The reaction to this objective evidence of the existence of Time
Travellers on the Earth, is typical for arrogant people of 21 century.
The majority of viewers unable to think, hides their embarrassment
with own ignorance in matters of the work of time, in typical manner -
i.e. scoffing sarcastically at the objective proof. In turn these
sparse viewers, who still try to think, decrease the evidential value
of the film by claiming that supposedly this filmed woman could NOT
talk by a hand-phone, as in 1928 still there was no infrastructure on
the Earth which would allow to connect her with the person receiving
her call. Unfortunately, in their negation of the authenticity of that
film, they overlook several obvious possibilities. For example, that
if someone arrives to the past in a time vehicle, then this vehicle is
going to be parked somewhere nearby, and thus it is that vehicle that
can provide the infrastructure needed for connecting the caller to the
receiving person. Or that time vehicles will NOT be build in the Earth
for some time, thus until the time they are completed the hand-phones
may get so much improved, that they may NOT need any present
infrastructure and hardware that links them to the receivers of their
Of course, enemies of my research will keep silencing or scoffing the
truth presented on the web page "immortality.htm" and stating that if
at a required time I was offered a right conditions for scientific
inquiries and a requires financing for my research, then until today
our civilisation would already have working time vehicles. But
whatever would be the arguments of such enemies of my research, the
fact remains that the filmed proof for the existence of time
travellers, adds itself to a whole array of other evidence which
confirms my rational and well documented explanation, that the
building of time vehicles is possible, while "time travellers" are
already an objective phenomenon on our planet.
My "theory of everything" called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity"
teaches us, that the principle of shifting back in time and travelling
through time, is very simple. After all, the time through which we
just are living is pre-programmed in our bodies in the natural program
called the "program of life and fate" that is stored in DNA helixes
from our genetic system. In turn the execution control which runs this
program is carried out by shifting the resonance point of vibrations
of these DNA helixes. Therefore, in order to shift us to a different
time, it suffices that our "time vehicle" (see "TM" in part (a) from
"Fig. #G1" on the web page "immortality.htm") surrounds all DNA
helixes contained in our body, with a sphere of very strong pulsating
magnetic field (see "E" in part (a) from "Fig. #G1" on the web page
"immortality.htm"). The frequency of pulsations of this field must be
equal to the resonance frequency of the helixes. Then, by controlling
the frequency of vibrations of this sphere of powerful field, it
suffices to shift the resonance points into a different area of our
"program of life and fate" coded into our DNA helixes. This in turn
shifts us to a different point in time, e.g. again to years of our
youth. How exactly this shifting in time is carried out, is
demonstrated to us already today by "time vehicles" captured on
photographs from parts (b), (c) and (d) of "Fig. #G1" on the web page
named "immortality.htm".
The entire difficulty of completing a "time vehicle" boils down to the
constructing of a device called the "Oscillatory Chamber of the third
generation". This is because such a chamber generates a pulsating
magnetic field that is sufficiently powerful to be able to surround us
tightly with this sphere of the field and penetrate with this field to
every single cell in our body. Its magnetic field is also controlled
sufficiently precisely to allow the simultaneous shifting resonance
points of all DNA from our body to a new time. The majority of
theoretical problems connected with the travelling through time and
with building this "Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation" I
already have resolved. Apart from this web page, my solutions for
these problems are also described on the totaliztic web page named
"timevehicle.htm", as well as in volumes 11 and 2 of my newest
monograph marked as [1/5] (disseminated free of charge from my web
page named "text_1_5.htm"). Thus, almost the only matter still
awaiting the completion to obtain these time vehicles, is the building
of that "Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation".
I am hugely surprised that appeals which I keep repeating continually
since 1985, to allow me build my "time vehicles", remain unanswered
for already over a quarter of century. After all, I invented this
vehicle – so with appropriate support I am also able to build it. Also
internet discussions on my inventions of the "time vehicle", instead
of constructively addressing the subject, typically lower themselves
down to swearing at me by a group of some brainless internet hooligans
- as an example see previously discussed thread about my "time
vehicle" from addresses
(in English) as well as
(in Polish). On the other hand my "time vehicle" is able to solve all
problems of our civilization. After all, if for example someone
becomes old, simply can jump into such a "time vehicle" and again
shift to years of his or her youth. If someone get sick, then can
shift back in time and avoid being infected. If someone marries a
wrong person, he or she may get into a time vehicle and shit in time
before the marriage, then marry someone else. If a politician commits
a mistake and starts a war for which his nation later votes him out of
the office, he can sit into his time vehicle and in the new passage of
time do not initiate this war. Etc., etc. On the other hand, I am
getting increasingly old – and thus have increasingly lower chance to
be able to build my "time vehicle". In turn when I finally go, may
pass many centuries before again someone is born with sufficiently
open mind and sufficient inventive skills to be able to build for the
humanity the vehicle so advanced.
