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everyone's a liar, and no one can prove anything on the Net

已查看 9 次

William H. Bonney

1999年3月24日 03:00:001999/3/24
well... i think the header says it all.

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年3月24日 03:00:001999/3/24
well the title almost says it all......

got an interesting note from Methusala.....


so you don't want me posting on your newsgroup anymore, just because i
am who i say i am?

******Please point out ANY statement asking you not to

fuck you, all right? i am. that ring has bounced around so many hands
since it was given to me, i was surprised that it even still existed.

*****Like I said before I own a 2000 year old celt ring (also a 300 yo
vinegar bottle, an assortment of Roman coins a 2000 odd yo roman bead
and an Elizabeth the 1st silver piece) But none of that Proves I am
immortal. maybe it just proves I am a better collector then
you...."lost by the movers"...riiiiiiiight********

why do you doubt me? why don't you doubt DragonLady's dragon-ness? why
don't you doubt the elf?
i don't lie. and i don't get pissed easily. buy you're getting there.
thank you.

******I like Dragon Lady's name.....heck I even like Blackbane's
name......but I don't for a second envision a birdy or a lizard tapping
on the keyboard anymore then I envision Methusala tapping on
yours.....and I don't frankly care if you're pissed....someone whose
been around 700 wouldn't be so thin BOO!******


When you dance with Jac o' the Shadows, you better know how to lead.

and that? that's (a .sig) what i said to the last man i killed, right
before i did it. and he was a MUCH better adversary.

*****(keeping ths one....lamo death threats from Methusala)******


"ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?".....that's a quote
from Batman...sounds alot like yours....but it's more believable.

(still waiting for you to astound us with your depth of historical and
spiritual knowledge....and all we get are loer-case i's and "fuck you"
and "piss" ) Impressive.

Keep out of my email asshole....

Hey I think I found a mate for Moon.

Jeanine Gravitt

"The more that you read the more things you will know.
The more that you learn the more places you'll go"......
"There are so many things to learn about but....
you'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut" --Theodore
Giesel (Dr. Seuss) and my mirror site at: .......(The American
Witch.....a humor page)


1999年3月24日 03:00:001999/3/24

William H. Bonney wrote in message <01be75b3$67dbb3c0$db53...@d.monica>...

>well... i think the header says it all.

**Yes, but.... Some folks are perfectly honest, we just can't _prove_ it.
And many are fulla shit, and there is no need for proof of it!**

1999年3月24日 03:00:001999/3/24
In article <01be75b3$67dbb3c0$db53...@d.monica>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> well... i think the header says it all.

Well you see, buddy, just because you can't prove that you're 700 years old
(mainly due to the fact that, YOU AREN'T!!!), doesn't make everyone else
liers. And there are many things that can be proven over the net, such as
basic theory, or GOOD ideas.

It's not everyone elses fault that you're stupid.

Have a nice day.

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Something Wicked This Way Comes

1999年3月24日 03:00:001999/3/24
Whatttttttt a nut heh

William H. Bonney wrote in message <01be75b3$67dbb3c0$db53...@d.monica>...

Something Wicked This Way Comes

1999年3月24日 03:00:001999/3/24
ha - I agree - well said

Rhyanon wrote in message <7das4m$>...

>William H. Bonney wrote in message <01be75b3$67dbb3c0$db53...@d.monica>...
>>well... i think the header says it all.

Dorothy Bixler

1999年3月24日 03:00:001999/3/24
In article <01be75b3$67dbb3c0$db53...@d.monica>,
William H. Bonney <> wrote:
>well... i think the header says it all.

On the contrary... All things are true (even false things).

Haven't you read the _Principia Discordia_. It explains it all. Well,
except for the parts that the Fnords ate before it could be sent to the


*Dorothy Michelle Bixler **
)O( She changes all She touches )O(
...including me

William H. Bonney

1999年3月25日 03:00:001999/3/25
Rhyanon <> wrote:
> **Yes, but.... Some folks are perfectly honest, we just can't _prove_ it.
> And many are fulla shit, and there is no need for proof of it!**

i'm honest. why is THAT so hard to believe? you all believe in magick,
right? or is that all just bullshit to you people as well?


1999年3月25日 03:00:001999/3/25
In article <01be768d$43b5b240$0653accf@nick-rostov>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> i'm honest. why is THAT so hard to believe? you all believe in magick,
> right? or is that all just bullshit to you people as well?

Now someone (ie you) saying that they're 700 years old while displaing the
maturity level of a two year old is a little hard to grasp. Want to know why?

I'll give you a hint. You're full of shit. Our beliefs are at least
discussed with some actual foundation behind them, you don't seem to do this
at all. In actual fact, I seem to be winning this argument as you have said
no justifiable reason as to why I should believe you are 700 years old. That
would mean you are being beaten by (in comparison) a todler.


1999年3月25日 03:00:001999/3/25

::tap,tap,tap:: Is this thing on?


Didn't you just say that everyone's a liar? Even a 25軌ear觔ld simpleton
such as myself can see that you've lapped your own logic right into a

I'm heading back to my hole now, be well.

"Everyone is alone, relationships just make it easier." -Richard Fish


In article <01be768d$43b5b240$0653accf@nick-rostov>, "William H. Bonney"
<> wrote:

> Rhyanon <> wrote:
>> **Yes, but.... Some folks are perfectly honest, we just can't _prove_ it.
>> And many are fulla shit, and there is no need for proof of it!**

> i'm honest. why is THAT so hard to believe? you all believe in magick,
> right? or is that all just bullshit to you people as well?




1999年3月25日 03:00:001999/3/25

William H. Bonney wrote in message

>Rhyanon <> wrote:
>> **Yes, but.... Some folks are perfectly honest, we just can't _prove_ it.
>> And many are fulla shit, and there is no need for proof of it!**
>i'm honest. why is THAT so hard to believe? you all believe in magick,
>right? or is that all just bullshit to you people as well?

**You people? Heheheh. I'll let that pass because I like you so far. I know
nothing about you, though, but for what is presented here. I know less about
whatever claim is in dispute for you. I'm not involved, and have no proof
one way or another on which to base an opinion .
None of this changes the statement I made Funny, one makes a statement, not
directed at any one person, just sayin, donchyaknow. But it's funny how one
or another will interpret the otherwise inocuous generalization so
personally. Just sayin' .....
I believe in magick. It is perfectly sensible based on what's being
learned in the field of quantum physics. I have felt seen, or heard proof of
magick working. I don't have to perform "Great Works" everyday to prove
magick to myself. It is inherent in all one does.
But other people's personal claims of who they are on the Internet, well,
my BS meter helps out there sometimes, if I care enough to utilize it.**

William H. Bonney

1999年3月25日 03:00:001999/3/25
收件人 wrote:

> In actual fact,

actual fact? being a bit redundant, aren't we?

> I seem to be winning this argument as you have said
> no justifiable reason as to why I should believe you are 700 years old.
> would mean you are being beaten by (in comparison) a todler.

ok. let me put it this way. give me some justifiable reason why i should
believe magick exists. by calling me a liar and shutting me out, you're
not giving me VENUE to explain.

i can tell you were never on the debate team. you'd have points taken off
left and right... up and down... sideways out your ass....


William H. Bonney

1999年3月25日 03:00:001999/3/25
Rhyanon <> wrote:
> **You people? Heheheh. I'll let that pass because I like you so far.

gee. on this NG, that's rare.

> I know
> nothing about you, though, but for what is presented here. I know less
> whatever claim is in dispute for you. I'm not involved, and have no proof
> one way or another on which to base an opinion .
> None of this changes the statement I made Funny, one makes a statement,
> directed at any one person, just sayin, donchyaknow. But it's funny how
> or another will interpret the otherwise inocuous generalization so
> personally.

i didn't take it personally. i just had to respond to IT (not to you) to
shout at some other people. sorry if you took MY post personally.


