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Rob Kelk

16.06.2000, 03:00:0016.06.00
(... continued from Part 2 ...)

Is Priss a lesbian?

"Seems to me this question is a Rorschach. How you answer it really
reflects more on your personal beliefs and opinions than the facts (if
there are any) of the matter." - Ben Cantrick, 18 Apr 2000

This is yet another Frequently Argued Question - despite some facts,
there's insufficient information to form a definite answer.

There is definite proof that Priss is not exclusively lesbian - she was
recruited into the Knight Sabers after her boyfriend was killed. But is
she bisexual?

Most fan debate on this question centers on Priss' relationship with
Sylvie, in episode 5. The two characters form a bond which is so
strong, Priss has trouble fighting Sylvie at the end of the episode.
But was their relationship at all sexual? People who think Priss is a
lesbian say "Yes - they wouldn't have become so close so quickly if sex
wasn't involved". People who think Priss isn't lesbian say "No - Sylvie
was a Sexaroid, and as such was designed to have close relationships".
Linna and Nene also found Sylvie to be an intriguing person, although
their relationships with Sylvie were not shown to be quite as close as
Priss' relationship with her was.

There are a small minority of fans who point to the non-sexual nature of
the relationship between Priss and Leon as another sign that Priss is a
lesbian. Keep in mind, though, that Leon is depicted as a "macho" man,
and that type of man often assumes (despite all facts to the contrary)
that any woman that doesn't instantly lust for him is a lesbian. This
is more a comment on Leon's sexuality (and of the fans who use this as
"proof") than it is on Priss'.


Are Largo and Mason the same person?

"Sylia seems to think so." - Jeanne Hedge, 13 Oct 1999

This is a Frequently Argued Question - there's insufficient information
to form a definite answer.

There is a contingent of fans that believe Brian J. Mason uploaded his
memories into Largo before he fought Sylia. They point to the scene in
episode 3 where he is using the same style of computer hookup as the
young Sylia used in the flashback in episode 1, and say he's doing the
upload then. This would explain many things, including how Largo knew
that Sylia was inside the "Saber Prime" hardsuit.

(A more detailed discussion of this viewpoint, written by Andy Skuse,
can be found at <>.)

However, there is little other evidence in the series that anyone in the
BGC universe has the technological know-how to upload memories from a
human to a computer. (On the other hand, there's no evidence that they
can't ...)

Chris Schumacher points out that Largo repeats the same phrase when
he reveals his other form in episode 6 that Mason used when he appeared
in his armour in episode 3: "This is the look of the victor." While
the phrase is a response to Sylia's question in episode 3, it is just
blurted out in episode 6.

In Bubblegum Crash, Largo says he is Mason. However, Largo has been
known to lie ...


Is Quincy an Artificial Intelligence?

This is a Frequently Argued Question - there's insufficient information
to form a definite answer.

There is a hint to a "yes" answer to this question in the final story of
the Viz "AD Police" manga collection, written by BGC creator Toshimichi
Suzuki. At one point, Mason is taunted by his opponent, who says he
knows Mason will have a _long_ wait for the Chairman's position ...
(The webpage mentioned under "Are Largo and Mason the same person?",
above, discusses this in passing.)

There is also the fact that every time we've seen Quincy take an injury,
even when he was "safe" in his own office in episode 6, he's a Boomer.

While "Scramble Wars" isn't canon, even it touches upon this matter
when Quincy makes his pre-race speech.


What is Genom's agenda?

This is a Frequently Argued Question - there's insufficient information
to form a definite answer.

Boomer manufacture is a lucrative part of Genom's operation - Chairman
Quincy says so in episode 1. It's in Genom's interests to sell as many
Boomers as possible.

Unlike real-world corporations, the fictional Genom doesn't care _how_
it makes its money - we have seen ruthless executives such as Mason,
Madigan, and Flint giving orders, making deals, and carrying out actions
that would put a real-world business executive behind bars.


Why does Genom let the Knight Sabers continue their operations?

This is a Frequently Argued Question - there's insufficient information
to form a definite answer.

The prevaling opinion amongst the newsgroup's "regulars" who've stated
an opinion is that the Knight Sabers are simply not worth Genom's time
to shut down. At least, they aren't yet ...


What is Sylia's agenda?

There is a discussion in episode 8 between Sylia and Lisa Vanette about
this very topic. (Of course, Sylia was trying to convince Lisa that the
Knight Sabers are on the side of the angels ...)

The Knight Sabers act as a moderating influence on Genom's pro-Boomer
activities. They curb the worst excesses of rogue Boomers and Genom top
management, making the city a safer place for both humans and Boomers.
Since Sylia is the founder and leader of the Knight Sabers, it is safe
to assume she shares the team's goals.


Specialized Terms

What does "Bubblegum Crisis" mean?

