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Great Loot in Lake Ratheater

조회수 3회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 10. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 10.
We didn't actually go *in* to Lake Rathe, we just hung out at the
entrance-camp there driving gnolls into the lake by day and killing
undead by night.

Everyone got a magic skull and several people got a Runed Totem Staff
as well. Shay got a Bronze Plate Breastpiece that she sold for 30
plat' five minutes later, as well as a little wooden totem thingie.

Pretty neat stuff. It's nice to finally get some good loot instead of
just *junk*. Crowded place, though. Maybe we'll take a boat around
the corner and see what other camps there are. Mostly though, I hate
camps. The whole camp attacks you, and without being so high level
that none of the junk gives you xp, you need multiple parties to
survive. And the other camps won't have a fire-exit there like that
one does. Grr...

Marc the Wizard is a kill-stealing jerk. Meaning that he doesn't just
steal kills, but he's a jerk about it. And then he camped and logged
off before we could train three dry bones skeletons into him.

Feign Death sucks. There's no success message, but there's a failure
message ("Dundee falls to the ground") so I can see when I succeed and
when I don't. Here's how it works:

On failure, the monster keeps chewing on you. You're lying on the
ground. Autoattack stops, but you can still block and dodge while
lying there on the ground.

On success, the first time you use it against *any* mob, even GREEN
ones, the monster will continue to chew on you. If you let him hit
you until the feign death button recharges and succeed again, then the
mob will quit.

As soon as you stand up, the mob will come attack you again, even if
he's wandered off to the other side of the entire *zone*. Somehow,
telepathically, they just *know* that you stood up again and they run
back at you. Now Feign Death, if successful, will work again, but
only if the mob is GREEN.

If the mob cons blue or white or yellow or red then just type /loc and
write down the coordinates of your corpse.

The best and most exciting way to increase Safe Fall is to drink 5
beers and then run along the mountain-side from Freeport to the
southwest corner of Oasis and back. Safe Fall increases a LOT, and
it's very exciting to dodge orcs and sand giants along the way.

We went to Guk and killed froggies. We killed bunches and bunches of
them, and kobolds too. *None* of them had any woven or netted armor.
We were very dissappointed. Did the froggies run out of armor? Do
the players have it all now? What a draaag. I hate that dungeon.
Train city.

Dundee -


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 10. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 10.

Dundee wrote in message ...

>We went to Guk and killed froggies. We killed bunches and bunches of
>them, and kobolds too. *None* of them had any woven or netted armor.
>We were very dissappointed. Did the froggies run out of armor? Do
>the players have it all now? What a draaag. I hate that dungeon.
>Train city.

Feign death sounds like it sucks. Wonder why it takes 2 successful usages
to work. That is just plain stupid. When the paratrooping silent ninja
sand giant falls from the sky, you don't have time to lay on the ground
waiting to feign death to recharge again so you can *really* fool him.
Maybe when you use it the first time the monsters see you peeking, then the
second time you really shut your eyes, or do the convincing rolling of the
eyes, or blank stare. It's really to make the game more exciting.

Magnus and I had a really exciting time yesterday. On the bridge into South
Karanas some guy lead a train back of 2 centaurs, an elephant and a cyclops.
Not sure but since centaurs and elephants aren't aggressive, he might have
done it on purpose. Anyhow the cyclops killed me from on top of the hill, I
was almost to the foot of the bridge. Long arms those giants have. Then he
killed Magnus on the middle of the bridge, while he was at the bottom of the
hill. We were excited.

Anybody out there in Newsgroup land see this last night? I was freshly
respawned in Qeynos, running back to my psionically blasted body, when I was
halted at the Qeynos Hills/West Karanas Zone Tile. Yes one tile, that bug
is still there. I wasn't the only one there was about 20 assorted players
all standing around cursing. We couldn't zone into West Karanas for like...
a half hour. Some guy named Celron was blocking the zone. Grrr. I
petitioned, I am sure everyone petitioned. I tried jumping, strafing,
crouching and running up the mountain side, but I still couldn't get in. It
was enough to make a half-elf slash himself for 32,000.

