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The Hillbilly Dictionary: "Well now! Don't that just fry your tater?"

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Fooled By Folksy Republicans

Nov 6, 2006, 3:23:13 AM11/6/06
Foller (follow) the guide below and you too can learn to fool the ignorant
American electorate just like Folksy Down-Home Republicans do by learning to
babble like this wad of cornball folksy bullcrap... larnit 'n' larnit good:

"The Hillbilly Dictionary"


Translating southern, hillbilly, redneck, words, slang, sayings, sass, and
sentences into English.

Southronese:dialect of various southron peoples; an umbrella term for many
different inflections

and combinations of quaint sayings and words. Some may mistake it for
uneducated; but it's really reflective

of the colorful way in which Southrons feel and think in passionate ways and
intertwine it into their speech.

Plus, it confounds Yankees

Southern Sayings:"You are nuttier than a porta-potty at a peanut festival."

My Dad's wallet was "tighter than a bull's butt at fly time," meaning when
all the flies would bother the bull.

"That prom queen is shining brighter than a diamond in a goat's a**."

After eating pancakes our hands would be "stickier than cat poop on a pump
handle a frosty mornin'!"

During a snow storm trying to water the cows,"that faucet is colder than a
witch's boob in a brass bra!"

Thomas 11/02/06

Southern Saying:"Ain't never been a bird fly so high that it didn't have to
come down sometime" You never get so well off that you can't hit rock

Ifen/If "Ifen u gimme at ther coke ill given u this here ranch." Jimmie SC
Blacksburg 10/28/06

Southern Sayings:"Stiffer'n the hare on a hog's back"--very stiff

"Better'n snuff and not nigh as dusty"--better than

"As strong as stud horse pee,with the foam farted off"---Ha! Ha! very

"Finer'n frog hair"--real fine Wilma from Ga 10/18/06

Portugeuse: Put your geese. We got are limit, now portugeuse in the truck
and lets git home. J Cleveland 10/8/06

Southern Sayings:"Iffen a bullfrog had wangs, it woodent bust it's butt on
the ground." as in "yeah right"

"As nekkid as a jaybird." as in having no clothes on

"Iffen yew kids don't quit hollering,Ah"ll jerk a knot in yer tails." You're
gonna get whipped

"Ah ain't sleepin,Ah's just in a doze,a-restin mah eyes." I was asleep but
I won't admit it.

"Yew kids git that kindlin' karried in,iffen yew want to warm yer fanny."
Carry the firewood in or be cold.

"Ah spose" as in I suppose. "Ah bleve" as in I believe.

"Pi**-elum club" - pi** elm club --"I'll pick up a pi**-elum club and frail
th' he** outta yew."

"Pee-waddlin' pi**" --"Ah'll beet th' pee-waddlin' pi** outta yew,boy."

"Grinnin' ya"--teasing you--"Ah's jesta grinnin' ye,I diddn't mean no harm"

"Beats a pig a peckin' " --astonishment--"Why,thet beats a pig a-peckin'
,don' it?" jawjuhgirl4292 10/5/06

Southern Saying:"Than the man in the moon" - meaning because he couldn't do
or know it cause he ain't real, neither could you. Ex: "That painter don't
no more know what he's doing than the man in the moon." My mom has said
that my entire life. Eric - Los Angeles (Born and bred in Macon, Georgia)

Southern Sayings:If a lady looked nice,my daddy would say "She's got hips
like a forty dollar hoss."

If a meal was good,he'd say"now that beat eating snowballs." Instead of
helping someone he "Holped" them. He would tell people we lived so far
back in the mountains, "We have to put panties on the chickens to keep hoot
owls from raping them and you outa watch the roosters hold them down with
one foot and pull their overalls down with the othern" An awl was " A
nall" When the phone rang and was for one of the kids, instead of calling
them by their name,he'd say "(name of kid) Git that pig foot out ov yer
mouth,this telephone wants ye. " Really embarassing if it was a date!
Wilma from Ellijay,Ga. 10/2/06

Southern saying: " Well, somebody's got a loose shoe!" -Meaning someones
being rude.

Summer, Deatsville Alabama 10/02/06

Southern Saying:My dad always referred to the fog at morning time as "
rabbits cookin breakfast" Likewise fog or mist in the evening was "rabbits
cookin supper." Tim, Tuscaloosa AL 9/20/06

Southern Saying:"Yew betta give yore hart to Gawd...couse your butt belongs
to me!" Gray...AR 9/15/06

Welcum/Welcome "Welcum to my syte, cum on in a stay a spell.' Mite/might
"Ye mite wuld don't cut it!"

Whirld/World "I've been round the whirld, nation after intirenation."

Inta/Into "Come inta the kitchen and have a cup of cawfee."

Luk/Look "Luk here Bubba, walk backdards not ferwereds or yore gonna step
in somethin yew don't wont to."

Whut/What "Whut aur yew waitin fer? Yoreself/Yourself "Do it yoreself I
didn't take you to raise."

Enner/Enter "Enner the keywerd inta the dicshunary and press search."
southernms, 9/14/06

Southern Saying;"Slippier than a greased hounds tooth...very slippery. Or:
He/she looked like a blind dog in a meat house.....frantically busy."
Gerry Malek Algonquin Il (Illinoise...Illinoy) 9/14.06

Southern Saying:"He was camode huggin drunk." Had too much to drink.

"Take the first rite, then go to the get on and take the next get off."
Take the first right, go to the on ramp and take the next exit. Gainesville
FL 9/12/08

In answer to Terry from Southern Virginia... poke salad greens are actual
greens that are 'harvested' in many places and eaten just as other greens
are. In a nearby town, here in Louisiana, there is even a 'poke salad
festival'. lol no joke... And Barry White had a rhythm & blues song that was
a big hit back in the 60's named Poke Salad Annie. Terry thought poke salad
was wild and not fit to eat and called poke salad because it was carried in
a poke (carried in a bunch). I don't know where they got their name
though, so that part may be true.

And I heard my grandmother say about a pricey sewing machine..." That thang
costs so much, it better make cornbread too!" And if something found is
really a rare thing, it was said, "That's rarer than hen's teeth" And if
someone is smarting off a bit too loudly, a southerner might tell him to not
"let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird engine" And a 'risin'
pronounced rising... is a boil not a pimple. lol We grew up using the
term, "Ringed-tail tooter" also. LOL Usually meant a brat or a mischievous
kid. (or loud) An expression meaning, "Well, I'll be darned"...I'll swan! or
sometimes "I'll swanee" said very drawn out. "Wach ya mouth, or Ah'll
wach it fer ya" When someone feels wealthy, it was said, "They's a sheeting
in tall cotton" If poor, one says, "Ah'm so broke, Ah caint pay tenshun"
Momma JC 8/29/06

Tump/Topple or knock over. "Careful, you might tump that tea pitcher over"

Handier'n-a shirt pocket: Handier than a shirt pocket

Dreckly: directly. "I'll be there directly" (as soon as I can get there)

"He's so drunk he couldn't hit the floor with his hat"

Finna: Fixin' ta/ Fixin' to "I'm finna go to the store in a minute"

I Swanee : Milder than saying, "I swear." "Did you see how short that
skirt was?" ..."Well, I Swanee... I never saw anything that short before."
Rene' .... Bossier City, LA 8/28/06

Southern Saying:"Coming up a cloud." Means it is fixen to rain real hard.
David in NC 8/17/06

Snakefeeder: Dragonfly. That snakefeeder set down on yur galluses, Daddy.
Linda, MO 8/6/06

Pert near/Pretty close; It's pert near 5 clock. Afeared of a haint/
Scared of a ghost

Well I'll swear to my soul/ Something of disbelief Why he's so dirty you
kud nock the dust out of him/ Don't trust him He's ugly'r n sin/ He's
ugly Why he could shoot the fly off a fence pole/ Good shot

He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn/Bad shot He couldn't catch a
cold in the middle of winter/ The boy can't catch Do wild bears live in
the woods?/Duh! ex:person1. you gonna eat that pie? person wild bears
live in the woods? I ain't got narry/ I don't have any Eric/ North
West Georgia 7/27/06

Southern Sayings:One that I still tell my kids when they are misbehaving is
"I'm gonna beat you like a red-headed stepchild!" My grandpa used to say
when it was raining and the sun was shining that "The Devil is kissing his
wife." I have also heard it said "The Devil is beating his
ife." ----Michelle 7/22/06

Southern Sayings/Words:My grandpa always said "Quiddat chunkin" when we was
throwin rocks. Called a bicycle a "Wheel" Ride yo wheel up to duh
= thank you "Sugarlump" name of endearment for a child. Tim, Tuscaloosa
Alabama 7/21/06

Tired'n/ I'm more tired than " Ah'm tired'n ah wun legged man in a butt
kickin contest."

Sorn/Sore than "My butt's sorn a dummy on port (report) card day" Buckshot,
Broken Arrow, OK 7/5/06

Southern Sayings: "As pert as a ruttin buck, fair to middlin, or finer n
frogs hair, you feeling." Michael, Arkansas 6/28/06

Georgia Sayings:How the Hee Haw Hell are ya? My Great Grandmother use to
say " Look ayounder" and " I'm agwian to tha garden to pick some tamaters"
My Grandmother use to say "Hah Shah" I never knew what this meant. My
Grandmother use to tell me when I was little, that Soap Sally was gonna git
me, if I was being bad. She also would tell me to "Get down from thar before
ya break yor neck." Robin, Ga 6/28/06

Southern Saying::You need only two tools. WD-40 and duct tape. If it
doesn't move and it should, use WD-40.

If it moves and shouldn't, use duck tape. Dottie 6/26/06

Biften/Speeding As a car is biften down the road. Ponyac( Pontiac) is a
car. Being stunned and mad is "gits my goat". Kitty corner is the way a
piece of furniture is placed across a corner. You are very excited if you
have the hibeejeebees. Barbara Murray 6/26/06

Southern Saying:"If it harelips every devil in Mississippi." "I'm cleaning
these floors today if it harelips every devil in Mississippi!" Lee
surrendered...I didn't 6/24/06 :-)

Hammy/Hand me (v) "Hey skeeter, hammy one them beers." Randy 6/22/06

Southern Sentence:"Howlachyeer?" (all 1 word) Heard at a local supply
house, when a Southern Gentleman asked the clerk a question. I think he
meant, "How Late Are You Here?" Keith, 6/3/2006

Southern Saying:"Puts a smile on me like a wave on a slop bucket!" When
you carry a slop bucket full of slop to the pigs trough it's thick and
creates a wave all the way across the bucket. A smile! " She is so pretty
it puts a smile on my face like a wave on a slop bucket!" Mac...California

Southern Sayings:I heard all these growing up (and living in) Texas,
although the majority of them can be heard anywhere in the South. "He/She's
all hat and no cattle." Said about someone trying to act as if they are
something they are not, or someone who is all talk and no action, "full of
it", etc.

"I'll stomp a mud-hole in you and then stomp it dry". "Madder'n a wet hen"
"Useless as tits on a boar hog

"I got a bone in my leg" Silly excuse for getting out of work, as in: "I'd
help you carry all that stuff out to the barn, but I can't - I got a bone in
my leg." Texas saying: "Wrong side of the river" - East of the Mississippi

"Brought your lunch": Be ready for a long, drawn out task/job/fight, etc.
"If you're plannin' on whuppin' me, son, I hope you brought your lunch."
"Skirtin' wheels" (Same as "doing doughnuts" on your ATV, in your car, etc.
I had never heard this before moving to NC)I LOVE the Southern Tongue - so
colorful, so funny, and so full of wisdom! Kelly (now in NC) 5/24/06

Southern Sayings:"That boy is as country as a dozen brown eggs." "She is
as nutty as a squirrels breakfast."

"She is sexier than socks on a rooster." Bryan 5/23/06

Hillbilly Slang: y'ain' are not. lye-uhtbub...lightbulb.
anomallee...I normally. sh'ain't...she is not. hay'ain't...he is not.
weend-durr... window seend-durr... send her or get her to go. Kites

Southern Sayings:To say you're "In the short rows now" means that you're
almost finished with

something (the "short rows" in a field/garden are the ones at the end).

If someone was drunk, my grandmother would say they were "Higher'n a Georgia

If my grandmother wanted something particularly badly, she would say, "Why,
I'd give a fryin' off my own liver for one of those." Meaning she would
sacrifice a slice of her liver to be fried up and et (eaten) in exchange.