The list maintainer has been told that there is an issue of "Animerica"
magazine with an interview of Suzuki-san, where he discusses this
question. The list maintainer does not have a copy of that magazine.
This is the list maintainer's best guess at an answer:

Like many names in various anime, the name "Bubblegum Crisis" most
likely was chosen because it "sounded cool" to someone on the production

It could also refer to the social situation prevalent in the series -
the world is as tense and fragile as the skin of a bubblegum bubble, and
any shock will cause it to burst (or crash - hence "Bubblegum Crash").


What does "Boomer" mean?

According to the opening voice-over in Bubblegum Crash, Boomers are
responsible for Mega-Tokyo's "boom" in prosperity. The name has nothing
to do with nuclear missile submarines, over-use of high explosives, or
the sound one of these androids makes when the Knight Sabers meet up
with it ...


What does "Genom" mean?

"Genom" may be short for "genome", the basic building-block of the DNA
molecule vital to life. Or it may simply be another word that
"sounds cool" ...


Why is the band called "the Replicants"?

This is a homage to the movie "Blade Runner", in which androids called
"replicants" tried to pass themselves off as human. (Two of those
replicants were named Pris and Leon.)



Are there any other popular culture references in BGC?

There are quite a few, actually.

At the start of episode 3, Quincy and Mason look at a map of Mega-Tokyo.
This map has captions on it - the captions are names of many actors and
characters from the movie "Top Gun" (Val Kilmer, Meg Ryan, Tom Cruise,

The ADPolice duty roster in episode 8 shows that many of Marvel Comics'
illustrators (of the time) also work for the ADPolice.

There are some possible James Bond references in BGC, as well. The two
most likely references are character names: the main villian in
"Thunderball" was named Largo, and the "Bond Girl" in "From Russia With
Love" was named Romanova. A less-likely reference is the orbital beam
satellite from episode 1, which looks only vaugely like the one in
"Diamonds Are Forever". And James Bond is known for his customized fast
cars, not unlike "J.B." Gibson in episode 4...

Also, "" wrote this on 2 May 2000:

> J.B. Gibson from "Revenge Road" could have been named after one of two
> people or possibly both. It could either be a homage to Willaim
> Gibson, the founding father of Cyberpunk science fiction or actor Mel
> Gibson the orginal "Road Warrior." The plot of Revenge Road makes it
> seem like the name is a homage to Mel "Road Warrior" Gibson. However
> many people consider BGC to be a cyberpunk anime which means that it
> is also likely that J.B. Gibson could be a homage to the writer
> William Gibson, who wrote the Cyberpunk classic "Neuromancer".


What other roles have the BGC voice actors played?

This list covers only the Japanese seiyuu - the list maintainer has no
information regarding the North American voice actors' careers (if any).

Sakakibara Yoshiko ("Sylia")
Amongst other roles, Sakakibara-san has played:
* Sybil in "Black Magic M-66"
* Reilia in "Lodoss War" (but see below, under Tomizawa Michie)
* Princess Cushana in "Nausicaa"
* Nagumo Shinobu in "Patlabor"
* Sakakibara Kyoko in "Shinesman"
* Feb in "Sol Bianca" TV (but see below, under Matsuoka Youko)
See Hitoshi Doi's "Sakakibara Yoshiko" page for a more complete list:

Oomori Kinuko ("Priss" in Bubblegum Crisis)
Oomori-san seems to have chosen a singing career rather than a career
as a seiyuu - the list maintainer is not aware of any other roles she
has played in any other medium.

Tachikawa Ryoko ("Priss" in Bubblegum Crash)
Again, the list maintainer is not aware of any other roles
Tachikawa-san has played in any other anime.

Tomizawa Michie ("Linna")
Amongst other roles, Tomizawa-san has played:
* Pony in "Gall Force"
* Reilia in "Lodoss War" TV (but see above, under Sakakibara Yoshiko)
* Unipuma in "Dominion"
* C-ko in "Project A-ko"
* Hino Rei/Sailor Mars in "Sailor Moon"
See Hitoshi Doi's "Tomizawa Michie" page for a more complete list:

Hiramatsu Akiko ("Nene")
Amongst other roles, Hiramatsu-san has played:
* the police dispacher in "Riding Bean"
* the female BATF agent in "Gunsmith Cats"
* Kyoko in "Nuku Nuku"
* Cross in "Iczelion"
* Kobayakawa Miyuki in "You're Under Arrest"
* Bloodberry in "Saber Marionette J" and its sequels
See Hitoshi Doi's "Hiramatsu Akiko" page for a more complete list:

Sasaki Nozomu ("Mackie")
Amongst other roles, Sasaki-san has played:
* Shima Tetsuo in "Akira"
* Clef in "Magic Knight Rayearth"
* Aotsuki Ushio in "Ushio and Tora"
* Hiiragizawa Eriole in "Card Captor Sakura"
* Igarashi Toshi in "Compiler"
See Hitoshi Doi's "Sasaki Nozomu" page for a more complete list:

Furukawa Toshio ("Leon")
Amongst other roles, Furukawa-san has played:
* Moroboshi Ataru in "Urusei Yatsura"
* Freeman in "Crying Freeman"
* Lupin in "Lupin III - The Fuuma Conspiracy"
* Piccolo in "Dragonball" and "Dragonball Z"
See Hitoshi Doi's "Furukawa Toshio" page for a more complete list:

Horiuchi Kenyuu ("Daley")
Amongst other roles, Horiuchi-san has played:
* Sanson in "Nadia"
* Bios in "Compiler"
* Balzack in "Tekkaman Blade"
Do a lookup at Hitoshi Doi's seiyuu page for a more complete list:

Ikeda Shuuichi ("Mason")
Amongst other roles, Ikeda-san has played:
* Char Aznable in "Gundam" and "Z Gundam"
* Napolipolita in "Project A-ko"
* Hiko Seijuurou in "Rurouni Kenshin"
Do a lookup at Hitoshi Doi's seiyuu page for a more complete list:

Kawakubo Kiyoshi ("Quincy")
Amongst other roles, Kawakubo-san has played Zoniac in "Genesis
Surviver Gaiarth" and Grosspoliner in "Silent Mobius". Do a lookup at
Hitoshi Doi's seiyuu page for a more complete list:

Yamadera Kouichi ("Fargo")
Amongst other roles, Yamadera-san has played:
* Hibiki Ryouga in "Ranma 1/2"
* Karino Kouzou in "Phantom Quest Corporation"
* Kaji Ryouji in "Neon Genesis Evangelion"
* Spike Spiegel in "Cowboy Bebop"
See Hitoshi Doi's "Yamadera Kouichi" page for a more complete list:

Matsuoka Youko ("Jeena" in AD Police Files)
Amongst other roles, Matsuoka-san has played Feb in "Sol Bianca" (but
see above, under Sakakibara Yoshiko) and Felmina in "Borgman". Do a
lookup at Hitoshi Doi's seiyuu page for a more complete list:

Some characters who had supporting parts in one or two episodes have
been played by seiyuu who are famous for other roles. In order to save
space, only a small selection of the voice actors' other roles are
listed here - follow the given links or use the database lookup feature
at Hitoshi Doi's site, <URL:>,
for more complete lists.

Crisis Episode 1:
* Cynthia was played by Kasahara Hiroko (Hououji Fuu in "Magic
Knight Rayearth", Naomi Armitage in "Armitage III":
Crisis Episode 2:
* Irene was played by Itou Miki (Magami "A-Ko" Eiko in "Project
A-ko", Gally in "Battle Angel", Number 18 in "Dragonball Z":
Crisis Episode 4:
* J.B. Gibson was played by Shiozawa Kaneto (28 Jan 1954 - 11 May
2000) (Kazama Shin in "Area 88", Big Gold in "Iczer 1", Larva
in "Vampire Princess Miyu":
* Naomi Anderson was played by Shoh Mayumi (Shildy in "Gall Force",
Hitomi in "Appleseed", Kano Nagisa in "Iczer 1", Chi-chi in
"Dragonball Z")
* Doctor Raven was played by Ogata Kenichi (Shogun Ieyasu in "Saber
Marionette J":
Crisis Episode 5:
* Sylvie was played by Takamori Yoshino (Nadia in "Nadia")
* Anri was played by Mizutani Yuko (Spea in "Gall Force", Marie in
"Nadia", Kuramitsu Mihoshi in "Tenchi Muyo!", Luchs in "Saber
Marionette J": <URL:>)
* Largo was played by Sogabe Kazuyuki (Lt. Kilgore in "MADOX-01",
Kunzite in "Sailor Moon", Marty in "Wings of Honneamise", Killy
in "Crusher Joe")
* Lou was played by Touma Yumi (Deedlit in "Lodoss War", Urd in "Oh
My Goddess!", Sylphiel in "The Slayers", and the news interviewer
in BGC ep. 7: <URL:>)
* Nam was played by Hayashibara Megumi (Carrie in "Riding Bean", Lime
in "Saber Marionette J", cursed-form Saotome Ranma in "Ranma 1/2",
Lina Inverse in "The Slayers", Faye Valentine in "Cowboy Bebop":
Crisis Episode 6:
* Kate Madigan was played by Takano Urara (Insecto in "Iczer 3",
Tiger in "Saber Marionette J", and the female boomer in BGC ep. 1:
Crisis Episode 7:
* Kou was played by Matsumoto Yasunori (Dick Saucer in "Dragon
Half", Gourry Gabriev in "The Slayers":
Crisis Episode 8:
* Lisa Vanette was played by Hisakawa Aya (Skuld in "Oh My Goddess!",
Mano Yohko in "Devil Hunter Yohko", Mizuno Ami/Sailor Mercury in
"Sailor Moon": <URL:>)
* Naoko was played by Asami Junko (Mishima Sayoko in "Oh My
Goddess!": <URL:>)
* The AD Police receptionist was played by Yokoyama Chisa (Shinguji
Sakura in "Sakura Wars", Sasami in "Tenchi Muyo!":
* Yoshida Miriam was played by Futamata Issei (Godai Yusaku in
"Maison Ikkoku", Ootaki in "Oh My Goddess!", Kanzel in "Slayers
Next": <URL:>)
ADP Episode 2:
* Caroline Evans was played by Doi Mika (Misa Hayase in "Macross",
Queen Serenity in "Sailor Moon":
ADP Episode 3:
* Takagi Youko was played by Tamagawa Sakiko (Ryouko in "Area 88",
Tsujimoto Natsumi in "You're Under Arrest":
* Billy Fanword was played by Wakamoto Norio ("Coach" Ota in
"Gunbuster", Kagato in "Tenchi Muyo!":
Crash Episode 2:
* Adama was played by Takayama Minami (Jany in "Sol Bianca", Tendo
Nabiki in "Ranma 1/2", Ascot in "Magic Knight Rayearth":



