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John and Jehovah's Witnesses

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Oct 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/21/97

Hi all, there was a post to this newsgroup a number of months ago,
regarding an alleged incident in which John ushered out a group (number
uncertain) of Jehovah's Witnesses who were in attendance stating that he
would not perform for them. Before that, a Jehovah's Witness woman that I
know and who works in another department stated the same thing. Now, just
after his death, the subject came up again, and that story was upheld by
another Jehovah's Witness woman. I sit with these two ladies during my
breaks (they actually join me) along with a Jehovah's Witness guy that I
work with directly.

I get along with them fine (I'm not a Witness), but this story has irked
me. Every concert that I've ever gone to has had John walking on stage,
waving to the audience, saying NOTHING, slinging the guitar around his neck
and then proceeding to perform 5 or 6 songs in a row. After he's done
singing that particular set, he goes into his usual dialogue, then proceeds
to do another set. At no time has he ever made mention of Jehovah's
Witnesses. It seems to me that any dismissal of a member of the audience,
even in returning their money, would have been met with a lawsuit, or at
LEAST been a newsworthy event, and I never saw a THING in the newspaper or
on the news.

Another issue that was a hot topic on that Bleak Monday, was the "fact"
that John was a guest on the Tonight Show one night, and at some point
Johnny Carson asked <not verbatim> "is it true that you felt compelled to
dismiss a group of Jehovah's Witnesses from one of your concerts?" Then
John allegedly said "well, yes I did" with a sheepish look on his face.
Then Johnny supposedly said <again not verbatim> "well, on behalf of my
dead mother and all the Jehovah's Witnesses, I hereby dismiss you from my
show." I know that John and Johnny were the best of friends, and CANNOT
believe that John would EVER have done this, but since I only went to about
6 concerts, and didn't watch the Tonight Show religiously, I can't vouch
that that didn't happen. Does ANYONE know if that was true? I apologize if
this was too outlandish of me to believe if it is indeed untrue!

Peace and Love,



Oct 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/21/97

I can hardly believe this is true. Now really. If you know about JD at all you
would know it's made up.Especially this:><again not verbatim> "well, on behalf

of my
>dead mother and all the Jehovah's Witnesses, I hereby dismiss you from my

John Denver's mother was at the sevices!
Don't believe it.


Oct 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/21/97

As for John "ushering out" Jehovah's Witnesses", I guess my question would be:
How on earth would he even *know* there were Witnesses in the audience? The
only way he could is if they were causing some sort of commotion, in which
case I say, boot 'em!
As for Johnny Cash's supposed remarks, since niether he nor his mother (as far
as I know) where Witnesses, this is obviously not true.

Pamela Beasley

Oct 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/21/97
> Then Johnny supposedly said <again not verbatim> "well, on behalf of my

> dead mother and all the Jehovah's Witnesses, I hereby dismiss you from my
> show." I know that John and Johnny were the best of friends, and CANNOT
> believe that John would EVER have done this, but since I only went to about
> 6 concerts, and didn't watch the Tonight Show religiously, I can't vouch
> that that didn't happen. Does ANYONE know if that was true? I apologize if
> this was too outlandish of me to believe if it is indeed untrue!
> Peace and Love,
> John

Nothing of the sort ever happened on the Tonight Show.
Where and when is this concert supposed to have been?
The only reason that might make John want to dismiss anyone from his
audience would be if they were disrupting the show.


Oct 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/23/97

This sounds just like an urban legend--you know, where someone's best
friend's cousin's mother really did have her ankles cut by a guy hiding
under her car so he could rob/kidnap/rape her. These stories get
started and people are so gullible. There are teachers at my school who
really believe that someone paid $200 for the recipe for Mrs. Field's
chocolate chip cookies, and, by golly, they're going to keep that
recipie. Those greedy big-business types! Anyway, I'm sure that this
Jehovahs Witness story is just that--a story that has taken a life of
its own because some groups of people get consolation from believing
themselves to be victims of other people who hate them for no reason.
Those Witnesses who believe this trash are no better than the John
Denver of their story. JD would never have done something like that.

joan and chuck wrote:

> This is so strange. I just heard this story TODAY, Wed. Oct. 22,, from
> my manicure lady who is a witness. i said that I had been to 20
> concerts in the past 24 years and had NEVER heard John refer to anyone
> in the audience except for his family. I was appalled at the story and
> it was painful...she stopped listening to JD years ago, about 8-9 she
> said, because of this story. She thought the concert was PERHAPs in
> Denver but I have been to all of them since 1974 in Denver area. I find
> this hard to believe, but I too, would like some more info. I was just
> about to write something myself when I saw this posting. Let's find the
> facts and wrap up the rumors and throw them out. Thanks


Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

The parties John had on New Year's Eve were to celebrate his birthday on Dec.

John sang Christmas Carols, did two Christmas Albums, and two or more Christmas
specials on tv.



Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97

In article <>, martin <> writes:

>This sounds just like an urban legend--you know, where someone's best
>friend's cousin's mother really did have her ankles cut by a guy hiding
>under her car so he could rob/kidnap/rape her. These stories get
>started and people are so gullible.

I hadn't thought about the urban legend possibility.

>This is so strange. I just heard this story TODAY, Wed. Oct. 22,, from
>my manicure lady who is a witness. i said that I had been to 20
>concerts in the past 24 years and had NEVER heard John refer to anyone
>in the audience except for his family. I was appalled at the story and
>it was painful...she stopped listening to JD years ago, about 8-9 she
>said, because of this story. She thought the concert was PERHAPs in
>Denver but I have been to all of them since 1974 in Denver area. I find
>this hard to believe, but I too, would like some more info. I was just
>about to write something myself when I saw this posting. Let's find the

>facts and wrap up the rumors and throw them out. Thanks.

Joan, if you have attended **20** concerts in **24** years in the Denver area,
and we all know he made appearances about once a year...right? Then you'd
think you would have heard him make that "alleged" remark one of those times!

I too would like to find the facts, at least so that I can set the record
straight at work... with the facts, and not my own logic. It is a fact that
the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society makes statements about different
things that its members take as fact without questioning the Body of the
validity of the statement. For some reason, it's possible that the Society had
some vendetta against John for reasons that are known only to them, and
decided to make a false accusation about John in concert and on Johnny Carson,
passed it on to their members who took it as fact, rather than asking "is it
true?" My question is, did Johnny celebrate or acknowledge Christmas and
Thanksgiving? If so, then he's not a Witness. He DID do a New Year's bashes on
his show, and I don't believe the Society celebrates New Year's either. They
have also said that the reruns of Carson have actually shown this incident!
Thanks to any and all who have more info than I do. By the way, I want you all
to know that this would have absolutely no effect in how I feel about John and
his music. This is just for my own curiosity, and for any future "indictments."


Paris Saizan

Oct 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/25/97
to JRowe11159

Dear John & Joan,

I have found your comments very interesting. I too have wondered if John Denver
harbored animosity toward Jehovah's Witnesses. As I and my wife are Jehovah's
Witnesses and my wife has been an avid fan for over a quarter century, it peaked my
interest. When I met my future wife, I sometime later asked if I could get to know
her better. She presented a cassette tape to me and said, 'If you want to know who
I am, listen to this tape. Then you will know who I am'.

I listened that night to the tape and was touched by sincere and passionate music
about love, life, mountains, family, etc. I actually listened to that tape almost
100 times and as I got to know my wife, was touched by her sensitive and
compassionate heart

After we got married, my wife shared with me all of John Denver's music and his
music became a part of our life together. I actually have gone to 9 JD concerts and
have enjoyed them tremendously. At the time of John's death, my wife had been to 19

We heard many stories about John despising JWs and asking them to vacate performance
facilities. Most of the stories were from JWs who had not gone to JD's concerts or
by some aunt's cousin, uncle's friends, neighbor who had gone to a concert, you get
the picture... It bewildered me because I found nowhere in his music nor his
concerts any evidence of even a hint of animosity toward JWs. Same with my wife.

We had also heard that Johnny Carson asked JD to leave the set of "The Tonight Show"
after JD's negative remarks toward JWs. We heard that Johnny said that he had a
nephew who served at NY Bethel (the world headquarters of JWs). We have never seen
any show indicating the above.