To be "et up" with something is to be eaten up by, as in, "She was et up
with chiggers."

To be "Stove up" is to be incapacitated by something, as in "I been stove up
all week with my bad knee."

"I'm a Southerner born and a Southerner bred, and when I die, I'll be a
Southerner dead." amen :-)

--Tracy from North Cackalackie 5/18/06

Southern Saying:"Even if it hairlips every cow in Texas" Used when
determined to do something. Dina 5/17/06

Bedda not/Better not Sayings:"Whoop up on em." (whip them) "Aint got the
sense god gave a billy goat." (dumb). Here in the deep south of Georgia we
still eat coon and squirrel and Possum. Greens are any kind you have that
day and shine is still made and bartered. Hound dogs live on sunny front
porches and kids dont sass (well not you dont cuss in church and
yes ma'am and grace had better come out your mouth or mama will have your
behind. I am proud to say I am raising my kids here and teaching them the
lessons and language handed down from generations past. Stacey 5/17/06
Proud Southern Heritage!

Southern Words and Sayings:My granny called baby diapers hippins. I think
the word may come from Scotland--does anyone know?My daddy would say he was
going to do it "if it harelipped hell". "Adam's off-ox", as in "I don't
know him from Adam's off-ox. Mama called a slip a "princey slip" & panties
"step-ins". All cooked greens were called "sallet" & the juice they were
cooked in was "pot likker". When Grandpa was full he had "et sufficient".
Wanda Devers 5/17/06

Southern Sayings:"You feel froggy jump." (you want to fight..bring it on)
"Sweatin like a 'Hoe' in church" (sweating bad) "Sit a spell." (come in
the house and visit for a while) Susan from Mississippi 5/17/06

Southern Sayings:"He's so bow-legged he couldn't hem a hawg inna ditch."
Meaning that he's so bow-legged he couldn't block a pig running through a

"She's so bucktoothed she could eat a ear of corn through a picket
fence....or She's so bucktoothed she could et a apple through a picket
fence" "He's so weak he couldn't pull a greasy string outta kittens

"Whenever my grandpa passed gas, he'd say "Jew heer them bullfrogs?" and
point to the pond."

"Thats like putting perfume onna pig." Meaning a hopeless action of various

"What-cha-ma-cal-lit...thing-a-ma-bob...doozier-ma-hickey" What to call
something if you don't remember or don't know what it is. Proper
name:"What-cha-ma-call-him...What-cha-ma-call-her." Used instead of a
persons name. JR in Georgia... 5/14/06

Southern Saying:"I had a dog like that once, scared me, had to shoot it!
(means "Yea Right")."

Sheez plumb purdy! Mac 5/6/06

Tour/To her "John would you take Sue's mail tour?" 5/2/2006

Southern Sayings: "Sheet fire and save the matches!" Or some rednecks just
say "sheet fire!" as an exclamation.

"She's so narrow-minded, she can see through a keyhole with both eyes!"
Heard in Tennessee 4/26/2006

Awlsha/All you got to do "My daughter is always telling me" Ma, awlsha
gotta do is." Vickie Britton 4/25/2006

Pall Mall (cigarettes)- The correct way to say em is Pall

(a friend) Mall (mal), but the way sutherners say is Paul Mall (the big
place with lots of shoppin stores)

Shooch yeah/yes Dun did/ Already have Wrasle/ Wrestle
Hoosier/Who is your " hoosier daddy?"

Southern Saying: "I'd be John Brown!" Hope, Ball Ground Georgie

Southern Sayings:"In the boonies or in the sticks." (way out in the country)

"Down in the holler." (back in the woods) "Enuff for a mess." (catch
enough fish for family dinner)

"Lookin' hangdog." (being sad or pitiful) "Jonnies"(long underwear)

Honeydipper (the one who cleans the outhouse) From CC in IA 4/1/2006

Southern Saying: "Don't pay her no never mind." (Don't pay her any

"Whatcha doin'?" (What are you doing) Jessica 3/23/06

Southern Saying: My mamma used to say "My belly button's gittin awful
acquainted with my backbone" meaning she was gittin powerful hongry. Proud
Southerner, Clint Jones 3/23/06

Senior:Seen Your "I senior mama at the Waffle House taday." 10C/Tennessee

Southern Saying: She took off like a prom dress. (Means she took off fast)
J. Cleveland 3/21/06

Hammer/ Ham or "I'm maken some samiches, ya wont hammer turkey?"

Hur/Here Come hur, I need to ast you a question. Ya wont hammer turkey on
your samich? I.B. Chillin 3/14/06

Throw down/Play music "Ya'll git on up heah now, we gonna throw down!"
Jamesdeer 3/14/06

Fascinate/Fasten eight "I have 12 buttons on my shirt but I can only
fascinate." 3/13/06

Southern Sentence: "Whozerditty?" English...who is your daddy? Lee,

Southern Saying: "That cats nuttier than squarral poop." J. Cleveland

Heyuck/Heck Aw heyuck! Yew hit that boy retina haid. 2/22/06

Hawngry/Hungry I'm hawngry but I'm not ready to eat rite yet. 2/22/06

Southern Sayings: "Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn" usually referred
to in baseball, couldnt hit the ball it they tried "Couldn't fight yer
way out ofa paper sack" weak person

"Dont count your chickens before they hatch" dont rely on an outcome before
it happens

"What cha hollerin' bout" what is that person yelling about

"Wide eyed as a kid on christmas morn" very excited

"His crackers slipped off his cheese one too many a times" need help,
mental Laura Connor 2/21/06

Southern Saying: When someone bows up at'cha you tell'em "You'd rather
sandpaper a bobcats butt in a telephone booth." meaning don't mess with me
or ya' might get hurt! Proud Southerner, Clint Jones 2/21/06

Naw/No Nahchet/Not yet "Jeet?" "Nahchet.

Mountain/The act of getting on a horse "Billy's mountain ol' Blaze fur the

Par/Power "Thar's par in the blood!" Tempachur/Temperature

Uppare/Up there "I wish them Yanks would stay uppare whar they b'long."

Sar/Sour "Hoooeee! That milk's done gone sar!"

C'puter/Computer "Mah c'puter had a vahrse (virus) so I put it out of it's

Ovare/Over there "I parked mah truck racheer, but it rolled ovare."

Cuddin/Cousin "Yesterday, Cuddin Brian took the chainsaw out to cut up a
limb. Too bad it was his leg."

Southern sayings:"Fishing for clouds" Looking in the wrong place for

"He took the late train and came in on the caboose." Slow, not with it
"A sunny shaur won't last half an haur."

"Arguing about bailing twine and bailing wire." Arguing about something
unimportant or where both sides have a point. Megan Stine - Amherst,
VA, CSA God Bless Dixie! 2/16/06

Southern Saying: "My parents from Arkansas always used "stuck between a rock
and a hard place" or "stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea." Reno,
NV 2/11/06

Widyadidya/With you did you You didn't bring yer wife widyadidya? 2/10/06

Southern Saying:"Puttin on the dog." Making a good impression. 2/7/06

I hope how soon/I hope: Great hillbilly grammar for I hope

"That moon is enough to make a rabbit smooch a hound dog." Favorite saying
of my mom's old boyfriend.

"Bless Her Heart." What to say right before insulting someone, then the
insult it does not count.

Side ditches/The ditches on the side of the road. Keta 1/31/06

Het up/Heated up, mad, as in "Johnny's all het up 'bout his goat gettin'

Jawl/Did y'all: "Jawl catch supper?" Fur - For: "Whutsat fur?"

Chaw/Chew: "Pert near wore out my hinges tryin' to chaw that there jerky."

"Just throw me in a chair and call me a sack of potatoes." I'm wore out.
Megan Stine VA, CSA 1/26/06

Turtle hull/Car trunk "Back when I was a youny boy in Arkansas the trunk of
a car was called a turtle hull." Cliff, Gilbert Az. 1/24/06

Pertneer/Pretty nearly or Almost: "Ah pertneer tripped n fayull, but Bubba
cawt me."

Finn'uh or Fixin' ta/ Getting ready to: "Ah'm finn'uh git up n' git me
'nuthur jug o' corn squayeezins."

Mahyun/Mine: "Thet thar pickemup's mahyun, so'z yew varmitz best keep yer
hanz offit"

Yeruhn/Yours: "It ain't mahyun, so'z it mus be yeruhn."

Swayng/Swing: "It don't mayn uh thayng if it ain't got thet Western Swayng!"

--Bob Wills, Band Leader of the Texas Playboys

Dincha/Didn't you "He jist walked raht in frunt o' yer face, dincha

Shortuhvuh/Short of a "She ran shortuhvuh box o' cornflakes, so'z she sint
Bubba uptuh town feruhnuther."

Jewsayee/Did you see "Jewsayee'em uppity new nayburrz't have alluh thet thar
newfangled pickemup--it'z got tew (2) frunt sayeetz, n' it holz 5 er 6

Hillbillyisms:Ah thank th' cheeze dun slipt offuh hiz cracker. He'z jis
bout tew dawgz shortuhvuh hunt.

Them kidz iz bout'uz happy'suh kitten fell'inuh cream jar.

Ardomadicull: automatic; Ah heerd't Miz Bodeen got her uh new fangled
ardomadicull worshin mushayeen.

Them thar new nayeeburrz iz so uppitee, they ain't hillbilliez, why, they'z
hillWilliamz! Musicteacherhappycamper 1/23/06

Dall baby/ Southern for Baby doll " Honey I've got sum, dall babies in the
other room if ya want to

play with em" Whitney, Indiana 1/19/06

Southern Saying;"I ain't too pert but I'm a little better than common.: An
expression I heard in north Florida from an old man. I suppose it meant I
could feel better. Richard 1/3/06

Southern Saying: 'Its Big as the side of the house!(which is someone who is
fat) or I'm tireder than a hee-hantin Georgian! or Hit the Hay!(to git in
bed!) Ken, 1/2/06

Georgia Sayings:Toe-headed - white haired, blonde. "She don't believe
greasy".. stubborn as a mule.

My grandmother called the trunk of a car a "cooterhull" The end pieces of
bread. the "heel"

Lynn...Georgia 12/27/05

Viaduct:"I wouldnt have been hit in the head if viaduct." Thanks, Rick!!

Southern Sayings:Yaona eat dat. (You gonna eat that) Aint got sense, God
gave a goose (dumb)

Hey ya'll, Watch this!.... (Im about to do something stupid) Happier than
a pig in mud (really happy)

Oh lawrdy (oh god)...Aaron 11/23/05

Southern Saying:"You can put a dress on a pig but it's still a pig.

Sunday go ta meetin clothes . Sunday Church Clothes.

Sunday Best . Sunday Church Clothes. Drunker than a skunk .Intoxicated.

Kevin From Rowlett, TX Hook em' Horns 11/19/05

Southern Saying:"You kids are dancin' on my very last nerve" meaning my kids
are just about to get into trouble, and they need to find something else to
do. Beth, Concord, MA but homesick for Mississippi 11/12/05

Jasker: did you ask her "Jasker if she wuz goin ta town" Zack W.

Southern Saying "Your worse than a pet coon, you cant keep your hands off

Carson, Katy,Texas 10/27/05

Southern Sayings:I am from florida and my grandpa, when some one is smiling
says that" They were smiling like a mule eating briars through a bob wire
fence" and he says hanted not haunted. etc: after he eats sometimes he says
he is "fuller than a tick in a bucket of blood" when something stinks he
says "That could gag a maget off a gut wagon" Oct 16, 2005 Holly , Mayo,

Beejeebees:Daylights "I know how to get the beejeebees scared out of me,
but exactly what are beejeebees?!! Deb 10/15/05

Swaller:Swallow "It's so good I want to swaller my tongue." Heard in KY
Franklin 10/14/05

Bettah:Better "Yew bettah watch the road while yewer driving."

Unkel:Uncle Unkel Buck jus sits on his porch all day, sippin tea, and
shootin flies with his BB gun."

Southern Sayigns:My Dad always said "cute" meant bowlegged. Also, he said,
"Prettier 'n' a spotted heifer in a pansy patch." Then he would add,
"under a wagon." We're not really sure if he made these things up because
we never heard anyone else say them. Jo Martin 10/9/05

Lawd:Lord "Lawd hope me!" meaning "Lord help me!" MS 10/7/05

Ahmagit'n:I'm getting "Ahmagit'n ready to go town."