What does "Sekiria" mean?

"Sekiria means purity. Normally used as in purity of mind or purity of
soul. I asked the local Sushi chef."
- Cliff Coleman ("Lowen SoDium"), 29 February 2000


What BGC2040 merchandise exists?

Cliff Coleman ("Lowen SoDium") provided this list of CDs:

* Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 OST
* Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Vol 2 OST
* Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 As Sekiria (Priss) Vocal Collection
* Bubblegum Crisis Collector's File 1999

Sarah Davis has reported the existence of singles for "Waiting for YOU"
and "y'know", and a book about BGC2040:
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Perfect Manual (not certain about the title)
Cover features all four Knight Sabers in casual wear. Covers all
twenty-six episodes. (probably still in print?)


Are all the episode titles taken from songs?

Most of them are song or album titles, yes. Here's a list, in episode
order, with the newsgroup's best guesses listed:

Can't Buy a Thrill
an album by Steely Dan

an album by Yes
(also a song by Sting, but that piece doesn't fit the mood of the

Keep Me Hanging On
sung by Diana Ross & The Supremes
covered by Vanilla Fudge
covered by Kim Wilde

Machine Head
sung by Bush

Rough and Ready
an album by Jeff Beck

Get It On
sung by T-Rex

Look At Yourself
sung by Uriah Heep
an album by Uriah Heep

Fire Ball
"Great Balls Of Fire!" was sung by Jerry Lee Lewis

My Nation Underground
an album by Julian Cope

Woke Up with a Monster
sung by Cheap Trick

Sheer Heart Attack
sung by Queen

Made in Japan
an album by Deep Purple

Atom Heart Mother
an album by Pink Floyd

Shock Treatment
sung by The Ramones

Minute by Minute
sung by The Doobies
sung by Michael McDonald

I Surrender
sung by Cheap Trick

Moving Waves
"Moving Pictures" and "Permanent Waves" are albums by Rush

We Built This City
sung by Starship

Are You Experienced?
sung by Jimi Hendrix

One of These Night
"One of These Nights" was sung by The Eagles

Close to the Edge
an album by Yes

Physical Graffiti
an album by Led Zeppelin

an album by Toto

Light My Fire
sung by The Doors

Walking on the Moon
sung by The Police

Still Alive & Well
sung by Johnny Winter

* The list maintainer does not plan to do any more work on this *
* section until after the entire series has been released by ADV. *
* For now, please see the FAQ maintained by Andy 'Payndz' McDermott, *
* at <>. *
Rob Kelk
"I'm _not_ a kid! Nyyyeaaah!" - Skuld (in "Oh My Goddess!" OAV #3)
"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of
childishness and the desire to be very grown-up." - C.S. Lewis, 1947

Rob Kelk

16.06.2000, 03:00:0016.06.00
I wrote:


a lot of stuff.

Considering how big this Sprawling Behemoth has grown, I'm proposing
posting only the Table of Contents and a pointer to the WWW version from
now on. Comments, anyone?

Andy Skuse

16.06.2000, 03:00:0016.06.00
in article, Rob Kelk at

wrote on 6/16/2000 7:34 PM:

> Are Largo and Mason the same person?
> ====================================
> "Sylia seems to think so." - Jeanne Hedge, 13 Oct 1999
> This is a Frequently Argued Question - there's insufficient information
> to form a definite answer.
> There is a contingent of fans that believe Brian J. Mason uploaded his
> memories into Largo before he fought Sylia. They point to the scene in
> episode 3 where he is using the same style of computer hookup as the
> young Sylia used in the flashback in episode 1, and say he's doing the
> upload then. This would explain many things, including how Largo knew
> that Sylia was inside the "Saber Prime" hardsuit.
> (A more detailed discussion of this viewpoint, written by Andy Skuse,
> can be found at <>.)