William H. Bonney

1999年3月25日 03:00:001999/3/25
Boone <> wrote:
> Didn't you just say that everyone's a liar? Even a 25軌ear觔ld simpleton
> such as myself can see that you've lapped your own logic right into a
> paradox.

ah. i see you understood my irony. congratulations. and they say i have
no wit. feh.



1999年3月25日 03:00:001999/3/25
oh, but can you *prove* it? =)

another good-natured jibe by...


"*This* is an ex-parrot" -John Cleese

In article <7der6f$lmq$>,

> Oh yeah, and I was on the debating team, and I always won.

1999年3月26日 03:00:001999/3/26
In article <01be76f9$34f72920$026caccf@nick-rostov>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> ok. let me put it this way. give me some justifiable reason why i should
> believe magick exists. by calling me a liar and shutting me out, you're
> not giving me VENUE to explain.

Well by making a stupid statement like... wait for it... you're 700 years old,
you're going to get flamed. You have had pleanty of opertinities to try and
explain this in a more logical sense, and I have given you a venue to do so
many times, right now would be another example. You just seem to be too stupid
to pick up the hint to do so, and by missing these oportunities, my point that
you're not 700, but rather a sad git, is more and more justified.

> i can tell you were never on the debate team. you'd have points taken off
> left and right... up and down... sideways out your ass....

No I have given you logical points from where it has been nesisary to do so,
most of these points came from big holes in your arguement. Actually, I
wouldn't call the posting an argument, it was just a big hole with words
around the edge.

Oh yeah, and I was on the debating team, and I always won.

Have a nice day.

1999年3月26日 03:00:001999/3/26
In article <01be76f9$cdf25e60$026caccf@nick-rostov>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> ah. i see you understood my irony. congratulations. and they say i have
> no wit. feh.

No, that's not witty, that's just stupid. But on the terms of stupidity, I've
never seen a better display.

William H. Bonney

1999年3月26日 03:00:001999/3/26
收件人 wrote:

> "William H. Bonney" <> wrote:

> > ok. let me put it this way. give me some justifiable reason why i
> > believe magick exists. by calling me a liar and shutting me out,
> > not giving me VENUE to explain.
> Well by making a stupid statement like... wait for it... you're 700 years
> you're going to get flamed. You have had pleanty of opertinities to try
> explain this in a more logical sense, and I have given you a venue to do
> many times, right now would be another example.

ok, whatever. how logical do you want it? i HAVE tried explaining, but no
one wants to hear it. how about straight: i made a blood oath to Gaea and
Marina (Earth and Water, sort of ambassadors) to live and protect, and
learn. that was in 1348, in Sherwood. how far do you want me to go?

> You just seem to be too stupid
> to pick up the hint to do so

hints? what hints? you mean the posts calling me a liar? you mean the
badly-spelled ones that criticize my typing habits? there's been no hints.
all i've been DOING is defending myself. i don't even know why i care so

and i think "seem" is the appropriate word there.

> and by missing these oportunities, my point that
> you're not 700, but rather a sad git, is more and more justified.

...and yet you still didn't answer the challenge.

> I have given you logical points from where it has been nesisary to do so,
> most of these points came from big holes in your arguement. Actually, I
> wouldn't call the posting an argument, it was just a big hole with words
> around the edge.

which holes would those be? the ones everybody else is inventing?


William H. Bonney

1999年3月26日 03:00:001999/3/26
Boone <> wrote:
> oh, but can you *prove* it? =)
> another good-natured jibe by...
> --
> Boone


~wipes tears from his eyes as he rolls on the floor laughing his ass off~

i was thinking the exact same thing. and i KNOW if i'd posted it myself,
it would've been turned against me. somehow.


1999年3月27日 03:00:001999/3/27
In article <>,

"Boone" <> wrote:
> oh, but can you *prove* it? =)

No need, he'll contradict himself (as he has done before), and that's all the
proof that's needed.

1999年3月27日 03:00:001999/3/27
In article <01be775c$09ebd6a0$026caccf@nick-rostov>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> ok, whatever. how logical do you want it? i HAVE tried explaining, but no
> one wants to hear it. how about straight: i made a blood oath to Gaea and
> Marina (Earth and Water, sort of ambassadors) to live and protect, and
> learn. that was in 1348, in Sherwood. how far do you want me to go?

Okay, I'm arciving that one, I'm writing a comedy you see...

> hints? what hints? you mean the posts calling me a liar? you mean the
> badly-spelled ones that criticize my typing habits? there's been no hints.
> all i've been DOING is defending myself. i don't even know why i care so
> much.

Yeah, in defense, you use facts to riposte. Any one knows that.

> and i think "seem" is the appropriate word there.

Yes, your seeming inteligence for one.

> ...and yet you still didn't answer the challenge.

What challenge?

> which holes would those be? the ones everybody else is inventing?

Yep, but they're still there, and you're having trouble coving them up. Must
mean that they're still there...

Prove me wrong.

William H. Bonney

1999年3月27日 03:00:001999/3/27
收件人 wrote:
> No need, he'll contradict himself (as he has done before), and that's all
> proof that's needed.

eh? what's that? i don't contradict myself. unless i do it on purpose,
but, well... i have no reason to here. and i have more reason to lie about
NOT being old than making this shit up just to amuse you people.


William H. Bonney

1999年3月27日 03:00:001999/3/27
收件人 wrote:
> Yeah, in defense, you use facts to riposte. Any one knows that.

no, in debate, personal attacks get docked points. beCAUSE there's no
proper response. but you with your wins in debate tournaments should know
that already, right?

> > and i think "seem" is the appropriate word there.
> Yes, your seeming inteligence for one.

was... that supposed to be an insult?

> > ...and yet you still didn't answer the challenge.
> What challenge?

the challenge to prove to me MAGICK exists. over the Net. don't call me a
liar when you're standing on shaky ground to start with.

> > which holes would those be? the ones everybody else is inventing?
> Yep

so you admit to making up holes? ok. so the holes are imaginary. right.

> but they're still there, and you're having trouble coving them up. Must
> mean that they're still there...

but if they're imaginary, they don't exist. how do i cover those?

> Prove me wrong.

ach. prove yourself right first, dickhead.


1999年3月28日 03:00:001999/3/28
In article <01be7877$e59a7960$1dfb7ad1@nick-rostov>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> eh? what's that? i don't contradict myself. unless i do it on purpose,
> but, well... i have no reason to here. and i have more reason to lie about
> NOT being old than making this shit up just to amuse you people.

Yeah, that sprung to my mind, too, then I thought to myself, "If this guy
really is 700 years old, and has amased some enemies over his/her/its years
(people who, "Think you're dead" as you put it), why the hell is it posting on
a newsgroup that's open to anybody who cares to look?"

I thought really hard about this, and figured, "It wouldn't."

There's the hypocracy... but if you are 700, I'm sure that the techno-
magical, aluminium plated, Natzi super deamons from beneath the hollowed earth
will get you real soon...

1999年3月28日 03:00:001999/3/28
In article <01be7878$79060980$1dfb7ad1@nick-rostov>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> no, in debate, personal attacks get docked points. beCAUSE there's no
> proper response. but you with your wins in debate tournaments should know
> that already, right?

Yeah I know that, but this isn't a debate, I'm personaly attacking you. Suck
the pain...

> > > and i think "seem" is the appropriate word there.
> >
> > Yes, your seeming inteligence for one.
> was... that supposed to be an insult?
> > > ...and yet you still didn't answer the challenge.
> >
> > What challenge?
> the challenge to prove to me MAGICK exists. over the Net. don't call me a
> liar when you're standing on shaky ground to start with.

