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My Decision From Finding That Criminal Minds Do Not Change No Matter How Much Love And Care And Attention You Give Them

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Koos Nolst Trenite

11.06.2004, 08:17:5711.06.04
My Decision From Finding That Criminal Minds Do Not Change No Matter
How Much Love And Care And Attention You Give Them

10 June 2004

I have never considered that it was "the right" or the prerogative of
being a Christian, to be stupid or incapable of learning.

So, in my quest of caring for people, I have ENDED complying with the
deception from Criminal Minds, that

'provided, enough Love and Care and Attention is given to them,'

Criminal Minds "can be changed."
That, I found, is a deliberate deception on their part, which I can
now say without exception, and regrettably enough so.

They do not like that known and understood. They will protest this
with all their deceptiveness and evil use of words and all the lies
they can think of, even using phrases from the bible for it to make
these mis-interpreted - and thus to ply the cowardly who wish it so.

Since many years now, I am very well familiar with the highly
intelligent and forceful, sometimes violent ways that Criminal Minds
use, to oppose and to deny their being looked at, and to counter
their deception being exposed and understood.

However, that does not change the fact, that Criminal Minds do not
change - no matter how much Love and Care and Attention you give
them; which I can now state with sufficient data and experience, to
back up my decision as being correct and well corroborated.

They do not like this to be known, let alone acted upon:

As much as (you can take this very literally) a parasite
- by becoming known to its host - does not like to be
removed from the body on which it (and you can take that
quite literally too) is feeding till the host is sick, and
goes to hospital, and even dies a horrible and suffering

This may serve to show you, even by very close simile,
that Criminal Minds are entirely without conscience,

and they act out of a hidden but full contempt for
any life, while often pretending to "care for life"
in order to get and maintan a position from which to
more effectively exert that contempt.

Someone, who is of considerable knowledge on this subject, has, very
correctly, called them 'Without Conscience"

- which is also the title of the book* he, Robert D. Hare,
(of the University of British Columbia) wrote, about Criminal
Minds as I call them because I am much more knowledgeable about
the spiritual nature of the matter.

(*) (translated into
Swedish, Japanese, Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch, and Spanish)

In fact, Criminal Minds are most fiercely, and viciously, objecting to
any knowledge and awareness about the fact that Criminal Minds exist
at all, and about what their motives and their spiritual activities

I have never considered that it was "the right" or the prerogative of
being a Christian, to be stupid or not to learn.

In actual fact, I personally think - but indeed that is very
personal - (I personally think) that 'wanting to be and act as a
Christian' and 'wanting to be stupid,' form a contradiction, a
conflict of purposes:

The only reason that I think so, is because I Care about people,
because I Love people.

In case you are interested in what I am talking about, I enclose some
addresses of (links to) relevant pieces of data I wrote, for those
who are not blind worriers (with an 'o'), but who are warriors (with
an 'a') who are responsible enough to want to see what is going on,
in life.

In any case, the main point I wish that you are informed about, now,
is that I have ENDED complying with the deception from Criminal
Minds that "Criminal Minds can be changed."

I have decided that, after I found out with an enormous amount of
work, that THAT IS THEIR deception, about themselves - a deception
inflicted BY THEM onto decent and naturally caring people, like most
of you are.

Now I try to put all my Energy and Love and Care to those who CAN use

instead of to "repair" and "remedy" and "hold alive" and "make
behave decently" (as was - and is - the deception by)

those who DESTROYED and

who had (and who continue to have) no other intention or
hidden design, than - through acquiring it and holding it
onto them and using it destructively and deceptively - to

DESTROY my Energy and my Love and Care.

It is not possible to pour your Love and Energy into a cesspool,
and make it turn into Beauty.

Criminal Minds will however try to make you do that, and deceive
you into lavishing your Love and Energy onto them, as a way to
destroy it, and to destroy your Love and Energy better and
better and more cleverly and more forcefully, the more they have
of that:

Which they trick or demand you give to them "to get them
out of the cesspool," and "to make them Beautiful again,"
as is

their deception or demand, while hiding that it is
a means they use to achieve what they ACTUALLY want:

To destroy Love and Beauty and Truth, and turn it into Hate and
into Ugliness and into Lies, and into more deception.

So, primarily now I give my Love and Care and Energy to those who
support me in return with their own, genuine, sincere Energy and Love
and Care

(and not, of course, as Criminal Minds do deceive, by showing me
the Life Energy that they extracted from me or others in the
first place, and showing it as if it is "their own").

Just that you know, that I have changed back to what I myself (and
maybe you too) know and have fought for that IS Christianity and

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'It is of no use walking
anywhere to preach
unless our walking
is our preaching.'

Saint Francis of Assisi


'Standard Responses Of Criminal Minds' (9 May 2003)

'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004)

'"What Do You Think Of Jesus Christ?"' (28 April 2004)

'When God Has Left You...' {HRI 20031124-V2.0}
(24 November 2003 - Version 2.0 at 5 Apr 2004)

'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty' (Version 2.1)
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1} (7 March 2003 - V2.1 on 17 October 2003)

Copyright 2004 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

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