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Is ECKist Steve Runsfelt still alive? And 1998 The Far Country PLAGIARISM

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Henosis Sage

Sep 6, 2020, 10:45:22 PM9/6/20
Is Steve Runsfelt still alive?

Anyone know? fife?

"When a man says he's here to help you, run like hell!"
- Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

Oh if someone could only bring some "light" into this decrepit newsgroup
to help out the poor sorry residents.

Like Steve and Richard F. Pickett ... is he still alive? I wonder.

Big players here 25 years ago.

And then Runsfelt ... who went by multiple NYMS here for years on end, spent a long time being the ECK GUARDIAN of all the Wikipedia Pages .... such a loyal Missionary and Sword of the SUGMAD was Steven.

Runsfelt was also a fucking delusional nasty Psychopath, but that's another story.

One extremely twisted out of shape True Believer that one. Where anything goes.

He and Nathan Zafran were like two totally fucked up people back in their day.

Zafran eventually left Eckankar because ESC sent him a note criticising him.

After he left he was a niceer much more decent person. I think he worked it out what happened.

ex-Jewish Eckists often tedned to be the more outspoken attack dogs against anyone who "criticied" Eckankar or Twitchell, including current Ecksists who asked disturbing questions ... they would attack attack attack non-stop.

Mark Alexander (another ex-Jew from California) was "nicer" but just as much a powe trip

Being Jewish isn;t a criticism per se, not their fault, but it;s a reflection of how upbringing affects people the same .... the chip on the shoulder thing.
The self-righteousness makes anything done as a means to an end justifiable.

It's how Israel rationalises everything.

Again ... my REF is learn about what LAKOFF teaches ... not what Marman teaches.

Runsfelt and Zafran here were like kinpa and fife. Off the wall do and say anything to Lane and other "detractors" or current ECKists if they even said the slightest thing that questioned the prevailing beliefs of eckankar, plagiarism etc.

Things were tamer by the time you arrived here etznab. Of course one can't generalise over 20 years ... so it doesn't matter. The personalities came and wnet, the NYMs came and went.


And 1998 The Far Country PLAGIARISM


RFPickett (RFP) and Runsfelt posts have been deleted ... washed away ...

I can't think of the nyms Steve used into the 2000s atm.

They were all over Lane form the beginning here ... 1995->
They BOTH knew about the extent of Plagiarisms etc as well ... not that they admitted it .. except rfp did once ... he gets a mention on the PTHEA


Everyone seems to accept that Paul Twitchell did plagarize, especially from
Julian Johnson. I can accept that following the reasoning that he was just
reiterating basic spiritual beliefs. What I can't accept is that in the book
"The Far Country" he attributed exact passages from J.Johnson's book to the
words of Rebezar Tarz. This is not just hearsay. I have personally checked
this out myself, using both books side by side. Does anyone have an answer to
this? Pathapp



For the record, I gave my full name, and location, when I started posting to
a.r.e. But I stopped for two reasons:

1) The madman-like reply of a certain nutcase HI to my first post, leading me
to think again about the wisdom of continuing to give out my "identity" here.

2) I was inspired by Twitchell's literary "creativity," so I figured why not
"go thou and do likewise." What true eckist could find fault with that?


. . . abounding in
>this newsgroup, it is my sworn duty to provide some small measure of
>coherence and sanity to any newcomer that may stumble across this hole.
>Maybe I should start a roster:



Maybe I too should start a roster for the newcomer:

Rebezar Tarzs - Julian Johnson, Sawan Singh, Kirpal Singh, Guru Nanak and others
Sudar Singh - Swami Premananda, Kirpal Singh and others
Fubbi Quantz - Meher Baba and others
Lai Tsi - Jesus and others
Gopal Das - Kabir, Jesus and others
Paul Twitchell -The self-proclaimed "New Age Messia" (All About ECK)
Darwin Gross - The Black Magician
Harold Klemp - Blah Zey

ETZNAB .... NOTE THE "New Age Messia" (All About ECK)item??

While Marman was not on this group all the time, and could not expect
to know everything ever said ... a decade later (???0 when he was saying
he had never heard of Paul calling himself the Messiah ... again "Ram"
told him direct about this FACT ...