Throughout the years we have heard many 'rumors' regarding John Denver and his
dislike of JW's (someone once told us that he hated JW's because it caused the
breakup of his marriage to Annie as she was apparently studying) also we were told
that the sign outside of his home in the ritzy section known as "Starwood" states:
"You are not welcome here. Please leave" and that he specifically put that sign up
for JW's... who knows, if John Denver really hated JW's he certainly wasn't the
first; nor the last. We just always thought the stories were funny and amusing
because most JW's stopped listening to his music. Not us. We still love his music
and always will.

And then a very good friend told us that JD did not dislike JWs. He said that after
a JW district convention in Denver, CO, a JD concert was scheduled for that
evening. The concert had nothing to do with the convention earlier that day. As
the stage crew began to setup things, curious Jehovah's Witnesses lingered after the
convention (I too would linger and investigate whether I could purchase tickets).
Apparently JD noticed the problem of having people without tickets not leaving the
arena and on mike, asked 'all Jehovah's Witnesses to vacate their seats and leave
the facility'. Something to the effect of, 'Are there any JWs in the audience?
Would you please stand? Now would you please leave?'

In a gregarious organization, I can easily see how this statement by JD could being
misconstrued. I can also understand why those who were sitting down just before the
concert was beginning would share the exact facts. It goes to show you that telling
stories that are rumored or 2nd- or 3rd-hand about anything is simply wrong and

Perhaps, after all, this is much ado about nothing.

Paris & Eve
12.5 years together and counting...


Oct 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/27/97

>we were told
>that the sign outside of his home in the ritzy section known as "Starwood"
>"You are not welcome here. Please leave" and that he specifically put that
>sign up
>for JW's..

I remember reading about that sign years ago. It was during the height of his
popularity and was put up becuase JD wanted privacy.

"If I should live forever
and all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you"
Rest in peace John

May 11, 2014, 10:19:21 AM5/11/14
Well John Denver is dead and no doubt will be forgotten !

Nov 22, 2014, 1:43:32 PM11/22/14
On Tuesday, October 21, 1997 12:00:00 AM UTC-7, EdOlczyk wrote:
> Hi all, there was a post to this newsgroup a number of months ago,
> regarding an alleged incident in which John ushered out a group (number
> uncertain) of Jehovah's Witnesses who were in attendance stating that he
> would not perform for them. Before that, a Jehovah's Witness woman that I
> know and who works in another department stated the same thing. Now, just
> after his death, the subject came up again, and that story was upheld by
> another Jehovah's Witness woman. I sit with these two ladies during my
> breaks (they actually join me) along with a Jehovah's Witness guy that I
> work with directly.
> I get along with them fine (I'm not a Witness), but this story has irked
> me. Every concert that I've ever gone to has had John walking on stage,
> waving to the audience, saying NOTHING, slinging the guitar around his neck
> and then proceeding to perform 5 or 6 songs in a row. After he's don
> singing that particular set, he goes into his usual dialogue, then proceeds
> to do another set. At no time has he ever made mention of Jehovah's
> Witnesses. It seems to me that any dismissal of a member of the audience,
> even in returning their money, would have been met with a lawsuit, or at
> LEAST been a newsworthy event, and I never saw a THING in the newspaper or
> on the news.
> Another issue that was a hot topic on that Bleak Monday, was the "fact"
> that John was a guest on the Tonight Show one night, and at some point
> Johnny Carson asked <not verbatim> "is it true that you felt compelled to
> dismiss a group of Jehovah's Witnesses from one of your concerts?" Then
> John allegedly said "well, yes I did" with a sheepish look on his face.
> Then Johnny supposedly said <again not verbatim> "well, on behalf of my
> dead mother and all the Jehovah's Witnesses, I hereby dismiss you from my
> show." I know that John and Johnny were the best of friends, and CANNOT
> believe that John would EVER have done this, but since I only went to about
> 6 concerts, and didn't watch the Tonight Show religiously, I can't vouch
> that that didn't happen. Does ANYONE know if that was true? I apologize if
> this was too outlandish of me to believe if it is indeed untrue!
> Peace and Love,
> John

