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(rev 3.5) United Nations Organization - China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the UN (UNO, ONU) - {HRI 20060429-V3.5}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
19 मार्च 2008, 3:37:32 pm19/3/08
ईमेल पाने वाला
China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization

29 April 2006
{HRI 20060429-V3.5}

(Version 3.5
on 19 Mar 2008)

(suitable for foreign
language students)

(view Summary
by skipping


The United Nations Organization is - and can only work, of course,
as - a Democratic organization.


Democracy basically means, {definition}

seeing what people - all people, from local to global - need,

and, what they need of course as a main thing, is, to be asked
what life they want to live together, what they want to do

so it is asking, what people like to spend their efforts and
money on, and how, and making it possible for them to do so,

again, it means, ALL people,

with solely the exception of severely Criminal Minds, who
are cared for and not of course as they wish, but they can
be asked how they wish to be restrained, and of course

they have no right whatsoever, to vote or otherwise to
determine the activities of others.

{definition of Democracy}


Very PLAINLY said:

People want to be protected from and safeguarded against



THAT is the primary task of the United Nations Organization:

To protect people of ALL countries, against dictatorship, so
that people living in one country, can live in peace with
people in other countries,

and can travel and trade and work together and enjoy life

and it is the primary task of the United Nations Organization,
to make sure, that people inside any country are thus protected
from dictatorship.



As you know, there are false and hidden "definitions" of
any concept,

those fake and also hidden "definitions,"
are invented and used by Criminal Minds,

or taken over and used by others from them,
in order not to stand up to them, but instead,
to accommodate or to please Criminal Minds;

endless examples exist, wherever there
is crime going on - "protection money,"
is 'money given to your enemies so that
they can continue to steal more money
from you and from others,'

it is however not called theft under
threat of loss of much more, or of life,

so protection money has, I think even
lost its normal meaning, in daily use.


It is not different with false or hidden definitions of

They SAY or write the word 'democracy' WITH THE INTENTION
that others will assume it to mean its actual, normal
definition, (as given above, in the beginning)

but they - Criminal Minds, whether organized as the
Russian KGB or the Cuban or Chinese or Iranian "people's
representatives," or whether un-organized, amongst your
own friends or people you meet,

Criminal Minds USE another, fake or hidden "definition" of
the same word, and they do that so, that you THINK, that
they speak the same language as everyone else.

The "acceptance job rating" of Iraq's Saddam
Hussein - by his own people - reached ninety-
nine per cent, before he was deposed.


The Energy or Intention of Criminal Minds is the
opposite or reverse of that of normal people.

"People's Republic" - you know by now - means
precisely its opposite.

And also the words I put in quotation
marks now, are used with their OPPOSITE
and hidden, fake "definition:"

It is a dictatorship forced onto a country's
population, a "Republic" as "defined" by the
International "Laws," and the dictatorship
enforced by "police," and sometimes even by
its own "army," securing its "sovereignty"
and "protecting its internal affairs and its

The cowards, like the French Foreign
Minister, Mr. Kouchner just now, (on
19 March 2008) - he is a medical doctor
by education and fame, I like to mention
that - he "has to care for the internal
affairs of France and its finances," and
"therefore he has to maintain the evil
committed widely against people in
China," that one would not in any way
tolerate in his own country, not in any
part of Europe, even.

But he, Kouchner, of human rights fame,
"has even to hide WHO in France wants
the Chinese to be very, very criminal to
Chinese people, so that France will get
more money or sell more airplanes etc.:"

The cowards are SERVED by the false

a fake, hidden, REVERSED "definition"
of "Law" for instance:

"We have to comply with the local
'laws' of China..."

But in China, "law" has a fake, false
and opposite "definition."

However, so that they "legally"
can comply with Criminal Minds,

Destructive Cowards seem to "love"
such hidden and false or reversed
"definitions." (I gave more
examples elsewhere.)


So we mention another hidden, false and reverse
"definition" of "Democracy," as any Criminal Mind
does want "Democracy" implemented:

Democracy, is giving people the opportunity
to formally agree by whom they will be dominated
or "governed,"

so that THEY MUST ABIDE and can more easily be
forced to comply with whatever you are told,

"because you have agreed to be governed or
controlled by that group or person."

This is really the only "definition" that
Russia's Putin knows or can feel, and his
only reason for "holding elections,"

also to tell people from other countries, that
"they must abide by the expressed will of the
Russian people..."

