic word, which is the goal of every liberal Nigger loving
politician ... CONTROL.

Think about an America like in the book Fahrenheit 451, where
everyone is the same in economic wealth, housing, personal property,
transportation. Think about an America where you work hard for every
dime the government LETS you keep, while your new Nigger neighbors sit
on the porch drinking 40's and wave to you as you drive to work in the
morning. Think about an America where those same Nigger neighbors have
raped and killed your wife and daughter; beaten or killed your son for
just being a human; had their pitbull attack and rip apart your prized
hunting dog; gutted your cat and put it in the mailbox; broke into
your home and stole everything you own; all while you were at work
making them money to live on! Think about an America whose
constitution has been so trampled by the courts that your rights are
gone and that document is not even good enough to wipe your ass with.

Think about it America ... because it's happening.

We are witnessing the JUNGLEFICATION and NIGGERIZATION of America

Chad Bryant

-= The nigger earns its reputation every day. =-

-= Truth is hate, for those who hate the truth. =-

-= Hate the message Niggers, not the messenger! =-


"Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the
pure-blooded African Negro has invented nothing.
Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar,
a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a
system of measurement, or even the wheel.

He is not known to have ever cultivated a single
crop or domesticated a single animal for his own
use. For shelter, he never progressed beyond the
common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver
or muskrat is capable."

(Pendell, Elmer, -Sex Versus Civilization- Noontide
Press; Weisman, Charles A. -The Origins of Race and
Civilization- 1990, SFA)


"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the
continent of Africa-rich beyond the dream of poet's
fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare
black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust
until a white man showed to him its glittering
light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile
animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or
sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe,
spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the
moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to
graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he
never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or
built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With
league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland
seas, for four thousand years he watched their
surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of
the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over
his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him
to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed
a sail." -- Charles Darwin


Vices the most notorious seem to be the portion of
this unhappy [negro] race: idleness, treachery,
revenge, cruelty, impudence, stealing, lying,
profanity, debauchery, nastiness and intemperance,
are said to have extinguished the principles of
natural law, and to have silenced the reproofs of
-- Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1798.


"I have not been able to think out any solution to
the terrible problem offered by the presence of the
Negro on this continent. He is here and can neither
be killed nor driven away." --Theodore Roosevelt



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