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Mozart Effect To Move Health-Destroying Pollution Away - Acoustic Wallpaper

4 వీక్షణలు
మొదటి చదవని మెసేజ్‌కు స్కిప్ చేయి

Koos Nolst Trenite

2 అక్టో, 2002 7:46:32 PM02-10-02
Mozart Effect To Move Health-Destroying Pollution Away
- Acoustic Wallpaper

2 October 2002

Further below, I describe WHY the Mozart Effect works. And further
below that, also HOW it works.

For the Mozart Effect, we have safely, from Mozart:
All concertos for piano(s) - that means piano(s) with orchestra
(preferably on the best grand pianos, and
performed in the spirit of Mozart music)
All violin concertos
All flute, oboe, horn, clarinet concertos
All masses
All sacred works with choir and orchestra
The later symphonies
And of course 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik' - 'A Little Night Music'

These can, and if possible should, be used as 'Acoustic Wallpaper'
in order to bring about the Mozart Effect.
With 'Acoustic Wallpaper' I mean that you have it playing constantly
in the background, while you go about your business and while others
go about their business.

If you are interested to know WHY it works: The Pure Life Energy
stimulated and attracted by this music - the music was made by
connecting to the purest and most alive Beauty Energy - removes and
keep at bay (at a distance) much of the violent and continuous, very
harmful spiritual pollution that is constantly being showered upon
us, with which our atmosphere is saturated - which is and has been in
the past produced by certain individuals and activites, on Earth.

Without that pollution, life forms and their immune systems would
not be harmed enough to contract diseases of various kinds.
But it's pretty much like fish swimming in polluted water: You can
measure the amount of pollution directly by the amount of sick or
unhealthy fish.

Another example which I already mentioned once: Astronauts do not
know why they undergo the tremendous spiritual changes which all of
them invariably report, when they move out of much of this very heavy
pollution - the harmful, health-destroying, spiritually disconnecting
Life Energy Particles, that Earth's atmosphere is continuously being
dirtied up with, much like and rather literally like 'acid rain.'

These are just Particles, the smallest Particles, as is the subject
of Fine Particle Physics. These, Life Energy Particles, are the
building blocks not only of matter, but of life itself, and are the
connecting Particles for awareness and for perception and for

To give you an example of someone penetrating at a certain time
through the murk: The now famous and now rich author Jo Rowlands
describes rather precisely how she connected to pure Life Energy and
then started to formulate and write the Harry Potter book series.
Also Tolkien connected to pure Life Energy when he wrote the Lord Of
The Rings, to give another example.

It's all quite simple, when you know it.

And this is HOW it works:
STIMULATES PURE LIFE ENERGY which is the fuel of Life, of perception
and of awareness - the Particles that connect you to Life, which is
Perception and Awareness and Aliveness.***

(Maybe you heard of the term Feng Shui - which is a faint attempt to
create a personal living environment with less Polluted Life Energy
Particles and with more Pure Life Energy Particles.)

If you want to use music of Bach for the Mozart Effect, there is so
much to choose from, that the first choice would be 'Take that what
you like best,' and then you could go from there:

All the concertos for solo instrument(s) with orchestra
All the orchestral suites and concertos
All the masses and the Magnificat

Many parts of:
The Christmas Oratorio and the Easter Oratorio
The St. Matthew Passion and the other Passions

And you can take the most refined parts:
Selected from all works for solo instruments
Selected from all the Cantatas, from the 'Trauerode,' etc.

You're welcome. Read the copyright notice.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

* 'Crime Versus Truth - What's Happening In Our Society'
(30 Sept 2002)

** 'Mechanics Of Awareness, Perception, Memory And Forgetfulness'
(13 September 2002)

*** 'Defining Love and Hate - A Law of Life (Definition)'
(29 July 2002)


- 'True Leadership of Johann Sebastian Bach Through His Music'
(22 Sept 2002)

- 'Happy Times Of Son And Father
- Johann Sebastian Bach As Wolfgang Mozart' (17 Sept 2002)

- 'Mozart - Remembering Heaven Or Civilization' (16 Sept 2002)

