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Doom Bug In Walking across canyon of slime

已查看 9 次

Jason Sandlin

1994年3月9日 21:18:001994/3/9
if you see a canyon of slime... like if you are going to fall in and you can't
get out afterward, and there is a wall that slime travels under

| <- Wall
| :) <- Doom Guy
___|--------------------- <- Floor

__________________________ <- Slime

like that... go against the wall and face it then strafe left (or right) while
looking at the wall and you will not fall (like in the cartoons) you will
like scale across the wall and get to the other side of the slime pit...
it happened once... i am NOT possive it will happen everwhere but if have
any clue as to what i am talking about then try it (it is most difficult trying
to explain a scene in doom)

Michael Lowe

1994年3月12日 16:45:331994/3/12
Jason Sandlin ( wrote:
: if you see a canyon of slime... like if you are going to fall in and you can't

: __________________________ <- Slime

I have experienced the same thing, and have used it to my advantage.
I think we're talking about the same cayon (River?). On one side is the
supercharger and a rocket launcher, and on the other side is an elevator
to get out of the river (Unless you know how to get the supercharger,
and not miss the 1-use only elevator).

Basically, you get close to the left wall and then run...
Just as you are about to fall in, you turn left and face the wall, while
releasing the run key. When you come to a stop, you are on the other side
of the canyon.

Heh.. I've been accused of having a hack because of being able to do that,
and other feats.

Any other undefeated champions here ever have the same experience?

Michael Kelsey - EECS (Cpts499)

1994年3月13日 04:01:331994/3/13

That canyon is annoying as h*ll! Every *single* time during net play when I intend on jumping in to get the rocket launcher I end up on the other side
of the river! It wastes precious time when some other player is hot on your

In short, I've noticed it too.

-=#| Michael Kelsey |#=- "I used to like Mac's, until I got my PC." <grin>
-=#| |#=-

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