While I'd love to take credit for putting the pieces together because I find
it all so intriguing, the real author of this theory is Innpchan.

> However, there is little other evidence in the series that anyone in the
> BGC universe has the technological know-how to upload memories from a
> human to a computer. (On the other hand, there's no evidence that they
> can't ...)
> Chris Schumacher points out that Largo repeats the same phrase when
> he reveals his other form in episode 6 that Mason used when he appeared
> in his armour in episode 3: "This is the look of the victor." While
> the phrase is a response to Sylia's question in episode 3, it is just
> blurted out in episode 6.

There are other "threads" too, which I'll be outlining in The Mason/Largo
Theory Part 2 soon, such as when Mason refers to Leon as a "puppy" in
episode 3, and then Largo recognizes Leon by name and says "I've heard your
bark from time to time" in episode 6.

BTW: If anyone wants to contribute any ideas to the M/L Theory Part 2 (gives
Sarah a knowing look) then I'd love to hear from you.

Andy Skuse
Raven's Garage & Fanfics

"Like an unpolished sword still blackened by the forge, I will fight the
sun, and not shine."

Sarah Davis

17.06.2000, 03:00:0017.06.00

Rob Kelk wrote in message <>...

>I wrote:
>a lot of stuff.
>Considering how big this Sprawling Behemoth has grown, I'm proposing
>posting only the Table of Contents and a pointer to the WWW version from
>now on. Comments, anyone?

It would probably do just as well to simply point people toward the page.
I'm sure it would be simpler for you that way.


Sarah Davis

17.06.2000, 03:00:0017.06.00

Andy Skuse wrote in message ...

>in article, Rob Kelk at
>wrote on 6/16/2000 7:34 PM:

>> Chris Schumacher points out that Largo repeats the same phrase when
>> he reveals his other form in episode 6 that Mason used when he appeared
>> in his armour in episode 3: "This is the look of the victor." While
>> the phrase is a response to Sylia's question in episode 3, it is just
>> blurted out in episode 6.
>There are other "threads" too, which I'll be outlining in The Mason/Largo
>Theory Part 2 soon, such as when Mason refers to Leon as a "puppy" in
>episode 3, and then Largo recognizes Leon by name and says "I've heard your
>bark from time to time" in episode 6.

I don't remember that quote... unless it's a dub-only thing, which it would
be. AnimEigo's episode six dub bugs the hell out of me because of a lot of
little changes in Largo and the situation with Priss' new Hardsuit.

>BTW: If anyone wants to contribute any ideas to the M/L Theory Part 2
>Sarah a knowing look) then I'd love to hear from you.

Maybe... if I can muster up some ambition and pull myself away from my
little shoujo collection long enough to revisit BGC...


Andy Skuse

17.06.2000, 03:00:0017.06.00
in article, Sarah Davis at

wrote on 6/17/2000 5:39 PM:

> Andy Skuse wrote in message ...
>> in article, Rob Kelk at
>> wrote on 6/16/2000 7:34 PM:
> <snip>

>>> Chris Schumacher points out that Largo repeats the same phrase when
>>> he reveals his other form in episode 6 that Mason used when he appeared
>>> in his armour in episode 3: "This is the look of the victor." While
>>> the phrase is a response to Sylia's question in episode 3, it is just
>>> blurted out in episode 6.

>> There are other "threads" too, which I'll be outlining in The Mason/Largo
>> Theory Part 2 soon, such as when Mason refers to Leon as a "puppy" in
>> episode 3, and then Largo recognizes Leon by name and says "I've heard your
>> bark from time to time" in episode 6.
> I don't remember that quote... unless it's a dub-only thing, which it would
> be. AnimEigo's episode six dub bugs the hell out of me because of a lot of
> little changes in Largo and the situation with Priss' new Hardsuit.

Ahhhh. I originally saw episodes 1 to 6 dubbed, then later picked up all the
eps as subtitles but haven't watched them all yet (that's going to change
this weekend). But I just went through the tapes quickly and in episode 3
sub AND dub, Mason calls Leon a "little puppy" when Leon threatens Mason
saying he will uncover the truth about him (during the demolition part). In
episode 6 of the dub just before Largo gets shot in the hand, Leon is
surprised that Largo knows his name. Largo replies, "I've heard your bark
from time to time." But in the subbed version he says he knows his name
"because my associates love you to death, you see."


It's interesting that the sub and dub could be so far apart! I mean, I'd
heard that they were different but that's huge in terms of tying plots
together. Sheesh.