- 'The Second Mozart-Effect - Connecting To Your Own Past'
(3 Sept 2002 - Version 1.1)

- 'Mozart Remedying Spiritual Violence - Fine Particle Physics
- Beauty and Awareness' (20 August 2002)

Copyright 2002 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate and encourage people
to judge undominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
(address unreadable for internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

Pete Blue

3 అక్టో, 2002 6:04:35 AM03-10-02
Utter nonsense. What a fatuous "use" for Mozart and Bach, who wrote
music for listening, not merely hearing. Try white noise machines
(waterfalls, waves, etc.) and soft lighting instead; they accomplish
the same thing. (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote in message news:<>...

Donna Metler

3 అక్టో, 2002 6:16:38 AM03-10-02
As a music teacher, who attempts to teach children to listen to music and
listen critically, I would love to completely do away with the use of music
as background. Background music teaches people to tune out music and to not
listen-which makes learning to listen in the way you have to listen to be a
serious musician or attend a concert and enjoy it impossible. I can't
believe that this constant background doesn't affect the abilities of
students to focus in one one thing-and that part of the problem teachers and
lecturers don't face is that their audience isn't used to having one
important thing to focus on.

In addition, I have seen (and heard) way too many audiences who believe that
any music is only background-heard my students perform to the best of their
abilities and pour their hearts and souls out, only to be ignored by enough
of the audience to completely spoil the concert for everyone else. Same with
speakers, even when the audience has paid to be there. Adults are often
worse than children in this.

Music is far too important to be "wallpaper".
"Pete Blue" <> wrote in message

John Briggs

3 అక్టో, 2002 9:49:08 AM03-10-02
When posting a troll alert, it is somewhat perverse to repeat the offending

John Briggs

Howard Collingsworth

3 అక్టో, 2002 5:34:24 PM03-10-02
My dear Pete,

I think the word you were looking for wasn't "fatuous", but rather "vacuous"
. . . LOL I got your meaning though. Take care.


Pete Blue

4 అక్టో, 2002 11:17:47 AM04-10-02
Hi, Howard:

My American Heritage Dictionary defines "fatuous" as "[c]omplacently
or unconsciously stupid; asinine; inane." That's the opinion I
intended to convey of "the Mozart Effect." It's also vacuous.

Inanely but sincerely,


"Howard Collingsworth" <> wrote in message news:<>...

Koos Nolst Trenite

4 అక్టో, 2002 11:45:13 AM04-10-02
Some people are so preoccupied with hearing certain things, that they
are unable to listen to what I write.

But I don't go down to their level, because they have not the faintest
idea what they are upset about - so you can "discuss" forever with
them because they are not going to tell you nor look at what they are
upset about that would resolve their upset.

And even if you DID find the right arguments specifically for them,
and for their upset, you are likely to find out that they WANT to be
upset, and WANT to stay upset, and that they then deny the upset in
order to destroy all that work you did for them. Some ENJOY to be
upset. (And they anyway destroy the work I do for them.)

And these things are rather clear from the way they respond. There is
no intention to understand what I write, but only the intenton to
throw their upsets at you - together with the confusion that fuels
the upset(s).
Or some posters just 'enjoy' being nasty to someone who is caring
and who is, already in that respect, much bigger than they are. Not
to mention all the other respects.

Their upset would be diminished by the Mozart Effect, though.

Because it gives a point of feeling truth, of connecting back to Life
- in the sea of Darkness and deception and manipulation that
everyone on Earth is being so fiercely subjected to.

And with the Mozart Effect, they feel the connection to truth even
if they themselves rather want Darkness and deception.

Such is the power of the food of Angels.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

Copyright 2002 by Koos Nolst Trenite


- 'Mozart Effect To Move Health-Destroying Pollution Away
- Acoustic Wallpaper' (2 Oct 2002)

John Briggs

4 అక్టో, 2002 11:51:11 AM04-10-02

Richard Jeffery

4 అక్టో, 2002 4:02:44 PM04-10-02

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message

> And even if you DID find the right arguments specifically for them,
> and for their upset, you are likely to find out that they WANT to be
> upset, and WANT to stay upset, and that they then deny the upset in
> order to destroy all that work you did for them. Some ENJOY to be
> upset. (And they anyway destroy the work I do for them.)