So, Mr "I'm 700 because of magick," is denying it's existance? Or are you just
tring to say that it's unprovable over the net.

Magic is at large a question of belief and willpower. People on this
newsgroup know this, and therefore, judge other people with these aspects in
mind. You can't get physical proof that someone is willful, unless you know
them. Throug people talking over the net, they get to know each other. Through
this social interaction, the proof is found.

> so you admit to making up holes? ok. so the holes are imaginary. right.

No, they're not imaginary, and ignoring them wont make them go away. The
holes were there to begin with, people are just making them bigger. A stitch
in time, buddy...

> ach. prove yourself right first, dickhead.

And you end with an insult again. I used to do that, when I was about 10 in
primary school and hadn't yet learnt the power of wit. You're 700, buddy, so
tell me, when is it that you loose wit? I'm going to avoid those years,
because I've cut a deal with the Evil Black Tamagotchi Ninja Cult, and
they're going to make sure I live at least till I'm 1000, and then I go to
another union...

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年3月28日 03:00:001999/3/28
but you are sooooooo amusing I haven't laughed this hard in months


1999年3月28日 03:00:001999/3/28
Hey, I can do that too. Gloves, lighter, blow torch, maginifying glass, the
list goes on

"*This* is an ex-parrot" -John Cleese

In article <01be797a$8615cfe0$d66caccf@nick-rostov>, "William H. Bonney"
<> wrote:

> bingo. and yes, it's possible to prove. depending on what you do. i have
> a mage friend in Alabama whose first act of magick was lighting a match
> without touching it (and without going through some bullshit ceremony
> either).

William H. Bonney

1999年3月29日 03:00:001999/3/29
收件人 wrote:
> > > What challenge?
> >
> > the challenge to prove to me MAGICK exists. over the Net. don't call
me a
> > liar when you're standing on shaky ground to start with.
> So, Mr "I'm 700 because of magick," is denying it's existance?

no, of course not.

> Or are you just
> tring to say that it's unprovable over the net.

bingo. and yes, it's possible to prove. depending on what you do. i have

a mage friend in Alabama whose first act of magick was lighting a match
without touching it (and without going through some bullshit ceremony

> Magic is at large a question of belief and willpower. People on this

> newsgroup know this, and therefore, judge other people with these aspects
> mind. You can't get physical proof that someone is willful, unless you
> them. Throug people talking over the net, they get to know each other.
> this social interaction, the proof is found.

so you're making my point for me? why thank you. you don't know me at
all. and you all refuse to, calling me a liar. well, isn't THAT just


1999年3月29日 03:00:001999/3/29
In article <01be797a$8615cfe0$d66caccf@nick-rostov>,
"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> > Or are you just
> > tring to say that it's unprovable over the net.
> bingo. and yes, it's possible to prove. depending on what you do. i have
> a mage friend in Alabama whose first act of magick was lighting a match
> without touching it (and without going through some bullshit ceremony
> either).

Well well, you're going to get flamed for that statement, so I won't bother.

> so you're making my point for me? why thank you. you don't know me at
> all. and you all refuse to, calling me a liar. well, isn't THAT just
> peachy?

Hey buddy, if you had have worked on your rep a little before blurting out
"I'm 700". Then, maybe, just maybe, I might have taken you seriously.

Tell you what, tell me the reasoning behind it, the whole story, and I
might lay off it for a little while. Probably due to excessive laughter, but
hey, a deal's a deal...


1999年3月29日 03:00:001999/3/29

Boone wrote:

> Hey, I can do that too. Gloves, lighter, blow torch, maginifying glass, the
> list goes on
> --
> Boone


Of course, you're partaking in a particularly annoying conversational tactic, but


> "*This* is an ex-parrot" -John Cleese
> ----------


1999年3月29日 03:00:001999/3/29
Yeah, I know, aint I a stinker=)

(sig set on fire via pyrokinesis)

In article <>, Saki

William H. Bonney

1999年3月29日 03:00:001999/3/29
收件人 wrote:
> Tell you what, tell me the reasoning behind it, the whole story, and I
> might lay off it for a little while. Probably due to excessive laughter,
> hey, a deal's a deal...

haven't you been listening at all? or is your newreader set to "flame" and
not "download"?


William H. Bonney

1999年3月29日 03:00:001999/3/29
Boone <> wrote:
> (sig set on fire via pyrokinesis)

i said his FIRST act of magick. the list goes on.



1999年4月2日 03:00:001999/4/2
<laughing, just laughing>

I'm still trying to find the original tale of how he/she became 700
years old. Anyone care to give the uninformed a bedtime story?


William H. Bonney

1999年4月2日 03:00:001999/4/2

i'm sure someone else would butcher what i said, so i'll say it again.

i was born in 1296. blah blah blah long story about dragons and
highwaymen. then the Black Death came to England, and my wife caught it.
there were too many in Yorkshire that DID catch it, but i wasn't one of
them. don't ask me how. people dropping left and right, and i just wanted
to get away from all the death. so i fled. somehow, i ended up in
Sherwood, at a lake that's no longer there (so don't bother looking for it,
Jeanine), surrounded by a circle grove of willows.

Gaea was there, as was her sister Marina (also, more commonly, known as
Vivian, Lady of the Lake). Earth and Water. i knew right away who they
were, though i'd never really believed in them or heard of the specifics of
their liaison-ness.

at the least, i knew they were magick, so i begged to be taken away from
all the death. they made me an oath, and i took it, carving my arm and
letting the blood flow.

"to live and protect" was Gaea. Marina put in "to learn", and since then,
i've come to see that as her twisted sense of humour.


Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月2日 03:00:001999/4/2
how old were you when you met the ladies???? I mean were you still
fairly young...did you have children??? It seems like a young man's
flly to be swept into a bargain by some ladies who knew a naive mark
when they saw it.

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月2日 03:00:001999/4/2
'nother question....royal, merchant, peasant,or serf? Education

Occupation? Name?

1999年4月3日 03:00:001999/4/3
In article <01be7a11$b697ffc0$df53accf@nick-rostov>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> haven't you been listening at all? or is your newreader set to "flame" and
> not "download"?

Play it again, Sam. This time, I want the whole story.


1999年4月3日 03:00:001999/4/3
Why? Why? Oh, someone PLEASE tell me "Why?"


William H. Bonney

1999年4月3日 03:00:001999/4/3
收件人 wrote:
> Play it again, Sam. This time, I want the whole story.

so i don't want to repeat myself. souix me.

scroll down a few posts to my response to Desura's post. 's the same


William H. Bonney

1999年4月3日 03:00:001999/4/3

Jeanine Gravitt <> wrote (in two separate posts):

> how old were you when you met the ladies???? I mean were you still
> fairly young...

no, actually i was pretty old by then. it was 1348, so i was... (carry the
one...) 54. damn, i WAS old.

> did you have children???

strangely enough, no. at least, i don't think so. every other time i was
about to be a father, something interceded, and it was... cancelled.

> It seems like a young man's
> flly to be swept into a bargain by some ladies who knew a naive mark
> when they saw it.

seems to be. or an old man's folly. like i said, my wife just died with
the Black Death, as half the people in the village. i was afraid. no one
knew what it was, or what caused it. i thought i might have been next.

...which brings up an interesting point, which i'm sure SOMEONE would agree
with. i didn't run all the way to Sherwood from Wakefield. i ran into
Barnesdale. i knew those woods like the back of my hand by then, as well
as half of Sherwood, so i COULD tell the difference. but suddenly one
became the other. forests are like... Gateways. the way i've always
thought of it, as the eyes are windows to the soul, so the forests are
windows to the earth's. as graveyards are windows to otherworlds'. sort
of a Faerie Trod, i guess.

> 'nother question....royal, merchant, peasant,or serf?

between peasant and merchant. i owned a small piece of land, but only to
live off of. as for royals and merchants, i could live without them. in
Scotland, we pretty much did.