Henry, had a Father who has a speed record in some plane that has still not been broken. He was an Air Force kid. He lost two toes when he was younger plus really bad eyesight which made him unable to be in service. However, he felt strongly about people who lived in America and would not fight for America. I believe those emotions which a lot of us have/had caused his feelings to be blown out of whack. Supposedly he asked all Jehovah Witness people to stand up and then asked them to be escorted out. Who knows, he was a passionate man. He felt he disappointed his father not being able to join service. A lot going on in this brilliant man. Whatever the "truth" is, he was one amazing American and represented us in a way that was a good reflection on America. Peace to you all. Jess

Jan 17, 2015, 2:02:10 PM1/17/15
I only know of my friends, Rosemary and Nick, who went to a JD concert in the UK and it was right at the start of the concert he asked if there were any Jehovah's Witnesses there.

My friends, along with a few others put their hands up and he asked if they would all leave.

They all got their money back but my friends had travelled for ages to get there so were a bit put out and didn't get why they were asked to leave.

Hagbard Celine

Oct 26, 1997, 2:00:00 AM10/26/97


I knew that those foul, insipid JW's would do something crass, but
nothing so foul as killing JD because he didn't perfofrm? THEY ARE
EVIL, MAN! Fucking JWs! I can't stand religious intolerance, I hope
they fucking die!

Aug 6, 2015, 12:37:38 AM8/6/15
Who cares! Gossip stinks ..! John Denver's music is beautiful. That's enough for me. I don't care for concerts. Buy the record or CD, leave the personal life of the singer out of my enjoying their music. Ciao

Nov 20, 2015, 8:33:14 PM11/20/15
The governing body has actually said not to just believe whatever they say and to research things ourselves. Don't treat us like idiots, there are lots of things said about the witnesses which just aren't true. One of the few rumors that are true is that overall as a group jw are very trustworthy.


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Nov 20, 2015, 8:36:30 PM11/20/15
You do realize that your comment is religious intolerance right?

Jan 28, 2016, 4:50:11 PM1/28/16
On Tuesday, 21 October 1997 01:00:00 UTC-6, EdOlczyk wrote:
> Hi all, there was a post to this newsgroup a number of months ago,
> regarding an alleged incident in which John ushered out a group (number
> uncertain) of Jehovah's Witnesses who were in attendance stating that he
> would not perform for them. Before that, a Jehovah's Witness woman that I
> know and who works in another department stated the same thing. Now, just
> after his death, the subject came up again, and that story was upheld by
> another Jehovah's Witness woman. I sit with these two ladies during my
> breaks (they actually join me) along with a Jehovah's Witness guy that I
> work with directly.
> I get along with them fine (I'm not a Witness), but this story has irked
> me. Every concert that I've ever gone to has had John walking on stage,
> waving to the audience, saying NOTHING, slinging the guitar around his neck
> and then proceeding to perform 5 or 6 songs in a row. After he's done
> singing that particular set, he goes into his usual dialogue, then proceeds
> to do another set. At no time has he ever made mention of Jehovah's
> Witnesses. It seems to me that any dismissal of a member of the audience,
> even in returning their money, would have been met with a lawsuit, or at
> LEAST been a newsworthy event, and I never saw a THING in the newspaper or
> on the news.
> Another issue that was a hot topic on that Bleak Monday, was the "fact"
> that John was a guest on the Tonight Show one night, and at some point
> Johnny Carson asked <not verbatim> "is it true that you felt compelled to
> dismiss a group of Jehovah's Witnesses from one of your concerts?" Then
> John allegedly said "well, yes I did" with a sheepish look on his face.
> Then Johnny supposedly said <again not verbatim> "well, on behalf of my
> dead mother and all the Jehovah's Witnesses, I hereby dismiss you from my
> show." I know that John and Johnny were the best of friends, and CANNOT
> believe that John would EVER have done this, but since I only went to about
> 6 concerts, and didn't watch the Tonight Show religiously, I can't vouch
> that that didn't happen. Does ANYONE know if that was true? I apologize if
> this was too outlandish of me to believe if it is indeed untrue!
> Peace and Love,
> John