Maybe they prefer Wagner?

But the point stands, using Mozart as aural wallpaper is a waste of good
music, Mozart wrote music to be actively listened to.

Howard Collingsworth

4 అక్టో, 2002 4:09:13 PM04-10-02
If I offended you Pete, please accept my apology. I meant no offence.


Jim Deutch

4 అక్టో, 2002 4:25:52 PM04-10-02
On 2 Oct 2002 16:46:32 -0700, (Koos

Nolst Trenite) wrote:
>All concertos for piano(s) - that means piano(s) with orchestra
> (preferably on the best grand pianos, and
> performed in the spirit of Mozart music)


<expression type = 'utter disgust'>Grand Pianos</expression>.

Might as well try Mozart on electric guitars played through a stack of

Jim Deutch
That surely put the theophobia into him.

Rich Andrews

4 అక్టో, 2002 4:35:23 PM04-10-02
వరకు (Jim Deutch) wrote in

> On 2 Oct 2002 16:46:32 -0700, (Koos
> Nolst Trenite) wrote:
>>All concertos for piano(s) - that means piano(s) with orchestra
>> (preferably on the best grand pianos, and
>> performed in the spirit of Mozart music)
> Idiot!
> <expression type = 'utter disgust'>Grand Pianos</expression>.
> Might as well try Mozart on electric guitars played through a stack of
> Marshalls.
> Jim Deutch

Somehow Mozart on kazoos seems to lose something though. (:>)


"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, de-briefed, or
numbered...My life is my own."

"I am not a number. I am a free man."
No. 6

Koos Nolst Trenite

5 అక్టో, 2002 2:43:16 AM05-10-02
I can go on endlessly explaining what I mean - to people who just
want to be upset and who don't want to feelingly understand what I
write. To people who are too much cut off from reality, from what
life is, from feeling life.

They just see a word - in this case
'back ground music'
and even now
'grand piano'
and 'wham!' they throw out their upset.

One even wants to call me an "idiot" when I talk about how I like my
music performed! How blind can you be... and not even know it.**

(I don't like it on 'piano-forte' when there are much better
instruments available. Also much Bach music is preferably played
on piano - grand piano that means - rather than on harpsichord.

It is not different from the fact that I like my music performed
by the best musicians. So I also like it performed on the best
instruments. I don't see how that is hard to understand.)

The upset of theirs is about very, very different things (which I,
mind you, DO even write about, but) which they refuse to look at and
are prevented from looking at and are prevented from understanding.

How upset and confused can they become.

Well, many people on Earth are in that condition. Are MADE to be
too upset, to even get the idea of maybe looking for the
individuals who want them to be like that. Who MAKE them so upset,
who PREVENT them from perceiving, from feeling.

(In case you are interested in the mechanics of it, which are
expressed in Fine Particle Physics: The Life Energy Particles
they need in order to connect to themselves sufficiently, and
the Life Energy Particles they need to perceive those who smash
these away from them, have been smashed or pulled away from them,
and are continuously being pulled away from them. You first have
to find out that it is not normal that this Energy of yours is
missing, and then the rest of how to get it back or generate it,
can follow.)

Instead of looking themselves, they let me do all the work, as
usual. And they let me do all the work without any support or help
from their side, not even when I get attacked or my body is made
ill or killed or murdered. And then after ten or fifty or a hundred
years or two hundred years or eight hundred years, they start
building fan clubs and use what I created or found out.***

It's not different now as in the past. It is still somewhat of a
riddle how people - all people - are made to not feel shame about
doing, or rather, about omitting these things. It's simple too wild
how ethics is completely undermined and destroyed in this society,
and that since very many thousands of years, on Earth.
But I am well on my way of unraveling even that enigma too -
including all the "reasons" and Delusions you have for not helping.

That's what I am writing about, basically, about the causes of
their upsets. And how to lessen these upsets. It has never been
understood before on Earth. Not by anybody including the wisest
gurus or saints, not by the best clairvoyants, and not by the most
learned and the most intelligent and the most loving.