<thinking out loud>

Hmmm! The subtitled version of what Largo says in episode 6 has me thinking
now. Just what did he mean? Who were Largo's associates that would love Leon
to death? My first thought goes back to the AD Police Files Phantom Woman
episode where the female boomer pursues Leon begging him to kill her. But if
this is true (and of course there's really no way to prove this) then that
ties Largo (or the original AI within him) back to the AD Police Files,
which would then add more support for Innpchan's Largo/Mason theory. Sort
of. How could Largo's original AI know what happened to Leon even if Largo's
AI did exist back then? There's no connection.

Or could Largo be referring to Sylvie in the DD attacking Leon in the K-12
suit? The "love you to death" part could be referring to a sexaroid trying
to kill Leon. Hm.

</thinking out loud>

Any other ideas out there? Has this not been discussed before?

>> BTW: If anyone wants to contribute any ideas to the M/L Theory Part 2
> (gives
>> Sarah a knowing look) then I'd love to hear from you.
> Maybe... if I can muster up some ambition and pull myself away from my
> little shoujo collection long enough to revisit BGC...

I'd like to read anything you have or can come up with Sarah. Send whatever
you can whenever you can. This also goes for anyone else who wants to
contribute. I think there's a lot more that could be said about the M/L
Connection Theory so drop me an email if you have any ideas :)

Andy Skuse (who will be watching the subbed version of all 8 eps this
weekend to see what other clues he may have missed)

Sarah Davis

17.06.2000, 03:00:0017.06.00

Andy Skuse wrote in message ...
>in article, Sarah Davis at
>wrote on 6/17/2000 5:39 PM:
>> Andy Skuse wrote in message ...
>>> There are other "threads" too, which I'll be outlining in The
>>> Theory Part 2 soon, such as when Mason refers to Leon as a "puppy" in
>>> episode 3, and then Largo recognizes Leon by name and says "I've heard
>>> bark from time to time" in episode 6.
>> I don't remember that quote... unless it's a dub-only thing, which it
>> be. AnimEigo's episode six dub bugs the hell out of me because of a lot
>> little changes in Largo and the situation with Priss' new Hardsuit.
>Ahhhh. I originally saw episodes 1 to 6 dubbed, then later picked up all
>eps as subtitles but haven't watched them all yet (that's going to change
>this weekend). But I just went through the tapes quickly and in episode 3
>sub AND dub, Mason calls Leon a "little puppy" when Leon threatens Mason
>saying he will uncover the truth about him (during the demolition part). In
>episode 6 of the dub just before Largo gets shot in the hand, Leon is
>surprised that Largo knows his name. Largo replies, "I've heard your bark
>from time to time." But in the subbed version he says he knows his name
>"because my associates love you to death, you see."

Precisely my own reaction to the change in that line. Largo's identity was
given away the first time he confronted anyone (ie: Leon), and that robbed
him of some of his mystique. Whoever wrote the dub scripts was trying too
hard to aid the episode in making sense. Toward the beginning Sylia
mentioned that they *all* had new suits in the dub, but in the sub only
Priss had a new suit.


>It's interesting that the sub and dub could be so far apart! I mean, I'd
>heard that they were different but that's huge in terms of tying plots
>together. Sheesh.

Yeah, the voice acting isn't the only thing that torques people about the
BGC dubs... At least they didn't start with episode eight, change everyone's
names, and pretend Leon was the main character. *cough*hatenelvana*cough*

><thinking out loud>
>Hmmm! The subtitled version of what Largo says in episode 6 has me thinking
>now. Just what did he mean? Who were Largo's associates that would love
>to death?

I'm thinking Flint and Kaufman, who have every reason to hate and fear the
ADP. Since Leon is the typical gung-ho idiot cop who refuses to play by the
rules and always gets things done his way despite his superiors trying to
block his access to truth, justice, and the American... er, Japanese way, I
get the feeling Largo was referring back to the low opinion of Leon that
Mason and, therefore, other Genom executives probably had. Mason hated Leon,
Leon hated Mason. Unlike the tactful, quiet Mason, Largo was a brash
son-of-a-biaaatch who liked to flaunt his disregard for others.

(I think I deviated from the point...)

>My first thought goes back to the AD Police Files Phantom Woman
>episode where the female boomer pursues Leon begging him to kill her. But
>this is true (and of course there's really no way to prove this) then that
>ties Largo (or the original AI within him) back to the AD Police Files,
>which would then add more support for Innpchan's Largo/Mason theory. Sort
>of. How could Largo's original AI know what happened to Leon even if
>AI did exist back then? There's no connection.

ADPF was written years after "Red Eyes" was completed. Everything there was
either going to be explained in episodes nine-through-thirteen, or was just
an afterthought. You might be surprised (shocked? horrified? nauseated?) to
know how many mangaka will decide after the end of a series what they wanted
to do with a character.