Finally a guide showed up, charmed Celron and commanded him to move. Celron
got pissed his fun was over sat down and logged out. Yay Celron!

We ran around some more, until after being killed by Uber-grizzly Lord of
the Dance. We got disgusted and retired. This was another paratrooping
hitting you on the way down from spawn point in the sky bit of excitement.
He was hitting Magnus for 30, and me for 25. Not fun. We were already
wounded. I tried to get the bear to chase me, so Ravynn could get away, but
after dispatching me, he teleported to Magnus and killed him. We were que'd
to die. That bear spawned to kill us. Was funny, when you are sitting
around in a zone and your SoW starts to blink, you are about to be killed.

Ahh the excitement. When I am not engaged in extra-exciting activities, I
get to skulk around and pick out the weak and crippled mob(ile)s from the
herd. That is great. Ooh that was has a bad leg! Get him!

Driakos the Hyena.
Oh yah sometime tell me how to get to Lake Rathetear.


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 10. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 10.
What is your level?

Dundee <Dun...@SPAMSPAMSPAM.COM> wrote in message

> We went to Guk and killed froggies. We killed bunches and bunches of
> them, and kobolds too. *None* of them had any woven or netted armor.
> We were very dissappointed. Did the froggies run out of armor? Do
> the players have it all now? What a draaag. I hate that dungeon.
> Train city.


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 10. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 10.
On Mon, 10 May 1999 13:03:42 -0500, "Scorpia"
<> wrote:

>What is your level?

18. It was 17 through most of this weekend, though.


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 10. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 10.
Just turned 18 myself. Need to go harvest some totems for my guild. Thanks

Dundee <Dun...@SPAMSPAMSPAM.COM> wrote in message



읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 10. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 10.
On Mon, 10 May 1999 12:21:48 -0400, "Driakos" <Dri...@Hotmail.Com>

>Dundee wrote in message ...

>>We went to Guk and killed froggies. We killed bunches and bunches of
>>them, and kobolds too. *None* of them had any woven or netted armor.
>>We were very dissappointed. Did the froggies run out of armor? Do
>>the players have it all now? What a draaag. I hate that dungeon.
>>Train city.

Ahh you think you had a good time eh. I was with Dundee and Shay and
we were on our way to the above mentioned hellhole named Guk. I gain
level 16 woohoo! I memorize the 4 spells I am carrying with me just
for this purpose since I was so close to 16. I rearrange all my spells
to accommodate my new quickness spell and direct damage spell.

Then I meet MR Orc Warrior. He chases me all the way to the zone line
to So Ro. Well not ALL the way, he beat me to death 40 feet from the
zone line. Stunning sucks and I get stunned by stubbed toes it seems.
Back to level 15. Half bubble away from 16. Depressed.

I run back from freeport, get lost in South Ro and wander completely
around the zone missing the swamp entrance before finally finding it
and getting to the guk. I bind myself outside, help kill ONE crocodile
and ONE spider before a group of froggies come instead of the oen we
wanted to pull. They beat on my and I die again. Shay and Dundee are
level 18 now, I am level 15 and when they fight even conning stuff for
their level 90% of my spells bounce off. I decide its time to part
company since I can't catch up to them with them and am leaching exp
without contributing much. I head for the East karanas (we started at
the white bridge that morning duh) and heading there just into west
commons I see a Giant coming along the desert. He's close, very close
to the wall. I face him and back up the wall, farther and farther and
farther... and what's that? The mountains are now in front of my and
going higher and I am falling. I fell over the edge of the world.
While I am wondering how in the heck I am going to recover my corpse a
message pops on my screen.. "Player out of bounds returning to safe
point" and I get a zone loading message. Whew big sigh of relief.

I appear back in east commons in some green area and begin to turn
around when the griffin that was conveniently waiting at the safe spot
kills me in 2 hits. I'm now 1.5 bubbles back into 15th, the entire
previous day of adventuring is gone exp wise. I retrieve my corpse and
log and haven't been back. That was on Saturday and I am still too
disgusted to play that character again.