Southern Sentence: "Jauntsamore?" Do you want some more?

Cayut:Cat "I have a Tom Cayut that stays out all night."

Southern Sentence: :Juyontny?" Do you want any?

Anar:An hour "The speed limit is 55 miles anar."

Southern Sentence: "Ahsposo." Meaning, I suppose so.

Braht/Bright "Yew ain't very braht rya?"

Southern Saying: "Well, I'll be dog" or "I be dog" Translation.. Well I'll
be. unbelievable

Jody McCartney 9/29/05

Podunk:Little/not much of anything "We're goin' over to that podunk town"
Heather 9/16/05

Roshenear:Corn Hi their.. most east tennesseans still say roshenear for an
ear of corn. George 9/16/05

Southern Sentence: "Wadjuwant?" What did you want?

Southern Saying: "Well butter my butt and call me biscuit." southerner

Daggumit:Dag Gumit "Daggumit I knot fer sure wot ya be wantin me ta do."
Gini 9/6/05

Southern Saying "Drunker than who done it! " I got drunker than who done
it last night!!! Jasper 9/5/05

Dumaflochies:Things "These er dumaflochies or things." Jasshonkey/Donkey
"Meaning look at that donkey."

"It happened 40 lem'in yrs ago." Which means along time ago..the e in lem'in
pronounced like egg..

Bass-ack-wards/backwards... Penny in Rockport,Texas 9/3/05

Rat Hear:Right Here "Turn rat rat hear" means Turn right right here."

Larry Owens, Cross Roads, Alabama 8/31/05

Southern Saying:"It's so good, it'll make you wanna slap yer mama" something
said whenever you're asked if you like what somebody cooked for dinner.
Amanda Gravitte 8/19/05 US Military

Southern Saying: "Sweeter than a "July ham" or "Summer ham" sweeter than a
watermelon." Dave T. 8/13/05

Redneck terms and sayings: "Git er skint back!" To take off fast, like in
drag racing.

"Wreched." Means to reach. "I wreched around and grabbed a loose chicken."

"Squozed." Means to sqeeze tightly. "She squozed me to death when she hugged
me." Megan 8/8/05

Keyarn:My father used to use this word, but I can't find it in the
dictionary. Have you ever heard anyone use this word? Used when something
taste bad. "This taste like keyarn." Pronounced "kee arn"

Patti Ann Drew 8/7/05

In answer to the post:I remember hearing this word used as I was growing up
also. My understanding of it was "dead and putrefying flesh; also: flesh
unfit for food." In Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth Edition),
carrion ('kar-e-en) is defined the same. Hope this helps. Brenda 12/09/05

Frush:Fresh "I'm hongry, go out to tha hen hawse and git me sum frush

Southern Saying: It come a flud. (flood) "It rained so hard it come a

Aur:Are "Whut aur yew waitin fer?" Mississippi, 8/5/05

Hawse/House "C'on over to ma howse fer cawfee."

Southern Sayings:My Aunt said," Honey, that house was so little, you
couldn't cuss a cat in the bedroom".

"My hair's as thin as a bats wing." "I'm as lost as a dog in tall weeds."

Coming to flat Illinois from the mountains of Tennessee she said," I'm so
homesick for somethin' to lean my eyeballs up against." My Uncle said, " I
was battin' my eyes like a frog in a rainstorm." Nancyann 8/1/05

Upta: Up to "I'm headin upta the store. Want me ta git ya sumthin?"

Southern Saying:"Two Pee Holes In The Snow": Look Tired "Yer eyes look like
two pee holes in the snow"

Bobbie, Canada 7/24/05

Southern Saying:"Their tougher than a pine knot." (Tough) Dot Strait,

Redbilly: A redneck hillbilly Connie Brown 7/21/05

Southern Saying:"Stop acting like a dirt road idiot!" (stupid)

Southern Saying:"I'm hongry(hungry) as a gut shot dog. Donny, Forest, MS

Southern Sayings:"They're tippin' high cotton" or " They're two sheets to
the wind" meaning they were drunk or high. "I'm gonna do if it hairlips the
government", meaning ... I"m gonna do it even if it makes the government mad
Paige 7/08/05

Southern Sayings:"It's hotter than a pair of jumper cables at at redneck

"Her butt is as wide as a corn picker." "Her butt is 2 axe handles wide."
""She has a 4 pocket backend." "That's louder than 2 skeletons fighting on
a tin roof." Thanks, Mike from Mississippi. 7/08/05

Southern Saying:"Hoppin' around like an ant in a hot skillet" which
basically meant someone was restless or excited. Phrases "Gol dang" and
"Boy Howdy" Bonnie Seattle, Washington 6/29/05

Southern Sayings:"Wayull, if that ain't enuff to harelip ol' aunt 'Zine!" -
said when something outrageous happens. "Smilin' like a mule eatin'
briars" - indicates someone is happy. Keith Morgan, Durham NC

Shingdig:Dance or Party

Southern Saying:"It's as easy as sliding off a greasy log backwards." Molly
Turnbaugh 6/28/05

Southern Sayings:"I do not know him/her from Boo!" I do not know the
person you are talking about.

"I cook the chicken around here!" I am in charge, do not question my

"I am going to snatch a knot in your tail!" You are not behaving and I am
about to discipline you.

"I am about to snatch you up!" You are about to be disciplined.

"Chicken pastries:Chicken and dumplings Buggy:Shopping cart or
shopping basket

Ramps:A variation of wild onions Snake doctor:Dragonfly

Mash:Depress a button or pedal etc. Smush:Smash Trading:Shopping
William 6/28/05 TN

Southern Sayings:"C'om on y'all go with me." Meaning: I'm leaving and have
a good day.

"Don't come up into the house dragin' mud." Meaning: Don't get the house

Missy/Givin Name (females only) " Huh huh! Oh no you don't Missy."

Mater/Tomato " Go fetch some maters."

"She live wherein' they hav'ta pipe the sunshine in" Meaning: Lives in
extreme rural area.

Hateful/Mean " He/She/They was hateful to me Mama."

"His trailer/car/ect. is a hoopdy." Meaning: Needs repairs or replaced.
Umbra 6/26/05

Southern Saying:"His Breath'd knock a dog off a gut wagon." JS Moore

Eench: Inch:"Bout an eench of rain." Chris 6/25/05

Southern Sayings: "He's so ugly his face would make a freight train take a
dirt road."

"She's so ugly her mother sat her in the corner and fed her with a

"He's so ugly you could take his face and a teaspoon and back up New River."

"Uglier than death eatin' crackers." "Ugly as death warmed over."

"Ugly as a mud fence daubed with tadpoles." "His biscuits ain't all

"Her elevator don't go all the way to the top." "He's two or three fries
short of a Happy Meal."

"She's one sandwich short of a picnic." "His lights are on but nobody's
home." "Dumb as a box of rocks." "Dumber than a chicken." "His teeth
stick out so far he can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence."

"She looks like she swapped legs with a Kildee (bird) and got cheated out of
her butt." Cindy in VA 6/23/05

Piled-up:Laying on:"The kids are all piled-up on my bed watching TV."

Georga Sayings:"I was born and bread in (town and state of your choice)" for
example, I was born and bread in Griffin Georgia, meaning that was where I
ws born and raised

"I got one crazy hankrin" this means I have a craving for something Wendy,
Griffin Georgia 6/14/05

Southern Sayings:"That man is green on the hip like a frog." Means someone
has money.

"Gravy on the taters." Means getting something extra for nothing.

"He is as fast as a bullfrog with tennis shoes on." Means someone can really
run fast. BRAD,VA. 6/9/05

Yup:You Up "Yup and dressed?" Elaine, Washington...Texas transplant.

Cotton to:To Like Something: "I don't cotton to Luella's cornbread, it's too

Cabbage:Take advantage of "I'm gonna cabbage on that sweater I saw on sale
at Walmart."

Duds/Clothes "In a shake of a sheep's (or lamb's) tail" In a moment
Usmoshers Cincinnati, OH 5/29/05

Southern Sayings:"God willin' and the creek don't rise", means if she's able
to do whatever it is, she will.

"Them There Things": means "these things" or "those things"

"Y'all": means "you guys" or "you people", usually used when refering to
more than one person

"Done lost": i.e., "That boy done lost his mind, if'n he had one in the
first place"

"Here I is": means "Here I am" "Critter" commonly refers to a child (or
an animal).

"Fuzzy butted" usually refers to an animal

"Few cards short of a flush" means someone's got their wires crossed

"Left his blanket out to dry an it blowed away" anyone ever hear of this

"A few beers short of a six pack" means they ain't all there in the brains

"Don't know who you think you is" means who do you think you are?

I'm a redneck and proud of it! Khris, Michigan, 5/27/05

Southern Sayings: "Sweeter than molasses." "Happier than a hog in mud."
"Purtier than a Sunday mourning."

"Oh yea, out here in the west ud hav better luck gittin' blood outta turnip
than findin' a eatin' place that

knows what real sweet ice tea is." This is Dave originally from Va. but now
in Nevada. 5/18/05

Ill /As in upset, ornery "She sure is ill or she is ill as a hornet."
Thomas Cornelson 5/17/05

Southern Sayings:"This here kitchen is so little you couldn't switch (to use
a very keen tree limb to administer punishment) a cat in here without gettin
hair in your teeth"

"Y'all is Betwixt a rock and a hard place." - A bad situation.

Poke - "Hey would y'all help me tote (to carry) in that poke of groceries?"
Another fine use: "We is fixin to have a poke salad for supper. A poke is a
bag; a poke salad is made from a kind of greens that grows wild along fence
rows (at least in Virginia). I assume they are called poke greens on account
of the fact they are gathered up in a poke. God Save The South Terry
Southern Virginia

Southern Sayings:"Happier than a bunch a clams at high tide."

"Slower than a 3 legged turtle" Tom "Bones" Washington State

East Texas Sayings and words:"Hump it up, hand!!" ...This saying means to
hurry up, get goin, or get to work etc. (a "hand" is a person who is
hired-on help)

Ahmagin; short for "I imagine"..."ahmagine yanks wont ever understand"

Gudnuf; short for "good enough"...aint no yank gudnuf fer one of my

Southern Sentence:Wardegittoo: this is short for askin: Where did he git
to? David Austin 5/9/05

Southern Saying:"I think its grits." Meaning: I think its great. 5/1/05

Southern Saying:"I could pee over a 10 rail fence.", JACKIE 04\25\05

Pure T:Growing up in the sandhills of North Carolina we have lots of those
sayings that so many "poke" fun . It should be a, hee,second language for
the poor unfortunates who don't understand our jargon. Pure T was one of the
sayings we grew with and still today being used. I am going to have a Pure T
fit if you don't go on; or , you are telling a Pure T lie. I swanee is a
good one ,too!

Case quarter is another term- not 2 dimes and a nickel but a whole quarter.

Well, shut my mouth- a term of Southern surprise.

So many words, so many people to teach. Melvia Holt 4/25/05

Edumacation:Education "You go to school to get an edumacation. billy bob
and tessie mae 4/24/05

Edjucayshun:Education "Go to skool and git yewr edjucayshun."

Southern Saying:"Its colder than a well-digger's butt..." meaning that its
pretty dang cold outside. Oh, here's another. My papa used to say this all
the time; I'd ask him something and instead of saying "yes", he'd say "Does
a bear poop in the woods?" and I'd always say..."I don't know. I've never
seen it" Lacy from Ohio 4/24/05

"Preciate it" Stands for appreciate it. Kevin, Seminary MS 4/24/05

Smail:Smile:My friend from church recently moved from Owensboro, on down the
Ohia, and he always says,

"I love her SMAIL!" Bethany, KENTUCKY. 4-22-05. GIT R DUN!!!

Southern Sayings;"This shirt picks up everything but men and money" About
that black shirt that everyone owns that shows up every speck of dirt, lint,

"She looks like she's been rode hard and put up wet" - (her looks aren't so

Love the website! Love being southern! Dana Dorough, Alabama 4/20/05

Southern Saying:"Happer 'n two ol'hound dawgs lapping up mater gravy afer
thuh sundee

mornin brafast" meanin: Happy as one can get. Melvin Shelton 4/18/05

Southern Sayings:"Grinning like a mule eating briars"

"The devil and Tom Martin" -- a negative response to being asked to do
something, kind of like "you and Cox's Army" will be needed to make me do
this. "Put a pot of water on the eye" The burner on your stovetop.

