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Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation being l. ron hubbard (incl. Definition of 'Karma,' 'Truth,' 'Punishment') - {HRO 20081017-V2.5

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Dec 22, 2009, 7:10:26 PM12/22/09
Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation being l. ron hubbard
(incl. Definition of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')

17 October 2008
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}

(Version 2.5
on 22 Dec 2009)

(suitable for foreign
language students)

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by skipping

(does NOT suit


(Definition of Truth):

"Truth is defined in your soul, as

'That what happened, plus, who caused it, plus,
the intentions of who caused it'

- truth then (though it can be hidden in various ways)
is absolute, it obviously can not ever be erased,
no matter how distant in time it has come to pass

- truth further, having become part of The Creation
the moment something happened or was intended, can
forever be remembered or viewed." {definition}

Koos Nolst Trenite
human rights philosopher and poet



If you had sufficient knowledge about, care for and understanding of
Mankind, and of life itself, then

you would have given this order yourself, and I would then not have
had to do so.


The order is called a Human Rights Order, because it is based on
sufficient understanding, as found in the Human Rights Issues
and in Fine Particle Physics.



The Human Rights Order is as follows:

Anyone who supports or aids or promotes the individual who is
last known as l. ron hubbard (L. Ron Hubbard),

is an enemy of Mankind, to the degree of the support or aid or
promotion of the individual last known as l. ron hubbard, that
is given or intended.

This particular order can not be revoked, and remains in force
for all eternity, as explained below.


Not only sufficient data, but also sufficient understanding, has been
made available to you and accessible by you, to be able for you to
comply with this order,

and also to understand its additional order of being permanent, of
being irrevocable, for all time.


It applies, retroactively, also to those - including me - who
have IN THE PAST (including in past lives, which are as valid
as any other life or existence, in which one) in some way
supported this individual, but it applies then obviously only

to the extent that someone does not revoke, or refuses to
revoke and to denounce past support, *(1)

indeed support given also in past lives, which are, by
definition, not less lived, and not with less future
conditions created, of course, as one's present life time,

with my stereotype example of the Eiffel
Tower: If you did (help to) build that
structure in your previous life time, then

it is still standing there now, isn't it - it
did not disappear, when your body died, right?

So if you wrote a book with a "glowing account of
support for the individual and his work," then
that book, and its possible influence, continue
of course to exist also in your present life time
- you might be willing to admit - as your creation

of possible support for the individual, last known as
l. ron hubbard, who is the object of this Human Rights


Satan is not 'a concept,' nor 'an Energy' - but it is an actual
individual soul, who has decided at some time (out of the usual
motives of Insanity, such as Envy and Hate, and much much longer
ago than Earth myths claim) to "seek his joy in destroying The
Creation," and to destroy as many souls as he could capture by
whatever means, in people's distant spiritual pasts, which he
himself, not entirely without intended accuracy, places at about
75 million years ago, and since then to destroy any captive
people or souls, permanently to become and to remain what you
now call sociopaths, or Criminal Minds,

those WHO ENJOY TO BE EVIL, *(3)

and that of course RESULTS in them producing, and projecting or
inflicting on everybody their Evil, Harmfully Altered Life
Energies. *(2)

And whether those individuals are alive (born in a body) or
dead (currently not born) MAKES NO DIFFERENCE in their JOY nor
in their PRACTICING their JOY TO BE EVIL, to inflict Evil
ENERGIES onto you, onto others, onto your body and onto the
body of others.


Due to the proven, very distant past as well as present nature
of the individual mentioned to be the soul called Satan, or
Shaitan or Dark Soul


accounts of which have been made available by me to you,
and have been made understandable to you, by me,

accounts counting from the very beginning,

which is when this individual decided to create his
own condition of 'the Joy of being Evil,'

and to inflict and force the same condition upon as
many as he could do - including on unborn babies -
and with gruesome irreversibility,

as well as his activities of robbing the soul
of others of essential Life Energies, such as
your native Beauty,

the individual's most gruesome, widely enforced and
copied acts of Enjoying to be Evil to others