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 11. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 11.
I also hate that Single Tile Bug between the Hills and W.Karana , But as I
know Celron ( Live 1 Block away ) and he and i both use the same Isp why he
was standing there was beyond me as our ISP went down at 5:00 pm est and did
not get back online till 7:00 am est 4/11/99 , I have seen this happen to 1
other person cannot remember the name , just standing there and does not
show <Linkdead> you can inspect them just like their online and also had to
get a GM to move them out of the way at which point that person also sat and
Camped when they were moved ( Possible that the GM's can do that while
Charmed really dont know ) As for me i zoned the same time he did ( CRASH )
and i ended up outside Surefall Glade at my starting spot when i get killed
and spent almost an hour looking for a Non existant Corpse ( didnt realize
that i hadnt died and had all my stuff ) But never saw Surefall after Zoning
from W.Karana


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 11. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 11.
>Pretty neat stuff. It's nice to finally get some good loot instead of
>just *junk*. Crowded place, though. Maybe we'll take a boat around
>the corner and see what other camps there are. Mostly though, I hate
>camps. The whole camp attacks you, and without being so high level
>that none of the junk gives you xp, you need multiple parties to
>survive. And the other camps won't have a fire-exit there like that
>one does. Grr...

Part of the reason it's crowded is because people like you make posts like
this. You think that spot was crowded wait until everyone reads your post.
Don't ruin the good sites you find by doing stuff like this. I used to love
that spot. I can rember hunting it a week without ANYONE else there as a
newbie. I was thinking of returning there soon, but now I won't bother.
I'll just add it to the list of ruined and overcrowded site.

>Marc the Wizard is a kill-stealing jerk. Meaning that he doesn't just
>steal kills, but he's a jerk about it. And then he camped and logged
>off before we could train three dry bones skeletons into him.

I don't know the cricumstances about this guy's "Kill STealing." But anyone
that trains others on purpose are nothing but little cry baby losers in my
book. Go back to UO please. I've seen too many of your kind here and I
don't like it. People that always whine about kill stealing and start
training people destroy the game far more than anyone who kill steals. And
usually, I've noticed that when someone is accusing a wizard of kill
stealing, he is not. He is simplly trying to take a share of the spawn.
Most people that cry kill stealer are usually being greedy and trying to hog
the entire spawn. Wait until you actually get a wizard kill stealing from
you. Then you will see what I mean.


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 11. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 11.

Alan wrote in message

>Part of the reason it's crowded is because people like you make posts like
>this. You think that spot was crowded wait until everyone reads your post.
>Don't ruin the good sites you find by doing stuff like this. I used to
>that spot. I can rember hunting it a week without ANYONE else there as a
>newbie. I was thinking of returning there soon, but now I won't bother.
>I'll just add it to the list of ruined and overcrowded site.

Damn Dundee that bastard! He singlehandedly ruined Rathetear! Ahhh!

>>Marc the Wizard is a kill-stealing jerk. Meaning that he doesn't just
>>steal kills, but he's a jerk about it. And then he camped and logged
>>off before we could train three dry bones skeletons into him.

>He is simplly trying to take a share of the spawn.
>Most people that cry kill stealer are usually being greedy and trying to
>the entire spawn. Wait until you actually get a wizard kill stealing from
>you. Then you will see what I mean.

Just a question, but if you are so opening minded and forgiving about
kill-stealers, why would you want a whole zone to yourself? Sounds like you
are a kill-stealer, who is tired of cry baby losers (cry baby loser? What
are we in 8th grade or something?). For him to complain about a
kill-stealer in the NG, probably means the guy was kill stealing. So go and
hunt down another zone where you can have it all to yourself. Then
contradict yourself and give meaningful lessons in sharing.

There is a good chance Dundee isn't a greedy spawn hog if he is coming here
and telling everyone how great Lake Rathetear is.


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 11. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 11.
Driakos wrote:

> Anybody out there in Newsgroup land see this last night? I was freshly
> respawned in Qeynos, running back to my psionically blasted body, when I was
> halted at the Qeynos Hills/West Karanas Zone Tile. Yes one tile, that bug
> is still there. I wasn't the only one there was about 20 assorted players
> all standing around cursing. We couldn't zone into West Karanas for like...
> a half hour. Some guy named Celron was blocking the zone. Grrr. I
> petitioned, I am sure everyone petitioned. I tried jumping, strafing,
> crouching and running up the mountain side, but I still couldn't get in. It
> was enough to make a half-elf slash himself for 32,000.

