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Venus and the feminine function

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Edmond H. Wollmann

29.08.1999, 03:00:0029.08.99
The inner planets- Mercury, Venus, and Mars, represent the effects of
identity definition choices and the corresponding psychological
functions required to interpret and interact with physical reality. They
are the lenses as well as the refracted light of "All That Is"
manifesting itself in the apparently separated colors (types or versions
of planets and positions). They don't affect us, they reflect us-because
they are us in another version or expression. Life happens through us
not to us.

Venus' symbol; the circle of spirit on the cross of matter, or the
mind-matter mirror. With the dish on top, Mercury becomes the receiver
or perceiver of the mind-matter mirror, which is what physical reality
is; the mirror of mind as physical matter.

Whereas Mercury represents cognition of the identity and it's
reflections, Venus represents the reflections themselves. The
mirrored polarity of the identity in physical versions. It rules the
relationships of the identity to aspects of itself that may not be
focused on within physical experience (as the self) but shadow aspects
(outside the self). Venus represents femininity. Notice that the
feminine signs of the template are Earth and Water. Physical reality
(Earth) and it's accompanying momentums (Water). Physical reality
reflects the feminine aspect of "All That Is." The feminine energy
receives the energy of mind (Air) and spirit (Fire). (see chapter 1,
Venus by sign, house and aspects represents psychologically, the needs
for personal and social reflection (Tyl, Principles and Practice of
Astrology, 1972).
The physicalized versions of the identity's beliefs about itself, are
reflected through relationship with others and the physical "props" of
material experience.

ARIES- The aspects of ego focus are explored through relationship.
Exploration of things and people to reinforce ego importance. The hunt
is more important than the kill. If the ego is secure, it is easy for
the individual with this placement to see the self through relationship
reflections and trust they support it's continued exploration. If
insecure (dis-empowering beliefs), people and things are sought to
enhance the ego's image.

TAURUS- High self esteem. Needs for personal and social reflection are
fulfilled easily. The recognition that abundance is deserved just
because the identity exists. If negative, the idea of possession
becomes the end in itself.

GEMINI- The needs for reflection are cerebrated, mental and based on
communication. The exchange of information colors relationship. A need
to have a "meeting of the minds." When negative, thinking about
relationship replaces the experience of it.

CANCER- Relationships and possessions reflect the identity's sense of
nurturing and security. Sensitive and maternal. When negative
reflections are pursued for the sake of emotional security. A need to
protect the reflection.

LEO- The self needs dramatic reinforcement through relationship. Warmth
and generosity are exuded. Pettiness is excluded. If negative,
flamboyancy replaces sincerity.

VIRGO- Relationships for the sake of efficiency. Thinking the self
through feeling. This can be an excellent position for analytical
discernment of self beliefs through reflection. When negative analyzing
emotions displaces getting in touch with them.

LIBRA- The need for reflection is strong. There is a strong desire for
harmony. If positive this harmony is based upon the identity's
recognition of itself in relationship. If negative, the identity loses
identity clarity through acquiescence.

SCORPIO- The self seeks significance through relationship. If positive,
transcendence is possible through ego transformation (emotional depth,
and psychological insight). When negative, the self's paranoia to
achieve emotional significance leads to indulgence in physical
orientation, sex being paramount. Secretive.

SAGITTARIUS- This can be an excellent placement for higher self
connection. Mental and intellectual concepts attract. However, there
must be an extremely secure personality shown through the rest of the
chart. There needs to be practical focus shown elsewhere also or
conceptual idealization replaces personal sharing.

CAPRICORN- Emotional strategies. This is one of the more limiting
positions of Venus. The individual may be so immersed in status issues,
that relationships are chosen or initiated based on material
considerations or advantage. Emotions have fallen in importance. There
may be little perception of the self in others. Positively, there will
be a down to earth reliability-a companion who is content to deal with
everyday aspects of "getting ahead." The early environment needs to be
inspected to find the reasons for emotional fear or perhaps lack of
belief in deserve-ability. If integrated, emotional wisdom is possible.

AQUARIUS- This position can translate into unconditional love if self
empowerment is exercised. An appreciation for all the different ways
that infinite creation has of expressing itself is inherent. Intuition
can be well developed. Friends are made easily. A need for humanitarian
expression socially. If negative, the need for independence and the
avant garde can cause difficulty in relationship. Seeking the
"different" can amount to poor judgment.

PISCES- There is a very soft expression, and sentimentality is high.
When positive the identity will express unconditional love and
compassion for all living things. When negative, the ideal becomes
something tucked away, and illusions replace the experience of self

"Something in the way she knows. And all I have to do is think of her.
Something in the things she shows me. I don't want to leave her now, you
know I believe and how.
You're asking me will my love grow? I don't know, I don't know.
You stick around now it may show, I don't know, IIIII don't know."
The Beatles "Something" (Hi Connie:-)
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 1999 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603
Astrological Consulting


30.08.1999, 03:00:0030.08.99
Edmond H. Wollmann, convicted in San Diego on 6/28/98 of a misdemeanor
(PC 555- Unlawful Entry), fined, and placed on probation, July 1999
Winner of the Victor von Frankenstein Wierd Science, Bobo, Looney
Maroon, (SIX time Looney Maroon Winner!), Tar & Feathers, and Bolo

Bullis Foam Duck Awards, and 1998 Usenet Kook of the Year wrote:
> The inner planets- Mercury, Venus, and Mars, represent the

fact that Connie's Ed's next victim.

Eddie's after two things, Connie.

Your money and your pussy.

And he is more interested in the former.



31.08.1999, 03:00:0031.08.99
anonym the profound abuser wrote:

>> Edmond Wollmann wrote:
>> The inner planets- Mercury, Venus, and Mars, represent the

>fact that Connie's Ed's next victim.

>Eddie's after two things, Connie.

Connie met me in 1971.

>Your money and your pussy.

>And he is more interested in the former.

"A man never discloses his own character so clearly as when he describes
another's." Jean Paul Richter

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
(c)1999 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603

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