* * *
This post summarises the essence of items #D6 and #A2 from the
totaliztic web page named "immortality.htm" (updated on 30 October
2010, or later). Thus, reading the above descriptions would be even
more effective from that web page "immortality.htm" than from this
post, as on the web page are working all (green) links to other
related web pages with additional explanations, it is printed in
colour, it is also illustrated, the content of it is updated
regularly, etc. The latest update of the web page "immortality.htm"
can be viewed, amongst others, at addresses: (this last address has
a very low "monthly bandwidth" and thus it is active only at
beginnings of each month until its "monthly bandwidth" is exhausted).
Notice that every above web site contains all totaliztic web pages,
including pages "text_1_5.htm". However, volumes 11 and 2 of monograph
[1/5] I would recommend to download from the address
where this monograph is updated the most frequently.
Each topic which I am subjecting to a public discussion, including
this one, after the discussion is concluded is placed on all blogs of
totalizm still in existence (so that interested readers can find it
fast in there). At the moment two blogs of totalizm still remain
operational, which can be viewed at following internet addresses:
It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
number #176E, #161E, or #160E which also concern my "time vehicle".
With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak
There are infinite levels of reality, which are in fact, constructs of
the level of consciousness of the inhabitants. (Even modern scientists
speculate on muti dimensional realities)
On a less subtle scale, there are those who are at home in the slums
of Mumbai as there are people on 'nob hill'.Also there is discontent
at both ends of the scale of a 'non materialistic' nature , more on
nob hill in fact.
The established time travellers know that such 'planes' exist within
the bounds of such 'consciousness creation' and need to be respected
as such. A good illustration being the naturalist who ,in the past,
would (through good intentions) interfere with the ebb and flow of
life in the jungle, whereby today, recognise the chain of events
resulting from such interaction, and now observe with awareness and
respect. (The road to hell is paved with good intentions).
Your examples of how people could solve their problems with such a
machine, doesnt take into account that problems are created by the
participants so they can expand their own consciousness.
The reactions to your posts you mentioned, are in fact, appropriate
messages, even if they dont see the significance of their 'roar'.
Approaching an angry injured lion will not be welcomed,regardless of
the motive, because it lives in a world of kill or be killed. A 'true
' patriot' to itspridde (or country).
People on this 'plane' constantly say 'show us the proof', but do not
realise that to master such skills (with or without a machine)
requires a state of consciousness of understanding of the laws of non
Look at what happens when even useful technology such as atom
splitting is discovered. Countries are still threatening 'oblivion' to
each other using such power.
Just look at how those who made the internal combustion engine
obsolete decades ago (Ive personally met a couple) have been mostly
ruined. Tesla being a good well known example.A large part of the
awakening had to come about because of the emerging sensitivity to the
environment. Far more significant when people move to greater levels.
Some here call this 'the prison planet' .More like the planet of the
"school of hard knocks", graduation from which, is compulsory. We have
to "INDIVIDUALLY" learn to move on (in a state of consciousness).
There are those individuals who believe because they have learned,
they must teach others. They are collectively known as 'martyrs' (I
suspect you have tasted such reality), usually the domain for those in
their final term :-).
Fascinating stuff,
I suggest you make and add some more illustrations then eventually
(over time) create some kind of documentary film.
Then there will always be people accusing others of believing
everything on face value while drawing attention to the idea.... eh I
mean the technology.
This is my favorite inventor. The video explains everything.
Heck, forget about peer review, this is the way to present innovation
and discovery.
Look what impressive physics demonstration.
Apparently could be a hearing aid made by I think Siemens in 1924.
> The reaction to this objective evidence of the existence of Time
> Travellers on the Earth
Let's say this YouTube responder is lying:
"The woman is Audrey Manningham. I know her great grandson, who told me
she was 62 years old at the time and the device was not a phone but a
hair comb she was placing back in position. Audrey was suffering from
dementia at the time she was at the Circus release. The man in front of
her was George Manningham, her husband. She was talking to herself."
.. and proceed with a line of common logic since time travel seems to be
yet another deep secret shared by only an enlightened few (who have
First a absolute present needs to be established. If time travel has been
discovered in the future or past it would follow that this would be known
in all time moments or ages since millions or billions of people would
have t-traveled or will already be t-traveling.
It seems you are claiming the 'present' moment is the one and only only
present. If t-travel is possible, a singular present is impossible.
Bottom line: If time travel has been or was discovered it would not be
some dark secret.
> It is 1928. Charlie Chaplin makes his movie entitled "The Circus".
Going back in time means being able to put an eggshell back
together again. When you can do that, I'll listen.
Plus, our existence means this universe makes sense.
A universe where one could travel back in time wouldn't
behave sensibly.
It's more likely that fellow was cursing to himself how
much his ear hurts.
Ha Ha. Let me get this straight, we are to assume the behavior
we now associated to the use of a mobile phone, is to be explained
only in terms of our current technology, and then assert that this
is proof of Time Travel?
You are either saying that a/ time travel exist now along with
our crude mobile phone technology, or b/ that future communication
technology won't be much more advance than it is now.