> Education level...then?

um... no formal education, then. i didn't really need it. after a few
years settled, i knew how to write my name, barely.

> Occupation? Name?

i'm not sure i remember. (no, this isn't a copout, either.) i... i'm
pretty sure i did whatever earned money. for a while, i was a porter for
merry King Edward II, but he let me go because i bitched about not seeing
my wife. i think i got a small pension out of it.

as for my name, you'd already guessed it. partly. i said my name was
William, which it was. i was born with it. but i got too much notoriety
as a dragonhunter, which i wasn't. after my clan exiled me (stripped me of
the colours and the name), it seemed the only way to make money to keep
going south. then i fought at Bannockburn. most of the boys could hardly
concentrate on the fighting for all the sidelong glances they were giving
me. if it weren't the English we were fighting (and merry Edward's
strategies, at that), i'd be surprised we even won.

anyway, after the battle, i took off south again, and changed my name to
Robert to add a degree of anonymity. i never wanted to be famous. then i
crossed into England and realized most people there hadn't seen dragons in
possibly centuries, to the point where they all thought they were faerie
stories. hah.

there was a forester in Wakefield township, Adam Hode. he'd had a son
Robert, who'd died that NewYear's, in a drunken brawl that he'd started.
(but i didn't know that when the man gave me his home to share, along with
his name.) so i became Robert Hode.

i don't really care. one name's as good as another for me, but you DID


Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月3日 03:00:001999/4/3
I tip my hat that you sidestepped the age question in that you carefully
placed yourself 1 year inside the Bubonic Plague outbreak....though it
must be noted that even so it did not strike the north of England as
hard as it struck the European Mainland.....25 million people is alot in
an agriculture based society on the European mass the fields went
unplanted and many who did not directly die of plague died of
starvation. (pretty foolish to kill all those witchy kitty
cats.....Mice and rat populations exploded and the impact of the plague
deepened in essense due to superstitious fears and short sightedness.
Not that any of the participants recognised this. They killed the
cats....the cats that would've caught the rats/mice....but when the
plague struck they still blamed the Devil not themselves) But I

No need for me to look it up here Willy....since I lived in
Swaffham/Newmarket/Cambridge/Brandon/Mildenhall and visited/travelled
and studied in London/Yorkshire/SHERWOOD/Nottingham/King's Lynn/Wales
and Scotland for 7 years while I lived and worked in the UK between 1983
and 1990 ( while stationed there at RAF Lakenheath whilst in the USAF
) eldest son having been born at Rosie Maternity in Cambridge in
1988. And while I am aware of the land reclamations that turned Ely from
an island to a land locked region.....which were genious.... but too far
east and south of Sherwood.....I can tell you that

1) No lake existed in Sherwood (maybe a brook....pond....but never a
lake) How do I know this? Because while I joined student digs in
King's Lynn (where my celt ring was both cases we were
looking for Roman settlements)....and around Nottingham I was privvy to
some of the best minds in local archaeology and geography....these
people know the past, present, and Future lay of the land and have
access to maps and plans and scientifically based concordances
describing how the land has shifted over time and why.

2) Gaea is a Greek Mother Goddess (and an ancient Archtype at that) and
hardly likely to be found hanging out in a nonexistent lake in England.

3) That someone who started off telling us we would not find out alot
about him from history because he avoided making a name for himself due
to the dangershe faced.....with the addition of "Robert Hode....aka a
possible historical source of Robin Hood"...."Joan of Arc's right hand
man"...."Jack the Ripper"....and "Billy the Kid" I'm counting 4 SO
FAR.....For crying out loud even th script writers for Highlander avoid
the TRAP of making him a famous personnage!!!

4) You were a former "landed" DRAGONHUNTER??? I won't even touch that.
What? Now you're St. George?

5) "merry" King Edward II? OH PUHLEEZE....that period was one of the
most contentious...not to mention depraved.....time in the monarchy.
You have a trepidous loser in a bankrupt country losing Scotland
(Bannockburn) while he gives away land he can't afford to give to his
boytoys and his pissed and murderous Queen has him butchered in the most
atrocious fashion....."MERRY"???? Not hardly. Though Edward III had
much more on the ball and knew how to scrimp/ support/ and handle a
nation much better.

William H. Bonney

1999年4月3日 03:00:001999/4/3
Jeanine Gravitt <> wrote:

<snip some reiteration and blah blah blah>

> 1) No lake existed in Sherwood (maybe a brook....pond....but never a
> lake)

it WAS a long time ago. "lake" to you is what, Lake Erie? i know that.
it wasn't big. but what am i going to say, "the Lady of the POND?"

<snip more blah blah>

> 2) Gaea is a Greek Mother Goddess (and an ancient Archtype at that) and
> hardly likely to be found hanging out in a nonexistent lake in England.

yes, the name is Greek. the concept is not. even so, the Druids got some
education from the Romans, who... ready? got their pantheon from every
culture they overthrew, including the Greeks.

> 3) That someone who started off telling us we would not find out alot
> about him from history because he avoided making a name for himself due
> to the dangershe faced

what? where'd THAT supposition come from? i said i TRIED not to be
famous. but i also distinctly said i've only BEEN famous three times.

> .....with the addition of "Robert Hode....aka a
> possible historical source of Robin Hood"


> ...."Joan of Arc's right hand man"....

i never said anything of the sort. i said i was a friend of hers. i
wasn't enlisted in that army, i just fought the English. we were on the
same team, so we were in the same camp.

> "Jack the Ripper"....and "Billy the Kid" I'm counting 4 SO FAR.....

and you miscount. those two are one, just separated by a country and an
ocean. (to get into semantics, i was never "Jack the Ripper". that was
James Maybrick, writing his letters to the press and making the whole thing
a joke. HE's the one that made me famous, if you look at it. his whole
taunting the police thing made the public think he was a psychopath, glad
to do the killings. in fact, he was delusional, addicted to arsenic and
strychnine. he actually thought he was doing it, too. he made up the
name, and that REALLY pissed me off. but at least it took attention away
from me. but the name stuck in the minds of the world, so i've contented
myself by adapting it to "the RipperJac". don't call me Jack. i'm NOT
English, and i never was. don't ever want to be.)

> For crying out loud even th script writers for Highlander avoid
> the TRAP of making him a famous personnage!!!

only because Connor and Duncan MacLeod are FICTION. everything else about
the shows/movies portray their involvement in actual HISTORICAL

but why am i arguing this point with you? it has nothing to do with me.

> 4) You were a former "landed" DRAGONHUNTER??? I won't even touch that.
> What? Now you're St. George?

no. i said in that same post i WASN'T a dragonhunter. take the wax out of
your ears.

> 5) "merry" King Edward II? OH PUHLEEZE....

<snip the rest of the blah blah>

i say "merry" because of the way he was, not of the way he misran the
country. he pardoned me because he thought i looked good in green.

by mentioning his "boytoys", you know exactly what i'm talking about.


Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月3日 03:00:001999/4/3
Forget it. You are a liar or nuts.

I could debate history with you all day child and it wouldn't haven't a clue what you're saying.


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Am I the only one that thinks this whole story
is starting to unfold just like Anne Rice's
Interview with a Vampire. Just the last
few posts are sounding more like an interview,
like someone dictating memoirs in order to
immortalize themselves....

Jac...are you writing a book?


William H. Bonney

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
muphasa <> wrote:
> Jac...are you writing a book?

it's starting to sound like that, isn't it? regrettable.


William H. Bonney

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Jeanine Gravitt <> wrote:
> I could debate history with you all day child and it wouldn't
> haven't a clue what you're saying.

*derisive snort* then shut up.