- which all can be remembered and viewed by anyone,
no matter how distantly in the past these have
been inflicted on you -

most simply described as his irreversible
contempt for Life and for people,

his "solving over-population" by mass
extermination, to hide the Joy of Being
Evil, where "Life is a game," to obtain
the Life Energies of those exterminated,
for himself,

the "Joy" of mass extermination of Life

- as we have seen it, on a very
much smaller scale, repeated
here in the last World War -

as hate of The Creation: destroying whole,
populated planets, blowing them up, *(b)
for the only "reason," that the population is
alive and is very beautiful and very happy,

destroying it in his pretense of "being
separate from The Creation," that anyone
nevertheless is part of,

also he, the individual who now
takes great JOY and PRIDE in very
clever deception - in having set
up the pretense of "helping people
to become whole again,"

but only to further and much
deeper to make people Blind
forever: to never even suspect
his past and his actual intention
to dominate and rule all minds he
can thus overwhelm,

as the only thing he has ever
wanted to do and will ever want
to do, not himself responding
to any approach or therapy
whatsoever, since ever and now,

thus - explained in simplest of words and facts -

this particular Human Rights Order CAN NOT BE REVOKED.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(a) Definition of Karma:

'Karma' - the belief system introduced and maintained by
Criminal Minds, to make you NOT LOOK at their Evil acts on
you and others.

If you did (help to) build that structure in your previous
life time, then it is still standing there now, isn't it
- it did not disappear, when your body died, right?

If you wrote a book with a "glowing account of support for
the mentioned individual and his work," then that book,
and its possible influence, continue of course to exist
also in your present life time, you might be willing to
admit, as your creation of that influence.

Which has nothing to do with the entirely malicious
and false ideas given as the concept called 'Karma'

As always, that idea, 'Karma,' only does serve
Criminal Minds to make you NOT LOOK at THEIR nature,
(their unfortunately wholly irreparable nature) of
insidious malice, of

THEIR enjoying (and forever to enjoy) inflicting
Evil, to express their CONTEMPT for Life,

and at the same time they hide the cause,

and then they do blame the injuries, and the
blindness and unhappiness that THEY inflicted,
on you, on the very victim of it:

that "you yourself caused it somehow," "by
your Karma,"

(Definition of Punishment):

suggesting already the entirely false and
malicious idea, stemming from Criminal Minds,
that "you are - or anybody is - required to
suffer" for past deeds of Evil,

which they then sell as "a sense of Justice."

Inflicting Evil can however never be just, but ONLY
the restriction of Evil Impulses is just.


THEIR hiding the cause of THEIR Evil by calling the
infliction THEY (or other Criminal Minds) caused on
you or your children, 'Karma,'

that is already more Evil an act, than you are
willing to accept as existing, their actively hiding
their Joy of being Evil to you, by telling you, that
your misfortune, caused solely by individuals who
are Criminal Minds, "is your 'Karma',"

- and Destructive Cowards want you ALSO not
to face the cause of the injury, that is,
to face a person who is a Criminal Mind -
[DDC-pi17, etc.]

because THEY WANT you to NOT face Evil, and also not
THAT Evil which is the Evil (which is use of the)
idea of 'Karma.'


They inflict Evil on you and on your children
and on anyone all the time, in daily life,

with injuries that include the infliction of
all illnesses, including the destruction of
your body's immune and repair systems, but
also your spiritual Blindness which results

- illness and injuries THEY like to
claim "are not caused by them;"

and "modern" Medical "Science," the
very "scientific" quackery and
charlatanry called Medical "Science,"
now as well as since millennia,

does fully support the denial of Evil,
with huge monetary gain indeed for the
licensed professionals themselves, and
that on the back of the suffering of
their mis-informed patients so abused
by the arrogant, licensed quackery,

because they REFUSE to know, that
what always has been and always will
be the cause - and that is, that

Criminal Minds inflict the Harmful Life Energy
PARTICLES that destroy your immune system and
your ability to protect and repair your body,
thus *(n)

resulting in (often for them "incurable")
illnesses, of course, if they do not even
WANT to know the cause, NOR do they want to
know the nature of Life forms itself, on which
the harm is thus inflicted, INCLUDING, WITH,

PLUS the Despair and Stupidity about
their cause, the Stupidity (which is not
at all your being stupid, but it is
THEIR blocking your access TO your
ability to think and to observe,

and you are made and kept THAT
Stupid, that you do not even
KNOW THAT - with your Stupidity

you do not even know anymore how
Awareness works, let alone how
Perception works, *(n)

which is BLOCKED by them BY MEANS
OF THEIR creating and inflicting
Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES

- you super dumb stupid -

they mean to MAKE you Stupid

- but you do not even know
what stupidity is: It is
in you BY Criminal Minds;
spiritual Blindness is
INFLICTED on you, in order

to PREVENT you from seeing the
causing person and the method used
by him or her, being THE CAUSE of
the trouble inflicted on you (and
on your children);

Blocking, Poisoned Life Energy
STUPID, are being *(n)

inflicted on you by them as well, simul-
taneously, that means TOGETHER WITH the
illnesses and injuries,

a vast set of lies are projected
(ideas are contained in Life
Energy Particles - that is how
communication of ideas works, so
you get ideas that are not your
own, assumed "as your own" ideas)
that "it is your body mysteriously
'making itself ill',"

projecting lies with completely
wrong causes, parroted by the
licensed Medical quacks (and by
caring parents to children)

- so as to make these illnesses
and injuries last as long as
possible, or become entirely

because the Blocking Energies inflicted,
PREVENT you from knowing, from sensing-
feeling-perceiving and thus also PREVENT
people from researching the cause of the

even if they DID get paid for
finding the actual cause as
explained above,

when (Harmful, Poisoned, Altered) Life
Energy "does not exist," and/or "is
not created and not inflicted by
Criminal Minds," *(n)(n)(n)
[Franklin, Lavoisier]

as the Associated Press' and other
medical and "science" journalists
are continuously telling you with
THEIR malicious "journalism,"

(malicious superstition and
utterly crazy beliefsystems
OF THEM, but they are, like
true quacks, accusing OTHERS
of what THEY do) *(n)(n)

denying the nature of life itself,

resulting (often, with the licensed
medical quackery) in claiming there to
be "incurable" illnesses,

with the ability to see who does what
with what intention, the perception of

by means of projected, inflicted Harmful
Energies (Poisoned Life Energy PARTICLES).
[iFPP], *(2)

(b) Therefore, many of you felt an emotional shock, when you saw it
on a wide screen, in the first 'Star Wars' movie:

a planet blown up by someone from a distance, by means of a
corresponding mass destruction device.

It is also why many of you were so emotionally involved in the
movie 'ET' or 'Extra Terrestrial' - even though it was about an
entirely fictitious creature - who wants to get back to his home
planet or back to his heaven

- 'heaven' or 'release from Earth' which every respectable
religion offers (and with considerable success, too)
because it is based on your memory or sense of truth of
distant past and belonging

...but religion's success lies only in the offering
of it, because it appeals to what is buried in your most
cherished memories when you and others were truly alive,

...their success lies not in its actual realization,
for which they would have - following the Human Rights
Issues - to establish social peace on Earth,

'Peace on Earth and Well-being in Man,'

which would then - by the way - obviate the need to
flee it for some other planet or 'heaven,' the need
to offer that exit from Earth as 'salvation' -

or from India or ancient Egypt, to offer the
'exit' from Earth, as "salvation" by eternal
spiritual death or 'non-aliveness,' enforcing
and teaching a 'no desire to be alive,' a
complete irresponsibility, that - according to
the Criminal Mind - "conquers" death forever.


(1) 'The CORRECT Definition of 'Scientologist' - (plus history and
some Fine Particle Physics, and scolding your Stupidity)'
{HRI note 20091105-V1.3-u_all} (CENSORED by GROUPS.GOOGLE)
(5 November 2009 - Version 1.3-u_all on 9 Nov 2009)
(Its earliest appearance was not yet censored by Groups.Google)
{HRI 20091105-V1.0.1-t}
(5 November 2009 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Nov 2009)

(2) 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V3.1} {FPP 20091203-V3.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 3.0 on 21 Dec 2009)

(3) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 also on 11 Aug 2009)

(n) (to be added as indicated)


'The Source of Celebrities Tom Cruise and John Travolta's Fame -
the 'Hollywood "Underworld" '
{HRI 20090204-V4.2}
(4 February 2009 - Version 4.2 on 3 Mar 2009)