18.06.2000, 03:00:0018.06.00
> BGC2040
> =======
> What does "Sekiria" mean?
> =========================
> "Sekiria means purity. Normally used as in purity of mind or purity of
> soul. I asked the local Sushi chef."
> - Cliff Coleman ("Lowen SoDium"), 29 February 2000

See my previous posting, FAQ Contribution [1/3].

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> What BGC2040 merchandise exists?
> ================================
> Cliff Coleman ("Lowen SoDium") provided this list of CDs:
> * Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 OST
> * Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Vol 2 OST
> * Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 As Sekiria (Priss) Vocal Collection
> * Bubblegum Crisis Collector's File 1999
> Sarah Davis has reported the existence of singles for "Waiting for YOU"
> and "y'know", and a book about BGC2040:

The Waiting for YOU single also contains "Bukkirabou Na Ai Ni Oboretai",
and the Y'know single also contains "Ame".

> ************************************************************************
> * The list maintainer does not plan to do any more work on this *
> * section until after the entire series has been released by ADV. *
> * For now, please see the FAQ maintained by Andy 'Payndz' McDermott, *
> * at <>. *
> ************************************************************************

Hmm, last update on that faq is somewhere around 1998 ...i think not.
Also I'm allergic to people who write "Voomer" instead of "Boomer".


Ben Cantrick

27.06.2000, 03:00:0027.06.00
In article <8jbo8c$d7e$>, <> wrote:

Wow, never thought I'd see you post here, Robert!

>Finally, we made a stab at portraying Sylia as what she is - a
>human with boomer AI mental augumentation (this being the
>explanation given to me by Suzuki Toshio of Artmic). Mackie has
>the same augumentation but has less practice with it. The stuff in
>the BGC comic was approved by Mr. Suzuki, btw.

Oh, this is news to me. I thought you took Suzuki out to a very
expensive sushi restaurant, bought him very expensive sushi all night,
and when you popped the question about Sylia he still wouldn't talk.
Glad that's resolved.

Now, did he say if Priss is lesbian? ;]

>Nice of good old Professor Stingray to experiment on his kids, eh?

That's my take on the enhanced human thing, yeah...

Ben Cantrick ( | Yes, the BGC dubs still suck.
BGC Nukem:
The Spamdogs:
"Sapere aude. (Dare to think.)" -Immanuel Kant

Rob Kelk

27.06.2000, 03:00:0027.06.00
an wrote to
> Just happened to notice the posting, so I thought I'd clean some
> things up.

I'm always happy to have the more arcane FAQ entries cleared up...

> Largo is a downloaded copy of Mason (you see the backup being
> made during BGC 3).

I'm also happy to have my FAQ guesses confirmed... <grin>


> Finally, we made a stab at portraying Sylia as what she is - a
> human with boomer AI mental augumentation (this being the
> explanation given to me by Suzuki Toshio of Artmic). Mackie has
> the same augumentation but has less practice with it. The stuff in
> the BGC comic was approved by Mr. Suzuki, btw.

May I add this to the FAQ, with proper attribution?

> Thus, in the dub, Sylia always speaks as if she has had the time to
> step back and thoughtfully consider her reply at great length --
> which, due to her augumentation, she can effectively do. The
> exception being when she panics.

> Nice of good old Professor Stingray to experiment on his kids, eh?

He's a real winner, yeah ... (That comment isn't going into the FAQ,

> Best,R
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

28.06.2000, 03:00:0028.06.00
Just happened to notice the posting, so I thought I'd clean some
things up.

Largo is a downloaded copy of Mason (you see the backup being
made during BGC 3).

In the subtitled version, IMHO Largo is mostly being a cryptic jerk
with his comment to Leon about how he knows him.

In the dubbed version, we made some minor dialog changes to
clean up some plot holes in the original caused by the fact that it
was only near the end of production that they learned that Oomori
Kinuko could continue as the VA for Priss. She was supposed to
be killed by Largo and replaced by Vision.

Thus the suddenly appearing motoroid, which we managed to
explain away with a couple of throwaway lines.

We also wanted to give at least one or two very subtle clues of the
relationship between Mason and Largo so that when you hear
Sylia's last line, it all becomes clear. In the original, it's totally out
of the blue.

Astute readers will recognize that this technique was later used in
the movie "The 6th Sense" (totally independantly, I'm sure, grin!)

[and btw, I f igured out the twist as soon as the kid said "I see dead
people", though I missed the thing with red objects]

Finally, we made a stab at portraying Sylia as what she is - a
human with boomer AI mental augumentation (this being the
explanation given to me by Suzuki Toshio of Artmic). Mackie has
the same augumentation but has less practice with it. The stuff in
the BGC comic was approved by Mr. Suzuki, btw.

Thus, in the dub, Sylia always speaks as if she has had the time to

step back and thoughtfully consider her reply at great length --
which, due to her augumentation, she can effectively do. The
exception being when she panics.

Nice of good old Professor Stingray to experiment on his kids, eh?