But why would MARMAN not know this when it was in a book that was everywhere in Eckankar circles in 1971-74???

He never read it or saw it?

Of course he must have .. but he DID NOT remember it ... why would he not
remember something like the NEW AGE MESSIAH article?

This is also mentioned in a file on the PTEHA ...

and it should be noted that AGAIN Marman never replied to the comment.
(as per the Kirpal Singh false accusation matter )

Marman NEVER replies to things when he is shown / proven to be wrong ....
PRIVATELY or publicly.

It's a TELL ....

HOW many times did this happen to you when speaking with him here?

fife does the fucking same thing all the time.

It's like a "tell" outing the truth behind the silence - so easy to "out" people like this.

Henosis Sage

Sep 6, 2020, 11:11:15 PM9/6/20
On Monday, 7 September 2020 12:45:22 UTC+10, Henosis Sage wrote:

> ETZNAB .... NOTE THE "New Age Messia" (All About ECK)item??
> While Marman was not on this group all the time, and could not expect
> to know everything ever said ... a decade later (???0 when he was saying
> he had never heard of Paul calling himself the Messiah ... again "Ram"
> told him direct about this FACT ...
> But why would MARMAN not know this when it was in a book that was everywhere in Eckankar circles in 1971-74???
> He never read it or saw it?
> Of course he must have .. but he DID NOT remember it ... why would he not
> remember something like the NEW AGE MESSIAH article?
> This is also mentioned in a file on the PTEHA ...
> and it should be noted that AGAIN Marman never replied to the comment.
> (as per the Kirpal Singh false accusation matter )
> Marman NEVER replies to things when he is shown / proven to be wrong ....
> PRIVATELY or publicly.
> It's a TELL ....
> HOW many times did this happen to you when speaking with him here?
> fife does the fucking same thing all the time.
> It's like a "tell" outing the truth behind the silence - so easy to "out" people like this.


KMerrymoon (doug's early nym on a.r.e.)
Authoritarinism, The Danger of Doctrines.

And it happens at that very moment when the person begins to follow the
organization, rather than seeing that the organization is nothing but a shadow
cast from the light of the people in it. When people start adjusting their
behaviour based upon the reactions of the group, then the group has become the
leader. And no matter what anyone might do, organizations will always look
after themselves. Organizations can not act any other way when they are

This is why the inner connection to Spirit, the ECK, is the only thing that we
can rely on.

post url

than anything else Doug speaking there!!!

Early "dialogues" version of Doug .... THE "inner connection, the real eckankar, real spirituality, ONLY personal experience counts - the outer doesn't matter, even Paul's lies don;t count" DOUG MARMAN

--- he doesn't reply to the Messiah comment though .. just this one ..


by ZUMA ( I think might be alfie ... not 100% sure)

> I NEVER prey on people's weaknesses. I simply cry when I see a
> child in a wheelchair, or a lonely old man on a bench. I don't go
> kicking crutches out from under cripples!! I certainly have great
> weaknesses too, and even doubts about my own faith, and perhaps spend
> too much time on this plane arguing with the likes of Pickett. My God
> says turn the other cheek but it is by far the hardest thing for me to
> do! Anyway, it is early morning in hand...a beautiful
> day here in New Jersey (and THAT'S rare)....I suppose I will say to
> Richard..that I am truly sorry for having offended you...please forgive
> me...and have a great day.

Well said.


ie GLEN STEVENS .... decent eckist an early a.r.e participant
(who created a.r.e again? what was his name? )

Henosis Sage

Sep 6, 2020, 11:32:23 PM9/6/20
On Monday, 7 September 2020 13:11:15 UTC+10, Henosis Sage wrote:

> post url

a little coincidence / golden tongued wisdom / waking dream fwiw

DOUG SAYS: " If you look at a nest of ants, you can see them each, unconsciously,
acting for the good of the hive, losing their own individuality in the process."

