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Stephen Hawking, England's most famous Sociopath, (his Insane "physics") - {FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1}

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Leonardo Been

May 16, 2011, 2:42:00 PM5/16/11
Does anyone here (still) believe the British Royal Society's most
famous sociopath, Stephen Hawking?

4 December 2009
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1}

(Version 1.0.1
on 5 Dec 2009)


Does anyone (still) believe Stephen Hawking, the British Royal
Society's famous sociopath?

I never did, and I always wondered how people could talk with a
straight face about his fictional concepts.

And that is because I DO maintain some connection to life, to people,
to reality. In other words, I am a very compassionate person, and

quite the opposite of some autistic "scientist" - or even worse, of
a "theoretical physicist," or of an 'astronomical' "cosmologist,"

which nowadays is probably synonymous with 'being autistic,'

"in which the brain suffers from a Large frontal Hadron,
and from Temporal Higgs Bosons crossing the CERNICUS Pons
to the Mare BROOKHAVEN, at about twice their rest-mass,
due to their velocity being half that of light itself,

affecting those parts of the brain that are
responsible for the effort of 'Un-Thinking,'

(the 'UT-factor' which may be genetically determined
- as shown in recent scientific research in Japan
on the brain of the non-herding species of the giant
jelly fish, with a similar crossing frequency in the

showing, in relative time, the brain-singularities of
the 'Autistic Personality Syndrome' or APS,

all of which appear within the space-time of an MRI scan
of an autistic person's brain, and these become visible
as non-absorbing Black Holes, on a tomography screen."


Nine million or so people were (and probably still are) that strongly
hypnotized by 'Academia and Nobel-Prizemia,' *(4)(2)(*)

they were made that Insane as to have bought the sociopath's most
famous Science Fiction book, which he called "A Brief History of

(Quotes of the Science Fiction book by Stephen Hawking are
enclosed, for your judgment on his sociopathy: on his
complete, and malicious - and quite possibly also on your
own - irrationality.)

Unsurprisingly, in Wikipedia they did not write 'his popular
Science FICTION book "A Brief History of Time",'

but in Wikipedia they erroneously left out the word "FICTION:"

Wikipedia being the roving ground of those sociopaths that
maintain the 'peer-reviewed' "religion of science." *(1)

With the common goal, of sociopaths wanting to ruin the
lives of people as much as they can, and wanting to have
themselves seen as 'supremos,'

by means of their extremely harmful "religion of
science," *(1)

they find a rich opportunity to do so freely in Wikipedia,

trashing the most vital and trail-blazing SCIENTIFIC

trashed "because these do not fit their sociopathy,
their 'religion of science'."


Hence my question:

Does anyone here still believe Stephen Hawking, the British Royal
Society's famous sociopath?

Does anyone here still BELIEVE the lies of Stephen Hawking
"about Life, Time, Space, etc.."

- which are by the way quite comparable to Sigmund Freud's
lies "about life,"

lies given with the same intention of successfully
driving you very and lastingly Insane and incapable of
recovering - by means of

lies about the nature of your life,

which any child who reads English well, can easily detect as the
most Insane of lies:


The Royal Society's most famous sociopath, WHILE PRETENDING VERY

(in denial as he is, of Life itself and in denial of ninety
percent of vital and real scientific data, on the subjects he
"teaches" his Science Fiction about). *(1)

Yet he claims to talk about "physics," WITHOUT CALLING it
Science Fiction,

while the bad Science Fiction that he writes, may appeal to
your desire to be lied to,

much like you are also entertained by stage magic,

it may be entertaining enough, to your utterly confused minds.


It is hardly possibly to stride farther from reality, than he does,
while claiming himself to be the champion of the very opposite,
of "science."

His urge to drive others Insane and Blind, is somewhat
paralleled by his admirer, TV "philosopher" Carl Sagan,
equally opposing the nature of life itself, but who was
considerably less sociopathic, though:

They come in degrees of malice to and lies about life.