But I have unraveled most of it now, and I am making it available
to you. Not to mention all the things I did for you in previous life
Yet you don't give a shit (you don't care) whether I live or die,
whether I get attacked or killed, and you don't feel any shame about
this. Some camouflage their shame with arrogance, and whatever other
Delusion is offered to them to remedy such feelings of shame.
How extremely ugly...

All some people can do is to be upset, like blind horses in
porcelain shops. INSTEAD of helping me.

That's part of the condition of the society, on Earth.*

I quote some very applicable data, from
- 'Writing Technique and Basics of Music - Feeling versus
Intelligence' (1 July 2002)

[Distractions when writing]
But they are an annoyance when writing, because they constantly
interfere (as explained in this paragraph) when you try to write for
a large audience and you try to have your words understood and not
mis-interpreted. (I am talking about myself, but I address you while
you look from my viewpoint) - you try to feel: 'Will this
formulation, this sentence, be understood by others?' You actually
FEEL others for that. And you get (then) hit by a barrage (of
thoughts) from those charlatans, who forcefully project and
maintain, against all evidence, "how it is precisely the reverse of
what I say" or how my words can be misunderstood and misrepresented,
how they can be put out of context.

A major Effect to lessen the upset and to get out of upsets and to
hinder those that project upsets (who project harmful Delusions) is
to have a connection to Life how it is, free from those Delusions.

And that connection to Life, to Civilization, is provided by the
music of Bach and of Mozart. I have also explained that to you
rather thoroughly.
And many others HAVE understood that, they HAVE written about that
connection, they feel it and they can express what they feel.
Some have measured it and called it The Mozart Effect.

Now I have found out, in this life time, what I did and how I did
it, which is new, entirely new on Earth to be understood.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity" - (now) human rights philosopher
and poet

* 'Remembering Because Of Lindsay Lohan, And 'The Parent Trap''
(3 Aug 2002 - issued 24 Sept 2002)

** 'Defining Civilized Society (Definition Part One)' (19 Sept 2002)

*** 'A Poem of Love and Adventure' (17 July 2002)

Rich Andrews

5 అక్టో, 2002 3:23:24 AM05-10-02
వరకు (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote in

> I can go on endlessly explaining what I mean.

Don't. Save us the pain and go away.

Koos Nolst Trenite

5 అక్టో, 2002 7:06:48 AM05-10-02
A poster projects the very heavily enforced Delusion that "I am
dead," that "I do not exist" - with such blistering arrogance that
that "is normal" and "true."

You can read that also about my present life time, the criminal
minds also tried and try to make it so that "I do not exist" in
this life time, or that "I have died."
And when they don't succeed in that, they still try to enforce the
Delusion that "I am not who I am."

That is of course a very destructive, very deadening enforcement
onto people, and it is indeed intended to deaden people, and it
deadens people and gets many into despair or worse.

And it is solely criminal minds who enforce this, who make people
accept this as "normal," as "true."

And they managed largely in the Western and Russian-, Chinese-, and
Japanese societies, to enforce that Delusion and to have the
Delusion accepted as "normal."

And then they invented the term "paranormal" to make 'normal' be
thought of as "paranormal." And they write books to "prove
reincarnation" - rather than books about the causes of not seeing
who people are, or about not detecting impersonators.

(But then, 'paranormal' being "not normal," any person can just
say or write or 'channel' any idiocy and any lies and it does
not bother anybody or get examined because "it is just paranormal

Instead of undoing the contortions and instead of facing the
Delusions and the criminal minds who cause these, some people now
resort to teaching that everybody 'has some "paranormal" abilities
and perceptions,' and that these just need acknowledging and
developing. How contorted and involuted can you get.

Some of the criminal minds who brought the Delusion about in the
first place, now profile themselves as "Saviors" and "Sources of
Wisdom" by teaching astonished people that "they have actually lived
before." In the land of the blind, they want to be king - so they
first caused the blindness, and smashed or murdered everyone who was
not blind.

People agree to these contortions of the mind and contortions of
truth, in order not to face the extreme Ugliness and violent and
murderous deceptions from the criminal minds who brought the
Delusions about and who maintain those Delusions.