"They're down at the bottom" --when asked where the cows were said meaning
the field below the house

Loved reading everything on this site. Thanks for bringing back memories.
Dana Dorough, Alabama 4/12/05

Bose To:Suppose To "You bose to wash your hands before you eat."

Recdum:Wrecked Them: "My uncle had three cars and he recdum them all."

Mynear:Just about: "I mynear broke my neck when I fell down dem steps. "
Sharita M. Wise 4/12/05

West Verginia Saying:"I hope how soon "I hope how soon it stops raining."
meaning "I hope it stops raining soon."Tina H. 3/25/05

Southern Sentence: Fixintafaxya:"I'm sending you a fax."

I miss the seasons up home, (upstate NY) but I like it down here just fine."
C.S. 3/22/05

Renter Jawn:Rent A John: Ex. "That ain't no porta potty that's a renter

To be sure:Surely: Ex. "To be sure they didn't mean to go off and leave the
door wide open like that."

Shug:A term used affectionately by southerners when talking to close friends
or family: Ex. Hey Shug

Hun:Short for honey: Ex. "Hun, can you git me the channel changer."

Darlin/Darling "Hey lil' darlin" Chile:Child Ex: Hunny chile
Translation: Honey child

Giggin Frogs:Hunting frogs "Controlling the frog population by gigging them
with a frog gigger (long stick with a small pitch fork end"

Southern born, southern bread, and dang proud of it in NC. DIXIE FOREVER
Heather Bessinger 3/9/05

Southern Sayings: "Looks like a cow peeing on a flat rock" - during a
really heavy \rainstorm.

Translation: "Its raining so heavily it looks like its coming from both

"He's so cheap, he wouldn't spend a nickel to earn a dime" Translation:
He's stingy.

"It's like trading a witch for the devil" - about having to make equally bad
choices. Translation: It's the same either way. Adam Castleberry - Utah

Southern Sayings: "I clean up good." (I look good clean and dressed up)
LaVonne, Stringer, MS 3/1/05

Redneck words:Boston "My boston fired me today." Meaning:My boss done
fired me today.

You might be a redneck if:You've ever went to an all y'all can eat buffet
and stayed till closin .Zach, 2/25/05

Sutumdet:Something to eat. "Lets go git sutumdet." Richard, Pikeville.
Kentucky 2/24/05

Southern Woeds:Fixinbouto "Don't worry momma, I's fixinbouto do mah

Heifer: term of endearment "Come ere ya little heifer and give me some
sugar." Lisa 2/11/05

Southern Sayings:When my mom was very positive of what she was saying she
would say, "Sure as God made green apples." "I want it done licketdsplit"
To get work done fast you say,

"What a face, what a figure, two more legs she'd look like trigger." What
you would say if someone is not very pretty, Larry, Bridgeport, Illinois
(love ya mom) 2/11/05

Southern Saying:"Busier than a cat trying to cover crap on a marble floor. "
DaGratefulDeb 2/9/05

Southern Saying "You caught a bottle by a tree,'' means you caught a good
man. peAce out girl scout! 2/8/05

Southern Sayings:"You think your all that and a bowl of grits!" People that
think they are better then you. "Y'all stop dat rairen on da bed !"
Meaning:Jumping on the bed. Keith Autry 2/7/05

Southern Saying:"Eatin high on the hog".....meaning "eating good"

In memory of my Grandpa Ralph from Mountain City, TN. Thanks, Marie

Southern Sentence:"Squeet" Means "Let's go eat" CJ, Sumter, SC

Southern Saying:"Set like a hair in a biscuit." Which means there doing
good money wise in life.

North Carolina 2/1/05

Southern Saying:"Don't look at me like a dying calf wantin' milk!" What I
say when my youngins want something... they hate it Alice E Gurley

Y'Idiot:You Idiot "Shut-up, y'idiot." Meaning- shut-up you idiot.

Aincha:Aren't You "Yer gonna whup him fer talkin' like that, aincha?"
Meaning: You're going to spank him for talking like that to you, aren't
you? Marsha from NW Indiana 01/17/05

Nanner puddin:Banana Pudding "Grammas homemade banana puddin. Vanilla
wafers bananas and vanilla flavored mixture poured over then chilled."

Pin:Pen "Hand me an ink pin." Kellie Delavan (In memory of my Mema.)
Mema -is gramma 1/8/05

Southern Saying:"My hand to God" Meaning, I am telling the truth.
Kathleen, Covington, GA 1/2/05

Southern Saying:"I tell you whut" What one says if they are in agreement to
a statement. Ex: Bobby Joe says to Johnny Sue, "Her teeth are so gapped she
could eat corn through a picket fence!" To which Johnny Sue would reply, "I
tell you whut!" (For those of you who have moved to the the greater
Chicagoland area like I have, the transalation would be "How 'bout it!")

Melissa, Carol Stream, IL (Formerly Greenville, SC and proud of it!)

Southern Sentence:"I her'd dat" Meaning I heard that. Kelly Preston, TN

Hawt:Hot "It's hawt in Mississippi in the summertime." Mark, Jackson, MS

Soutern Sayings:"Fatter than MUD". Means Very Fat..

"Don't know him from Adams's House Cat". Means I have no idea who he is..

"HereTiz" Meaning here it is "Longer than a snake's neck". Means very

"Hotter than a tideup dawg". Means it very hot. Richard Watkins

Redneck Sayings:"Shes finer than frogs hair. Meaning that gals perrty."

"If someone asks you if your truck will go through that mud hole you say,
does a cat got a climbing gear of course it will." "If someone asks are
ya ready ya say, if ya waitin on me your backing up."

"If someone is actin crazy ya say, he's jumpin timming." Brandon,
Pensacola, Fl. 12/10/04

Georgia Sayings: "If God's willing and the Creeks don't rise". meaning,
we'll get it done somehow.

Pig in a poke- a bad deal, "He sold me a pig in a poke".

Funeralizin'- Going to a funeral or wake or any associated activities. "He
died yestiddy and we'll be funeralizin' for two more days.

Refugee (verb)- to take refuge. We're gonna refugee south 'fore dat devil
Sherman gets here!

Scarcer Than Chicken's Teeth- cannot be found. does not exist or is
extremely rare.

Lower Than a Snake's Belly in a Wagon Rut- low down. That boy's morals are
lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. Bag of Hammers-used to
describe one's intelligence, or lack thereof.

Thrash it to Flinders- beat it until it falls apart.

Yeller Dawg Democrat- A Democrat loyalist. If you ran a yellow dog in the
election, a yeller dawg democrat would vote for the dog as long as the dog
ran as a Democrat. Ralph, Byron, Ga. 12/05/04

Southern Saying:"Now that he's sowed his wild oats, he's hopin' for crop
failure!" DeLaine 12/04/04

Southern Saying:"Is a frog's butt water tight?" (meaning: yes) Meagan
Holtgrewe, Minnesota 12/03/04

Fring:Frying "Start fring the chicken while I finish making the poke salad."
Jenny, Nashville 12/01/04

Whar-y'at?:Where you at? "Just tell me whar-y'at and I will come and pick
you up."

Southern Grit...Dallas 11/29/04

Southern Saying:"Bless her heart." What a southerner say's to soften an
insult... Yo' mamma's so bucktoothed, she could eat a corn cob through a
picket fence.

Likker:Liquor "Bubba stopped at the bootleggers to buy moonshine likker."

Haid:Head "He bout yanked out every hair of her haid."

Snuk:Snuck "I snuk up on my dog to catch him."

Boo-dree-ox:"How Yankees pronounce Boudreaux."

Gator Bate:Jail Bate "Yew better watch that young thang, she's gater bait!"
Kat, Georgia 11/15/04

Southern Saying:"Everythings bigger in Texas!" Sam, Tyler, TX 11/15/04

Southern Saying:"Say it aint so!" Translation...Tell me it isn't true!

Southern Saying:"Southern ladies don't sweat...They glisten."

Kudzu:The vine that ate the south, 'We Owe You One Japan Vine' An
invasive, triple leafed, semi-woody, trailing or climbing perennial vine.
Kudzu can grow a foot a day during growing season.

Southern Saying:"Im going to see a man about a horse." It means one of two
things: I am going to the bathroom and you don't need to go with me or I am
going somewhere that is not any of your bees wax. Sonyia 11/10/04

Becous:Because "I sing becous I'm happy." 11/05/04

Southern Saying;"Gimme a lil sugar, hunny. Which means, give me a kiss,

Sure miss my Granny..... Lorene from Grafton, Ohio 11/2/04

Big ole':Big old "That's a big ole' boy idinit?"

Southern Saying:"Redder than a foxes behind during Pokeberry season." Red,
MS 10/22/04

Southern Saying:"Y'all come back now, Ya heah." 10/21/04

Ketchup:Catch Up "Ya batter ketchup wit dat work before i give ya a hurtin

Bryon Baine, Southern IL 10/20/04

Shorez:Sure is "You shorez lookin purty in dat dress." Bryon Baine, Southern
IL 10/18/04

Southern Saying:"They betta get up off their high horse (attitude) before it
knocks them off."

Brandi, Arkansas 10/10/04

Cawfee:Coffee "I like my cawfee strong."

Onyons:Onions "Give me a plate of peas, cornbread and onyons, now that's
good eats." 10/08/04

Southern Saying:"Just because your Children were born in the South does not
make them Southerners. After all, if a cat had kittens in the oven, that
wouldn't make them biscuits.

Frinds:Friends " Your fish would be happy as a lark if you got him some
frinds" fried taters:fried potatoes

Pronunctiated:pronounced "Think thats how the word is pronunctiated?"
Renee from OK 10/07/04

European:Your-a-peeing "Billy Bob turn the other way european on my boots."
Daniela Carman 9/24/04

Gussied-up:Dressed real nice "Wha cha all gussied-up fer?"

Kitty whompus:Off just a bit "That picture is kitty whompus" Andy
McNeill 9/24/04

Git R Dun:Get it done "This garden needs planted, lets git-r-dun."

Wrench Off:Shower I am from Tennessee and my husband is from Michigan. When
we first moved there I would dismiss my self by saying "I'm fix'en to go
wrench off" which means I am going to take a shower.

He and his family still laugh at me. Tonya 9/21/04

Jury:Jewelry Example: "Customer needs assistance in the jury department."

My daddy in Louisiana lets us know he's hungry by saying, "I'm so hungry, my
bellybutton's rubbin my backbone!" Phyllis Thomas, Neosho, MO 9/18/04

Redneck Riviera:Gulf Shores "The Redneck Riviera is a popular vacation
destination for southerners."

Risin:Rising "A pimple or lump that swells up."

Southern Saying:"Pitched a fit and fell into it." (a temper tantrum) Kabon,
Atlanta, GA 9/10/04

Hope:Help "SOUTHERN BELLE here and my father always said:HOPE instead of
HELP." Sherrell, Tenn. 8/30/04

Samage:Sandwich "My favorite word is samage (sandwich)." Bubba, Cowpens
S,C. 8/27/04

Hant:Haunt "My word is "Hant" contry word for Haunt. My great-grandmother
used to say it. She even told a doctor once thata if he let her die she
would come back and hant him." Susan, Greeneville Tennessee 8/27/04

Southern Saying:"I'm goin to see a man about a dog". (my dad said this)
Someone told me it meant going to the bathroom but that made no sense to me
because he usually went out and got in the car.

Joan Jansen, CA 8/27/04

Not Nairn:Not One Some folks intentionally and incorrectly use a double
negative to reinforce "nairn", by saying "not nairn", this means really
really none. Arnie 8/17/04

Redneck Caviar:Potted Meat "I like Cheetos diped in redneck caviar."

Whaw-st:Wasp "Watch-out for that whaw-st nest!"

Southern Sayings:"Looks like he/she was beaten by an ugly stick!"-
Translation: Not an attractive person. Example: Did you see that Jo Marie's
boyfriend?! That boy looks like he was beaten by an ugly stick!"

"Cream don't rise to the top." -Translation: not a very bright person.
Example: You know, I don't think that boy's cream rises all the way to the

"Can't sling a dead cat without hittin' one 'em." -Translation: They seem to
be everywhere. Example: There are so many Wal-Marts in this town that you
can't sling a dead cat without hittin' one of 'em.