Again: It is hardly possibly to stride farther from reality, than our
protagonistic sociopath Stephen Hawking does

while he is claiming to you most 'loudly' to be "the very
opposite," yes, "the champion of rationality and insight."

So you swallowed it, and - on his command - you did reject the
simplest of truths that you actually do know very well ...should
you be allowed to think, yourself (not hypnotized, that is), starting
yourself to OBSERVE AND PERCEIVE. *(3)



[I quote from his Chapter Two]

From Chapter TWO of 'A Brief History of Time' by Stephen Hawking


Only a one page quote, already from Chapter Two of his popular science
fiction book, 'A Brief History of Time' by Stephen Hawking, proves
his sociopathy already fully:

"Maxwell's theory predicted that radio or light waves
should travel at a certain fixed speed. But Newton's
theory had got rid of the idea of absolute rest, so if
light was supposed to travel at a fixed speed, one would
have to say what that fixed speed was to be measured
relative to. It was therefore suggested that there was a
substance called the "ether" that was present everywhere,
even in "empty" space. Light waves should travel through
the ether as sound waves travel through air, and their
speed should therefore be relative to the ether. Different
observers, moving relative to the ether, would see light
coming toward them at different speeds, but light's speed
relative to the ether would remain fixed. In particular,
as the earth was moving through the ether on its orbit
round the sun, the speed of light measured in the
direction of the earth's motion through the ether (when we
were moving toward the source of the light) should be
higher than the speed of light at right angles to that
motion (when we are not moving toward the source). In 1887
Albert Michelson (who later became the first American to
receive the Nobel Prize for physics) and Edward Morley
carried out a very careful experiment at the Case School
of Applied Science in Cleveland. They compared the speed
of light in the direction of the earth's motion with that
at right angles to the earth's motion. To their great
surprise, they found they were exactly the same! Between
1887 and 1905 there were several attempts, most notably by
the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, to explain the result
of the Michelson-Morley experiment in terms of objects
contracting and clocks slowing down when they moved
through the ether. However, in a famous paper in 1905, a
hitherto unknown clerk in the Swiss patent office, Albert
Einstein, pointed out that the whole idea of an ether was
unnecessary, providing one was willing to abandon the idea
of absolute time. A similar point was made a few weeks
later by a leading French mathematician, Henri Poincare.
Einstein's arguments were closer to physics than those of
Poincare, who regarded this problem as mathematical.
Einstein is usually given the credit for the new theory,
but Poincare is remembered by having his name attached to
an important part of it.

The fundamental postulate of the theory of relativity, as
it was called, was that the laws of science should be the
same for all freely moving observers, no matter what their
speed. This was true for Newton's laws of motion, but now
the idea was extended to include Maxwell's theory and the
speed of light: all observers should measure the same
speed of light, no matter how fast they are moving. This
simple idea has some remarkable consequences. Perhaps the
best known are the equivalence of mass and energy, summed
up in Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 (where E is energy,
m is mass, and c is the speed of light), and the law that
nothing may travel faster than the speed of light. Because
of the equivalence of energy and mass, the energy which an
object has due to its motion will add to its mass. In
other words, it will make it harder to increase its speed.
This effect is only really significant for objects moving
at speeds close to the speed of light. For example, at 10
percent of the speed of light an object's mass is only 0.5
percent more than normal, while at 90 percent of the speed
of light it would be more than twice its normal mass. As
an object approaches the speed of light, its mass rises
ever more quickly, so it takes more and more energy to
speed it up further. It can in fact never reach the speed
of light, because by then its mass would have become
infinite, and by the equivalence of mass and energy, it
would have taken an infinite amount of energy to get it
there. For this reason, any normal object is forever
confined by relativity to move at speeds slower than the
speed of light. Only light, or other waves that have no
intrinsic mass, can move at the speed of light.