It's the same in those other countries that I do not
even have to mention to you, because you know.



China currently is a dictatorship dedicated to destroying Democracy -
and China actively supports dictatorship - both internally and

it (the Chinese "government") openly DESTROYS Democracy both
internally and globally.


Now, this has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO with any
temporary rise in the average temperature in
certain areas of Earth,

and, it has NOTHING TO DO WHATSOEVER, with the
supply of drinking water or agricultural water,

and further, this has NOTHING EITHER to do with
any "shortage" of fuel or generated electricity:

People will naturally and of course, take care
of all of those problems,

GLOBALLY, which means,



And Castro and Chavez and Putin

(not even mentioning our
North Korean psychopath,
they all)

can pretend a million times, that
it is "not dictatorship," what
they do or what they want,

but it still is,

and even when it officially
is called "democratic," as
most dictatorships are being
labeled, by their very


And Cisco and Microsoft and Google
and Yahoo etc., etc., can claim a
million times,

that "they follow the local law,
like anywhere else,"

but still they do not do so,
and they know it too,


as they also know very well,

but they call dictatorship
"local laws,"

as indeed the local
dictators demand, that
they call it so,

and suddenly, committing
Criminal acts on the
population, is not anymore
a very serious Crime, but is
their being

"law-abiding," "complying
with the law;"

while in fact it is


and in fact it is complying
with dictatorship, IN ORDER

against Crimes,

and to PREVENT the
protection of the
population against

Criminals and Criminal

Now you again...




To agree - as they did between a dictatorship (Hu Jintao) and
a democracy (George 'Washington' Bush) -

to have, as a Secretary General of the United Nations,

a malleable, waxen puppet who speaks many languages and
with many tongues,

is not a wise thing to agree on, already in itself, of


It gives rise to the following, English pun:

'To Ban Ki Moon Or Not To Ban Ki Moon.'

Without the pun:

Ban Ki Moon is not in any respect suitable for
being a United Nations Organization Secretary
General, not at all.

Nor is, amongst the many
translators employed by the
European Union, the most
pliable translator chosen

to preside over its (the European
Union) Commission,

managing and leading 'the
European Government,' if you

'just because he talks so smoothly'
and 'he agrees with everyone,'

showing full agreement with
anyone in one-on-one talks,
that is, of course.



China is a dictatorship dedicated to destroying Democracy
- and China actively supports dictatorship - both
internally and globally,

it (the Chinese "government") openly DESTROYS
Democracy both internally and globally,

BUT our pliant Secretary General, would not have anybody
see it (like that),

"because Hu Jintao would not like to be seen as what
he is, nor would Jiang Zemin, nor Mao Zedong,"

and Deng Xiaoping "should not be called on
his fatal mistakes,"

nor would the heads of state of Sudan or Zimbabwe or of
Myanmar want to be seen (as they actually are); etc..


However, truth is NOT defined - outside of China's
governmental 'bubble' of Illusion and Malice - by

"whatever Hu Jintao says 'is true' or likes to be
seen 'as true'."

Truth IS defined, as the faithful reader is
well aware, of

'that what happened, and who caused it and
with what intention,'

something that anyone knows to be the
actual definition of truth,

before "eating from the tree of
lies" planted by Criminal Minds.




Again: China IS a dictatorship dedicated to destroying Democracy,

and China actively supports dictatorship - both internally and
globally - and also this means, that

the Chinese "government" openly DESTROYS Democracy - both
in China, and globally.

Vladimir Putin does the same, only not OPENLY yet,

he does not actually confess to being an extremely
Insane individual,

(except to those who look anyway at him and
through his mask, he has no choice BUT to
confess to his actual nature,

and an occasional photographer catches him
at a moment he can not hold his mask)

and he, Vladimir Putin, HATES nothing more than

(Putin has a searing contempt for)

those journalists that are so easily and so totally
hypnotized by the Energies he, Puin, uses on them,

so that these are wildly applauding him, on
his latest (20080214) press conference, once
again, and so that these write - as if their
very job depends on writing it -

"how hugely popular Putin is,"

they - being the journalists, that they
are 'asked' to be - are not mentioning,
that the popularity of a not dissimilar

"the one who returned Germany to
being a respected and prosperous
country and a world power to be
reckoned with, within a span of
seven years,"

after World War One,

was much more 'hugely popular' within
his own country, than Vladimir Putin.