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
In article <01be7e6e$d93e6580$aa53accf@nick-rostov>,

"William H. Bonney" <> wrote:
> > I could debate history with you all day child and it wouldn't
> > haven't a clue what you're saying.
> *derisive snort* then shut up.

You know, Will, I like you. You're so damn funny. I've never laughed so hard
or seen someone as delusional as you. This young woman, Jeanine, has
disproven you on many many occasions through research which is first hand,
whereas you have been web surfing in order to gain a few choice facts here
and there, and throw them all together to create a global superhero. You're a
funny guy, I'll give you that, and I'm still laughing from time to time at
how stupid you are.

Just a small question, I was wondering if you could tell us what really
happened at Roswell? Were you driving at the time?


Have a nice millennia.

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
In article <>, (Jeanine Gravitt) wrote:
> 3) That someone who started off telling us we would not find out alot
> about him from history because he avoided making a name for himself due
> to the dangershe faced.....with the addition of "Robert Hode....aka a
> possible historical source of Robin Hood"...."Joan of Arc's right hand
> man"...."Jack the Ripper"....and "Billy the Kid" I'm counting 4 SO
> FAR.....For crying out loud even th script writers for Highlander avoid

> the TRAP of making him a famous personnage!!!

He couldn't be those people, you know how I know this? BECAUSE I WAS!!! I'm
the famous shape shifting, continent hopping, fame seeking, imortal who cut a
deal with Yoda when he was on the Dark side. He said to me, "Hurt them you
will", and so I did, as you saw when I was JACK THE RIPPER, and BILLY THE
KID!!! I formed the organisation which is today known as Universal Foundation
of the Evil Fraggles (aka UFEF), and I shot down the UFO over Roswell.

I sank the Titanic!!!

I shot JFK!!!

I sabotaged Apolo 13, AND the Mia space station!!!

I hired Monica Lewinski!!!

And I'm the one behind Marilyn Manson's success!!!

And I fooled you all!!! Ha ha, you moronic fools!!! I am SATAN, and I'm
going to make you all disbelieve me by making you think that I'm being
sarcastic. Thank you William, I've been itching to get that out for a few
millennia now, was starting to give me an ulcer...

Have a nice day.


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
收件人 wrote in message
** "Who keeps the Metric system down? We doooo, we doooo." [sorry]**

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Gods and you quote from my favorite episode of the Simpsons too!!!

"We're havin' Ribs."

Alexandra Ceelie

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4

We could...saw him in half and count his rings...
-- or --

He could post a picture.

I know for a fact there is one person in this newsgroup who would recognize the
Ripper on sight.

^..^ | The kitten's fur is very soft
The NetKitten | Her purrs will make you roar
Alexandra Ceelie | But this may give you "paws" for thought
| She knows what claws are for!

Jeanine Gravitt <> wrote in message

> I tip my hat that you sidestepped the age question in that you carefully
> placed yourself 1 year inside the Bubonic Plague outbreak....though it
> must be noted that even so it did not strike the north of England as
> hard as it struck the European Mainland.....25 million people is alot in
> an agriculture based society on the European mass the fields went
> unplanted and many who did not directly die of plague died of
> starvation. (pretty foolish to kill all those witchy kitty
> cats.....Mice and rat populations exploded and the impact of the plague
> deepened in essense due to superstitious fears and short sightedness.
> Not that any of the participants recognised this. They killed the
> cats....the cats that would've caught the rats/mice....but when the
> plague struck they still blamed the Devil not themselves) But I
> digress....severely......
> No need for me to look it up here Willy....since I lived in
> Swaffham/Newmarket/Cambridge/Brandon/Mildenhall and visited/travelled
> and studied in London/Yorkshire/SHERWOOD/Nottingham/King's Lynn/Wales
> and Scotland for 7 years while I lived and worked in the UK between 1983
> and 1990 ( while stationed there at RAF Lakenheath whilst in the USAF
> ) eldest son having been born at Rosie Maternity in Cambridge in
> 1988. And while I am aware of the land reclamations that turned Ely from
> an island to a land locked region.....which were genious.... but too far
> east and south of Sherwood.....I can tell you that

> 1) No lake existed in Sherwood (maybe a brook....pond....but never a

> lake) How do I know this? Because while I joined student digs in
> King's Lynn (where my celt ring was both cases we were
> looking for Roman settlements)....and around Nottingham I was privvy to
> some of the best minds in local archaeology and geography....these
> people know the past, present, and Future lay of the land and have
> access to maps and plans and scientifically based concordances
> describing how the land has shifted over time and why.

> 2) Gaea is a Greek Mother Goddess (and an ancient Archtype at that) and
> hardly likely to be found hanging out in a nonexistent lake in England.

> 3) That someone who started off telling us we would not find out alot
> about him from history because he avoided making a name for himself due
> to the dangershe faced.....with the addition of "Robert Hode....aka a
> possible historical source of Robin Hood"...."Joan of Arc's right hand
> man"...."Jack the Ripper"....and "Billy the Kid" I'm counting 4 SO
> FAR.....For crying out loud even th script writers for Highlander avoid
> the TRAP of making him a famous personnage!!!

> 4) You were a former "landed" DRAGONHUNTER??? I won't even touch that.
> What? Now you're St. George?

> 5) "merry" King Edward II? OH PUHLEEZE....that period was one of the
> most contentious...not to mention depraved.....time in the monarchy.
> You have a trepidous loser in a bankrupt country losing Scotland
> (Bannockburn) while he gives away land he can't afford to give to his
> boytoys and his pissed and murderous Queen has him butchered in the most
> atrocious fashion....."MERRY"???? Not hardly. Though Edward III had
> much more on the ball and knew how to scrimp/ support/ and handle a
> nation much better.

Alexandra Ceelie

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
I'm sure I've seen the "It was me" thing before...

Deja Veiws...been there, read

^..^ | The kitten's fur is very soft
The NetKitten | Her purrs will make you roar
Alexandra Ceelie | But this may give you "paws" for thought
| She knows what claws are for!

<> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> (Jeanine Gravitt) wrote:

> > 3) That someone who started off telling us we would not find out alot
> > about him from history because he avoided making a name for himself due
> > to the dangershe faced.....with the addition of "Robert Hode....aka a
> > possible historical source of Robin Hood"...."Joan of Arc's right hand
> > man"...."Jack the Ripper"....and "Billy the Kid" I'm counting 4 SO
> > FAR.....For crying out loud even th script writers for Highlander avoid
> > the TRAP of making him a famous personnage!!!

> He couldn't be those people, you know how I know this? BECAUSE I WAS!!! I'm
> the famous shape shifting, continent hopping, fame seeking, imortal who cut a
> deal with Yoda when he was on the Dark side. He said to me, "Hurt them you
> will", and so I did, as you saw when I was JACK THE RIPPER, and BILLY THE
> KID!!! I formed the organisation which is today known as Universal Foundation
> of the Evil Fraggles (aka UFEF), and I shot down the UFO over Roswell.
> I sank the Titanic!!!
> I shot JFK!!!
> I sabotaged Apolo 13, AND the Mia space station!!!
> I hired Monica Lewinski!!!
> And I'm the one behind Marilyn Manson's success!!!
> And I fooled you all!!! Ha ha, you moronic fools!!! I am SATAN, and I'm
> going to make you all disbelieve me by making you think that I'm being
> sarcastic. Thank you William, I've been itching to get that out for a few
> millennia now, was starting to give me an ulcer...
> Have a nice day.
> :)


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
收件人 wrote:
> You know, Will, I like you. You're so damn funny. I've never laughed so
> or seen someone as delusional as you.

i'm neither delusional nor trying to amuse you.

> This young woman, Jeanine, has
> disproven you on many many occasions through research which is first

no, she hasn't.