An equally remarkable consequence of relativity is the way
it has revolutionized our ideas of space and time. In
Newton's theory, if a pulse of light is sent from one
place to another, different observers would agree on the
time that the journey took (since time is absolute), but
will not always agree on how far the light traveled (since
space is not absolute). Since the speed of the light is
just the distance it has traveled divided by the time it
has taken, different observers would measure different
speeds for the light. In relativity, on the other hand,
all observers must agree on how fast light travels. They
still, however, do not agree on the distance the light has
traveled, so they must therefore now also disagree over
the time it has taken. (The time taken is the distance the
light has traveled - which the observers do not agree on -
divided by the light's speed - which they do agree on.) In
other words, the theory of relativity put an end to the
idea of absolute time! It appeared that each observer must
have his own measure of time, as recorded by a clock
carried with him, and that identical clocks carried by
different observers would not necessarily agree."

From Chapter TWO of 'A Brief History of Time'
by Stephen Hawking - CHAPTER 2: SPACE AND TIME

[end Quote]



* So we have to go back to actually looking at life, and to do so with
the very Sane, and the very Caring, and the very Truthful and very

"The art of Leonardo da Vinci, and the music of Bach and Mozart,
are as priceless in Beauty, as are the value and vitality of
caring knowledge and the 'wisdom shaping future' of the Human
Rights Issues - borne as all these are, from the same spirit or
Soul. This issue, on 'Fine Particle Physics' (FPP) is part of
the Human Rights Issues.

I am endowed with so vast an amount of Spiritual Intelligence
(defined as having that much love for people, as - with love of
people motivating the intention and feeding the ability - to
seek out and connect to those data, that are the necessary and
the most vital to the subject or to the goal to achieve), so,
that I have regained the necessary understanding

so far ABOVE current "science" in all its areas, including also
the philosophies and religions of East and West, and of North
and South, that I am inconceivably FAR above those who are now
collectively seen as "Academia," or as "Nobel-Prizemia" if you
like to be more expressive,

in describing the global "science" community which floats on
the highest COMMON level of their intelligence (which is too
Insane and too much captive in malice, to describe it without
nausea) with their uncanny belief about themselves and about
their "sciences" "being scientific,"

because in their "sciences," they omit about ninety percent of
the AVAILABLE and VITAL data from ACTUAL Science - and the
remaining ten percent data they DO teach, learn and use, of
that half is wrong data or is reversing actual Science)." *(2)

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30

(*) See above.

(1) 'Chemical Concept Of Life - 'The Big Bang In Your Primordial
Soup' '
{HRI note 20091115-I-V3.2.2-u_all}
(15 November 2009 - Version 3.2.2 on 30 Nov 2009)

'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

(2) 'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART THREE'
{FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p3}
(13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p3 issued on 1 Nov 2009)

(3) 'Definition of Perception (to restore and repair Perception)'
{HRI 20091203-V2.1} {FPP 20091203-V2.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 2.1 on 4 Dec 2009)

(4) Sturdy supporters of Stephen Hawking's sociopathy, claimed to be
so by Stephen Hawking himself in his book quoted above:

"Over the years, my principal associates and collaborators were
Roger Penrose, Robert Geroch, Brandon Carter, George Ellis,
Gary Gibbons, Don Page, and Jim Hartle. ... Brian Whitt,
gave me a lot of help writing the first edition of this book.
My editor at Bantam Books, Peter Guzzardi, made innumerable
comments which improved the book considerably. In addition,
for this edition, I would like to thank Andrew Dunn, who
helped me revise the text."


'Extremely High Performances of Bach - Introduction to Bach
(Johann Sebastian Bach)'
{HRI 20051021-V3.2-A-V2.1}
(31 Dec 2005 - Version 2.1 on 24 Nov 2009)

(further as applicable)


Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Steve Hawkins

May 16, 2011, 3:08:09 PM5/16/11
Leonardo Been <> wrote in


Leo is obviously worried about where he'll end up if there is no heaven.