I mentioned him speaking about the "hive mind" just recently in the youtube interviews ... how odd. ;-)

and then he says:
>Show me a doctrinal group in which this does not occur. I've never seen
>one. So, if a person wants whatever perceived advantages there are to
>following an organized path, they need to be canny to the inherent
>pitfalls. If they aren't, they will be sooner or later.

And if the teaching is sincere about the spiritual path, it needs to point out
over and over again its own limitations in its outer form. Like Paul said,
those who must rely on the outer from are the mass-men. They will be the
victims. They will be the effect. But the fault is not society, or the
teaching. Society and the outer teachings are merely the parents. But the
person must gain that connection within themselves, that connection to Life, or
whatever you want to call it, if they are going to free themselves, and grow up

Leaving groups is not the answer. Helping to consciously lead groups, while
remaining the CliffHanger, hanging to the outside edges, is to participate in a
whole new experiment with human consciousness. And as Myst Mistress said, it's
a good way to die.



ANYWAY I ask again ... what was the "secret" that Patti Simpson was speaking about to Stefan Mayer?

Henosis Sage

Sep 6, 2020, 11:36:59 PM9/6/20
(KMerrymoon) writes:

>The biggest laugh I got, about this, was one day at Stanford University,
>where I was with some ECKists who had an ECKANKAR booth on campus. I >remember
a student coming up to ask some questions. Finally after about mintues
>he said, "I like everything you've said, but I just don't believe
>in organizations." And he walked off. I stood there shaking my head,
>wondering what he thought he was doing as a student at Stanford University if
>he didn't believe in organizations. But this, inherently shows the fear we
>have of becoming a victim of the group consciousness.

DOUG, WAXING LYRICAL ABOUT "OUR INHERENT FEAR" of being a VICTIM of the group consciousness ...

fwiw Doug's KMerrymoon posts back to 1997!activity/alt.religion.eckankar/8xOvqxhQSasJ


Sep 6, 2020, 11:41:23 PM9/6/20
I have no idea, Sean.

["When a man says he's here to help you, run like hell!"
- Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)]

Thoreau said the same thing.

Henosis Sage

Sep 6, 2020, 11:57:39 PM9/6/20


You will never be the Living Eck Master



"Businesses come and go, but religion will last forever, for in no other
endeavor does the consumer blame himself for product failure."




Thanks for the defense. Somehow I missed this posting from Dave.

There was something else here that Dave said that did grab my attention.

It was when he said:

>And I do think there is something amiss with Shiv Dayal's ministry
>if he could cause such immediate misinterpretations over who his
>guru was just a couple of years after his death. That's his problem
>and he should held accountable for causing his disciples to generate
>such contradictory views.

What is interesting about this is that it is very rare that the real
masters give a concrete message as to who their successor is. They may
often give hints, or sometimes nothing at all. The reason for this is that
the individual must always discover and prove to themselves who the true
master is. The process of sorting this through leaves the individual with
the realization that either they do not know, or they do. If they do, then
there is nothing that can shake them.

Those who think it should all be spelled out have a lot to learn. The
spiritual path is about 5% spelled out. The rest is to be discovered
through the inner teachings, especially when it comes to who the true
master is.

Thanks again for your comments



Seeing a pattern here?

Steve Runfeldt

Here is another example of hoiw David Lane completely misreads what
Doug says. It is as though Lane has read a completely different post. (David Lane) wrote:


>Now the point of this is not in any way to deride Sawan Singh, who indeed
>was a very special man and spiritual teacher. But we certainly have to ask
>the question; What is David Lane's problem? Doesn't he see that the
>spiritual teachings don't belong to anyone? That every founder of every
>religion has always been accused of being self appointed? That spiritual
>authority comes from a higher authority, not from a will and testament?
>And that every spiritual teacher who has brought forth anything original,
>or changed the spiritual teachings in any significant way, has always been
>accused of fabrication and imaginary creations?


As usual David spends several paragraphs telling Doug to read his
previous articles. I suspect that this is simple advertising. It does
demonstrate a healthy ego though.

>Doug, I don't know how much you have read of my writings, but I
>would suggest that you re-read what I say in my Guru has NO Turban
>series, or what I say in the conclusion to THE RADHASOAMI TRADITION,
>or what I say in my many articles on Faqir Chand.