Hi. First, this topic should be put much more widely into circulation, and you would benefit by changing the title to Jehovah's Witness's (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society) and John Denver, not just John, I only by fluke noticed this while doing a web search. Yes, I can say that according to my dad who is a Jehovah Witness that this is what happened. I should also however point any interested parties to my e book on Youtube video under my name Jason Robert Merrington to find out how for eg. Gill Ernst Rothschild of Texas for eg. owns a fleet of airplanes, is a billionaire of course, but also a Jehovah Witness powerhouse elder (he was grey haired already in the 1980's so not sure if he's still alive, but his co. is. He used to come to our congregation in St. Albert Alberta Canada for eg. and say "burn any copies of 'Crisis of Conscience' you may find, or anything that speaks against our org. , yes, "burn anything that speaks against our org. " At the time I didn't know much, I was a small boy, but I do know he showed my ol'man the publication 'Revelation - It's Grand Climax at Hand'. ('grand' is a masonic term of course - see WTS founder Charles Taze Russell's pyramid and eye gravestone pics all over internet in Pennsylvania pls.) Gill Ernst upono showing my dad a picture in the book while my little sister and I played in front of them, a pic about half way through the book though I don't have a copy anymore; threw away that demonic material. Ernst then proceeded to actually say to me and my little sis, " How about you kids, you wanna go for a plane ride?" (so obviously he'd been selling the idea of getting people on planes for some purpose. It wasn't until years later that I recall A Watchtower mag. study article with a pic of Osama Bin Laden on the bottom right corner, in fact, The EXact image ' Time Magazine', owned by WTS affiliates used on their cover for the 'news maker of the year' It must here be duely noted, there is a video online of John in the 80's called 'John Denver - On being human, with a piece cut off at the end and the company in aspen and the group JD was supporting at the time"'windstar' are seeking it offering a reward. Now, I needed to bring all this up for this main point. The Windstar project was, per Denver, being done in conjuction with President Carter and his program on World hunger to have been illuminated by 2000 or so. Carter, was not to far after Eisenhower was elected, and the little known fact people must begin to realize, as my books discuss, is General President Dwight Eisenhower WAS a Jehovah Witness! A supporter of them! Crisis of Conscience shows how a jw governing body former member Ray Franz disclosed how Watchtower actually CAUSED the Rawanda genocide! Eisenhower was in power when the African Congolese was under torturous mistreatment by the West, done deliberately, as the globalists objective is to "wipe the majority of people off the planet", especially dark skinned don't matter, as they hate the RC church and the thought of a black Madonna (Mary) as Solomon's writings reveal. Watchtower's publication 'What Does God Require of Us' has a subliminal pic of a 33 degree to the right skull and bone image directly on the dark skinned lady (pics now all over the net) If Annie was "studying" with them as some have suggested, and he loved her as much as I've been reading, perhaps he could have been getting closely involved somehow. Perhaps as some online vids I've noticed coming up in the viewer list suggest, perhaps he WAS revealing something about this illuminist group known as Watchtower. I myself was a strong supporter of the watchtower of babel antichrist cult for 30 years before my conversion to Christ and the Catholic Church. I have only met one other jw elder in my time who for eg. worked as a manager at an airfield launch/landing area in Canada, his name was Mark but I can't remember his last name now, case ini point, many among Jehovah witness's are smart/intelligent and capable of doing things with planes I suppose. I've personally been threatened, OFTEN, being beaten, arrested, many things for exposing Watchtower but the Lord is helping us who stand up and do it, and we will WIN! John Denver music for me is nice, I remember my dad used to play some of it, I appreciate it, as I too am a musician. I've even written a lyric in his honor which I play in public.

Take Me Home, on an honor my country road, to a place where I'd much rather belong. In the new heaven, with my heavenly Mamma; take me home, country road.

(G chord) yeah I know John Denver would (D Chord) say keep those cult a - (C chord) way, keep those cults away, keep those cults away (G chord) and repeats

There is not one thing that has been hidden that will not be revealed anyways folks, as the Lord Christ said. For now, let his memory and music live on. (Jason)

Aug 14, 2016, 10:48:56 PM8/14/16
I personally attended two of John Denver's concerts and have watched many others on DVD and on You Tube. Never has John even mentioned the words Jehovah's Witness. It is obviously an urban legend made up by folks who need to get a life.