Steve Hawkins

Leonardo Been (Plato)

May 16, 2011, 3:38:55 PM5/16/11
(quote) others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths

specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge of
life and about themselves).

(quoted from...)

Norman Draper

May 16, 2011, 3:48:13 PM5/16/11
>        (15 November 2009 - Version 3.2.2 on 30 Nov 2009)

>      'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
>       Truth'  (ECFEB)
>       {HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
>        (8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

> (2) 'Fine Particle Physics and the Mathison-Trenite Life Energy
>       Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - PART THREE'
>       {FPP 20090913-draft-V1.0-p3}
>       (13 September 2009 - Draft V1.0-p3 issued on 1 Nov 2009)

> (3) 'Definition of Perception (to restore and repair Perception)'
>       {HRI 20091203-V2.1} {FPP 20091203-V2.1}
>        (3 December 2009 - Version 2.1 on 4 Dec 2009)

> (4)   Sturdy supporters of Stephen Hawking's sociopathy, claimed to be
>       so by Stephen Hawking himself in his book quoted above:
>      "Over the years, my principal associates and collaborators were
>       Roger Penrose, Robert Geroch, Brandon Carter, George Ellis,
>       Gary Gibbons, Don Page, and Jim Hartle. ... Brian Whitt,
>       gave me a lot of help writing the first edition of this book.
>       My editor at Bantam Books, Peter Guzzardi, made innumerable
>       comments which improved the book considerably. In addition,
>       for this edition, I would like to thank Andrew Dunn, who
>       helped me revise the text."
> __________
> References:
>      'Extremely High Performances of Bach - Introduction to Bach
>       (Johann Sebastian Bach)'
>       {HRI 20051021-V3.2-A-V2.1}
>        (31 Dec 2005 - Version 2.1 on 24 Nov 2009)

>      (further as applicable)
> ____________
> Verification:
> Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
>  and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
>  anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
>  who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
>  to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
>  specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
>  of life and about themselves).
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
>  or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
>  and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
>  about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
>  PlatoWorld at

Wow.... Is this The Amazing Syd fucking with us again?? LOL!

And the poster thinks Hawking suffers form autism?? Wow, talk about
getting it wrong from the jump.

Norman (That Was A Brief History Of Nothing) Draper


May 16, 2011, 4:05:33 PM5/16/11
I don't hang on Hawking's every word anymore than I did on Carl
Sagan's "wisdom", but both Hawking and Sagan tried to deliver messages
in a form more easily understood by the masses.

We are all limited by our "bounded rationality". There are scientists
who cannot see beyond that which they can reason. And there are others
who have a sort of third eye and are able and/or willing to consider
things beyond scientific evidence.

Maybe the latter category of scientists realize that what is held as
scientific fact today by tomorrow becomes what was the dominant
mindset of a generation, knowing that some truths endure while others
wither and fade or morph into a new truth.

No matter what Hawking believes, he certainly is mystified by and
thankful for how long he has survived. And even he does go beyond the
evidence when he first "reasons" the existence of alien life based on
mathematical "certainities" alone and then goes on to state that such
life might be dangerous for man. Of course, like the rest of us, he is
bounded by his rationality and only has the tragic story of Columbus
and native Americans for "evidence" that alien life would be injurious
to human life.

I, on the other hand, explore beyond mere historic accounts for
evidence that alien life would be bad for humans... to wit: Invasion
of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, The Day the Earth Stood Still, any
film with zombies, and a host of other movies.

In the end, it's up to the masses to believe and follow or make up
their own minds based on their own truths and experiences.


May 16, 2011, 6:44:28 PM5/16/11
Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
And don't criticize what you can't understand...


May 16, 2011, 7:19:54 PM5/16/11
On May 16, 3:44 pm, "RichL" <> wrote:
> Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
> And don't criticize what you can't understand...