>I particularly wish to point out my section on Shiv Dayal Singh--the
>founder of Radhasoami--who I compare to Paul Twitchell (see R.S.

>No, Doug, I think you entirely misread me if you think that I hold
>that R.S. (Beas or any other ism) is somehow supreme.....

Doug did not say that you said RS was supreme. That was not his point
at all.

>I don't. Please see my article, RS,INC., is not Sant Mat.

Doug didn't say this, but it seems awfully important for Dave to make
this point ad nauseum.

>However, having said that, I most definitely do think we should
>doubt and rip into "self-appointed" gurus--whether they are R.S. or
>in Eckankar.

Exactly the opposite of what Doug was saying. Doug said that every
founder of every religion is accused of being self appointed, not
because we should "rip" them all, but so that we will uinderstand that
the accusation is trivial, and that "spiritual authority comes from a
higher authority." Yet Dave seems to think that Doug is into

Anyone notice how much David Lane loves the word "rip". It's what he
does for a living.

>And if they do in fact "fabricate" things, let's call them on the
>mat for it.

Again, Doug says that "every spiritual teacher who has brought forth
anything original, or changed the spiritual teachings in any
significant way, has always been accused of fabrication and imaginary
creations? " He is saying that these teachers have been original and
falsely accused of fabrication. Yet Dr. Lane misses the point in
order to make his own dig..

>This kind of silly defense (that all gurus do the same bullshit) is
>no defense.

This again is absurd. This is the kind of statement that makes one
suspect that David Lane may just be so filled with anger that he
cannot read anyone's writing but his own.

Doug was not making a defensive statement "that all gurus do the same"
stuff. He was making the statement that all gurus have their own
David Lanes who come up with the same nonsense.

>Yes, if you think Shiv Dayal Singh is a fraud, you should rip him.

Doug did not say this. I would say that if you think that Shiv Dayal
Singh is a fraud, you should not follow him, but you should recognize
that all gurus have someone who thinks that they are a fraud.

[ snipped]

there is the STEVE Runfeldt pattern

"that all gurus have someone who thinks that they are a fraud."
accusations of fraud mean you're a "genuine guru"

Doug says that "every spiritual teacher who has brought forth
anything original, or changed the spiritual teachings in any
significant way, has always been accused of fabrication and imaginary
creations? "

Eckankar are genuine true spiritual teachings ....

even though DOUG goes onto say that only 5% of "spiritual teachings" can one find in an outer religion/spiritual path ....

THEREFORE anyone criticising the errors of an outer spiritual path ARE RIGHT FROM THE GET GO TO DO SO ....

OUTER teachings don't matter ... BUT LANE SHOULD NOT BE CRITIISiNG ECKANKA ...



A default PROJECTION onto LANE .. Lane makes accusations, provides evidence of copying texts, the ACCUSER is at FAULT here ...

the accuser IS the problem, has the BIGGER the problem, not the "teaching" or the "doctrines" or the "organisation" or the "leadership".

Even if the "accuser" is simply reporting on his own historical research and sharing it. HE is THE Problem ... the mental case


STEVE RUNFELDT BACK TO 1996 ... but he used many anon nyms along the way.!activity/alt.religion.eckankar/bAt60IlwQ9cJ

The old archives a somewhat screwy becasue they were taken over from Dejanews .... not all posts or threads remained imo.

Henosis Sage

Sep 7, 2020, 12:24:46 AM9/7/20
On Monday, 7 September 2020 13:57:39 UTC+10, Henosis Sage wrote:
> > fwiw Doug's KMerrymoon posts back to 1997
> >!activity/alt.religion.eckankar/8xOvqxhQSasJ
> Raphael
> 26/04/1997
> Doug.
> You will never be the Living Eck Master
> Raphael.
> ----
> "Businesses come and go, but religion will last forever, for in no other
> endeavor does the consumer blame himself for product failure."
> --------

Steve Runfeldt aka archive 1996 - 2000
... but he used many anon nyms along the way, post-2000

A key long term member of the private/secret a.r.e. related Bright Future group of ECKists

I know for a fact Runfeldt was still posting to a.r.e under nyms in 2004/2005
He'd become pretty nasty by then. Self-righteous know-it-all and abusive.