"Hosepipe" - Translation: garden hose. Example: Grab me that hosepipe so
that I can water the flowers.

"Straight drive" -Translation: A vehicle with a manual transmission.
Example: I couldn't buy that car because I don't know how to drive a
straight drive.

And being from the South originally, I have been the butt of many jokes up
here in Illinois. This is my favorite come-back to a jibe that I got from a
co-worker. I was asked if when we divorce in the South if we are still
cousins. My reply, "No, but we are still brother and sister!" Melissa,
Carol Stream, Illinois 7/9/04

Southern Saying:"Don't get none of that on your head or your tongue will
beat your brains out trying to get to it" -referring to good food;
especially a plate of grits and eggs buttered up just right

"More nervous'n a cat in a room full of rocking chairs!" Keith, Avera, GA
(the STICKS!) 7/1/04

Southern Saying:"He's the spittin image of his grandfather." [Translation:
"He's the spirit and image of his grandfather."] Kentucky Dept. of
Highways sign actually placed on a highway: "Mores ahead"

Michael, Woodland Hills, CA 6/29/04

Laqueta from Simi Valley,CA writes:"I have so many different words that my
father used. After

we went to bed, we always said goodnight to one another by my father saying
"Road graters". Someone else would say "Catapillars" and then we would say
"Sweet dreams"

One of my funniest stories is that my mother used to always say she was
"lanky" when she was hungry. Of course, I always used it the same way.

My father had so many sayings. He would call my mother "fanny farkel"
which, of course, made her so mad. He would call the boyfriends a
"Jim-napper" and he would also call the boys "syphogrum" (I have no idea how

to spell that because I'm sure he just made it up."

He had a name for his shirts and would say, "Fannyfarkel, where is my

The kids and grandkids were called "Ring-tail-tooters".

Laqueta would like to know if anyone else used these words?

Laqueta from Simi Valley, CA originally from Arkansas. 6/28/04

Southern Saying:My ex-fiance was born in Virginny, and raised in Atlanta.
He used to say, "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry
Christmas. "He used to ask me if he could "carry" me to the store."

"He would ask me if I was 'laying out' from work today."

Goff: what you do on Sunday if you can get your clubs out of the house
without your wife seeing you.

Brenda 6/5/04

Gawd:God "Oh my Gawd!"

Southern Saying:"That ole boy is tighter than Dick's hat band...mean'n he
dont spend his money on nut'n."

Stacy S., Louisiana.

Southern Saying:I can't believe y' don't have this one. When I was wonderin'
'round not doin' anything Maw-maw would ask me why I was "Wonderin' 'round
like a chicken with it's head cut off"! Hope, Virginia. 5/13/04

Betwixt:In between " Ya got sumthun betwixt yer frunt teeth".

Clum:Climed " I clum that tree an took a gander cross the way".

Bawlin:Crying "Oh stop yer bawlin an get back in the truck".

Year-go:Years ago " He wuz put in there bout three er four year-go" Kim C.
Paragould, Arkansas 5/12/04

Gulley Washers:When a big rain comes. "I hope them gulley washers come

Tarnation:Some place inbetween Georgia and Florida. "What in tarnation."
Used in place of 'what in the world.' "Who in the tarnation is that?

Intarnation:USA or any country (entire nation). I would like to travel
the intarnation."

Raisin Cain:Stirrin up a messa trubble. "I'm gonna go down to Bobbie Joes
house and raise cain."

Critter:Animal usually furry. "Aw, if that cat ain't just the cutest little
critter I've ever saw."

Mason-Dixie line:"As far as a yankee gets to coming to the south."

Dudint:Doesn't it? "Your room needs cleanin' Micahel Anne. No it dudint."
Toni Tiger 4/26/04

An't:Ain't "You ain't heard nothing I said." Elisabeth 4/25/04

Southern Saying:"Hotter than a goats butt in a pepper patch." That's hot!
J.Anj Edwards 4/18/04

Yer:Your "Yer better'n snuff and ain't half as nasty."

Yunz:One Person, "where are yunz at?" Yunzes ~ a group of people "what are
yunzes doin'?"

Tim Maroney, Pensylvania 04/17/04

Ahr:Air "She's a real ahr-head." "Take a deep breath of ahr."

Flarder:Florida "Where South is North and North is South!"

Holler:Deep valley in the mountains "Dat well's deeper than a holler!"
David Fogg...04/16/04

Arsh:Irish "I love fried arsh taters." Arsh ~ "People born in Arland."

Yard Apes:Children playing in the yard. Peggy 4/14/04

Mayonaize:Man Theres "Mayonaize alot of people here tanite" meaning "Man
theres alot of people here tonight."

A'orta:I ought to "A'orta cut that there grass before em kids git hurt"
meaning "They oughta cut the grass before the kids get hurt."

Southern Saying: "Don't pee down my back and tell me its raining." Don't
try and con me. Bodock...04/10/04

Southern Saying: "Drunker n' Cooter Brown" Very Drunk!

Southern Saying:"I'll be swaney." Translation...I'll be darned.

"I swaney I don't." Translation...I swear I don't. 04/07/04

Southern Saying: "That'll learn ya. or That'll learn em." "It means to
learn something the hard way.

Melissa, Middleburg, FL 3/31/04

My trip to Richmond,KY: I was at a youth convention in Richmond KY a few
years back. My hotel roomies and I wanted to order a pizza one nite after
church. We called a pizza place that left an advertisement in our room. When
we ordered the pizza, the waitress asked if we wanted to "roll face" pizza,
just as I was about to ask her what a roll face was, my roomie was reading
the ad and said, "hey, let's get the royal feast pizza. The waitress was
trying to say royal feast, but what I heard was roll face. I am so glad I
did'nt ask her what a roll face was! Belynda Sanders, Medina, Ohio...via
Harper Heights, WVA

Overheard at a restaurant in Tennessee: "Gimmee uh minner cheese, rop ut,
put ut ina poke sos ah can tote it home."... Translation - "Give me a
pimento and cheese sandwich, wrap it and put it in a sack so I can take it
home." Bill Sr. 3/8/04

Southern Saying: "Gooder n' grits."

Southern Sentence: "Heyhireyew?" Translation... "Hello how are you?

Nerve Rackin/Extremely annoying "Billy Bob you sur are nerve rackin."

Jessica, "Rebel Chick With Attitude" TENNESSEE 2/26/04

Southern Sayings:"It's so good, it'd make a freight train take a dirt road!"
(real good)

"Well now! Don't that just fry your tater?" (make you mad)

"That's about as easy as nailin' Jell-O to the wall." (almost impossible)

"That's like tryin' to sneak sunup past a rooster!" (very hard) "Sexy as
socks on a rooster." (not sexy at all)

"You're about as useful as a bucket tucked under a bull!" (not to handy to
have around)

"He'll never drown in his own sweat." (lazy) "He's about two jumps
ahead of a fit." ( really ticked)

"If it costs a dollar to go around the world, I couldn't get out of sight."
(broke) Dottie, MS 2/24/04

Southern Saying: My daddy always used to tell me I was "As independent as a
hog on ice" when I was

being very being stubborn, wanting to do things MY way. Mareth L. Perry

Griyuts:GRITS "Of course, the wonderful breakfast, lunch, and dinner staple
instead of potatoes. It is also an acynonym for "Girls Raised in the

Might could:The double negative often used in NC and Southeastern Virginia
regions. "I might could meet you at the store later." Greetings from
Great Bridge, Virginia Jean-Marie and Jessalyn February 2004

Southern Saying: "If you can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch."

"Don't lay with dogs or you might end up with fleas." Watch who your keeping
company with.

Rurnt:Ruined "Don't eat that tater salad. Its rurnt. " Tammy Laughlin

Southern Sentence:"Purtnearit" Translation...Pretty near it" "Are you
ready to go?" "Purtnearit."

Southern Saying:"It's colder than a well-diggers end." Real cold! 1/31/04

Da'gum:Dang/Dag gum "Where did my da'gum boots run off to?" St.
Augustine, Florida 1/29/04

PAH:Pie "Okay, now for me being a Yankee, this was somewhat of a new concept
for me. When I was dating a girl from the south, she came up to my neck of
the woods and said this in front of my family. It threw my brother in law
the first time she was talking about chocolate PAH. He looked at me and
said what did she say??? I told him, Joey, she said PIE!!!!"

"Lil sass--I had a friend that was supposed to go on a boating trip when she
was on her vacation. The boat that she was going on had a clear bottom
where you could see the fish underneath. She didn't budge off that dock,
looked at the boarding crew and said, "Heck no, I ain't gittn' on that boat.
That thar boat ain't got no bottom" Michael P. Gamache 1/27/04

Mayus:Mess "Pick up the mayus you made."

Southern Saying:I'm tellin you what's the truth son! Translation ~ I'm
telling you the truth son!"

Argil Mahan, Indianapolis 1/27/04

Southern Hebrew: "Shalom Y'all" is "southern hebrew" for hello all. D.
Dover ,Israel 01/21/04

DADGUMMIT:"Used in place of "gosh dang it. "Dadgummit that hurt!!" ...The
Grahams 01/21/04

Dang Skippy:Yes "Ya dang skippy I'm going!"

Terlit:Toilet "If I don't find a terlit soon, were goinna be swimmin for
it!" Brenda 01/12/04

Puddin:Term of indearment. "Are you still my lil' puddin?"

Southern Saying:"Your about as useful as goose mess on a pumphandle."

Thang:Thing Used for almost anything: "Hand me that thang, I need to turn
the sound down." "Honey, "Thang" (Yo' Mamma) should of been here by now."

Southern Sayings:"I'm so hungry, my stomach thinks my throat has been cut."

"Just leave it to the dust and let the rain settle it." Jim Jennings

Yearsty:Yesterday "Where I grew up in Kentucky, folks didn't say the word
yesterday as a three syllable was pronounced
yearsty....prounounced years--tea". Cheryl Barthelemy 1/2/04

Southern Saying:"And if that ain't true, grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't
poultry, and Mona Lisa was a man."

Peter Rabbit McGarrh...1978

Southern Saying:"Don't sit der like a bump on a lawg."
translation..."Don't just sit around."

Jason Herrell, 12/18/03

Widder:Widow "She was a widder woman for five yars afterin her fifth husband
died." P. McMillion 12/15/03

Winder:Window "Don't woup Johnny fer busting that winder! He didn't go to
do it" Meaning:

Johnny did not intend to break the winder. Gus 12-13-03 from NJ

Southern Saying:"She looks like the back side of hard times." ...meaning
she looks awful.

Chesterdrawers:Chest of drawers "Your clothers belong in the
chesterdrawers, not on the floor!"

Elizabeth Bridwell, Southeast Texas ...12/13/03

Kentucky Saying:"You'll see lookie Boy! When your Paw gits home your gonna
think your thunder struck!"

Gus 12/7/03

Bayed:Bed "If you don't be quite I'm putting your tail to bayed!"

Zat:Is that "Zat right?"

Zackly:Exactly "That comes to zackly $4.95."

Warshrag:Wash cloth/Bath cloth "Grab that warshrag and warsh the babies

Yale:Yell "Talk to me, don't yale at me!"

Tar arnTire iron "Don't go off without your tar arn incase you have a
flat tar."

Spect:Expect "I spect them any minute."

Shawt:Short "I'd say 5 foot is a little shawt to be playing basketball."

Saar:Sour "The lemonade is to saar."

Ratcheer:Right here "You stay ratcheer until I get back!"

Phrasin:Freezing "It's phrasin outside today."

Plum:Very "I get plum tickled every time I think about it."

Sawt & Peppeh:Salt & pepper "These beans need a little sawt and peppeh."

Pare:Power "The tree limbs are to close to the pare lines."

Orta:Ought to "I orta go to the store before it gets to late."

Oakree:Okra "I add oakree to my gumbo."

Munts:Months "There are twleve munts in a year."

Keer:Care "I don't keer if it hare-lips the devil, I'm going!"

Mere:Mirror "Stop primping in front of the mere!"

Laht:Light "Your the laht of my lafh."

Lafh:Life "Marriage and murder carry the same sentence, "Lafh."

Kumpny:Company "Help me straighten up before our kumpny arrives."

Jeyver:Did you ever. "Jeyver hear such nonsense?"