Nov 18, 2016, 4:14:51 PM11/18/16
My husband was at a John Denver concert in New York many years ago when this incedent did indeed happen. He recently told me about JW's being asked to leave when I was listening to JD music. He was in his twenties then and a JW and still is. He never did leave though. He said he didn't want to make a scene and thought it was odd but doesn't hold anything against John Denver.
KT, also a devoted Witness of Jehovah God and listener of John Denver music.

Nov 26, 2016, 8:37:06 AM11/26/16

When A Jehovah Witness knock at your door, all you have to do is asked the Jehovah Witness individual(s) to take out their Kingdom Interlinear Greek Scriptures and then asked them to look up the following Bible texts below. They will immediately see that Jesus is both called Jehovah and God.The same Greek Title "KUPIW" represent "THE LORD" (Ho Kyrios). To download other formats of the 1969 KIT go to this address:

Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures

Did you know: Jehovah is called Kupiw (kyrios) Acts in 14:23

Did you know: Jesus is called kupiw (kyrios) Luke in 17:5

Did you know: God is called kupiw (kyrios) in Acts 20:32

Therefore, Jesus is GOD in The Jehovah Witness Greek Bible.

Feb 3, 2017, 9:03:04 PM2/3/17
Interestingly, Johnny Carson was a reader of the Watchtower and Awake mag's.. And one of Johnny Cashes last songs, he uses Gods name Jehovah in giving honor to God in his song.. I met some J.W's in Panama City Beach a few yrs ago, an older couple, she used to style hair for musical performers.. She Met Johnny Cash twice.. The last time, she asked him what he thought Jesus meant when he talked about his "Kingdom".. She told him that a kingdom is a government .. He found that Very interesting, and wanted to talk to her about it.. She said it made him late for "curtain call" .. They never finished their conversation, but I'm sure he continued with his spiritual journey...

Feb 3, 2017, 9:17:44 PM2/3/17
The history of Bible translation, and the breaking away from the Catholic Church, were due to educated men who could read the bible for themselves and see the falsehood being taught.. They valued the Bible more than their own lives.. Men like William Tindale used the Hebrew and Greek, which the scriptures where originally written.. And spent the remainder of his life translating into English .. He as well as other courageous men of faith, saw no proof of a tri-God.. Also Issak Newton.. Educated men in the language of the Bible.. And many many more.. Broke away from "tradition" they wanted the Truth..

May 20, 2018, 5:35:48 PM5/20/18
And don't forget jehova gods backing insight and his right to rule as the almighty who allowed his chosen people to know and understand his rightings whithout that man could never understand the bible and thats why jehovad peoole are the onlyones that can go door to door preaching and teaching whithout asking fir money for as long as they have.and thats why worldly people use them in there business and every day life hands to make sure that whatever they do they do it complete and honestly.

Jun 8, 2018, 3:36:46 AM6/8/18
Yes the story of Johnny Carson asking John Denver to leave the show was true. I had heard the concert stories of him removing JW's, but I don't generally believe rumors, I just file them in the back of my mind. I had also heard of Carson asking Denver to leave, but didn't believe it also. Then one night long ago, someone put in a VCR tape and it was the episode of Denver on Carson. He asked John Denver if he asked JW's to leave his concert and he said he did. Carson pointed at several of his crew and mentioned that many of them were JW's and asked him to leave. I don't remember if they went to commercial or what happened immediately after that, but I remember he did leave.

Shows you that Snopes and all these other things are just as wrong as anything else. Wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it myself....which I did. Wish I had the VCR tape so I could post to youtube for the naysayers. Still, I liked Denver's mucsic (of course, at this point, where would I find a VCR to play it???)

Nov 24, 2018, 9:24:35 PM11/24/18
So very hateful you are.