Andy Skuse

28.06.2000, 03:00:0028.06.00
in article 8jbo8c$d7e$, at wrote on 6/27/2000 10:34 PM:

Hi Robert. Good to hear from ya :)

> Just happened to notice the posting, so I thought I'd clean some
> things up.

We can use any help you could provide although I suspect the debates will
still rage on ^_-

> Largo is a downloaded copy of Mason (you see the backup being
> made during BGC 3).

Where Mason is in his data room?

> In the subtitled version, IMHO Largo is mostly being a cryptic jerk
> with his comment to Leon about how he knows him.

So it's not because *Mason* knew who Leon was?

> In the dubbed version, we made some minor dialog changes to
> clean up some plot holes in the original caused by the fact that it
> was only near the end of production that they learned that Oomori
> Kinuko could continue as the VA for Priss. She was supposed to
> be killed by Largo and replaced by Vision.

Ah, that explains that.

> We also wanted to give at least one or two very subtle clues of the
> relationship between Mason and Largo so that when you hear
> Sylia's last line, it all becomes clear. In the original, it's totally out
> of the blue.

But strangely, despite your best efforts, it still remains unclear for many
people ^_^ It's like we *want* it to stay unclear sometimes ;)

> Finally, we made a stab at portraying Sylia as what she is - a
> human with boomer AI mental augumentation (this being the
> explanation given to me by Suzuki Toshio of Artmic). Mackie has
> the same augumentation but has less practice with it. The stuff in
> the BGC comic was approved by Mr. Suzuki, btw.

Hmmmmmm! I'm sure you think that this has settled some arguments right? Ha!
Now we want to know just *how* they were augmented! It will never end! ;)

> Thus, in the dub, Sylia always speaks as if she has had the time to
> step back and thoughtfully consider her reply at great length --
> which, due to her augumentation, she can effectively do. The
> exception being when she panics.
> Nice of good old Professor Stingray to experiment on his kids, eh?

Well, I still have a problem believing that Dr. Stingray was as bad as this
makes him out to be. I know the evidence and the theories are against me but
I can't help feeling he still had a good heart. I see him now as someone who
became so obsessed with the obvious importance and implications of his work
that he let other things slide. It was wrong but it could happen to any of
us at any time if we find something that really drives us. Unfortunately
Katsuhito didn't get the chance that we usually get to realize that things
had gone too far and make amends. I wonder what would have happened if he

Thanks Robert :)

Andy Skuse

Robyn, Duke of Amber

28.06.2000, 03:00:0028.06.00
an Ben Cantrick

I doubt that.....if she was "enhanced" I'd say she was Bi.
If this was Sailor Moon I'd say Jupiter was the "Tallented" one.


On 27 Jun 2000, Ben Cantrick wrote:
> Now, did he say if Priss is lesbian? ;]

> >Nice of good old Professor Stingray to experiment on his kids, eh?

> That's my take on the enhanced human thing, yeah...
> -Ben

Seraphim, the Restless Angel with a (borrowed) sword.

Nene, Ami,
Girls with glasses. girls with computers. Pink hair. blue hair
Robyn, Duke of Amber. Agent of Chaos.

Robyn, Duke of Amber

28.06.2000, 03:00:0028.06.00
an Andy Skuse

Well me, I like to make more than one backup of sensitive info.

I am still convinced (from the ADP manga) that Quincey held back on some
of the info....just in case.


On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Andy Skuse wrote:

> Hi Robert. Good to hear from ya :)

> > Largo is a downloaded copy of Mason (you see the backup being
> > made during BGC 3).
> Where Mason is in his data room?


Ben Cantrick

28.06.2000, 03:00:0028.06.00
In article <>,

Robyn, Duke of Amber <> wrote:
>I doubt that.....if she was "enhanced" I'd say she was Bi.
> If this was Sailor Moon I'd say Jupiter was the "Tallented" one.

Mmmm... Mako-chan...

Oh, oh! Did I just admit to liking a Sailor Moon character? Shoot
me now! ;]

Ben Cantrick ( | Yes, the BGC dubs still suck.
BGC Nukem:
The Spamdogs:

"Sometimes you bake the brownies, and sometimes the brownies bake you. ;]" -CJA

Robert Geiger

28.06.2000, 03:00:0028.06.00

Ben Cantrick wrote in message <8jddc9$>...

> Mmmm... Mako-chan...
> Oh, oh! Did I just admit to liking a Sailor Moon character? Shoot
>me now! ;]

Comon.. face it.. you wanna do puff-puffs ^_^..

Ben Cantrick

28.06.2000, 03:00:0028.06.00
In article <8je0bp$1g24$>,

Guilty as charged. <G>

Ben Cantrick ( | Yes, the BGC dubs still suck.
BGC Nukem:
The Spamdogs:

I'd really like a New World Order, but I can only afford a slightly used one.

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