I was there for that. If you start hitting the <move forward> button right when
you start to zone you'll bump past the offending weasel. (worked for me) Later
that night some other jerk was doing the same thing....

aka Fatima the Erudite Mage


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 11. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 11.

Sparky wrote in message

>aka Fatima the Erudite Mage

Ohh man I knew, that I knew you from somewhere. I remembered you were in
the Splitpaw dungeon, but I forgot YOU were Sparky. I knew you had quit on
Chauncey, and you told me your new name, but I forgot it was Fatima. No
wonder whenever I see you running around I get that "Where do I know him
from feeling" :) Thanks for the /tell to get through Celron. Your method
worked. It saved me 20 extra minutes of frustration.



읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 12. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 12.
Driakos wrote:

I didn't quit on Chauncey, I just bring him out when I want to log on for a
quickie monster bash... You'll still see him around, just not frequently....


Greg Nienaltowski

읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 14. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 14.
On Tue, 11 May 1999 05:24:20 -0500, "Alan" <> wrote:

>I don't know the cricumstances about this guy's "Kill STealing." But anyone
>that trains others on purpose are nothing but little cry baby losers in my
>book. Go back to UO please. I've seen too many of your kind here and I
>don't like it. People that always whine about kill stealing and start
>training people destroy the game far more than anyone who kill steals. And
>usually, I've noticed that when someone is accusing a wizard of kill

>stealing, he is not. He is simplly trying to take a share of the spawn.

>Most people that cry kill stealer are usually being greedy and trying to hog
>the entire spawn. Wait until you actually get a wizard kill stealing from
>you. Then you will see what I mean.

The other night I had a guy train on me, but he had tried to steal my

I was in CB and whacking happily away at a blue Cent. I had slight
damage, and about had him down a quarter when a guy come up doing
about twice the damage I am. At this point the cent ran and
(apparenyly his lag was bad) this KS stood there.

I quickly 'Furor'ed the cent to kill it, and the KS proceeds to
unleash a stream of obscenities at me for 'stealing' his kill. I
informed him that he was going on my ignore list, and promptly did so,
and tried to put the episode behind me and moved to another are of the
dungeon. Next thing I know I am being whacked on by several
legionaires, and there is this punk, standing there. I ran to the zone
and managed stay alive. Realizing it might be a coincidence, I
un-ignored this person, and asked him if he deliberately trained them
on me. Another stream of obscenities and 'heh heh' at the end. I
re-instated the ignore, went to town and logged out. Totally ruined my
fun for the evening.


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 14. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 14.
On Tue, 11 May 1999 05:24:20 -0500, "Alan" <> wrote:

>newbie. I was thinking of returning there soon, but now I won't bother.
>I'll just add it to the list of ruined and overcrowded site.


>>Marc the Wizard is a kill-stealing jerk. Meaning that he doesn't just
>>steal kills, but he's a jerk about it. And then he camped and logged

>I don't know the cricumstances about this guy's "Kill STealing."

And yet you presume that I'm a jerk and he wasn't kill-stealing at

BLATANT KILL-STEALING and JERK, put them all together. That's what I

"I can killsteal anything I want to" he says.

I don't know how to make it any more clear than that.

As for "people who train mobs are crybaby losers" - I take that to
mean that you are a kill-stealing jerk and it just *pains* you to hear
that some people won't put up with your crap. You only WISH there
wasn't anything we could do about it.

Forgive me if I'm being as presumptuous about you as you were about

You sound really bitter. Why don't *you* go back to UO?


읽지 않음,
1999. 5. 14. 오전 3:00:0099. 5. 14.
>and managed stay alive. Realizing it might be a coincidence, I
>un-ignored this person, and asked him if he deliberately trained them
>on me. Another stream of obscenities and 'heh heh' at the end. I
>re-instated the ignore, went to town and logged out. Totally ruined my
>fun for the evening.

You know, if you guys would just let the whole newsgroup know what server
you're on, and who these people are, we'd all know who to avoid/not

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