Jun 10, 2019, 3:12:06 PM6/10/19
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, fairly newly baptized. I grew up with neighbors who were Jehovah's Witnesses down the road. My sister has been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for a long time and her husband was also a minister before he died. I went to school with Jehovah's Witnesses and one of my friends lived right next to their Kingdom Hall, in Palmer, Alaska, when I was a teenager. Our favorite pizza place was owned by two brothers who became Jehovah's Witnesses.

Even in the 1970's when John Denver was annoying Alice Cooper right and left, and, Alice Cooper was someone we listened to a lot back then, so that I would have been quite happy to hear something bad about Mr. Denver, the only thing bad I ever heard about him was that he was annoying rock stars. And, he apologized for it and said he was wrong, in the 1980's

In fact, I never heard any such thing about Jehovah's Witnesses being insulted by John Denver, until today, when I read about it on Snopes, while I was looking for something else.

If he was expelling Jehovah's Witnesses from concerts, he probably would not have been sued. But, I'm sure it would be brought up more often and by more than a random few persons. I could imagine, however, that he might have made a joke if he was singing a patriotic song.

I do know - because, I saw it with my own eyes- that Jeff Foxworthy was on the Tonight Show when Johnny Carson was still the host and he started doing a routine about how you tell if you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, instead of a redneck. Johnny stopped him, briefly, by saying something like "Wait a minute .." and Jeff said he wasn't going to insult anyone. And, Johnny told him something like if it did, it would be stopped, immediately. I could not give you a direct quote on any of it. But, the end result was that everyone laughed and that list still gets posted online, a lot. primarily by Jehovah's Witnesses, because, he nailed it.

I am wondering if someone didn't get a couple of different things confused and then run with it.

I have never heard of John Denver saying anything bad about anyone, except for his belief rock music is satanic and should be banned and that Alice Cooper was a drug addict, which he was not. He was an alcoholic. So, he was upset about that But, Alice Cooper is definitely NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses

Dec 7, 2019, 10:25:15 PM12/7/19
I don't know anything about his concerts but he was on the Carson show and some how JD said he didn't like JW's and Carson said something like, I know a few JW's and they are very nice people and JD shut up.

Apr 12, 2020, 9:13:57 PM4/12/20
You are all losers

May 9, 2020, 10:26:48 AM5/9/20
That is TRUE

Jul 13, 2020, 9:29:38 PM7/13/20

Jul 13, 2020, 9:30:05 PM7/13/20

Jul 13, 2020, 9:30:40 PM7/13/20

Jul 13, 2020, 9:31:14 PM7/13/20

Aug 14, 2020, 7:15:07 PM8/14/20
Jehovah's witnesses are peace loving persons.They don't carry any animosity over anyone, not even their enemies,they are the only organization who do not go to war.Whoever gave false statements are not Jehovah's people.I know because I am one.

Anthony Tromblee

Jul 19, 2023, 5:31:20 PM7/19/23
On Friday, August 14, 2020 at 7:15:07 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Jehovah's witnesses are peace loving persons.They don't carry any animosity over anyone, not even their enemies,they are the only organization who do not go to war.Whoever gave false statements are not Jehovah's people.I know because I am

Jehovah's "Witnesses" live the "TRUTH" in the bible as commanded by JEHOVAH God "his proper name"; (psalms 83:18-in both the King James & Living Bibles). He also commands Christians to preach this TRUTH at; (Isahiah 44:10). Many folks consider "THAT",,, an "Urban Legend"?
THANK YOU to Eve & Paris Saizan for setting the RECORD straight!!! (are you still in the TRUTH?)

I would add that the only thing I ever read about John & JW's was that in spite of his sign; YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, Witnesses were still under obligation years ago to visit every home in a given community. And one day they stopped to his place in Aspen & had a flat & he had to come out of his home to help them change a tire, which was an infringement on his "privacy" as stipulated by the "SIGN". And that aggravation could of been caused by Morman's, door to door salesmen or newsmen wanting an interview.

If we allow LOGIC to come into the conversation, John's credibility & career would of taken a Major "Hit" like Rosanne Barr, & Mel Gibson, to name 2 stars that crossed a "religious no-no line"!
It's just another URBAN LEGEND passed along the RUMOR MILL folks.

Mr. Tony
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