Diamond star
SHUT UP Sharon.

Diamond is/was a native American from Washington state ... back here she was talking about "directed energy weapons" .. being used against herself, she believed. Of unusual tracking going on of "eckists" online and in public.

Most eckists treated her as flake. I got to know her fairly well.
then she disappeared. (literally)
She was pretty smart cookie imo, but a genuinely good egg.

Did you see the Jimmy Dore video I posted recently with Binney talking baout the 100s of PATENTS for "energy directed weapons" per chance?

Anyone seen or heard of Rose Sierra DiamondStar lately?

I think her brother was also an eckist .... Rose's folks saw Harold (eckankar) as the fulfilment of the Blue Kachina prophecy ... even though she wasn't a Hopi herself ... such "details" don't matter anyway. "pointing to" is the point.


[steve r ]
In article

I have no issue with your leaving Eckankar. Like many Eckists, I have left
myself. No one ever attempted to intimidate me or in any way influence my
path. No one called to ask. When, two years later, I decided that I wanted
to start studying Eckankar again, my membership was resumed with no questions

My only issue now is that you have decided to atack that which you formerly
loved and you have used me as a scapegoat to do so. Please feel free to go
your own way in peace, but please do not misrepresent me or the religon which
I follow.

If Sharon or anyone else wants to discuss this or any other issue regarding
Eckankar, please feel free to email me. I will not engage in nasty debate in
this forum.

Steve R.

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Setting the Record Straight
Nathan Wrote:

> Steve Runfeldt and I were basically the only people to challenge
> Kent,
Here's what I say about this:

When I first arrived on a.r.e about four or five years ago what I found
was Nathan and Kent continuously attacking one another. I tried to find
a middle course between the two. I found, and still find Nathan to be
hard edged and self righteous. I find Kent to be much the same. My
personal philosophy is probably much more like Kent's than like Nathan's
but neither of them saw that.

As soon as I started posting, I was immediately and vociferously
attacked by Kent who coined the name "Nathan/Steve" and put me in the
"fundamentalist" camp. Anyone who challenges David Lane appears to be a
fundamentalist according to Kent. Anyone who is open to anything that a
detractor might say is themselves a detractor according to Nathan.



Dick Pickett

Dec 4, 2023, 11:45:25 AM12/4/23
On Sunday, September 6, 2020 at 10:45:22 PM UTC-4, Henosis Sage wrote:
He lives.

Henosis Sage

Dec 6, 2023, 7:10:41 AM12/6/23
OK thanks. Seems that R Pickett is too. :-)

fyi I tracked down Mitose's involvement ... re

Bodhi, you haven't scratched the surface, yet.
Precisely. That's why I asked for your Brunton comparisons.....
Too bad you won't share....
[end quotes]

Haven't scratched the surface was indeed correct ... try this one Dick.
[TEHA 2014] DWTM Dialogues with the Master PLAGIARISM by Paul Twitchell

Pretty much the entire thing was copied from others texts verbatim. :-)

Who knew?

Cheers and take care.

Henosis Sage

Dec 6, 2023, 7:24:03 AM12/6/23
btw odd coincidence, I never come and check here .... then

Oh fyi Dick .... another great find was BERNARD .... again verbatim copying from his Discourses that Paul signed up for in the 1950s .... frankly there isn't anything in Eckankar that wasn't copied texts except for Paul's minor name changes and editing to "fit it out for ECK" - the whole shebang, discourses, everything.

And now? Well it's "dead" and "buried" and "forgotten:.

Cheers sean

see an old summary ....

