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Velk's Lab Nerf

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Jeremiah Kristal

Oct 10, 2001, 8:03:35 PM10/10/01
Anyone else notice the bard/enchanter nerf to Velks Lab? Previous to
the patch Monday, bards and enchanters could sing/cast a faction spell
and become dubious to all mobs in Velks Lab. Now faction stays KoS,
which makes CR in certain areas pretty much impossible without a necro
to summon corpse.
I petitioned, and the GM I spoke with agreed that there was nothing in
the patch message to indicate that this was planned, and suggested
that I submit a /bug, which I did. I've also been asking any bard or
enchanter I see in the zone to do the same thing. This probably isn't
a big deal, unless you are a bard/enchanter who actually liked being
able to explore a dungeon and go places where even monks fear to

Arolpin Lorespinner
56 bard

Shane Bole

Oct 11, 2001, 8:16:15 AM10/11/01
I liked to walk around velks, made it fun for me... especially since my
group kept running ahead and I would always fall down some ice bridge, I
would have fun finding my way up instead of waiting for a mag


AFK [54 Enchanter] Fabno Licious (Erudite)

"Jeremiah Kristal" <> wrote in message

Dan Harmon

Oct 11, 2001, 11:04:24 AM10/11/01

"Jeremiah Kristal" <> wrote in message
> Anyone else notice the bard/enchanter nerf to Velks Lab? Previous to
> the patch Monday, bards and enchanters could sing/cast a faction spell
> and become dubious to all mobs in Velks Lab. Now faction stays KoS,

Considering that everywhere else on Norrath you never COULD cast a faction
buff to fix KOS this ain't a nerf, it's a bug fix. Please learn the

Jeremiah Kristal

Oct 11, 2001, 1:58:23 PM10/11/01
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 15:04:24 GMT, "Dan Harmon" <>

No, there were and are lots of places that I could cast a faction buff
to fix KOS, including Kael at this very moment. I'm slightly KOS to
frost giants, I sing faction song, I'm now dubious and can travel
freely. I've done the same trick in Grobb, and in certain parts of
I did some more playing around in Velks Lab and what they have done is
set the default faction lower on all mobs in the zone. Mobs used to
glare at everyone, then switch to dubious with the application of
faction song/spell. Now they all start of scowling at everyone and
change to glare with faction adjustment.
Why do you call this a bug rather than a nerf? Was it a bug to have
Kael start off glare to everyone but Rallos Zek worshippers? Or to
have Thurg start off not KOS to most folks? There was an un-announced
change to faction in one of the more popular high-level zone, the GM I
spoke to knew nothing about it before I demonstrated it to him. There
was nothing in the patch message, and I've seen nothing from Verant
indicating it was intended. So yes, that is damn well a nerf until
Verant says that it was intended. I bet you thought the bard selos
drum bug was not a nerf either, since no other class could increase
their speed by as large a margin.

Arolpin Lorespinner
57 bard

Darren Chriest

Oct 11, 2001, 2:21:54 PM10/11/01
Jeremiah Kristal wrote:

> No, there were and are lots of places that I could cast a faction buff
> to fix KOS, including Kael at this very moment.

Add LFay too....


Oct 11, 2001, 4:36:03 PM10/11/01

Dan Harmon wrote:

This is patently false, as anyone with a bard over the age of 12 and a modicum

of curiousity can tell you.

Try, for example, singing carrilion to the RyGorr orcs. You can hang out
with them, even talk to them (they aren't much on conversation, unfortunately)

and most importantly, stand there and wave to the Avengers that some idiot
spawned despite your telling him directly that killing the chief in arms reach

of the fort is a death sentance for both him and half the people camping
the fort.

Carrilion raises faction. It is possible that you will find a mob to which
you are so low on faction that the raise is inadequate to make you no
longer KOS... although there are also items which improve your
effectiveness with the song, much as MMBattledrums improve selos'
speed. As a rule, though, most KOS mobs will become at least
apprehensive. Lots of zones have more than one faction, which
means that (for example) you can't wander with impunity in Kael
Drakkar, even though you can be non-KOS with any of the three
factions there... you'll still always have to worry about the other
two, at least until you gain "real" faction with them. Of course if
you make yourself non-KOS to the See Invis giants, and then
cloud up, you can pretty much do as you please...