'Main But Missing History Of 'Scientology:' The Grand Theft'
{HRI note 20090121-V3.0}
(21 Jan 2009 - Version 3.0)

'The Answers to 'Questions to test the "experts" on 'Scientology'
and on 'Scientology' front groups' '
{HRI note 20090102-A-1.0.1}
(2 January 2009 - Answer 17 Feb 2009)

' 'Scientology is False Tech'-series:
"Awareness Levels, - Chart, - Scales" to PRETEND "Awareness" '
{HRI note 20081010-V2.1}
(10 October 2008 - Version 2.1 on 12 Oct 2008)

' 'Scientology is False Tech'-series: Therapy into 'Drugged'
spiritual death - "Pleasure Moment, Key-out, End Phenomena,
Release, Clear"
{HRI note 20081005-II-V1.0}
(5 October 2008, IInd issue - Version 1.0)


Copyright 2008-2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Dec 22, 2009, 9:55:17 PM12/22/09
Another example of 'a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing'.

Flawed at the most fundamental level.

You referred to 'dark soul'.So close, but entirely different meaning
than 'soul in darkness', which does not associate 'darkness' with
evil, as many of you evangelical type, try to purvey.

The authentic nature of the individual is always expanding in a state
of consciousness. Allegorically, from the dark to the light.I would
assert that anyone reading this has experienced such phenomena, but
may not have recognised it for what it really is.

People 'in the darkon any issue' seek company, and form groups of all
varieties. Very normal,natural and essential.

As we each grow,one 'clear' stage is to have the feeling of being
estranged from such group perceptions. From leaving a 'church'
WHATEVER the denomination, to breaking away from a dysfunctional
marriage ,usually traced back to unrealistic religious/cultural type
vows, but in reality, a process of 'growing'.

The 'group' feels undermined, and 'it believes' you must be rescued
from 'going to hell','it' uses all the powers you referred to...yes
they are real..thought particles of our regulars refers to
them as "stories of deceit"....irony being, he thinks this explanation
is as well :-).

Fact is, until we each figure out for ourselves, everything is just
interpretations of other peoples stories.

The groups power base will be undermined if one breaks away
successfully, so to fit their paradoxical nature, 'they' do what they
can to restore your association. Peer pressure is well understood at
many levels, particularly with the young.

Hubbard had to learn this with his group, because he was 'breaking
away'(he represented a threat) from the psychiatric lobby back when he
was in the US. The process is layered in the fact that as the
individual is constantly seeking to move away from the 'darkness'
greater en'light'enment, so are groups, which explains the
fragmentation of every religion. This is also a normal and healthy
process. A good example would be Thomas Aquinas, who had 'outgrown'
the traditional interpretations of his time.There are endless such

One sure sign of getting closer to individual consciousness awareness,
is the feeling( to quote a line from Midnight Cowboy).."nothing seems
to fit". There is a clearly identifiable stage whereby you become dis-
enchanted (accurate term if you think about it) from most
'structures'. This is known in difference disciplines as 'the dark
night of soul'. Best described as 'the lights of the groups going out,
allowing your own light shines through'.

When this is realized, many want to revisit their recent history with
their 'full beams' switched on, and those that do ( using the analogy
literally,) will not get a good reception!

If this is an accurate assessment, how could it happen unless there
were others who believe they have domain over 'your answers', whether
their initials be LRH or BMW?

The interpretation of the term karma, reflects the bias of your
understanding. Best explained (it can get complicated)as the sequence
of events that facilitate your ongoing steps to enlightenment. Always
'self' created, but until enlightenment, the self is not
recognised.Yes you are responsible for your own karma, which is why it
cannot be 'removed' by well meaning or misguided groups or

The so called 'evil particles' are just unaware thoughts mingling
(super entanglement explains at quantum level), and forming a
holograph (belief), through which, each one must pass.


Plato Been

Dec 23, 2009, 3:38:00 AM12/23/09
While it is interesting, how "respondent" sociopaths will come to the
"defense" and cover-up, of each other's Evil, they are so standard in
their common lies "about life" and in their justifications of Evil,

that all you need to remember is, that

'Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE.'


So, when you understand and explain their JOY of destroying awareness
and life itself,

THEY "explain," that their destruction is "for you to achieve
enlightenment" and is "your moving out of Darkness."


'Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE.'

I indicated already in the article headers, that the text

(does NOT suit




Dec 23, 2009, 4:58:58 PM12/23/09
Humans are pretty much OK with the fact that Jesus was
This is a pretty well accepted fact now.

Don't go round accusing normal human men of being Satan, you
will have no success there.
Jesus proved he was Satan by the powers and miracles he
These are quite normal for Angels to be able to do.
He was crucified as once again he defied God and said
"I am God".
And he also did some miracles in front of humans such as
walking on water which were very taboo to do as humans are
not supposed to know about the illusory status of matter.
So Lucifer got into trouble!
Naughty, naughty Lucifer!!!

Remember though, that God loves all, he loves Lucifer also.
Lucifer/Jesus is a naughty Angel that is all.
And no doubt God would love you, even though you like to
condemn others for no reason.
Anyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs, you
But remember the all loving status of God first, and do not
judge or condemn others.


Dec 23, 2009, 5:08:59 PM12/23/09
Hubbard or Scientology is the result of someone who suffered
from schizophrenia.
The delusions of Hubbard are standard fare for the
delusional schizophrenics.
You will find that David Icke is the same, also suffering
from schizophrenia, Mahomet also suffered the same when
thinking he saw the Archangel Gabriel and indeed Revelations
in the Bible, again written by someone who was delusional
and thought he could "read the mind of God."

The delusional schizophrenics should be pitied, and you
should give them sympathy and love and kindness, as they
really do believe their delusions.
Some anti-psychotic medication would be best for Hubbard
rather than condemning him as Satan as he is merely an
ordinary human male but he is insane and suffers from mental
Many humans suffer from religious schizophrenia, and claim
they see Jesus or speak to Jesus or see God or speak to God,
or various themes on the same thing. They all have contrary
and differing accounts of their experiences, and in essence,
you should not listen to any of them.
These delusions are often quite strong and powerful and can
be spread to other humans who then believe the same as the
one who is the delusional schizophrenic. In some cases even
"miracles" occur, but they occur in different religions and
are basically the results of the human psyche inter-acting
with matter.
St Bernadette or the children of Fatima is a good example of
this collective insanity where several humans can experience
the powerful insanity of one. Sometimes seeing and
experiencing the same insanity.


Dec 23, 2009, 5:15:37 PM12/23/09
The power of the mind of the one who is insane, does lead to
beliefs such as Scientology. In some cases it can lead to
mass suicides.

There is a Cathedral currently being built in South America,
by one such insane person and his many followers who believe
his claim that he is the Grandson of Jesus.

Even George Bush, president of USA bombed and killed
innocent Iraqi citizens when he "thought he heard the voice
of God" telling him to do so.

Many, many humans are insane.
Maybe they all are.


Plato Been

Dec 23, 2009, 6:00:26 PM12/23/09
The Human Rights Issues etc. are obviously not written, nor published,
to accommodate, to oblige, or to appease (hidden, or those who are
openly) sociopaths.

Friendly relations with sociopaths are entirely impossible,

and any Love whatsoever, given to them, will only be used by
them to become more devious, and to destroy life more, and
more thoroughly.


Therefore, such individuals - sociopaths and their supporters - are
enjoined to filter out any such articles

- not written for them, not meant for them, and not posted for



Sociopaths, demonic creatures and mental street bums

- and any such souls who "live" by Hate, by Envy or
by Ugliness -

must filter out from their own view,

all writing by Koos Nolst Trenite,
human rights philosopher and poet (hrp&p).


The command is argued in this way:

'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207-V2.0.2}
(7 December 2007 - Version 2.0.2 on 30 Oct 2008)



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far
the most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known,

and on top of that, the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher
known on Earth and beyond.

Copyright 2008-2009 by KNT hrp&p
(May 2008; Version 1.3 on 2 Oct 2009)
Conditions as usual ('learnware')


Dec 24, 2009, 12:45:56 PM12/24/09
I have two questions:
1. Carma sets border to therapy. How would you estimate therapy
possibilities without carma.
2. In early experiments of Ron Hubbard took part therapists
(physicians). Did Hubbard's work and opinions have influence on them,
their lives and more broadly on the medicine?
Would be very thankful on answer .or link an.d references.
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