One could just as easily isolate that apparent behavior and look
for the many other causes, or associations to that behavior. But
then this is so typical. We would sooner select our answers from
what we know, before we consider the deficiencies in those apparent
Put another way, we don't really know what that woman was doing,
We can't really tell for sure, but rather than admit to not knowing,
we would sooner select an answer from those answers we do know.
We can't admit to the unknown.
What else could you associate that woman's apparent behavior to?
Maybe this woman was a little mad, talking to herself, whilst
trying to hide that fact by holding her hand to her head. Maybe
she was partially deaf, and had the latest technology for the
deaf, one of those new fangled 'ear trumpets'. A middle class
technology promoted with the media of its day, only to be sported
in public the way our early brick mobiles were sported amoungst
the well-to-do.
No, i guess it must be time travel, if we can't conceive of more
credible answers.
People have envisioned small devices of all kinds long before they
Ada Mae, Pattie, and Nathan Stubblefield with portable wireless
telephone receiver, 1907
21 years shouldn't be enough to envision a mobile phone??? Just like
today we cant imagine a phone in a wrist watch?
But just to entertain the thought of time travel.
Howabout this one?
Clearly something wrong with temporal logic,
If we assume humans to be rational animals time travel would be the
only explanation.
I always wanted a camera without lenses or restricted aperture. For
example, a frame--like looking through a window, capturing the view
as an image.
we cant even make such simple things - hah
I like that theory because if it was a wireless phone and it was taken
back in time, what "network" would connect with?
In the 30s Flash Gordon talked to Ming seeing him on a TV moniter. TV
did not come out untill 1946. It relates to this post TreBert
You mean the phone and the network came back in time?
Actually the first public demonstration of TV was in 1926.
There was broadcasting in the 30's, but general deployment of TV essentially
stoped with the outbreak of WWII and didn't restart until the war was over.
Jim Pennino
Remove .spam.sux to reply.
No need to imagine, they are on sale.
The eye has about a 6mp resolution. The equivalent of a 50mm lens will
give you pretty close to the eyes view.
Not sure I find that argument convincing as future communication
devices may work in a different way than now. Indeed ideally a time
traveler might want a 'time-phone', so they could keep in touch with
home even when away! However it does look like it could be that
hearing aid, and perhaps she is testing it having just bought it?
Isn't it the World Fair or something, the sort of place where people
might buy 'cutting edge' technology? And she is clearly in the hearing
aid demographic.
It was a Chaplin movie. She may have copped a custard pie in the ear,
and she was saving it for later ;-)
What it does show, is the receptivity of people for the extraordinary.
It is thirty or more years since I speculated that man cannot imagine
something outside of creation. In that sense, imagination is a branch
of time travel.
In the practical sense, and taking up your point, if it does become a
reality, it already has, and the technology would either be either
brain modification, or the development of the telepathic ability.
Some interesting and highly qualified whistle blowers have suggested
that the discovered technology from crashed UFO's have connections
between the navigation seat and the brain of the navigator.
Frank Herbert based much of his Dune series on the 'melange' (drugs)
that were necessary for such brain stimulation.
When you study the reports of some ancient cultures, there are many
references to 'flying' after certain rituals involving certain herbs.
Agreed--What I "concentrate on" is better represented by 85mm, 90mm
and 135mm local lengths using a 35mm film format.
> It was a Chaplin movie. She may have copped a custard pie in the ear,
> and she was saving it for later ;-)
Z: I know how you hate it, but now is question (and future answer?)
time !!!
Brian: > What it does show, is the receptivity of people for the
Z :Does'nt it show the interest of people (including sceptics) in
extraordinary claims to explain the merely mundane?
Brian: > It is thirty or more years since I speculated that man cannot
> something outside of creation. In that sense, imagination is a branch
> of time travel.
Z: Most thinking "people' have had the same specuation. Do you really
think it worthy of mention?
Would you stretch the same 'sense' to include memory as "a branch of
time travel"?
Brian: > In the practical sense, and taking up your point, if it does
become a
> reality, it already has, and the technology would either be either
> brain modification, or the development of the telepathic ability.
Z: What do you mean by "if it does become a reality, it already
Brian: > Some interesting and highly qualified whistle blowers have
> that the discovered technology from crashed UFO's have connections
> between the navigation seat and the brain of the navigator.
Z:Is it possible that there are connections between the 'seat' and
the brain of the "interesting and highly qualified whistle blowers"?
Brian: > Frank Herbert based much of his Dune series on the
'melange' (drugs)
Z: What is your excuse?
Have a G'day
> that were necessary for such brain stimulation.
> When you study the reports of some ancient cultures, there are many
> references to 'flying' after certain rituals involving certain herbs.
> BOfL- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
In another thread there has been the discussion of the neuron
stimulation tech which can be used a crude for of 'thought control'.
So it seems very likely that we will develope such technology
eventually ourselves.
Paul Cardinale
Danilo J Bonsignore