One exception I've seen would be certain Dark Elves. Normally
even a fail with this song does nothing, its not considered an
attack. However, on several occaisions, I've seen DE attack
on singing this at them... to name two, Dvinn (or whatever his
name is) in N Ro, and the DE lady tucked away in the back of

What the song does, it seems, is temporarily change your
faction rating, whatever the faction your target is goes
up one or two levels, more or less (probably a set number
of faction points, determined by your skill and instrument)

I have no direct experience with the enchanter version of
this (Alliance?) but I'd be surprised if it didn't work the same

Bergh Brelltender, 52 Vicar, Morel Thule
channeling a former character, Random, 20 Bard, Luclin


Oct 11, 2001, 8:53:57 PM10/11/01


I've freely walked the halls of Ogguk countless times as a High Elf
enchanter. Don't tell me I can't cancel out KOS with a spell because I'll
just laugh at you, cast my level 8 alliance spell, and stroll the halls of
Ogguk and tickle the guards. (Dubious of course, but certainly not KOS)

The Web Master's Net
"I love the way Microsoft follows standards.
In much the same manner that fish follow migrating caribou."
-- Paul Tomblin, ASR

Sang K. Choe

Oct 11, 2001, 11:56:40 PM10/11/01
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:58:23 -0400, Jeremiah Kristal
<> wrote:

>No, there were and are lots of places that I could cast a faction buff
>to fix KOS, including Kael at this very moment. I'm slightly KOS to
>frost giants, I sing faction song, I'm now dubious and can travel
>freely. I've done the same trick in Grobb, and in certain parts of

Ummm, is there faction attached to those spiders and statues? If not,
there's the reasoning.

In Kael (Grobb, and Neriak), the mobs have faction. Anyone can, in
theory raise their faction high enough to be non-KOS (true, for some
it would be incredibly tedious it might as well be impossible).

I'm not aware of any way for anyone to raise faction with Velketor the

-- Sang.

Ed Bradley

Oct 12, 2001, 5:12:22 AM10/12/01

"Jeremiah Kristal" <> wrote in message

I'd imagine that the fact that this song made even Velketor himself Dubious
made VI uncomfortable, thus the change.
CRing from a Velk wipeout was trivial with a Bard there as long as said Bard
had never taken the faction hit for killing Velketor.


Oct 12, 2001, 5:23:31 AM10/12/01
> Considering that everywhere else on Norrath you never COULD cast a faction
> buff to fix KOS this ain't a nerf, it's a bug fix. Please learn the
> difference.

Its a nerf . Just like it was a nerf when they removed the ability to do
this in many other zones . Hate was so much more fun when you could walk
around .


Oct 12, 2001, 5:26:23 AM10/12/01

"> I'm not aware of any way for anyone to raise faction with Velketor the
> Sorcerer.

Just because you are unaware of one dosent mean there isnt one . There is a
faction btw . You take a fairly severe faction hit every time you kill

Jeremiah Kristal

Oct 12, 2001, 8:15:35 AM10/12/01
On Fri, 12 Oct 2001 10:12:22 +0100, "Ed Bradley" <>

>I'd imagine that the fact that this song made even Velketor himself Dubious
>made VI uncomfortable, thus the change.
>CRing from a Velk wipeout was trivial with a Bard there as long as said Bard
>had never taken the faction hit for killing Velketor.

Yeah, and not only was CR trivial, it was an incredible zone to
explore. Oh well, guess I'm don't have to worry about not taking the
faction hit for killing Velketor now. I just wish I'd known about
this at 37, like the bard who showed it to me. Gotta be a real
gut-clencher walking out from the pit and hitting track and seeing
dozens and dozens of red mobs. Especially considering the wimpy range
on bard track.

Arolpin Lorespinner
57 bard

Ed Bradley

Oct 12, 2001, 10:43:48 AM10/12/01

"Jeremiah Kristal" <> wrote in message

Place is so camped now you can probly explore without faction song anyway :)

Darren Chriest

Oct 12, 2001, 1:33:23 PM10/12/01
Ed Bradley wrote:

> Place is so camped now you can probly explore without faction song anyway :)

Heh, not in the castle. 8^)

Sang K. Choe

Oct 13, 2001, 3:08:27 AM10/13/01
On Fri, 12 Oct 2001 09:26:23 GMT, "hughes" <>

>"> I'm not aware of any way for anyone to raise faction with Velketor the
>> Sorcerer.
>Just because you are unaware of one dosent mean there isnt one . There is a
>faction btw .

Existence of a faction doesn't neccessarily mean you can raise it.
There's two faction I KNOW can't be raised, EVER.

Velketor's faction may be part of that small group of factions
designed to be lowered but never raised.

>You take a fairly severe faction hit every time you kill

Well, duh.

-- Sang.

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