Idinit:Isn't it "It's a beautiful day idinit?"

Eyetalyun:Italian "Let's eat Eyetalyn tonight."

Crine:Crying " Dry your eyes and stop crine."

Cheer:Chair "Pull up a cheer and make yourself comfortable."

Caint:Can't/Cannot "I caint leave before I finish my homework."

Bidness:Business "It ain't none of your bidness."

Awl:Oil "I gotta change the awl in my truck fore it blows up."

Awfis:Office "I ain't no awfis kinda man."

Awf:Off "Cut awf that light!"

Awduh:Order "Can I take your awduh?"

Ast:Ask "I done ast you one time!"

Arn:Iron "Go arn yore clothes and git ready for school!"

Tailor:Teller "Kentucky word meaning "A bank teller." From Gus, 11/23/03

Argy:Argue "Don't you argy with me!"

Airish:Drafty "It's a lil' airish out here, I might need a coat.

Ah:I/eye "Ah ain't got no idy (idea)."

Arsh taters:Irish potatoes "I love fried arsh taters and onions."

Southern Saying:"Southern to the bone." "Very southern, born and raised in
the south, your southern roots go back for generations, you talk southern,
think southern, and your very proud of your southern heritage."

Hawg:Hog "You eat like a hawg."

Southern Saying:"I gotta pee like a rushin race horse." Felicia from
Beckley,West Virginia 11/12/03

Bahs:Boss "I'm the bahs around here, if you don't believe it, just start
something." Arkansas 11/11/03

Beholden:Indebted "I'm beholden to ya for all your help."

Aw Shucks:Oh heck "Aw shucks, it weren't nothin, glad to do it fer ya."
Ray G. Jacksonville, TX 11/10/03

G-haw:Clash "Don't mesh, don't see things the same way, can't seem to get
along, clash" "We don't g-haw."

Wuter:Water "You shure that wuter is good?" James Smith 11/02/03

Tennessee Hillbilly Sayings: "neckkid asa jayburd" - trans- "completely

"Whutn tarnation!" - trans- "What in the world?!" or "What is that?!"

"Mess an gom" -(sounds like bomb) - trans- "Making a mess"

"Cute asa bug ina rug" or "cute asa bugs ear" - trans- "very cute"

"Slow as malasses in winter time" - trans- "very slow" "Old as dirt" -
trans- "VERY old"

"He lives so fer outina boonies, the sun sets tween him and town." - trans-
"lives very far out in the country"

"Ugly asa mud fence" - trans- "very ugly"

"Nervous asa long tail cat ina room full of rockers" - trans- "very nervous

"Red dope and a Moonpie" - trans- "Red soft drink and a great snack cake
made in Chattanooga, TN"

Submitted by ~ David A. Morrison 10/27/03

Hunker Down:Get Down "Let's hunker down behind the couch so's we can scare
Mamma when she get's home!" Julie ~ Southwest Missouri 10/17/03

Southern Words & Sayings:"I don't matta me no nevermine." It doesn't matter
to me, whatever you want.

"Don't right checks with yer mouth that ya cain't cash with yer end." watch
what you say.

Ridges:hills, draws or hollers - area of ground lower than ridges

Spell:sick "Granpa's havin' anuther spell." A measurement of time. "We was
up there a spell."


Southern Arkansas Sayings:"I'm sweatin like a stuck pig," "I'm gonna
slap you silly."

"Yankees-Above Arkansas." "You ain't from around here, r ya? Anyone
that don't tawk like us."

Every word has a long vowel sound and we talk very slow. Arkansas

Criminity or Crimnatly:As in "Oh gee wiz." Ronald Corey 10/03/03

Southern Saying:During inclement weather (rain & ankle deep mud at a local
fair)... apair of good-ole boys were trying to negotiate the slippery path.
I overheard one say to the other.."this 'ere's slicker 'n snot ona

doorknob!" My first thought was...WHY do you know what that feels like? I
laughed, but I never forgot the image! Lynda Levair ~ visitor from
Michigan's U.P. (upper penninsula) 10/01/03

Southern Saying:Sam Hill What you say when your bewildered..

Flahr:Flour "This recipe calls for self-rising flahr."

Deptee:Deputy :I ain't Deptee Fife, this here's Forest, and I'm Poe-Lease
Chief Bubba Lee."

Southern Saying "I am humbled by your mastery of "southronese"!
Translation..."I am humbled by your ability to master the southern

Bawston:Boston Adlanna:Atlanta Challston:Charleston Nawlins':New
Orleans Virginyah:Virginia

Richmon:Richmond Muntgumry:Montgomery Nyshvul:Nashville
Jawjuh:Georgia Ohio:Ohia

Cayun:Can "Open up a cayun of mayters!" Mayters:Tomatoes

Southern Saying:"Well, shut my mouth."...Translation...."I am speechless!"

Southern Saying: "Sun don't shine on the same dog's tail all the time."
Translation...The tables will turn.

Shur-nuff:Sure enough, yes, yep, that's right, it sure is, you bet, uh huh,
yeah, really, defiite... "It's shur-nuff gonna be cold tonite!"

Southern Saying:"I'm not just whistlin dixie."...Translation...I mean it, I
mean business, I'm fer shur serious this time, or I agree... 09/10/03

Play Purties:Toys "Y'all behave now and I might get you some play

Piddlin' around:Playing around "Well, I gotta start supper directly, so I
reckon I'll stop piddlin' around here.

Southern Sayings: "I jumped on that like a duck on a June bug. "I'll
knock a knot on you and dare it to rise." "They look like they've been
suckin' a sow." (Dirty face)

"I'm fixin' to commence to begin to get ready to start." ( ironing,
cleaning....whatever.) 09/09/03

Whoda:Who would of "Whoda thunk it?" Translation..."Who would of thought

Southern Saying:"Busy as a stump-tailed cow in fly time.
Translation...Very busy.

Southern Saying:"I'm busier than a one-armed paper hanger." Allison
Parker, Seattle, WA, native Mississippian

Nurse:Comfort or care for. "Let me nurse the baby while you do the dishes."

Tote:Carry "Let me tote that it's heavy."

Southern Sentence:Geet "Did you eat?" Gina Trask -Eagle Grove, Iowa
formerly from Arkansas

Coon's Age:A long time. "I haven't seen them in a coon's age."

Sweet Milk:Homogenized Milk "This recipe calls for a cup of sweet milk."

Nahsuh:No Sir "Nahsuh, don't thank I ever seen anythang as ugly before."

Yesum:Yes ma'am "Did you do your chores?" "Yesum."

Dang Nar:Dang near "It dang nar killed me."

Wharhouse:Warehouse "We need to go to the wharhouse and load up."

Southern Saying:"I'm fuller than a juicy dogtick." (What you say when you
ate too much)

Autumn Dickerson 08/01/03

Southern Saying:"If you put his/her brain in a jaybird's behind it would fly
backwards." "What you would say about someone that is saying or doing
something stupid." Annieoakley 07/25/03

County Pin:Bedspread Wurds:Words Shuld:Should "You shuld watch your
wurds, you may have to eat them

one day." Angie Dunford, originally from Virginia, now living in Illinois.

Hankerin:Craving "I'm hankerin fer some sorgum lassis and biscuits."

Lassis:Molassis Bernt Near:Almost done. "I'm a bernt near done."
Achillbilly 07/17/03

Southern Sentence:"Ipreshadit." "I appreciate it."

Hoss:Horse "That's a real fine hoss."

Mah:My I have sumin' in mah ah. (I have something in my eye.)

Ditty:Daddy "I asked my Ditty if he wanted to go to Sunday Skoo, he said,
no, I graduated already."

Emplawee:Employee: "My bahs-man made me emplawee of the month."

Southern Sentences:"Yompto" "Do you want to?" "Yumpferit?" "Are you up
for it?"

Southern Saying:"She's as cute as socks on a rooster." Steve Johnson Cross
Lanes, WV 07/13/03

Hunnerd:Hundred "You should of seen all them thar dubba wides, I bet thar
wuz a hunnerd ofum, one even had a pi-anner in it; and that sales whoamun
was rite plight." 07/12/03

Caught-a-far:Caught on fire: "The Johnston's house burned down last night
it caught-a-far."

Lashaye O. North Carolina 07/10/03

Flares:Flowers "Pick me some purdy flares."

Suh:Sir "Yes suh, that's my baby, no suh, I don't mean maybe."

Rightly:Really "I don't rightly know."

Southern Saying: "Awerite howbout youns?" "Here'd of thatn before."
Translation: "Alright how about you guys?" "Heard of that one before."
Helen Trotter 06/30/03

Southern Saying:I was walking with a friend from Wisconsin and said "Oh my
god, she's fat as mud". Am I the only person who ever says this. On
reflection it doesn't even make sense - I couldn't explain to her what makes
mud fat but it just came out. Can you explain this?? I told her, 'oh it's
just a southern saying.'

Pat Smithmeyer 06/24/03

Swang:Swing "It don't mean a thang if it ain't got that swang."

Ranch:Wrench " You gall-darn idjit, before you take that ranch and try and
fix that pareline, holler, "Hey Y'all Watch This!" (Usually a southerners
last words)

Idy:Idea "I got no idy whar Tom lives."

Orta:Ought to "He orta get the papers delivered today.

Daid:Dead "Ol' Billy Ray hollored, Hey Y'all Watch This, just before he
dove off that bridge; now he's daid."

Rench:Rinse "I best rench this mud outta my har."

Ah've:I've Ah've got to leave here by noon.

Iunkare: I don't care "Iunkare if you are a hillbilly." Sassymadcow

Southern Saying: "Hold their feet to the fire." Translation: Don't let them
off the hook.

Southern Saying: "Well, I declare!" Translation: "Well, I never!"

Wimmin:Women "Those southern wimmin, our belles of the south."
Submitted by SW, 06/17/03

Southern Saying:"Well, Good Night." "Well, good gosh" "I jumped off a
two-story cliff."

Heather, Sarasota, FL formerly from Live Oak, FL 05/26/03

Yeller:Yellow That's sum yeller dawg ya got thare mister.

Tween:Between "Keep this tween you and me."

Skiter:Mosquito Them dang skiters are thick!! Diane Hargrove 05/09/03

Hail:Hell/or frozen ran "If you don't strighten up, your goin to hail."

Man'naze:Man there's " Man'naze a lot of snakes in this pond."

Southern Sentence:"Yaeatyet?" Translation: "You eat yet?"

Southern Saying:"I don't see any corn in your crib." Translation: Unwanted
advise from someone who has no idea what they are talking about.

Waffel:Wife Will:"You better eat that chicken leg, or my waffle eat it for
you." Bobby MS 05/19/03

Southern Sentence:"Ijistet." Translation: "I just ate."

Ain'tcha:Aren't you "Your a little ignert ain'tcha?" 05/17/03

Plum Tuckered:Very Tired "I walked until I was plum tuckered." 05/17/03

Southern Saying:"Well spit in the fire, and call the dogs!" Said when
someone unexpected shows up at the door, or someone you really don't care to

Sugah:Sugar Term of endearment "Hey sugah, how wuz your day?"

Southern Saying;"American by birth, Southern by the grace of God."

Whar:Where "Whar is that dawg?" "He dang sure better not be running snipe

Snipe Huntin:Snipe Hunting "A joke pulled on gullible Yankee's."

Gove'nuh: Governer: "Our Gove'nuh lives in Gubment Housing"

Southern Saying ~ She's purty as a picture. Allen & Dianne C., Marietta,
Georgia 05/12/03

Southern Saying ~ "If I tell you that mule don't ride, don't get on him."
(translation) "If I tell you something, you can believe it."

Southern Sayings: "He'd rather climb up a tree and lie to ya than stand on
the ground and tell ya the truth."

(If someone is always telling lies.) "Toadthumper or Tornader:tornado.'

"Well, I gotta go UP-Town to get some stuff." (Uptown=any location besides

Hubba Hubba:For southern slang I found an old 1940-1950's slang that is very
southern and still being used today, especially here in Oklahoma, Arkansas
and Texas. The words are: "Hubba Hubba". I hear a lot of teens, and 20/30
somethings use this phrase. Apparently it has become quite popular. I
think this is because it rhymes with "Bubba or Hubba Bubba" gum. Just
thought you would like to know. Sarah Heinz, OK 05/02/03

Southern Sentence: "How r ya? F"How are you?" "Well, I'm fine as a frog
hair split 'n half, how r ya'll?" Michael 04/23/03

Southern Saying:"I'm figna tan yur hide." Translation: "I'm fixing to
spank your butt."