I write in response to:

> But the point stands, using Mozart as aural wallpaper is a waste
> of good music, Mozart wrote music to be actively listened to.

The poster concerned has other confusions too.

He confuses the time of music, the location of music, and the
activity of music:

It's not the 1700's or 1800's or 1900's now, but the 2000's -
nowadays you can use as music-player a computer that plays twenty-
four hours a day and seven days a week, that plays a sequence or
playlist of all the recordings that you can think of.

Nowadays, a majority of people have enough material wealth to have
access to and be able to listen to music almost unlimited.

This music is not performed in concert halls by orchestras or
soloists, on Sundays or once a month, or once per year, but it is
reproduced from recordings of such performances.

So you can, in the 2000's, listen to it almost anywhere and for any
duration. (Even during sleep - which I highly recommend for reasons
it is not impossible for you to understand from my original post).

Most activities are much more pleasant when they are accompanied by
music. And most activities go much better, faster, and with less
errors and no accidents, when music is a part of the atmosphere or

This includes any professional activities too, whether it is
delivering babies or driving a taxi or building a house or painting
a bridge or selling clothes or having company meetings.

Not to mention the fact that it makes unpleasant or dull work very
much more bearable.

Not to mention that it vastly reduces vandalism in public areas, to
have my music playing there. Guess why...

Most public buildings and halls get a tremendously beautiful and
inviting, enlightening atmosphere when some heavenly music is

But you can also apply this to your own home. I have music playing
twenty four hours a day...

...which you probably expected already.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity" - (now) human rights philosopher
and poet


- 'Mozart Effect To Move Health-Destroying Pollution Away
- Acoustic Wallpaper' (2 Oct 2002)

Richard Jeffery

5 అక్టో, 2002 1:22:48 PM05-10-02

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message

> It's not the 1700's or 1800's or 1900's now, but the 2000's -

> nowadays you can use as music-player a computer that plays twenty-
> four hours a day and seven days a week, that plays a sequence or
> playlist of all the recordings that you can think of.

It wouldn't matter if it were the year 3000, if you put Mozart on IN THE
BACKGROUND, you are showing massive disrespect to music which is designed,
metiulously, to be listened to actively, to be given your full
concentration, Mozart wrote music to stimulate people, not to sedate them.

If you put music like Mozart's on, you should put it on because you want to
listen to it, to actively process it in your mind, to think and feel what
the music contains.

Wallpaper! Pah!

If you want a soothing aural wallpaper, try a small fountain, not

Koos Nolst Trenite

6 అక్టో, 2002 10:31:01 AM06-10-02
"Richard Jeffery" got something right.

> Mozart wrote music to stimulate people, not to sedate them.

Very good, Richard! Keep going! [That's the] Way to go!

With love,

The unknown soldier.

Richard Jeffery

6 అక్టో, 2002 6:54:34 PM06-10-02
Yet somehow you still fail to grasp the point that when you have something
like Mozart on, wherever and whenever that is, you shouldn't be 'going about
your business', because Mozart should BE your business.

You really have to think about his music, you can't just have it on as
wallpaper. NO music s wallpaper, either it's good enough to actually listen
to or bad enough to turn off.

If you wanted the Mona Lisa, you wouldn't print it up as your WALLPAPER,
you'd hang it in isolation, so you could APPRECIATE it..

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <> wrote in message

fred & michele

6 అక్టో, 2002 8:06:54 PM06-10-02
"Richard Jeffery" <> wrote in message

> Yet somehow you still fail to grasp the point that when you have something
> like Mozart on, wherever and whenever that is, you shouldn't be 'going
> your business', because Mozart should BE your business.

So a piece of art, whether visual or auditory should stop traffic, cause
everyone to come to a screeching halt to simply appreciate it?

> You really have to think about his music, you can't just have it on as
> wallpaper.

The beauty of great music, great paintings, *wonderful art* is that it can
be enjoyed as the sole focus of one's attention or as part of everyday life.
I love to cook accompanied by Beethoven's works -- why should I stop
everything I'm doing to "concentrate" on it? It's beauty accompanies
something I'm enjoying. If I enjoyed singing along with the music, that
would be fine too.