Like Who Was Bernard? [ Plagiarized by Twitchell and mentioned in articles]
Bernard was the founder of the original Thought Bricks Teaching Centre and created all the courses, booklets, leaflets
and the other material. He was somewhat of a reclusive person, so there is not a lot known about him.
He never met with Students, and avoided personal contact with them as he wanted to “work and walk in quietness and
What we do know about him is that he was a Christian Mystic, or Initiate, and he ran the Thought Bricks Teaching
Centre from the 1950's until the 1990's. As well as writing the many booklets, articles and course lessons, he organised
the Centre and it administration.
In one of the Thought Bricks lessons, lesson 4 of the Foundation Course, Bernard specifically expressed his intention to
continue to care for his Students from the Afterlife.
“I pray for my Students every day, lifting them up to the realm of Divine Blessing, and I shall go on doing this, even
when I have passed from this earthly plane into the wider plane Beyond”
Was Bernard an Eck master, because he said what 'Rebazar Tarzs' was said to have said?
The “Heaven Books” were a very popular series of small books written by Bernard based on “waking dreams” where
he experienced the afterlife. They have brought inspiration and comfort to many.
There are nine in the series of “Heaven Books”. They were written and published in this order (you can use these links,
or the categories on the left side of most pages on the site, to access them):
Dream Journey to Heaven
Purple Gowned
Death and Life of a Soldier
In the King’s Service
In Search of Wisdom
One Step Higher
Heaven is Fulfilment
The Radiant Way
Wisdom of Angels
I am not a Spiritualist and have no ‘guide’ other than the Master who is the Guide of all of us. (“Lo, I am with you
always,” He said, “even unto the end of the world.”) Nor have I ever studied of practised psychic matters or consciously
sought spiritual experiences.
Nevertheless, the series of “Heaven” books were the result of some kind of spiritual experience and each was “born in
pain”. Normally, I am an exceedingly healthy person (though I used to be an invalid before I discovered Divine Truth)
yet each of these books came as a direct consequence of some brief illness or accident. Looking back, I think the pain

Used by Twitchell in The Flute of God - by 'Bernard of England'
"This is a time for Truth, the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. This is no time for half truths,
for bewilderment and lack of understanding, for these are the soil in which helpless grief grows. In truth alone is
there comfort and understanding and courage. That is why, because I understand so well, I am giving you
"Apart from Truth being spoken to others, Truth is an absolute need in our lives. We must see Truth and know
Truth and think Truth, always. If we refuse to see Truth, or pretend we cannot tell what is true and what is not;
if we distort Truth or seek to mix it with untruth; if we, in fact, like to deceive both ourselves and others if the
truth does not present an attractive aspect to us, then chaos will reign in our lives."

Background Philosophy of 69 AUTHORS Plagiarized by Paul Twitchell.txt[20/12/2015 1:14:32 PM]
loosened my hold on the outer world, turning my consciousness within, where I was able to make contact with unseen
(That is only a theory; as I say. I do not know about such things as I have never studied or sought them. In very rare
cases, illnesses or pain may be used in this way, though normally, perfect health should be the goal. Of course, such
accidents or illnesses are not “sent” by God. The individual must attract them because of some need for additional
learning which is present.)
The experience described in each of the nine books came to me while I was awake and conscious, so all I can do is to
call it a “waking dream”.
It occupied about three to five minutes in each case, so that all that is described in the nine books, while seeming at the
time to cover a vast period, actually occupied no more than thirty to forty minutes. Immediately I had had the
experience I was filled with such joy that I could hardly wait to get it all down, writing on and on at top speed for hours
each day, despite the fact that I was ill and in much pain. [...]
I do not know, with my conscious mind and in my everyday life, any of the people who are mentioned in these books.
As for the date—it was, as far as I can remember, about 1943. – Bernard

I wonder, do people who have studied any of Bernard, Joel Goldsmith, Eureka
Society, Kriya Yoga, Radhasoami, Ishwah Puri, Charles F. Haanel, Thomas Troward
Neville Goddard L. Ron Hubbard, Walter Terence Stace, Robert Munroe, Paul
Brunton, Swami Premananda or Hazrat Inayat Khan and so on .... ever met with
'eck masters' on their travels?
ie Eck masters that look like Rebazar, Harji, Paulji, Gopal Das, Yaubl Sacabi,
Fubbi Quantz, Kata Daki, Rami Nuri, Rumi, Shams, Lai Tsi, or even 'Sudar Singh'
and others?
[end quote]
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