Switch ~ Definition: part of a tree limb used for spankings. an erchin

Southern Sentence:"Yeontto?" Translation: "You want to?"

Yonder:My granny has alway's said, "You see that thing over YONDER?" Yonder
meaning over there, or she would say "Put this over YONDER" Heather,
Sarasota, FL., originally from Live Oak, FL. 03/26/03

Southern Saying:"Well, Jimney crickets" (meaning) "I'll be dog, or you
don't say". Bev 03/31/03

Lil' Sass:"One thing about us southerners, we have big hips, fluffy
biscuits, and a wide smile." 03/31/03

Southern Sayings:"Happy as a dead pig in sunshine." Meaning not happy at

"Careful you don't let your jaybird mouth overload your hummingbird butt."
Kathy Raper 03/12/03

Southern Saying:"That dog don't hunt." That's when you don't believe what
your hearing, especially when your being lied to. My husband said, "He
ain't been out drinking with the boys." "Well, that dog don't hunt, 'cause
I can smell it on ya." Janet Howell 03/10/03

Hissie Fit:Tantrum "I pitched a saucer throwin, foot stompin, cabinet
slammin, get out of my face, this better be the last time this dab-blame
mess happens, hissie fit!"

Gawed:Diaper Rash That babys' bottom is as gawed as can be.

Southern Saying:"Well, I'll be a flop-eared mule." Used in place of a curse
word, like when you drop something and want to say 'darn.' Wilma Becky
Shaw 03/06/03

Pumpknot:Lump Knot on top of your head: Living in Washington state, I am
surrounded by co-workers stumped by my descriptions. Yesterday I said, "I
had a pumpknot on my head." They were confused and I don't see that one in
the definitions. Being a lump on knot on your head. People here call it a
'goose-egg'. Could you add that please? Submitted by Sharon: Washington
state. 02/26/03

Southern Saying:Over here in Texas; we say, "Don't let yer alligator mouth
overload yer

humming bird hinny." Bill 02/22/03

Lil' Sass:My Maryland friends would always get a kick when my Virginian
mountain-bread father would explain Southern Math--"Pi are square?--Tain't
right--Pi are round; cornbread are square". Terry from MD 02/20/03

Southern Saying:"Spit before you drown." What you tell someone with a mouth
full of tobacco juice.

Great Day:Used as an exclamation: "Great day! That's the biggest wrassler
I've ever seen."

Wrasslin:Wrestling Bald:Boiled"As in "Bald Peanuts" (boiled) Sent in
by: H.D. Lail 02/13/03

Arkansas Saying:"He lives so fer out here, he has ta go tords town to go
squarrel huntin'."

Translation He lives so far out, he has to go towards town to go squirrel

Jerre Davidson, Pine Bluff, AR 02/12/03

Southern Sentence:"Smatter." What is the matter? "What's smatter with you
today? or "Smatter?"

Southern Saying:"By and by" "In the future, eventually, after a while, we
will get there by and by."

Evertime:Every time "Evertime that dawg gits out, he heads straight for the

Taint:There ain't "Taint nothin' toit." "There ain't nothing to it."

Amerkin:American "I'm just as Amerkin as anyone, I just talk a little
strange, and eat grits."

Sensuous:Since you was "Babe, sensuous up, why don't you bring me my

Southern Saying:"It's coming up a cloud." (storm)

Rite smart:Smart "Lou is a rite smart child."

Aig:Egg "What came first, the chicken or the aig?"

Southern Saying:"A southerner does not have a hissie fit, they pitch one."

Enuff:Enough "Ya'll settle down now, enuff is enuff already."

Farner:Yankee "Anyone that's not from the south."

Bleeve:Believe "O, yu gotta bleeve me, mamma."

Southern Sayin"This taste so good, it make's you want to slap your mamma.

Near Bout:Almost "Are you near bout ready?"

Haze:He's "Bubba can't fix that flat, haze to ignert?"

Neckkid:Unclothed "It ain't your birthday, quit running around here

Agin:Again "Play it agin Boo."

Lil' Sass:When I, a Yankee Gal, (until 13 years ago), got my first strike on
our newly joined bowling league. One of the guys cracked me up by
exclaiming, "Yep! Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while!" Early
Albanese, N. Florida

Thawt:Thought "You must of thawt it, you ain't had time to dream it."

Southern Saying: "I've got to make hay while the sun shines."

Tawk:Talk "Tawk, tawk, tawk, that's all you do is bump your gums."

Southern Saying: "Higher the hair, closer to God."

Nem:Them "Hows yo' mamma n' nem?"

Ain't'e:Isn't he "He's a pretty good ol' fellar ain't'e?"

Couse:Cause "Watcha mouth now; you do it couse I said so!"

Ignert:Uneducated "He's to ignert to know better."

Kin Folks:Relatives "Down here a car is considered fully loaded when it's
filled with kin folks."

Y-oncha:Why don't you "Y-oncha c'mon over here."

Tayvay:TV "Hey, turn on the tayvay for the futbawl game."

Gawna:Going to "I'm gawna carry those folks to town."

Purdy:Pretty "She's a purdy lil' thang."

Sardey:Saturday "Werk on Fridey,Warshen on Sardey, Church on Sundey."

FLAW:Floor "You need to put a mop to that dirty flaw."

Goobers:Peanuts "Give me some of them goobers."

Redneck:Backwoods Country "Ol' redneck bubba's so backwoods he should of
been cast as a Beaverly Hillbilly"

Brang:Bring "Brang me in a switch, I'm gonna whup ya fer sassin me."

Fair Ta' Middlin:Alright,but not great. "How are you feeling?" "Ah, fair
ta' middlin."

Warsh:Wash "I gotta do the warsh."

Whup:Whip "I'm counting to three, and if you haven't stopped, I'm gonna
whup your butt."

Southern Saying:Full as a tick Full, stuffed- "Supper was fitin and
I'm full as a tick."

Southern Saying:"Steppen' high like a rooster in ankle deep mud."

Fitin:Good "Those biscuits sure were fitin."

Fahr:Fire "Throw some wood on that fahr."

Nawth:North "If your not from the south, your from the nawth."

Skrane:Screen "Close that skrane door befo the flies git in."

Waf:Wife "Yelp! I'm bout to have me a waf; just as soon as she makes that
last payment on that thare rang at Wally World, we'll be mayrd."

Dab-blame:Southern Cuss Word- "You better give me that dab-blame thang,

Yannah:Your Honor "I swar Yannah; it was self defense."

Younguns:Kids "You younguns, quit playing with that dawg, and git on in
this hause."

Po' Mouthin:Poor Mouthing Negative talk, Complaining "Stop all of that
po' mouthin."

Stankin:Stinking "Sis was making chitlins the other day and the hole house
was stankin."

Tawt/Taught "I tawt yew better'n nat."

Surp:Syurp "I love surp and butter with my biscuits."

Dja:Did you "Dja get the wood cut?"

Fergit:Forget "I fergit just how many grand-younguns we have now."

Sallit:Salad "Put a lil' dressin on yur sallit."

Dubya:W "How do you spell well?" "Dubya-e-l-l."

Whut:What "Whut did you say?" or in reply usually drawn out "Whuut".

Arncha:Aren't you "Arncha ever gonna git up and go to work?"

Nuthun:Nothing "Tell me whut you see out that wender Beau?" Beau
replied, 'nuthun.'

Ovare:Over there "Go on ovare and pick up that stick."

Playze:Please "Brang me uh cup uh coffee, playze."

Anuther-un:Another one "Here comes anuther-un." Patricia Mowery

Gist:Just "Why don't you gist pick up a two-by-four and adgist his

Thankin':Thinking "Be quite, I'm thankin'."

Wite:White "That youngun is as wite headed as his daddy."

Awraht:Alright "If it's awraht wit'chu, It's awraht wit me."

Reckin:Think "I don't reckin I've ever heard anything so funny."

Southern Saying: "Ya'll have a good'un." (have a good day.) Beverely,
Virginia 01/29/03

Ratcheer:Right here "She's ratcheer!"

Tuck:Took "I never tuck a thang without paying fer it."

Tar:Tire "Look yonder, that truck tar is low."

Blong:Belong "The dogs don't blong with the cats in that cage."


There ya have it... the secret of recent Republican successes with the
wide-eyed American voter. (Other than fooling Diebold machines and such.)

"Well now! Don't that just fry your tater?"

Fooled By Folksy Republicans


Nov 6, 2006, 2:18:58 PM11/6/06

"Suck my Dick"

Hillbilly enough for ya???


Nov 6, 2006, 3:02:02 PM11/6/06
Fooled By Folksy Republicans wrote:
> Foller (follow) the guide below and you too can learn to fool the ignorant
> American electorate just like DemonCraps for AQ do!

Text of Fatwah Urging Jihad Against Americans

Published in Al-Quds al-'Arabi on Febuary 23, 1998

Statement signed by Sheikh Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin; Ayman
al-Zawahiri, leader of the Jihad Group in Egypt; Abu- Yasir Rifa'i Ahmad
Taha, a leader of the Islamic Group; Sheikh Mir Hamzah, secretary of the
Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan; and Fazlul Rahman, leader of the Jihad
Movement in Bangladesh

Praise be to God, who revealed the Book, controls the clouds, defeats
factionalism, and says in His Book "But when the forbidden months are
past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, seize them,
beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)";
and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad Bin-'Abdallah, who said "I have
been sent with the sword between my hands to ensure that no one but God
is worshipped, God who put my livelihood under the shadow of my spear
and who inflicts humiliation and scorn on those who disobey my orders."
The Arabian Peninsula has never--since God made it flat, created its
desert, and encircled it with seas--been stormed by any forces like the
crusader armies now spreading in it like locusts, consuming its riches
and destroying its plantations. All this is happening at a time when
nations are attacking Muslims like people fighting over a plate of food.
In the light of the grave situation and the lack of support, we and you
are obliged to discuss current events, and we should all agree on how to
settle the matter.

No one argues today about three facts that are known to everyone; we
will list them, in order to remind everyone:

First, for over seven years the United States has been occupying the
lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula,
plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people,
terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a
spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples.

If some people have formerly debated the fact of the occupation, all the
people of the Peninsula have now acknowledged it.

The best proof of this is the Americans' continuing aggression against
the Iraqi people using the Peninsula as a staging post, even though all
its rulers are against their territories being used to that end, still
they are helpless. Second, despite the great devastation inflicted on
the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge
number of those killed, in excess of 1 million... despite all this, the
Americans are once against trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as
though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after
the ferocious war or the fragmentation and devastation.

So now they come to annihilate what is left of this people and to
humiliate their Muslim neighbors.

Third, if the Americans' aims behind these wars are religious and
economic, the aim is also to serve the Jews' petty state and divert
attention from its occupation of Jerusalem and murder of Muslims there.

The best proof of this is their eagerness to destroy Iraq, the strongest
neighboring Arab state, and their endeavor to fragment all the states of
the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan into paper
statelets and through their disunion and weakness to guarantee Israel's
survival and the continuation of the brutal crusade occupation of the

All these crimes and sins committed by the Americans are a clear
declaration of war on God, his messenger, and Muslims. And ulema have
throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an
individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries. This was
revealed by Imam Bin-Qadamah in "Al- Mughni," Imam al-Kisa'i in "Al-
Bada'i," al-Qurtubi in his interpretation, and the shaykh of al-Islam in
his books, where he said "As for the militant struggle, it is aimed at
defending sanctity and religion, and it is a duty as agreed. Nothing is
more sacred than belief except repulsing an enemy who is attacking
religion and life."

On that basis, and in compliance with God's order, we issue the
following fatwa to all Muslims

The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies--civilians and
military--is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any
country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the
al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy mosque from their grip, and in order for
their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable
to threaten any Muslim. This is in accordance with the words of Almighty
God, "and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together,"
and "fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there
prevail justice and faith in God."

This is in addition to the words of Almighty God "And why should ye not
fight in the cause of God and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated
and oppressed--women and children, whose cry is 'Our Lord, rescue us
from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee
one who will help!'"

We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and
wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans
and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call
on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on
Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to
displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson.