> NO music s wallpaper, either it's good enough to actually listen
> to or bad enough to turn off.
> If you wanted the Mona Lisa, you wouldn't print it up as your WALLPAPER,
> you'd hang it in isolation, so you could APPRECIATE it..

And stare at it for hours on end?? Why not enjoy it as part of the total
picture, whether it's the main focus of one's attention or part of the


The best part of creative masterpieces are their enjoyment -- in different
ways by different people.

Donna Metler

6 అక్టో, 2002 7:41:51 PM06-10-02

"fred & michele" <> wrote in message
I don't have a problem with someone making a conscious choice to listen to
Beethoven while cooking, or hanging a painting on their wall to look at it
in passing.

I do have a problem with the idea that music has to be playing all the time,
everywhere. One of the hardest things for my students to learn is to
listen-because they're so used to hearing music and tuning it out that they
can't tune in conciously.

Koos Nolst Trenite

7 అక్టో, 2002 4:21:24 PM07-10-02
Don't Ask What Mozart Can Do For You - But What You Can Do For Mozart

7 October 2002

"Don't ask what Mozart can do for you
- but what you can do for Mozart."

(Quoted as having been said, in the future, by a
United Nations Secretary General who then is
called 'World President.')

If you would really connect to the Mozart music and to Leonardo's
Mona Lisa painting, then you could also feel who I am, who created
that Beauty, and you could feel my intention for creating that

Now there are people* who 'like me for my money,' who like me for my
Life Energy that is - they want my very exquisitely Beautiful and
exquisitely Joyful and exquisitely Alive Energy - they want it for
themselves - but nevertheless they hate me, as I described for
instance in 'A poem of Love and Adventure.'(see References below)

Their very long-time spiritual condition and how it was brought
about in the distant past, and by whom, is described in depth
and highly technically, in the 'Wall of Fire' series RI-
Bulletins RI-1222Ai ... RI-1222Di, for instance available in the
packed ZIP (ACE) file

If you would really connect to the Mozart music and to Leonardo's
Mona Lisa painting as you mention - and not just to the Energy of
it, but also to the person who created it - then you might feel who
I am, you might feel who created that Beauty, and you could also
feel my intention for creating that Beauty, if you connect to the
actual creator of it.

(There are some violently criminal people around who pretend to
be me, who have stolen some of my Identity Energy, so you might
get the wrong person connected to it. You might connect to the
wrong person.
Criminal minds are impersonating other people, that's how they
get fame and wealth or influence and credibility - even as
artists, actors or singers.)

I have described my intention for creating the Beauty, I have
described it here and there, in various places, so it is not
impossible for you to learn about it in that way too - by reading
about it.

And the intention, the intention expressed by Leonardo's 'Mona Lisa'
and by his other paintings and by Mozart's music as well as by the
music of Bach, is 'to care for people.'

I have written that intention in various places, beginning with the
RI-Bulletin RI-19Ri 'Artists and Ethics' and in the unedited 'Notes
on Art'(AO-notes). And these intentions are further worked out in
the 'Understanding Suppression Series' (USP- series).
You can download that in ZIP and ACE compressed format at the moment
Respectively: ( )( Koos_longname.ace )( )

(If you download all twelve compressed files there, and you unpack
them in one directory, and you make on your desktop a link to
the file index.html, then you have all at your disposal up to
July 2000, at the click of a mouse.)

Recently I wrote and posted 'Writing Technique and Basics of Music -
Feeling versus Intelligence' and 'Crime Versus Truth - What's
Happening In Our Society.'

'Crime Versus Truth - What's Happening In Our Society' gives a
longer-term impression of what I have been doing and have
accomplished with that intention, and some activities to execute it.
(see References below)

Now, from the above introduction, we go over to your problem.

I am getting very technical here, so if you don't like that,
just skip it. Oh, you thought I was already technical...

I am just taking the opportunity to record the data here for
those who are that well educated that they can follow this, or
who will be that well educated in the future.