> whereas you have been web surfing in order to gain a few choice facts
> and there, and throw them all together to create a global superhero.

superhero my hindquarters. what makes you think i've been surfing? i hate
surfing. my browser takes forever to load, it's Microshaft, and it always
wants to mess with my TaskBar. in short, i don't open it without better
reason than to make up stuff for a newsgroup.

don't you think i KNOW how crazy this all sounds?

> You're a
> funny guy, I'll give you that, and I'm still laughing from time to time
> how stupid you are.

yeah. like i appreciate that.

> Just a small question, I was wondering if you could tell us what
> happened at Roswell? Were you driving at the time?

what? no, i can't. if you're talking about the 1947 weather balloon
incident, i was just getting back from Europe. i think i was in St. Louis.

wherever i was, it doesn't matter. your "proof"s shouldn't be asking me
about stuff i shouldn't know to begin with. i'm not omnicient. i don't
see what's going on halfway around the world. i only know what i
experience. why do you assume otherwise?


then why should i stop?
(and no, that's not a threat, Jeanine.)



1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Alexandra Ceelie <> mused:

> We could...saw him in half and count his rings...
> -- or --
> He could post a picture.
> I know for a fact there is one person in this newsgroup who would
recognize the
> Ripper on sight.

oh? and who's that?


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
What was the original intent of this thread? I cant locate and it has
gone way off topic. I just posted under *Im Back* thread what losers I
think people who embellish and lie on the net are! Why should anyone
have to prove anything here? You know why, because a certain number of
idiots have turned this into a three ring circus and no one trusts
anyone here! Goddess if you would all just post as regular people with
lives that are normal you might just find we like you any way. We would
still have a good time, people could learn something and we could better
our own selves and paths. I have spent far too much time caring and
worrying about peoples lives who have turned out to be Bogus here. I
have also made some friends with Good people who have enrched my life
so, no, Im not going to listen to the *Leave, Dont read them and dont
get involved to the point of caring about all of you* Why dont you
Dipshit Liars just all get together somewhere else and dress up and play
together and let the rest of us real people spend time in reality.

Sleep for a little, a very small while--And fear nothing.-- from the
Tain Bo Cuailagne

In each of us there is another whom we do not know. Carl G. Jung

Is buaine focal na toice an t-saeghail

All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream. --Edgar Allen

arw photo page--by Weyland Greywolf

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*

Raven BlackBane

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Jeanine Gravitt ( wrote:
: Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my

: grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*

"God"? That should be "Goddess" less you be FAKE

IRC : /server #witchcraft
creator of alt.witchcraft
creator of alt.traditional.witchcraft
original creator of alt.religion.wicca
don't like my postings, then go to:

.--. .----------------
// / \ __ / ---------
///////\( `-, -------
//// /// '~ ( -----
// / // : ) ----- Raven
/ / / /) / ---- BlackBane
/ //..\\

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Was anyone talking to Aine??? You see I had assumed that ANYONE could
post here and develop ANY thread they wished.

Aine if ya want a moderated NG you are shit outta luck because if I,
Willy the Kidder or Anyone else wants to start a 1500 post long thread
discussing cheese and dairy related products or the finer points of
Methane production then we will and your opinion doesn't make a bit of
difference. I happen to be enjoying this thread immensely and isn't
that the point of posting......Lighten Up.

DragonLady MKB

1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Hash: SHA1

Raven BlackBane wrote in message <7e95pa$7mj$>...

>Jeanine Gravitt ( wrote:
>: Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
>: grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*
> "God"? That should be "Goddess" less you be FAKE

Actually RBB, it can be Gods too. Gods, Goddesses, or both. Whatever
is one practitioner's beliefs is true for that person. But then RBB,
you don't worship any deities, therefore, deity worship is bogus to


- --
DragonLady MKB -- Solitary Eclectic Wiccan

So what if I flame. Would you expect any less from a dragon? ;-)
(My email address is a spammer trap. I refuse to give out my new
email address for fear of being spammed again.)
For recipes and other interests, try

Version: PGPfreeware 6.0 for non-commercial use <>



1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
**I'm just glad others caught the reference. Gads!**
~=], Sz.~

Jeanine Gravitt wrote in message

Gods and you quote from my favorite episode of the Simpsons too!!!

"We're havin' Ribs."

Jeanine Gravitt


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Don't they both exist? But the question is, are they one or separate

Raven BlackBane wrote:

> Jeanine Gravitt ( wrote:
> :
> : Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
> : grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*
> :
> "God"? That should be "Goddess" less you be FAKE

> --
> IRC : /server #witchcraft
> creator of alt.witchcraft
> creator of alt.traditional.witchcraft
> original creator of alt.religion.wicca
> don't like my postings, then go to:
> alt.religion.wicca.moderated
> .--. .----------------
> // / \ __ / ---------
> ///////\( `-, -------
> //// /// '~ ( -----
> // / // : ) ----- Raven
> / / / /) / ---- BlackBane
> / //..\\
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~UU~~~~UU~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> '//||\\`


I don't mind people, some of my best friends are people!


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
收件人 wrote in message
>In article <>,
> (Jeanine Gravitt) wrote:
I formed the organisation which is today known as Universal Foundation
>of the Evil Fraggles (aka UFEF), and I shot down the UFO over Roswell.

No, no, no, not Evil Fraggles!!! What's the world coming to? My life will
never be the same with the notion of Evil Fraggles, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Bright Blessings;-)
Owl Child


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
I asked what it was originally about Jeanine cause I cant find the
original post to see if what I said applied to anything. My complaint
was not about going off topic it was not wanting to butt in on something
with a complaint of my own that didnt apply here from me. It was so I
wouldnt interupt your fun! I would apologize but none of what you
blatantly attacked me with applies to the intent I had. GeeeeZusss Girl!


1999年4月4日 04:00:001999/4/4
Weather Balloon my ass.
"The function of art is to hold the mirror up to nature, and there simply
isn't a mirror big enough..." Excerpt from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the

In article <01be7ed1$eaee4120$6653accf@nick-rostov>, "Ronin"


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Jeanine Gravitt <> wrote:

> I happen to be enjoying this thread immensely and isn't
> that the point of posting

nope. not on this topic, anyway. far be it from me to WANT to amuse you.
consider the matter dropped.



1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Boone wrote:

>Weather Balloon my ass.

My! That's one BIG ass, ass!

Bored now. Leaving now
~*~It is better to be a lion for a day, than a sheep all of your life
-Sister Elizabeth Kenny~*~


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Ronin the world famous ass talker sputtered:

>consider the matter dropped.

You haven't got the brains to drop it. You worked too hard to be the center of
attention, to go throwing it away to spite someone, just like that.



1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
I read GodS, not God...any way, which God?


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
On second thought, don't, sounds painful

"The function of art is to hold the mirror up to nature, and there simply
isn't a mirror big enough..." Excerpt from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the

In article <>,


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
I would'nt say that an elaborate request for you to "lighten up" was an
attack, Aine.
This thread, if I recall correctly, was started by JAC as a failed attempt
at using irony and wit to back up his assertion that he is approximately 700
years old. I don't recall it having anything to do with anything you
posted, though I could be wrong. (It's someting I'm good at.)