Almighty God said "O ye who believe, give your response to God and His
Apostle, when He calleth you to that which will give you life. And know
that God cometh between a man and his heart, and that it is He to whom
ye shall all be gathered."

Almighty God also says "O ye who believe, what is the matter with you,
that when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of God, ye cling so
heavily to the earth! Do ye prefer the life of this world to the
hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the
hereafter. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous
penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the
least. For God hath power over all things."

Almighty God also says "So lose no heart, nor fall into despair. For ye
must gain mastery if ye are true in faith."

Test Pattern

Nov 6, 2006, 4:48:24 PM11/6/06
"Fooled By Folksy Republicans" <Look...@ITalkCowboyTalk.con> wrote in
message news:UhC3h.213$Ja...@newsfe03.lga...

Youze gotta be shitting me moron, you took all the time to post this
bullshit? Translation: Fuck You.

Fooled By Folksy Republicans

Nov 6, 2006, 5:55:01 PM11/6/06

"Test Pattern" <> wrote in message

Weez git ta listen to this bullshit from Bush and the Republicans, and all
y'all lap it up--ya can't git enuf of it, so what's your problem?

Fooled By Folksy Republicans



Nov 6, 2006, 6:37:28 PM11/6/06
Fooled By Folksy Republicans wrote:

Why does the Communist Party believe it is so important that Democrats win?

"Whereas a few weeks ago only a handful of House and Senate seats were
considered 'competitive,' now more than 50 House seats are in play and
more than a dozen Senate seats," the statement continues. "A change of
15 seats in the House and 6 seats in the Senate would change control of
Congress. Members of the congressional Progressive, Black, Hispanic and
Asian-Pacific caucuses would chair half of the House committees and

The party urges members to get involved in the election at every level –
including the following ways:

* "Volunteer to phone bank with your union, neighborhood
association or political organization."

* "Go door to door in your neighborhood or in citywide
mobilizations on behalf of candidates you support."

* "Know and discuss with voters the basic issues. Explain why
changing Congress is so crucial to reversing the extremist, right-wing
thrust of the Republicans."

* "Volunteer to be a poll watcher or election judge on Election Day."

* "'Protect the vote.' Volunteer with groups working to prevent the
right wing's 'voter suppression' and 'vote theft' tactics. Know the
election laws and be an advocate for people whose right to vote is under

* "Register your family, neighbors and co-workers to vote and bring
them to the polls on Nov. 7."

* "Help give reminders and rides to get out the vote on Election Day."

The major emphasis of the Communist Party campaign for Democrats is the
war in Iraq – and support for the plan by Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., for
early withdrawal.

"The pressure for troop withdrawal is growing, so much so that earlier
this summer Democrats introduced two resolutions in the Senate,"
explained a story in the party's People's Weekly World newspaper. "One,
authored by Senator Kerry, envisions a short exit strategy and a role
for the international community. The other, which has the support of
nearly 40 Democratic senators and may be re-introduced this fall, calls
for troop withdrawal beginning this winter, but the flaw is that it
leaves the process open-ended, which is precisely what Bush does."

The party believes the Democrats will withdraw early from Iraq if they
take power in tomorrow's election.

"The media spin has been that the Democrats are split on the war. The
real story is that 85 percent of the Democrats in Congress voted for
withdrawal and are in step with the majority public opinion," explained
another article on the party's website. "Eight months ago, two
Democratic senators were for withdrawal; two months ago it was four.
This past week 39 Democrats in the Senate voted for withdrawal and the
need for non-military support for the reconstruction of Iraq."

Just so there could be no mistake about the party's intentions to
support a Democratic Party victory, Judith LeBlanc, national
vice-chairwoman of the CPUSA, added: "The Democratic Party and its
candidates are only as strong politically and economically as the mass
movements behind them. The greater participation of the Party and Left,
the more effective the movements are, the more likely we can deliver a
blow to the Right in November."

The Democratic Party has refused to respond to WND's story last week
that quoted a variety of Middle East terrorist leaders urging American
to vote Democratic.

The terrorists told WorldNetDaily an electoral win for the Democrats
would prove to them Americans are "tired." They rejected statements from
some prominent Democrats in the U.S. that a withdrawal from Iraq would
end the insurgency, explaining an evacuation would prove resistance
works and would compel jihadists to continue fighting until America is

Mission Accomplished

Nov 6, 2006, 6:43:40 PM11/6/06
"PATRIOT" <> wrote in message



Nov 6, 2006, 6:50:19 PM11/6/06

Care to try and PROVE that?

Well asshole, wanna try?

Reprinted from the People's Weekly World Newspaper, 08/17/06

The pressure for troop withdrawal is growing, so much so that earlier

this summer Democrats introduced two resolutions in the Senate. One,

authored by Senator Kerry, envisions a short exit strategy and a role
for the international community. The other, which has the support of
nearly 40 Democratic senators and may be re-introduced this fall, calls
for troop withdrawal beginning this winter, but the flaw is that it
leaves the process open-ended, which is precisely what Bush does.

Nevertheless, the fact that a majority of Senate Democrats are
supporting this resolution constitutes an important shift in their
approach to the Iraq occupation. Much work by the peace majority still
needs to be done, but the playing field is far more favorable for
organizing a congressional majority in favor of ending the occupation
than it was even a few months ago.

We should welcome these changes, even though they don’t go far enough.
Communists and other left-minded people should not only give space to
people to change their positions on the occupation; we should also
applaud such changes when they go in a progressive direction, even if
they are not identical to our positions.

Of course, we don’t support an open-ended occupation, no matter which
party proposes it. And, needless to say, we don’t support a long-term
U.S. military presence in Iraq, which is obviously the Bush
administration’s plan.

A long-term U.S. presence is not a force for a democratic, stable and
peaceful Iraq.

Mission Accomplished

Nov 6, 2006, 6:54:17 PM11/6/06
"PATRIOT" <> wrote in message

More bullshit snipped.


Nov 6, 2006, 6:59:09 PM11/6/06

JERUSALEM – Everybody has an opinion about next Tuesday's midterm
congressional election in the U.S. – including senior terrorist leaders
interviewed by WND who say they hope Americans sweep the Democrats into
power because of the party's position on withdrawing from Iraq, a move,
as they see it, that ensures victory for the worldwide Islamic resistance.

The terrorists told WorldNetDaily an electoral win for the Democrats
would prove to them Americans are "tired."

They rejected statements from some prominent Democrats in the U.S. that
a withdrawal from Iraq would end the insurgency, explaining an
evacuation would prove resistance works and would compel jihadists to
continue fighting until America is destroyed.

They said a withdrawal would also embolden their own terror groups to
enhance "resistance" against Israel.

"Of course Americans should vote Democrat," Jihad Jaara, a senior member
of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of
the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, told WND.

"This is why American Muslims will support the Democrats, because there
is an atmosphere in America that encourages those who want to withdraw
from Iraq. It is time that the American people support those who want to
take them out of this Iraqi mud," said Jaara, speaking to WND from exile
in Ireland, where he was sent as part of an internationally brokered
deal that ended the church siege.

Jaara was the chief in Bethlehem of the Brigades, the declared "military
wing" of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party.

Together with the Islamic Jihad terror group, the Brigades has taken
responsibility for every suicide bombing inside Israel the past two
years, including an attack in Tel Aviv in April that killed American
teenager Daniel Wultz and nine Israelis.

Muhammad Saadi, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in the northern West
Bank town of Jenin, said the Democrats' talk of withdrawal from Iraq
makes him feel "proud."

"As Arabs and Muslims we feel proud of this talk," he told WND. "Very
proud from the great successes of the Iraqi resistance. This success
that brought the big superpower of the world to discuss a possible


Nov 6, 2006, 7:38:31 PM11/6/06

PATRIOT wrote:
> Fooled By Folksy Republicans wrote:
> Why does the Communist Party believe it is so important that Democrats win?

> "Whereas a few weeks ago only a handful of House and Senate seats were
> considered 'competitive,' now more than 50 House seats are in play and
> more than a dozen Senate seats," the statement continues.

How come everytime someone gets quoted by the media, they get
something wrong?

>"A change of
> 15 seats in the House and 6 seats in the Senate would change control of
> Congress. Members of the congressional Progressive, Black, Hispanic and
> Asian-Pacific caucuses would chair half of the House committees and
> sub-committees."

Which always makes me question every quote that I read in the paper,
hear on the tv/radio, etc!!!

> The party urges members to get involved in the election at every level -

> including the following ways:
> * "Volunteer to phone bank with your union, neighborhood
> association or political organization."

I guess in rambling, the guy misunderstood. What was said was that
they wouldn't send
comments out unless groups specifically asked for them.

> * "Go door to door in your neighborhood or in citywide
> mobilizations on behalf of candidates you support."

oh well.


"Anonymous death came early and often. Each of the thousand trains that
entered and left the city did so at grade level. You could step from a
curb and be killed by the Chicago Limited. Every day on average two
people were destroyed at the city's rail crossings. "--Devil in the
White City, Erik Larson


Nov 6, 2006, 8:04:16 PM11/6/06

JERUSALEM – Everybody has an opinion about next Tuesday's midterm
congressional election in the U.S. – including senior terrorist leaders
interviewed by WND who say they hope Americans sweep the Democrats into
power because of the party's position on withdrawing from Iraq, a move,
as they see it, that ensures victory for the worldwide Islamic resistance.

The terrorists told WorldNetDaily an electoral win for the Democrats

would prove to them Americans are "tired."

They rejected statements from some prominent Democrats in the U.S. that
a withdrawal from Iraq would end the insurgency, explaining an
evacuation would prove resistance works and would compel jihadists to
continue fighting until America is destroyed.

They said a withdrawal would also embolden their own terror groups to

Fooled By Folksy Republicans

Nov 6, 2006, 9:14:14 PM11/6/06

"PATRIOT" <> wrote in message

> Mission Accomplished wrote:
>> "PATRIOT" <> wrote in message
>> news:_SP3h.186645$
> "support the Democrats, because there is an atmosphere in America that
> encourages those who want to withdraw from Iraq.

There is an atmosphere in America that wants Bush to stop fucking up in

Bush had his chance; he failed as miserably as he failed as head of Midland
Oil and after Katrina.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld must inevitably fail because they are not men of
ability. You can't expect victory from the weak and the stupid; screwups
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are weak and stupid.

Fooled By Folksy Republicans

Fooled By Folksy Republicans

Nov 6, 2006, 9:43:21 PM11/6/06

"PATRIOT" <> wrote in message

> Fooled By Folksy Republicans wrote:
>> Foller (follow) the guide below and you too can learn to fool the
>> ignorant
>> American electorate just like DemonCraps for AQ do!
> Text of Fatwah Urging Jihad Against Americans

Text of Republican Fatwah Waging Jihad Against Americans: read the
Republican Party Platform.

You're no patriot because you support Bush and his America-wrecker

Fooled By Folksy Republicans.


Nov 6, 2006, 10:31:35 PM11/6/06
Fooled By Folksy Republicans wrote:

JERUSALEM – Everybody has an opinion about next Tuesday's midterm
congressional election in the U.S. – including senior terrorist leaders
interviewed by WND who say they hope Americans sweep the Democrats into
power because of the party's position on withdrawing from Iraq, a move,
as they see it, that ensures victory for the worldwide Islamic resistance.

The terrorists told WorldNetDaily an electoral win for the Democrats
would prove to them Americans are "tired."

They rejected statements from some prominent Democrats in the U.S. that
a withdrawal from Iraq would end the insurgency, explaining an
evacuation would prove resistance works and would compel jihadists to
continue fighting until America is destroyed.

They said a withdrawal would also embolden their own terror groups to
enhance "resistance" against Israel.

"Of course Americans should vote Democrat," Jihad Jaara, a senior member
of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of
the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, told WND.

"This is why American Muslims will support the Democrats, because there

is an atmosphere in America that encourages those who want to withdraw

Fooled By Folksy Republicans

Nov 6, 2006, 11:48:36 PM11/6/06

"PATRIOT KISSES BUSH'S BOTTOM" <> wrote in message

> Mission Accomplished wrote:
>> "PATRIOT KISSES BUSH'S BOTTOM" <> wrote in message
>> news:_SP3h.186645$

> "support the Democrats, because there is an atmosphere in America that
> encourages those who want to withdraw from Iraq.

There is an atmosphere in America that wants Bush to stop fucking up in

0 new messages