I am going to mention three traps that have been and are being used
by criminal minds to trap and immobilize (the spirits of) people -
people are spirits, whether with or without a body:

1. Destructive use of Beauty:

I give here the example of a particular case of a 'Beauty-trap'
that I had to get someone out of, who was (and is) very highly
aberrated (destructive of life) on the subject of Beauty.

One of the many places where she was stuck, was a place of awesome
physical Beauty - nobody was allowed to create any Beauty or
Aliveness - only just sit there and admire the Beauty of the

It was used, rather effectively, to immobilize and deaden people,
and they had guards that subdued everyone who showed signs of own
Aliveness and own Beauty, because that was "disrespectful" and
"distracting from the awesome Beauty presented."

2. Use of Drug Energy:

These are for instance the "White Clouds" that many people see or
experience after death. (It's a 'feel cozy' Energy which lessens
awareness without that you notice it, which you no doubt have
experienced one time or another.)

They don't see their environment anymore, but are made to think
they are "in Heaven," "gone over to the other world," etc.

This phenomenon is largely misunderstood by many 'spiritual' or
'religious' communities because they refuse to face extreme Evil
and extreme Ugliness. (see 'Defining Love and Hate - A Law of Life
(Definition)' in the References below)

The White Drugging Altered Life Energy Particles are caused
by very evil people, to make others blind AND feel happy about
it. It's also immobilizing and debilitating. It is part of
daily life: All criminal minds radiate huge amounts of
this stuff, for various purposes which are not hard to guess.

3. Use of Unawareness:

Unawareness is either caused by lack of Clear (transparent)
Perception (Connection) Energy Particles, or by the projection of
(clouds or shots of) Broken (Disconnection) and therefore Black
(Altered) Life Energy Particles.

You just see Blackness around you, or you see vast emptiness
around you, when you are in such a trap. And then you don't just
think you are dead, you "know you are dead." Especially when you
have gone through point 2. already.

Extremely immobilizing.

You will have to get the idea to look BEHIND the Energy, and feel
WHO or what projects those Energy Particles all around you, in
order to get out of it - if they left you enough Life Energy to
still be capable of doing so, that is.

I don't care so much whether you want to understand the workings of
the spirit, now, because others will be highly interested of course,
to understand what is happening to them, or what has happened to
them, or to others, in their past, or what will happen to them.

It's the subject of Fine Particle Physics, and it is good to take
the opportunity here to relate it to experience, to relate it to
daily life and after-life, and to art.

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

* Footnote:

The most violent examples of people "who liked me for my money"
(for my Energy), in my present life time, were, in order of
physical appearance: My father, Maria Sophia Smit, L. Ron Hubbard,
Jane Kember, Linda Fran "Cesca" Stern born Simon, Jon Atack,
Jutta Joos born Gentz, Freya Joos, Noel Joos, (Gayle) Stephanie
Umana born Hansen.

I don't know whether you are familiar with the expression 'they
stole me blind' - but that's exactly what they were doing,
intentionally and knowingly and hidden.

They hated me especially for my looking at them and seeing their
condition, and they hated me for my wanting to help them to, by
themselves, be somewhat decent and alive and responsible, which
they could PRETEND TO BE TO OTHERS, AND TO ME ...with my Life

Wanting to be decent and responsible, and creating own aliveness,
was NOT what they came for - but they were pretending that to me,
else I would not have wanted to assist and help them in it.

In truth, they came for my 'money,' for the very exquisitely
Beautiful and exquisitely Joyful and exquisitely Alive Energy
that I create. They wanted to enjoy and benefit from that without
wanting to have any responsibility even for maintaining it.

But invariably with various tricks and mechanisms that I now have
mostly revealed, they wanted to take away and claim MY Energy to
be their own - in such a way that I might have actually died or
fallen seriously ill, and resulting in such things as my actually
getting tortured and almost murdered.

Such characters are the subject of various coveted "fantasy" books
and TV-series, as I mentioned recently in 'Popularity of Threshold-
Perception Entertainment.' (see References)

One very popular TV-series, 'Charmed' - produced and in part
written by Connie Burge, sometimes comes close to several
spiritual phenomena and activities, which of course have to be
represented, and worked in different ways, in order to be made
visible to the physical eye.