"*This* is an ex-parrot" -John Cleese

In article <>,

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
********Jeanine Gravitt ( wrote:

Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*

  "God"? That should be "Goddess" less you be FAKE


ummmmm like you perhaps?

ok since the plural for many deties fell flat I'll do a rewrite....jus'
fer ya'll

PANTHEON bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
grizzled 34 yo eyes*......PANTHEON BLESS YOU! *G*

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
The original post in the thread is fairly easy to get te gist of by
reading the was written by Methusala in deense of his
claim that he is 700 years in that the only liar (at least I
hope the only liar) is the highly amusing Mr.
Methusala/Bonney/Hode/Ripper/etc etc etc....your inclusion of the word
"all" in describing the participants in this otherwise fun thread was
unnecessary and inclusively insulting. f you can't be bothered to rea
the thread in as much entirity as possible befor making your comments
concerning the participants then please excuse me if You get your head
snapped at by those who do know what's going on....GeeeeZuzzzz

~~~~~~****End Trasmission****~~~~~~~

Cardinal Fang

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
收件人 wrote:

> He couldn't be those people, you know how I know this? BECAUSE I WAS!!! I'm
> the famous shape shifting, continent hopping, fame seeking, imortal who cut a
> deal with Yoda when he was on the Dark side.

> I sank the Titanic!!!

> I shot JFK!!!
> I sabotaged Apolo 13, AND the Mia space station!!!
> I hired Monica Lewinski!!!
> And I'm the one behind Marilyn Manson's success!!!

Give birth to Talesin?

Cardinal Fang
The Official Archbishop of Spanking

Alexandra Ceelie

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5

Ronin <> wrote in message

Miss Kelly.


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Boone <> wrote:

<snipped and rearranged for clarity>

> ... though I could be wrong. (It's someting I'm good at.)


> This thread, if I recall correctly, was started by JAC as a failed
> at using irony and wit to back up his assertion that he is approximately
> years old.

actually, i started it just to say there could be no proof of ANY kinds of
claims on this wonderful invention called the Internet. i wouldn't use
irony OR wit to try to back up something like that, failed or not.



1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Alexandra Ceelie <> wrote:
> Miss Kelly.


Mary Jane got left in so many pieces i had nightmares for months!

(matter's still dropped, i just don't quite understand the implication



1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
"Ronin" wrote:

> i wouldn't use
>irony OR wit to try to back up something like that, failed or not.

You COULN'T use irony or wit, if your life depended on it.


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Having a pissy day Jeanine? I really think you are going off the wall
for such a small thing as this. Thats okay, sometimes we all have days
where we just have to strike for no damn reason. Put your fangs away,
this one just isnt worth getting all riled up about!


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Thanks, I couldnt tell on this one for some reason the responses are all
out of date and whacked out on my web, but the subject was along the
lines of somethig that recently came to bother me very much abou the
internet. I posted under a different thread, but then saw this one and
thought oh shoot I hope Im not repeating everything they just spent days
talking about! That was the intent of my post although I believe I may
have miscommunicated from Jeanines response. Thanks for the patience
Boone! ;) Sometimes we all make mistakes eh?

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
In article <7e93r6$rvm$>,

"Rhyanon" <> wrote:
> **I'm just glad others caught the reference. Gads!**
> ~=], Sz.~

Yes, now that I've uncovered my secret identity, "Let's get drunk and play
ping pong!!!"

Have a nice day.

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
In article <01be7ed1$eaee4120$6653accf@nick-rostov>,
"Ronin" <> wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > You know, Will, I like you. You're so damn funny. I've never laughed so
> hard
> > or seen someone as delusional as you.
> i'm neither delusional nor trying to amuse you.

Ha ha ha ha, there you go again! Man, it hurts, please stop.

You're not trying to be funny? Well you're a natural comedian, buddy! I
thought you would have figured this out over the last 700 years!!!

> > This young woman, Jeanine, has
> > disproven you on many many occasions through research which is first
> hand,
> no, she hasn't.

Yes, she has. "Did not," is not a viable arguement I'm afraid.

> superhero my hindquarters. what makes you think i've been surfing? i hate
> surfing. my browser takes forever to load, it's Microshaft, and it always
> wants to mess with my TaskBar. in short, i don't open it without better
> reason than to make up stuff for a newsgroup.

So, after 700 years of existance, you haven't had the foresight to amass some
saving so that you could at least keep up with the latest changes? You, the
"Protector of the World," didn't have the foresight to keep up with the
changes in tech as to keep you edge when battling evil?

> don't you think i KNOW how crazy this all sounds?

Yeah, you probably know how crazy it sounded as soon as you said it, that's
why you tried to swing the story over to the completely implausable, as to
try to attract support from people who WANT to believe that this is possible.
As a matter of fact, it could be possible, just it needs a bit more
foundation to it, and it needs to be FACT not FICTION.

> > You're a
> > funny guy, I'll give you that, and I'm still laughing from time to time
> at
> > how stupid you are.
> yeah. like i appreciate that.

You should, it's the only credit I'm going to give you if you keep this up.

> what? no, i can't. if you're talking about the 1947 weather balloon
> incident, i was just getting back from Europe. i think i was in St. Louis.

No man, the aliens know you... I've been talking to them. They think you're
delusional too, as Robin Hood was one of their genetic experiments.

> wherever i was, it doesn't matter. your "proof"s shouldn't be asking me
> about stuff i shouldn't know to begin with. i'm not omnicient. i don't
> see what's going on halfway around the world. i only know what i
> experience. why do you assume otherwise?

Because you're my hero, man. I love you.

> then why should i stop?
> (and no, that's not a threat, Jeanine.)

Oh nooooooooo, he's going to make me laugh to death!!! Man, if you were indeed
700 years old through the use of magick, I want to see some proof. How about,
you say what you're going to do to me over the web, and I'll tell everyone if
it comes true. Oh, that won't work... BECAUSE YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT!!!

William H. Baloney sounds like a better name for you...

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
In article <7e95pa$7mj$>, (Raven BlackBane) wrote:
> Jeanine Gravitt ( wrote:
> :
> : Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
> : grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*
> :
> "God"? That should be "Goddess" less you be FAKE

Oh oh... calling someone a fake for semantics... time for a FIREBALL!!!


He, that was fun. You deserved that, buddy, it's not like she said she was
700 hundered or anything...


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
In article <>, (Jeanine Gravitt) wrote:
> Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
> grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*

No need for the blessings, in comparison to the seven hundered year old that
weve been talking to, it's safe to assume that you are well and truely, young.

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
In article <vrNN2.19599$>,
"Alexandra Ceelie" <> wrote:
> (muses)

> We could...saw him in half and count his rings...


I like you.

Raven BlackBane

1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
DragonLady MKB ( wrote:
: Raven BlackBane wrote in message <7e95pa$7mj$>...

: >Jeanine Gravitt ( wrote:
: >:
: >: Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
: >: grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*
: >:
: >
: >
: > "God"? That should be "Goddess" less you be FAKE
: Actually RBB, it can be Gods too. Gods, Goddesses, or both. Whatever
: is one practitioner's beliefs is true for that person. But then RBB,
: you don't worship any deities, therefore, deity worship is bogus to
: you.

Ops, you're right; I keep forgetting that Wicca is not one central thing
but a collection of idiots each with a different twist of thingsl; so while
one person might have A God, another might have many.
As to deity worship, you're correct on that too. I don't worship some
carved out bit of wood sitting on a table; after all I'm a Witch not a


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
In article <01be7f2c$f012b900$6653accf@nick-rostov>,

> actually, i started it just to say there could be no proof of ANY kinds of
> claims on this wonderful invention called the Internet.

Prove it
Talesin- Priest and Witch


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
In article <>, (Aine) wrote:
> Boone
> Thanks, I couldnt tell on this one for some reason the responses are all
> out of date and whacked out on my web, but the subject was along the
