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L.O.S.S. News Update!

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Ben Madison

1996年9月23日 03:00:001996/9/23

Greetings to the Micronation community. I'm Ben Madison, a.k.a. King
Robert I of Talossa, and acting General Secretary of the League of
Secessionist States.

If you don't know what this is, see the page at

First off: Today, 22 September 1996, I, R. Ben Madison, Acting General
Secretary of the LOSS, hereby approve the applications for membership
of the Union of Ruritarian Republics and the Kingdom of Porto Claro
in the League of Secessionist States.

Second: I am running the LOSS on a temporary basis (I'm much to busy
with Talossan domestic politics--you should try it sometime!) and I
would like to turn the post over to someone else ASAP.

In order to do so, we need some nominations. If any of you can get the
support of a majority of the present members, you're in.

The LOSS is desperately in need of an official charter--some by-laws to
govern how it operates (based on the UN charter perhaps?) An official
website with periodic updates would be nice too. I would be glad to
help out with these projects.

There should also be a Secretary for the LOSS, someone to tally the
votes and so forth. The General Secretary (or whatever title is finally
chosen) and Secretary should be separate people.

If there is consensus over any of this please e-mail me at

Again, welcome new LOSS members and good luck furthering the cause of
micronationalism and the science of micropatrology!


R. Ben Madison
Deputy Foreign Minister, Talossa
Acting General Secretary, LOSS

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