We must also not forget, that
his current friend Kim Jong Il
of North Korea, has an approval
rate, of North Korea's population,

even exceeding the - 99 percent by
popular vote - approval rate of
the Iraqi cruelty to Mankind,
called the late Saddam Hussein.


Back to current China: China IS a dictatorship
dedicated to destroying Democracy,

and China actively supports dictatorship - both
internally and globally - and this also means, that

the Chinese "government" openly DESTROYS Democracy
- both in China, and globally.



Therefore China's membership in the United Nations Organization is not
valid, can not be valid, and has never had any validity.

It is self-understood on top of that, that any active membership
of China in the United Nation's Security Council,

or in ANY Security Council, for that matter,

is completely incompatible with China's "government:"





voting is done by free people for free people,

and that, to the exclusion of dictators or Criminal Minds.

ALL dictators ARE Criminal Minds,

ALL Criminal Minds are dictators by nature, even if they
are for some time groveling to the wishes of another



It is, by the way, NOT difficult to understand, why vehemently
dictatorial "Islamic" countries or groups, like Iran, like
Al Qaeda and the Taliban and Hezbollah and Hamas, DO NOT attack

the most violently anti-Islamic state, the 'government' and
communist culture of China...

...China - the Chinese 'government,' Mao Zedong, Jiang Zemin
and Hu Jintao in particular - most atrociously and cruelly, do

support ALL dictatorships,

and being communistic in flavor - rather than being
fascistic in their tastes - they prefer to do so

secretively, behind a facade of "socialism" "for the
people", for "stability" and "harmony,"

and they pay the press to 'paint' that facade for the
public, for you and me.



Criminal Minds have everything in reverse:

"Freedom" "is only possible when everybody is fully controlled,"

which is of course "true" for the Criminal Mind - ONLY when
everybody is under control, only THEN can a Criminal Mind be
free to exert his or her JOY of being Criminal to people,
and revel in destroying life, making the life of others ugly,
dominated, etc..



I quote, and edited, from {HRI 20060427-V1.1} (*)


You do not suddenly stop existing, because your
house was devastated by an Earth-quake, or by
a flood,

or by an Iranian atom bomb financed
and protected by the Chinese dictators,

via North Korea's dictatorship that the
Chinese dictators and the Russian Criminal
Mind, Vladimir Putin, keep in place,

to try and enforce their "political
system" of dictatorship not only in
China, but world wide, on you too:

That is the nature of
dictatorship, as you have
it formulated by Karl Marx:

"It must be everywhere - all
people, all countries must
be dominated by ONE dictator,
in order for dictatorship
'to work':"

Which is the 'Hu Jintao'
Communist International


It is simply a reflection of
the nature of their soul:

It is how dictators "think,"

how Criminal Minds "think,"

how THEY feel, "life is."

That is then the idea behind
the 'motherland'

- first the whole
Chinese race, and
then -

the whole world must become


That is not at all a
matter of 'conspiracy'

but IT IS how Criminal
Minds actually, really
feel and think, and

then they have to hide
that, to camouflage it:

They put it in different

in order for you not to
stop them, but rather,

for you to be deceived
into aiding them...



So, in any sane and caring environment - that the
United Nations SHOULD be and was hoped to be -

dictatorships have - of course - no vote, they
cannot be voting members of an organization that
they fundamentally want to destroy and that they
actively are destroying continuously.


So they, China and a few other dictatorships,


if they - of course - satisfy the conditions
for doing so, for being admitted.

This is normal in any organization -
naturally, otherwise the organization
gets destroyed and stops functioning.




Amazingly enough, you did NOT notice, did
you, that

those who protect and finance Iran
- the Chinese 'government,' Hu Jintao,
and Jiang Zemin before him - that

the Iranian "Islamists" are NOT fighting the
ACTUAL and proven enemy of Islam,

which is dictatorial (Hu Jintao) China.


But you probably have indeed figured
out already, for yourself, that IRAN

- contrary to its big-mouthing -


that Iran fights for Criminal Minds
being in charge of your life,

and preferably globally.

Some crazy journalists,

(Mohammed Abbas, Michael Holden, or Andrew
Roche of REUTERS, 20080218)

have again started calling America and Iran "bitter

while the Americans are the greatest friends the
population not only in Iraq, but also in Iran can

- the very best friends and neighbors you
can wish for -

and the Iranians "governing" Iran, ARE enemies to
anyone, including to their OWN population, the
people of Iran.