> lines of somethig that recently came to bother me very much abou the
> internet. I posted under a different thread, but then saw this one and
> thought oh shoot I hope Im not repeating everything they just spent days
> talking about! That was the intent of my post although I believe I may
> have miscommunicated from Jeanines response. Thanks for the patience
> Boone! ;) Sometimes we all make mistakes eh?
> Aine

I don't.
I don't lie either.


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Of course you dont Talesin!
Time for a *Humble* Tune-up Priest Man!


1999年4月5日 03:00:001999/4/5
Hey Oogy,
Pay more attention to the poster of the post, JAC didn't call Jeanine a
fake, Raven did. I think you're looking for any excuse to flame this guy.
I don't care how much of a crackpot he is, it just makes you come off
looking like an ass, and that's something I hate to see.
Besides, I doubt Raven appreciates being called an American Patriot=) (not
that there's anything wrong with that.)

And Jeanine, I can't think of a more youthful poster than you.

"Some of our friends are for it, some of our friends are against it, and
we're going to side with our friends." -Mike McCurry

In article <7ea0t1$bnm$>,

> In article <7e95pa$7mj$>,
> (Raven BlackBane) wrote:

>> Jeanine Gravitt ( wrote:
>> :
>> : Gods bless you dear.....*wiping the tears of sentiment away from my
>> : grizzled 34 yo eyes*......GODS BLESS YOU! *G*
>> :
>> "God"? That should be "Goddess" less you be FAKE


1999年4月6日 03:00:001999/4/6
Aine wrote:

> I just posted under *Im Back* thread what losers I
> think people who embellish and lie on the net are!

Yes those who have no life other than the net or RP Games never tell the
truth about themselves... For them the net is another game...

> Why should anyone
> have to prove anything here?

Actually, They really do not have to prove anything to anyone... That is why
they come up with these fantasies...

> You know why, because a certain number of
> idiots have turned this into a three ring circus and no one trusts
> anyone here!

Trust is hard to build over the internet... I can't see you and you can't
see me... It is far to easy for people to lie or give false impressions...

> Goddess if you would all just post as regular people with
> lives that are normal you might just find we like you any way.

I am just a regular person.... I am 30 yrs old have a 12 yr. old son and
have been married 2 times ( divorced not a widow ) I would say that in
today's world that is a normal life.... ( still married to the 2nd hubby who
is a dream come true at least for me when I am not PMSing ) I recently moved
from Crimesville USA to a nice out of town countrified setting and am loving
it... Is this normal enough for you... But my normal life consists also of
Witchcraft because I was raised to it... No I am no stupid movie freak and
believe that Witchcraft can make lightning bolts shoot from my hands... My
family worships Nature in all its glory from Life to Death... For me this is
a normal life...

> We would
> still have a good time, people could learn something and we could better
> our own selves and paths.

We can always learn things new from each other and have a good time.... I do
understand your feelings here... I will never say I know what you are
feeling... Only because I am not you and so I do not know what you are

> I have spent far too much time caring and
> worrying about peoples lives who have turned out to be Bogus here.

The Internet for a lot of people is nothing more but recreation and game...
I myself am here to see if I can further my education past what I have and
am still learning from my family... I have found a lot of interesting
threads and helpful information... But yes it is hard to see who is telling
the truth and who is merely playing a game....

> I
> have also made some friends with Good people who have enrched my life
> so, no, Im not going to listen to the *Leave, Dont read them and dont
> get involved to the point of caring about all of you* Why dont you
> Dipshit Liars just all get together somewhere else and dress up and play
> together and let the rest of us real people spend time in reality.

Unfortunately they have to much time on their hands as well as like to see
how many people they can fool with their drivel...

> Aine
> Sleep for a little, a very small while--And fear nothing.-- from the
> Tain Bo Cuailagne
> In each of us there is another whom we do not know. Carl G. Jung
> Is buaine focal na toice an t-saeghail
> All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream. --Edgar Allen
> Poe
> arw photo page--by Weyland Greywolf

To Life, Death, and Family--
not necessarily in that order.
Tim Curry as Gomez Addams
Addams Family Reunion

Alexandra Ceelie

1999年4月6日 03:00:001999/4/6
Ronin <> wrote in message

Since you didn't understand,out of courtesy I will explain...

I did not say anything about "Mary Jane"

As you wish, the subject is dropped.

1999年4月6日 03:00:001999/4/6
In article <7eack1$agu$>, (Raven BlackBane) wrote:
> Ops, you're right; I keep forgetting that Wicca is not one central thing
> but a collection of idiots each with a different twist of thingsl; so while
> one person might have A God, another might have many.
> As to deity worship, you're correct on that too. I don't worship some
> carved out bit of wood sitting on a table; after all I'm a Witch not a
> Goddess.

Hmm, treat others as you yourself would be treated. Just returning the

You sir, are an idiot. Only a fool would say what you just said, as anyone
with half a brain knows that there is not one true path, and anyone who is
actually legit in their practices knows this also. Nobody can claim that their
path is the one true way, and you just did.

That makes sense, you are a nobody...

Have a nice day.

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------


1999年4月6日 03:00:001999/4/6
Morticha <> wrote:
> Trust is hard to build over the internet... I can't see you and you can't
> see me... It is far to easy for people to lie or give false

or to assume others are lying or giving false impressions.

DragonLady MKB

1999年4月6日 03:00:001999/4/6
Hash: SHA1 wrote in message

>Hmm, treat others as you yourself would be treated. Just returning
> You sir, are an idiot. Only a fool would say what you just said,
as anyone
>with half a brain knows that there is not one true path, and anyone
who is
>actually legit in their practices knows this also. Nobody can claim
that their
>path is the one true way, and you just did.
> That makes sense, you are a nobody...

*Sniff* *Sniff* *Sniff* Smells like a dipshit Shez, even if it
doesn't spell like a dipshit Shez. Even though dipshit Shez preached
the "no one true way" to the NG, she would of course let some of her
one-wayist mentality show eventually. So if the grand poobah of
Paganism, (dipshit Shez) can show a one-wayist mentality, why can't
RBB do the same?

> Have a nice day.
> :)
>-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network
> Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your

- --
DragonLady MKB -- Solitary Eclectic Wiccan

So what if I flame. Would you expect any less from a dragon? ;-)
(My email address is a spammer trap. I refuse to give out my new
email address for fear of being spammed again.)
For recipes and other interests, try

Version: PGPfreeware 6.0 for non-commercial use <>



1999年4月6日 03:00:001999/4/6
Now *there's* an example of wit. Live and learn =)

In article <7ebg9a$k6p$>, Talesin


1999年4月6日 03:00:001999/4/6
When I pointed out that the subject line of your own post implicated you as
a liar, you claimed it was supposed to be witty.
"The function of art is to hold the mirror up to nature, and there simply
isn't a mirror big enough..." Excerpt from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the

In article <01be7f2c$f012b900$6653accf@nick-rostov>, "Ronin"
<> wrote:

> actually, i started it just to say there could be no proof of ANY kinds of

> claims on this wonderful invention called the Internet. i wouldn't use


1999年4月7日 03:00:001999/4/7
That is very true Ronin... The main thing is it is still very hard to trust
those you can not see or don't know....
In article <01be8069$68f71fe0$5253accf@nick-rostov>,

To Life, Death, and Family--

not necessarily in that order.
Tim Curry as Gomez Addams
Addams Family Reunion

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------

Jeanine Gravitt

1999年4月7日 03:00:001999/4/7
not everyone's a liar....just certain ignorant 20 somethings claiming to
be 700 year old shrinky dinks, who shall remain nameless.

Jeanine Gravitt

"The more that you read the more things you will know. The more that you
learn the more places you'll go"......
"There are so many things to learn about but....
you'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut" --Theodore
Giesel (Dr. Seuss) and my mirror site at: .......(The American
Witch.....a humor page)


1999年4月7日 03:00:001999/4/7
I know seeing eyes and body language is helpful in determining liars in
real life. On the Ngs blatant bullshit you can spot fairly easy.
This changing of personalities and the subtle lies are the ones that
really piss me off. It boggles me as to the *Why* of it. What they get
out of it. It isnt like it enriches their life because it is all
pretend. We arent all gathering in real life to hang on them believing
them to be great and knowledgeable All mighty power sources.
I just dont get it. (Aine shakes here head and shrugs)
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