- 'Crime Versus Truth - What's Happening In Our Society'

- 'A Poem of Love and Adventure' (17 July 2002)

- 'Writing Technique and Basics of Music - Feeling versus

- 'Popularity of Threshold-Perception Entertainment
- Some Applicable Quotes' (26 Sept 2002)

- 'Defining Love and Hate - A Law of Life (Definition)'

I wrote in response to:

> Yet somehow you still fail to grasp the point that when you have
> something like Mozart on, wherever and whenever that is, you

> shouldn't be 'going about your business,' because Mozart should BE
> your business.

> You really have to think about his music, you can't just have it

> on as wallpaper. NO music is wallpaper, either it's good enough

> to actually listen to or bad enough to turn off.
> If you wanted the Mona Lisa, you wouldn't print it up as your
> WALLPAPER, you'd hang it in isolation, so you could APPRECIATE it..

Thank you for communicating your point, I mean your problem, to me.
Koos "Cause Trinity"


10 అక్టో, 2002 7:16:52 PM10-10-02
You can always use the Block facility you know!

John Briggs

11 అక్టో, 2002 6:28:08 AM11-10-02
Viv wrote:
> You can always use the Block facility you know!
> Viv
Indeed, which is why it is important not to include the offending post (or
its header). But the purpose of a troll alert is to try and dissuade others
from feeding the troll.

John Briggs


14 అక్టో, 2002 8:20:33 PM14-10-02
In Rich Andrews <> wrote:

> Somehow Mozart on kazoos seems to lose something though. (:>)

I knew someone who *claimed* to think that La Nozze da Figaro meant
"Figaro's Nose"! If that were true, a kazoo might be an apt choice!

Tom Parsons

-- | I have decided to bypass my inner child
| and go directly to my inner spoiled brat! | --Unattributed

Tom Hens

15 అక్టో, 2002 6:12:25 PM15-10-02

John Briggs <> wrote...

> But the purpose of a troll alert is to try and dissuade others
> from feeding the troll.

I must have missed your official appointment as Trollfinder General for
this newsgroup.

Nobody has any reason to accept your personal judgement about who is or
isn't a troll, or who should or shouldn't be responded to. Trying to
control other people's behaviour in newsgroups is usually futile at best,
and counterproductive at worst.

John Briggs

15 అక్టో, 2002 7:11:55 PM15-10-02
Tom Hens wrote

> I must have missed your official appointment as Trollfinder General for
> this newsgroup.

Welcome back. You've missed the trolls as well.

> Nobody has any reason to accept your personal judgement about who is or
> isn't a troll, or who should or shouldn't be responded to. Trying to
> control other people's behaviour in newsgroups is usually futile at best,
> and counterproductive at worst.

[sigh] It must be the weather. You would appear to be not acting upon your
own principles.

John Briggs

Tom Hens

16 అక్టో, 2002 6:45:41 PM16-10-02

John Briggs <> wrote...

> Tom Hens wrote
> >
> > I must have missed your official appointment as Trollfinder General for
> > this newsgroup.
> Welcome back. You've missed the trolls as well.

I haven't been gone, and I don't think I missed anything, at least not
anything of significance. I did wonder why the German authorities have
apparently let Koos Nolst Trenité out of the loony bin, to which he was
forcibly committed in late 2001.

> > Nobody has any reason to accept your personal judgement about who is or
> > isn't a troll, or who should or shouldn't be responded to. Trying to
> > control other people's behaviour in newsgroups is usually futile at
> > best, and counterproductive at worst.
> >
> [sigh] It must be the weather. You would appear to be not acting upon
> your own principles.

Which of my own principles have I not been acting upon, oh wise one?

John Briggs

17 అక్టో, 2002 4:30:29 AM17-10-02

Tom Hens

20 అక్టో, 2002 12:05:51 AM20-10-02

John Briggs <> wrote...

<I wrote:>
> > Which of my own principles have I not been acting upon, oh wise one?
> >
> "Trying to control other people's behaviour in newsgroups is usually
> futile at best, and counterproductive at worst."

Yes, that is a correct quote from what I wrote. Now please point out where
I acted in a way that contradicts that statement.

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