The same applies to Hezbollah and Hamas,

their "leaders" are not leaders at
all, but very severely Criminal Minds,

who have no other intention than




They have no respect whatsoever for
life - not for your life, not for any

And so, you can not appeal to their
decency, because - very literally -
they do not have any decency

for you or for anyone to appeal to:



Asking Hu Jintao 'to release
dissidents' ...you might as well
ask him (Hu Jintao) to swallow


Because that is how HE "sees"
people; and that is HIS idea of

Anything that "does not
conform and do as told,"

"must be exterminated,
or re-educated"

"to fit 'the political



In reality, there is indeed not such a thing
as "different political systems"

- those "political systems" are artificial
ideas, invented

solely and only to hide Criminal Minds, and
if possible to get these in a position to
dominate people.



But what IS there, is the activity of people
living together,

and there is only one way that people
live together well and get along well,
and that is simply by following THEIR
own nature

and NOT the nature of Criminal Minds:

Severely Criminal Minds make up only
ONE percent of the total population,

and it is only THEY who wish
to destroy any society and to
have everyone dominated and
in fear and lied to.

YOU are far, far senior to any Criminal
Mind who managed to dominate and hypnotize
others strongly enough and lie cleverly
enough about others, to become head of state

This applies to all Criminal Minds who are
heads of state, and I have mentioned some
by name.



Again: There are no "different systems" at all
- people just live together as they naturally do -

but Criminal Minds invent "political systems"
and they preach those,

and sometimes their 'preaching'
is done with a bayonet, and
with Concentration Camps,

because THEY want to ruin life,
THEY want to have Criminal Minds
dominating or "governing" life, your
life, anyone's life.


That is their CONSTANT intention,

and it will be their continual,
invariable intention and work
and desire - also

in the next hundred years,
and also

in the next thousand years, etc.,

because - which you do not know
EITHER, it is so, that - Criminal
Minds do not change, they are
irreparable souls.


So you have to plan for that,
and to educate your children
into not being morons, who have no
idea of the realities of life,

other than how a computer
works, how objects, machines

while they do not even know,
THAT Criminal Minds exist,

let alone how to recognize these
and how to behave in their
vicinity, and what rights these
have in a normal society. *(1)


Surely, one can take notice of what a Criminal Mind
might want to say, and they can be cared for

- you can ask a Criminal Mind,
what he or she wants and likes
and does not like,

and possibly he or she may even
tell you some truth,

and you may need the information
in order to care for him (for
Hu Jintao) and for other Criminal
Minds -

but THEY HAVE NO VOTE in deciding, what you
or others should do or not do,

NOT on how to spend community money and
NOT on what activities to engage in, for
instance on how to handle disasters or tragedies
or conflicts:




Therefore, China has NO vote in
any United Nations Organization,
LET ALONE in any Security Council,

and the same applies to any other
dictatorships run by Criminals,

until those countries have
returned to a constitutional
Democracy with ACTUAL protection
of its citizens, and ACTUAL security
for its citizens,

again: where Criminal Minds,
as in most civilized societies,


But you refuse to see that, that
Criminals have no right to vote,
let alone that they have no right
to be elected:

So I am explaining to you again,
that they

- Criminal Minds, and the Cowards
that these influence -

DO have and do execute the goal to destroy
life, that they

INTEND to make things NOT go well

- which they have shown you
over and over indeed -


so their "vote," their intention,

no matter how Criminal Minds
camouflage it, as "they are
protecting you," "they provide
stability," or "they are securing
your jobs," or

camouflaged as their "protecting
your Islamic culture - or earlier,
your Arian-German culture,"


they do that only to deceive you,
which you should know by now;

thus their vote and efforts

will ALWAYS be, towards destroying
ANY society.

But you rather believe their lies,

much like an animal does not care,
that it will be slaughtered tomorrow

as long as it gets its food today...



People exist, whether you can see or feel them or not,
they are NOT "illusions,"

and Life is NOT an illusion, not at all. (*)


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

(*) Quoted and edited from:

'Criminal Minds KNOW VERY WELL, Who Tells The Truth'
{HRI 20060427-V1.1} - adds to {HRI 20050527-V3.5}
(27 April 2006 - Version 1.1 on 29 April 2006)


(1) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)



Copyright 2006-2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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