I once had a girlfriend whose dad burned her recording of that tune on
the grounds that "That damn Bob Dylan is a Communist!"

Of course, they lived in Atlanta and the year was 1966; so it didn't
come as any great shock that he felt that way.


May 16, 2011, 7:20:20 PM5/16/11
On Mon, 16 May 2011 18:44:28 -0400, "RichL" <>

>Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
>And don't criticize what you can't understand..

Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
Your old world is rapidly aging
Get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand.

Sorry Rich , couldn't help it


Les Cargill

May 16, 2011, 9:31:59 PM5/16/11

'Course Pete Seeger *WAS* a Commie, and was ready to take a fire
ax to Dylan's rig 'coz he'd "sold out". Guy can't win for losing :)

Les Cargill

Les Cargill

May 16, 2011, 9:32:58 PM5/16/11

... Depends is what we're chaaaaanging.

> Sorry Rich , couldn't help it
> Jim

Les Cargill


May 16, 2011, 11:58:07 PM5/16/11
On May 16, 6:31 pm, Les Cargill <> wrote:
> >> Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
> >> And don't criticize what you can't understand...
> > Heh!
> > I once had a girlfriend whose dad burned her recording of that tune on
> > the grounds that "That damn Bob Dylan is a Communist!"
> > Of course, they lived in Atlanta and the year was 1966; so it didn't
> > come as any great shock that he felt that way.
> 'Course Pete Seeger *WAS* a Commie, and was ready to take a fire
> ax to Dylan's rig 'coz he'd "sold out". Guy can't win for losing :)

Last anyone heard, Pete still *is* a Commie at age 92; but he's a good
example of how America can make lemonade when handed lemons.

Pete did significantly good work in the civil rights field back in the
1960s, and was an early anti-pollution activist as well. Hopefully
he'll be remembered for those things rather than his unrealistic
musical and political preferences.

Les Cargill

May 17, 2011, 3:59:04 AM5/17/11
Twibil wrote:
> On May 16, 6:31 pm, Les Cargill<> wrote:
>>>> Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
>>>> And don't criticize what you can't understand...
>>> Heh!
>>> I once had a girlfriend whose dad burned her recording of that tune on
>>> the grounds that "That damn Bob Dylan is a Communist!"
>>> Of course, they lived in Atlanta and the year was 1966; so it didn't
>>> come as any great shock that he felt that way.
>> 'Course Pete Seeger *WAS* a Commie, and was ready to take a fire
>> ax to Dylan's rig 'coz he'd "sold out". Guy can't win for losing :)
> Last anyone heard, Pete still *is* a Commie at age 92; but he's a good
> example of how America can make lemonade when handed lemons.

Gor bless him. He was still more or less what they called a "useful
idiot", in the serious usage of the (rather uncharitable) term. He's
obviously not an idiot, but it's just a spring-loaded sort of term.

> Pete did significantly good work in the civil rights field back in the
> 1960s, and was an early anti-pollution activist as well. Hopefully
> he'll be remembered for those things rather than his unrealistic
> musical and political preferences.

If that's what his conscience tells him, then nobody can tell him

Les Cargill

Floyd R Turbo

May 17, 2011, 7:46:01 AM5/17/11

>>>>> Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
>>>>> And don't criticize what you can't understand...

Am I the only person who remembers the old SNL skit
where Dylan visits Woody Guthrie in a hospital bed,
guitar on neck, harp stand around the face, and a
pad a pencil in his hands. Every other sentence out of
Woddy's mouth is a line from a BD song, and as he says
it, Zimmerman is writing them down, strums a chord or
two, blows da harp, etc. I'm sure it's on Utube somewhere.

I got board with early Dylan quickly, and think his going
electric was a good move. I met him once, and he was
very friendly and open, I was surprised he wasn't more private.


Don't confuse the facts with
half truths and gorilla dust...

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